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Strange Sequel To A Hanging

Strange Sequel To A Hanging image
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We aro about to relate one of the most antdundiug developiaents tbat ba evi B' c jiiie to light in this Western cornruunifcy,.we raay safely assert, . withinthe reoolleotion of any truthful person. The Occurrence, commeneing with fcho killing, r Kelly, aad tho hanging of his murierer, with all its ghastly sequel, is not nearly equal to tho droadful scones that tubsequently followed, as related to us by ftn oyo witnoss. It will bo remembiiod that tho doad culprit was boxed and buried by the undertaker, Mr. Eicholtz, a short distance from the cemetery. On the night foliowiig his burial, Mr. Johnson, a dealer, was returning from his herd. It was ono of those baautiiul nioonlightnights tor which this latitude is famous. In the bright moonlig'at ho continued his journey far into the night. On approaching Abileno he noticod tlie suspicious movnmeiits of threo porsons, who ■ware apparently diggiug ia an. isolated locality. Disinounting, he tied his horse, and approaching, hid himsolf in a favored spot.. Ho discovered the parties to be two well-known physieians of Abilene, and a colorcd man. Presently the spado of the negro struck a hard substanco. "That's it," said onc, and they shortly after had in full view a. largo box, whose cover was ripped off. in loss time tluin it takes to. relate it. No words wero spoten, a short time tho musical ticking of a galvunic battory was heanl, and an occasional sigh, apparontly from the hyx. Presentí y, his blood, running cold, his hair alinost standing on end, the terror-strickun. looker-on saw the form. of tho han;ed culprit sitting eroct in his box. Wliuroupou the negi'Oi more frightened tbuvn he, commenced veiling and hrieking in. the most piteous manner. "Shut up ! " said one ; "you will havo tho poople in Abilene af ter u," as the other doctor passionately struck the negro with au iroii bar used in prying opsn the box. 'i'he other, gazing at tüo new corpso attentively, kuoltdown by his sidc;, put his hand over his skull, now saturated with bis life's current, and in mild but emphatio words said : "Ho'sdead!" Then ensued a moment of such acting :is, Ottl informant tells us, he ncver before witnessed. Angor, terror, grief and remorse followed quickly by an almost unnatural coolncss those two. quietly drow tho resurrevted cïiminal from. his box aud again iRiiled tho lid over a corpso not to bo resusticatod - that of tho darlíoy bimself. Quietly they proceeded "witli tlieir original work, tlie platcs of tho polos of theil battery lirst over one collar bono, then over tho other, while the other plato was placed apparently over the stoiuach. Whilo this was being dono by ono worker. the other altérnate the work. by Wipresssng U:o chest. Assiduously theso two silent tuoa workod on ; not a word spoken or scarce an utterance given, unlrssfrom tho enlivening that lay beforo them. Ever and anón a movement of soine pact of the body bafore thom wouid atti ."vet attontion. At last tho first workev, takiug a vial froui his poeluitr. poored a few drops in the moutb of the subject. Ho saemed satisfied, for he stoppsd his work, and his hand ou his beurt, reruarked. "it beats naturally." A few monients lonRor and another applieation frotn the bottlo, and the subject spoke audibly, and in reply to questious gave a full account of tho occurrences duving wüat wero his last iitomcuts. Hanging, ' hesid,.was-rather pl;w:uiL iban otherwise.for at'tcr the first spasmodic cfforts for breath, a deligiitful tickliug scnsation followed his wins to tho tips of his !imb=. Consciousness soemed to loso itself very graduttlly, and for a time a portion of the bniin seenied to retáis its vitality The happiost moment of' a lifetimo was centerc'l in adreaiu at that instant. Feoling and alf tliouglits of the oecurronces about him went witfvbis eflEbrt lor breath, and at lastdarkness rfouüed'tlio rciuainder of his mind. From that moment until he found himsnlf in tho hands of scienco, he know nothing. Our informant, for lack of tims, promises furthor developments for our next week's issuo ; mcanwhile the attention of the authoritles will bo called to these facts


Old News
Michigan Argus