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TgTJjrc33 DIREQTOBT. ■■■;:■;. .,.;,,,, . ..,,t UurouStr; ffiíalB Street Ann Arbor] 5 . , ut t order ndwarranteá. Besidenceuu ,.- l„ rlmr. g-SS -.„„iír.qun'd. "cbarrbunArboMl. liaron Street. . - .ilh M.iin Btraut. __ irlwr. ■ garon trect. . . ; r.' mvnHEIlá. Wholml !"d BeiailDoaler : StWOSS üc d.. Ko.Otl. Miiu Strest. . r'Lk'arpet Bg, ftc. Soott M-n treet. i:d Mi-cellJueons Book. No. S Hortn Mwn t'reet i Arbor. iiiü rïtor. T 0 A H W . C II B E V E , ATÏOENEY AT LW ! Ü-.c ui;'. S. W. Morgn, Buil rid of Contt Hous. , re. --- leicbor .f Niusic. Q'-i-sinstruttion on the PIANO, VIOÜN AND GÜITAR, Út "mee. No. ü Snuth Unta rtrsat, (Uooitfa ballJiugJ.or ut ihc resideace uf the pupil. PIANO TUKIInö, M'ea -pi-cinlily and otisfaction guarantci-fl. i: .'ijl h BOCK EU Y. GLASSWAItE & ROCEHIES, J. & t Donuelly Ëitï In tare liirgc stock f Croekr'.QiM"i'Te, ((átdWrB,'niiilery OroceriM Ac, Ac all tobe ICld&t jjiumnnliy low líricos. So i ! Batl ll.ron 8trect, AmAitar ljïttf J. fc V. POWNEUT. JOHN G. ÜALL, DBALEB IÏT FfíESH AND SALT MEATS, I-AR, SAUSAGRS, Elc, ÜttlornBoliciteil and]irnm;itlj' filiad with tbcbest menú In ihu market. 3' Kit Washington tret. Am: Arbor. Sept. 16th, 1SC9. ISSótf T F. 1IUOSM, M.uniiftcturer of t.iRiu.ui:s. Bl'CCIES, i.u;r.i:it wicoss, SPU1 WÍGOK8, ttTTEttS, nl.LlliHS, M'. Allwiirk wnrrauti-il nftlic beet matorlar. Kc;)air Hu dmic prumpiiy und ra"ona! e. All work vat rtDtedtoeivo perfect satl-facttou. C S'.ath Mnln Mnet. VT ARKSE Y, Q&lNk Man a tact :i rcr of Garriages, Buggies, Wagons, ND SLEHÍIIS of ererj fitylp, rande of'tiie best ttiterial, aDd warranled. Horee shocijg and Ke done prnmptly and prices reaeoualtle. PUtolt Street, near K. U. Depot, Anu Arbor, ilich lSISjrl 0rTü. b. portërT" de3sttist. "sein thcSAVIKGS BAKKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. i'l Operations on the Natural Teeth PBRFORMKD WITH CARE. & KSÜRPASSED FACILITIES AND BXFBRIENCE ÏWM AHÏÏFICÏAL TËETI!, TO (ÜVK K.U'II INDIVIDUAL, ktitTt$ of tke proper nu', tkaptfiolor, firmntttaml na al ezprettion. 1244 nG. JEÑKINS& H. RANDOLPII WHITE, M. D. DENTI8T8. ÍJKSER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. All Operations peiformed in the Most Thorough and Sclentiilc marnier. Nitrous Oxide Qas constsutly on hand, id admlnlstered vvith perfect safety. 1320-yJ. - ■yiIEN YOU WANT FINE PHÜTOGRAPHS, GOTO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, o, :i! liuron Ntn.t. QotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's forstrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paintè,Oils,&c. KICHMIAH (EXTKAL lUILROAIh ïrUMMF.K T1MB TAIJLE. PüKsengel train novr leuve the wverul atation, as oilows : GOISt WEST. t í - i & á eiATio.vs. í a a o ' '' Í O U = o E - 3 _a a a i __w ?_ A. H. A. M. r. M. r. M. 1". M. Detiuit.loavo, ï oo u 80 4 10 540 aso fpdüanti, 8 28 10 28 .ri 40 7 05 10 V AnnAlW, 8 52 10 f 7 6 0 7 40 1100 ,x,r, 9 50 6 35 8 05 .