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A Mormon Leader Loose In Indiana

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Loo, ono of thü soventy saints of y tan, has been sojourning in Indiana for a nuniber of weeks. He' is cugaged in a secrot mistión, delojfafed by no less a puwjr than Brighain Yoüng himself. Wo enjoyed thc happiness of a short convérsation with lilui while waiting for tho train at the depot. Uu w;i3 introduced as ond of tho sainta, and his appearanca #ns riot caloulated to prepossess on in favor oí' them. He w..s mean looking abbily dressed. Uis taco was au o;ld mixturo of eonniag and ignorance, the effect of which was Ueightoned by a disagreeable habit of looking behiud him and glanciug out of tho corner of his cye. IIü wore au old xwir of oorduroy panta. ■■■■ -. ri-vously soiled and a Vorld too widó i'ui1 liim. Hi.s coat had been green,' but was faded and souiowhat torn. A vory largo groaso-spot set olf the back of it between thi shouldors. He seemed to have .1 great cjüul oi' tioublo about his handkerchiefa. lio carried two, a bran now silk one, and ono so torn that it would scarcoly hold together. He was waiin, and oonstautly essayed to wipe the perepiration ott' his manly brow, first gtliiu; uut tho rdggüd himttker'chici' for the parpóse, then substitüting for it the good uiij, It never occurrcd to him to put tiioui in different pookets, sq tho funny routine of gotting out the dilapid'ated ono and furtiveiy soorotiug it was constantly repeated. In tulking he balanood hiniself first on one foot and then on the other, acccompa,nying tlie sec-sav with a slin'giiig uibtiuii of 'the right arin. It transpired that he was a weaver by trade, which accouáted for the peculiar gestures. He prefaced every reuiark he made, and even his rephes v.ilh tho vyorda "SuiKco' it to say." whiuh made his convorsation very absurd. For init.mce, when asktd if Brigham SToung i,aU realïy llbJ. th'e country, heangwered : " Xo ; suffice it to say he did go away, but he has retumed ! SuSice it to say he is not the bad muil ho is representod to be. lío is not a niijrüelvv. 'Suffice it to say t!io forcé whii.-h arrestad him expuctedop'■■ .-ition- txpootod resistance - Lut whea tin.y said to i'rophot Youiïg, '.You ara i:iy prúoiior,' he said, ' ï am at your service, gentlemen.' Suffice it to say hetook thom by surprise. They said, 'We vül not take you with us; when we want ?6i we'll como for you.' Suffice it; l say, was that tho way to arrest a murderer? .Th;' prophet i's not a murdoier. Ho is a great and ood inan, and sullico it tb say h"ü wül collie out aïl right in tho end" " )lvii are in i'ull lbllowship with tt'o ilonuous'f" we asked. " Suffico it to say I im. I am one of the Soveuty." " How many wivos havo you ?" we vontured to iuquiro. y 1 havo twu." ' v,v ■ :i boíh tho samó?" -u!fi-.:o it to say I can seo . tence. 'j'íu-y aré tho best friónds. Suffice it to they are sisters, I inarried the socoiid on.; to pleaso thefirst. We havo■liildroabetween us. Suflioe it to say tho last wife had twins, wbioh gave her tJe odd numbor." Tho man dn . ■ í lóbk ablé to support ono wife, lot tw, and nearlyasoore of children, but we are told that ho had . at his commáml. Ho was very illiterato, but what he lackedia knowledge ho niado up in tanaticism.and he is considored one of thc most successful proselyters of the llornum faith. It is his practico to strike out into the oountry and rural distriets, wliere he íindsnumerous con verte among the poor, weakmindcd aad ignorant Kepiösenting Utah as a land flowin'g with uïify and -the ïaodoin Canaan, in fa'et - ho furnighes tho oonvert vithnroansof transpoitation thithor. It would makú' too long a obapter to ohrouicla his success with tbe fair sex, Suiïico it tp say that oach oUl uiaid wíw his faith is firmly persuaded that she will bó "sealuil to hiiu when she reaches tho happy tand ui' Sainte." - Ijidianapolü Jounud. Mm. Martin, of New York, ïsn t as fond of gypsiea aa she was, nor does she put suoh unlimite fuith in them. A gypBev woman tho other dfty, aed to cure her of the dropsy for $25, but needed 50 to work sorau chirms with, and would return it in thrco days. Mrs. Martin gave 5, all slio had, the gypsey biirned gome svhitu powder on a píate, modo some maiks Jii tbs wall, aad Mrs. Martin fainti l 1ih3 not seen the gypsey or the' ■l') since.


Old News
Michigan Argus