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The Congressional Districts

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Tho dood is done, tho act fov wliicli the extra aession of the Lugislaturo was noininally calltid has pissod" both branches, has received tho signatura of tho Governor, and is now a law. Ia other words, the legislative niountain "liaslabored and brought forth a mouso." The bill as agroed upon by tho conference oommittcc was roported on Tuesday, passed the Senate by a inajority of 19 to 11, two mem bors being absent; and the House, by a voto of 52 to 40, cight momben being absent or not voting. Tho vote against the bill in the Senate was made up of fitte Demócrata and au Republicana, the absentees being one of cm-li party. No Demoerat voted for tho bill. The vote in the House, against the bill, includod 2 Demoorats and lti Republicana. But two Deinocvats voted for it, and one of fchose for the purpose of moving a rnoonsideration, sothat itreally received butöl votes, exactly tho numbor neccssiry to pass it. We appond a tabular statoinent of the districts, givir.g the population of cach district and' county : FIBSX DISTRICT. Wayne ----- 119,038 8ECOXD DISTRICT. Monroo 27,483 Hillsdalo, :M,684 Lenawee 45,595 Wahtenaw, -ll,4;54 Tota', 140,196; TIIIRD DISTRICT. Jackson, 30,047 Barry, 22,199 C.ilhoun, 30,369 Eaton, 25,171 Branch, 26,220 Total, 140,212. FOUUTH DISTIttCT. Berrien, 35(101' Kilanvzoo, .12.051 Cass, 21,001 Van Kuren, 27,6.31 St. Joseph, 20,275 Total, 143.356. riFTH DISTRIOT. Allegan,. 32,10') Muskegou, 14,891 Kent, 50,403 Ionia, 28,829 Ottawa, 26,651 Total, 151,734. SIXTII DISTRICT. Linringston, 19,336 Gonesee, 33,900 tngtmiB, 25.20S Shunvassee, 20,858 Oikland, lt,S(7 Clinton, 22,845 T:tal, 163,074. SEVENTII DISTRICT. Macorab, 27,016 Lapeer, 21,315 St. Clair, 36,661 Tuseola, 13,714 Snuilac, 14,5(52 Huron, 9,049 Total, 122,917. EIGHTJI DISTRICT. Montcalm, 19,629 Ogomaw, 12 Gi-atiot, 11.810 tosco, 3,163 Isabella, 4,113 Oscoda, 70 Midland, 3,2S Alcona, 096 öiginaw, 39,097 Alpena, 2,750 Bar, 15,900 Montinorency, Glad win, Presque Isle, 355 Clare, 366 Cheboygan, 2,196 Rosoommon, Emmot. 1,211 Total, 9S,0rl. NIXTII DISTRICT. Oiitonajron, 2,815 Gr. Traverse, 4,443 Houghton, 13,879 Leelanaw, 4,570 Keweenaw, 4,205 Benzie, 2,184 Marquette,. tS03 Mamstee, C,O74 Menoiowea, 1,781 Wesfoid, 650 Delta, 2,542 Missuukoe, 130 Schoolcraft, Osccola, 2,093 Chippewa, 1,089 Lako, 581 Mackinaw, 1,7 16 Mason, 3,203 Antrini, 1,985 Oceana, 7,222 Charlevoix, 1,724 Manitou, 891 Otsego, Jlooosta, 5,642 Crawt'ord, Ncwaygo, 7.2W Kalkaska, 424 Total, 92,843. The population of tbc Stato being 1,181,638, the exact ratio is 131,026, which the reader will sce has not been closely adhered to, tlie distriots ranging from 92343 to 163,074, tho sole reason for the diil'uronco bcing found in tho dusiro to bury the Democratie counties under an extra loail of llepuMican majorities. lnstance the addition of Clinton coimty and its 22,815 inliabitcvnts to the Sixth district, which, without it, already hadan excess of 8,003. Kut these little discrepancies wero necessary to keep Democrats out of Congress, and of course being neoessary are not to bo callod question - at least by Demócrata, who have no rights a Itepublican Lcgislature is bouiid to respect. Timo will show wbether or no tho Republicans aro satisfiod, and whethor the work - considerod alone from a partisan standpoint - has been well done. " We shall see what we shall seo" when the legislators in whose personal and political interests the bill was manipulated, regardlcss of the real interests of localities or the State comraence pulling tho wires-for the fall campaign. - These districts gavo at the election of 1870, - figuring on Grovernor - majorities as follows: lst. For Comstock, Dein., 630 2d. " Baldwin, Rep., 1,812 3d. " " " 3,520 4th. " " 2,117 5th. " " 1,975 Gth. " " " 1,389 7th. " " " 2,056 8th. ■ " " 1,780 9th. " " " 2,293 According the vote of the Stato at the samo election the Demoorats are ontitled to four districts instead of one.


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