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High Tariff Democrats

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In the United States Senate on Friday last nine só-called Democrats sold tho party ïor a mess of pottage. This was tho bow of it. The tariff bill bcing under consifleration, Mr. Scott, of Pa., who has the iron and coal interests of tbe State in charge, and whose constituents had pre-detorinined that all the reduction in taxes, impost or internal, shonld be so arrar.ged as not to interforo with thcin - tho Pennsylvania manufacturera and monopolists - moved to put tea and coffee on theree lUt, which motion was adopted, yeas, 35 ; nays, 13. Ticenty-six Senators were absent, or being present dodged the voto by not answering to their names. Now we could favor free coífee and tea if froe coffee and tea didn't mean dear iron and steel and clothing, eto. And that it does mean just that and nothing elsc, witness the fact that Sonaior McmRII.I,, of Vermont, immediately followed tho vote by a laotion to "strike out tho second section of tho bill reduoing the duties 10 'per oent. on cottorrs, woolons silks, iron, 6tool and other metala, irthonware, glassware, leather, rubber, oil, cloth," &i. And then tho telegr.iphic report of the procoedings continuos : " Mr. Sherman favored tho motion, and said that if Mr. Morrill had not anticipated him he would have moved, on behalf of the committee, to strike out t-Tie tccond soction, and also to retain the duty on rico and other articlcs. Iïe argued that the qupstion of repealïng tho duties on ton and coffee was now settled, and lie adviscd the businoss men of the country to make th ir arnngements accordingly But vuiting those arUtles on the freo list wouicl strike off over $21,0(K),0)0 in I imc, md no fnrtbot material reiiuotioii of taiilT ctitild be made, unlo3s wa Hfcve to re"üii'i iiir inteniiil rcvoime taxos KuA stop all payments oo the principal of the nationul dobt." That is it in a nutshell. Putting toa and oofl'ee on the tree list takos about .$20,000,000 out of thé treasury,- Mr. .Shf.umax's 131,000,000 inoludes some other artiales. 'f hu tea mul coffee dnty ; mtry dollar go to fht gooerninsnt ; but tho rtuty on cotton, woolens, iron, motalti, ie , which Messrs. Moriiill und SlIBUMAN proposo to retain in lieu ot' the tea aod , coffec duties struck off ::t the bidding of Mr. Scott, puts froni ihi-ce to jour dollari in the p kets of the nuinvfactiircrsfor cr.enj dollar paid to the government. Is thcro wisdom or eommon sense or evun holn-sty in sueh legislation as that':1 and will the intelligent peoplo thank Congivss for a " iree breakfast" tablo at sueh a price ? - The names of the Democratie Senators who stultifled thonnelves anl faised a parricidal hand agninst the party which has nourished t linu nnd given them place, are : Coofeb, of Tennegsee ; Davis, of West Virginia; OoLOTHflTAETi, of Alabama; Kelly, of Oregon; Nouw'ood, of Georgia ; and VlOEEBS, of Maryhind. - and Feruy, of Michigan, substance and shailow, botli voted for free and cheap tea and eoffeo and foidear nails, railroad iron, mechanical implements of all kinds, lumber, snit, coal, cloths, :e.


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