- bebea, iu 8 25 mLake, 10 O; 8 52 AM. ■tckaon, 10 12 4 u 30 1S U I'. M. 1É. M. A. M. uliinmioo, 2 10 I 5a 12 M --- hica$oaxrivo, B 20 s 00 5 I I ■i" i ti rnn ! j S -TV M E '3 t ■! (3 W Si _ _ . S _p I M. P. M. A. M. A. K. hicae, WV, 5 15 ü 00 G U0 9 00 A. M. M' Kulamozoo, 12 35 2 15 II 55 2 00 A. M. "■ aekaon, 1 55 4 35 3 oo i 1, ra Luke, 5 00 J ■?; 'v, ■ ■ - S '10 r (15 4 5 nï, rlmr 2 22 6 00 7 35 i tí 5 H SiT. 'Vrivo, 3 S5 J 23 9 25 8 88 8 4 TLoDexter Crain rmu t,. Jaokioii Sturay enoming on ISioSm. T!,o "NiKl.t Espid" lo ut uaa oiwl Mond7". Tho Atlantic und Eapretn run beUreen luekson '"1 K Biw " th Air I.lne. l)ntlNu.:5t!i. 1871. fMmT'WAYÑETjXckdÜxN AND Seginaw Railrcad. . The moet direct route U l'.Uslmr,-, I1! MUÜiWt: ïrr.nier.u, l- I Ucago lime. THAINS OOINU BOOTH. S?" il S 81ii Waterloo. 10 "4 Jg saafc bf louúriUc, u 00 TnAlNU OOIK SOnTH. j,.v,v,iu i.i-. Exprtn. MaO. Cincinniitl. i'íñ v lü 25 2S .. ï 5o cío &S ]5 15 !2 Aun Albor, 4 4" il Clo-ionlKWtionsnvcmii e Wil SUohiir.M, c' ■?". kM.„. LMuing Bgtow,ndGïnd "r nÖUe Shorc Miclu.nn South"ifwíSSL-Wttl. Lke Sj:orc ft Mibhia Souttul -Wlth PlMbuw, V-t Wwne & lUü.ou gaNST, Bopt. EobT. r.u.i.iE, Gun'l. Ticket As't. S. T.- 1860 - X. Tbis wondoiful vegetable restorativo is the of the fetbie und debilitated. As a tunic and Lowlial tbr the Bjied and languid it lias no (-■'uiil aiuöng stomachicfe. Ab a rBedy tbr the nervous weaknes6 to wiiich woinen are espccially Butijected, it is snperseding eei-y othcr stimulaiit. In all dimates, tropical, températe or frigid, ' acts as a sptciric in every species ut" disii dor w hicii undenniiKS the Lodily strength and breaks down the animal ppirits. 1355-yl. hexican mnn wmi FOR MAN AND BBAST. Probably frw artklrs have eter had so XlCBdTC a Sale, wliile none liaïe been more Mlfenallj brnclhial Ihan Chc trit-brattd BEXICM HB8TAS I.IMTIhT. CbUdrCB) ,llulls, Horses, and Uouieslic tiiimils, are a!uïjs liable to acrldfiit, .-nd it Is safe t say. that no famll) can ■MM a s-eason v illiout sruie kind ol nntmollU-iilbeliiK necessnry. bef mes ■ maller of mporJance Ihen t secure llie best. OverthrechnndrciUivory Ubli !n tho city of NewYorkalon ure iwtBJ the Mejficsn Mostunp; Linimeiit, in all of which t givcs u.ivcr8l satisfactiul). The remiine ie wrftpped in a Une i-i-and ■ Trok Mark, HKXICAN HUSTANO I.I.n'n- 1 " ngrared ocrom the faco of each rrapper The whole beun the proprletor! private l nltefl Stato Ecvenne Stamp, and nut acminon stamp, ISSTatwyl M l'ark Place. N. Y. BOOKS. I i J. R. WSBSTEÍ & CO. KBW 00K STORE NEAB T11K " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO VOIK INTEREST ASD1CALL. [boóksJ JPLOTJR. GRAHAM FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FU)UE, CORS MEAL, FKE OF ALL KINDS. All the nbovc articlct are warraoted to hsve do superior in For sale at Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B.- Orieiing done at ehüri uoticc. am. b7rëvënaöqhj PHOTOGRAPHER ! I8ET0UC1IE8 ALL HIS NEGAÏIVÉS BEFÓSE PRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOTHSANDTA ï)'o not show in any of his Ticturcs j(o Ex.traCV)iirgeB.


Old News
Michigan Argus