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University Commencement

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Tho Medical and Law Dcparfcnients of tho Uuiversity closod anothor prosporous ycfir onWednesday last, gradúa tin g largo classes. THE MEDICAL COMME NCEME2ÍT took place iti tho forenoon, the exercises being held in tho M. E. Church, which was complotoly filled in all its parta. Aftor music and prayur the degreo of M. D. wasconferred upon and dijiloinas presentod to the folio wing graduaten, 82 in number : Albert W. A-dami, - - - Charlotte. Jut 'ti H. r fliülür, - - ffubbardstott . Elfrod K. Barney, - - iri Green, I' r. Walter A. Boor, - - Artw Oatti. In l. Muilin-m B. Boynton, - Clinton, A I". John V. Burdick, Jr., - IUuxca, X. }'. Bamuel W. Chandler, ... Clinton. K.unuel Chsipin, Jr.t - Grass Lakt.. Iicnry H. Cook, ... Masan. William R. Ditmaiv, - Ililhtlale. Ohaa, r. DonelsoD, - - - FUnt. Kthelbert E. Dunnanaon, - Chicago. JU. Francia 1. Ksterly, Helena Slafn, Wft, M. Francia FaaquollO, - - Ann Arbor. Edward C. Fioher, - MiddJtpor Ohio. lU'nry Kiizhutler, - - Am he rsfl 'mr v, Ont. Otis C. Kliek, - - Wal Liberty. lotoa. Isidorr Freund, - - port auron, James H. Fuller, - Trafalgar, lud. Jobn -I. Galentta, - - CTmwfcmd, Otin. Alexauder A. Gibson, - Ckülieothi, Ohio. Conrad Gcorge, Waterloo Ont. Joeph Green, ... Gahdtmta, Philander A. Harris, - Johnsonsburgy X.J.. Snmncl 1). Hartman, Tifpecanoe City, O. Jicnvy tí. llaskin, - - O$v?yo, jV. }' Aivin C. lïcndcrson, - - Cadi, Ohior-imon llcrres - Sí. Agatha, Ont. John K. Hywitt, ■ (lunera, Ohio. WilliiiraK. Uill, - Broxon'i ètttbW. Va, l'atrick V. Hovan, - AVw Ynrk City T-oien A. Hougltton, - Charlotte, Bcnjamhi Iï. Bojt, - - WalUd Lakt, Honry Hul!, - - - Baiiié Qrttk. Win. C. Iluntington, - - How II. Isaiah Johnstou, Ottawa City, Ont. Frnnklin li. Jones, ... j,(a. ■lobn R. Jones, ... Ann Arbor. David W Jump, - Centreton, Ohio. Josiiili U. Kelly, - - - Btverly, III Ojiarles A. Ke-rsey, - - Richniond, Ind, James T. Lawles.1?, ... Adrinn. Chulee J. Luudy, .... DetroU. Deonifl "Mah;tnna, Redwood, ÍV. Y. Cohn McvJormick, - - Aiorptth, Ont. John U. Mcllvnin, ... mus ing. Qeovse A. Morcdith, - Ontario, lowa. ChadlM N. Metcali; - FairficlN.}'. Jonkua stiller, ... - Ann Arbor, Archibald Mitchell, - Fulicrtnn, Ont. FrflderioB I„ Mora - - Ro&tesCer, Vt. JospW P. Newton, - - HighgaU, VI. Anthony Oldficld, Jr. - Port Sanilac. l'i;mk' K. Owen, - - ypsilanti. Stephen E. Primer, - - Sullimn, Pa. EEdgax Parker, - Clayton, Hl. Ora L. relton, - - Sherman, &. Y. Oácar S. Pheii, ... Columbio T. Cieore Ilanncy, - Atbion. WatflO&S. RÍ06, - Shretosbury, Muit. Samuel V. Romig', - - Ann Arbor. Idnvk-s C. Bmibfai - Ann Arbor. HpaiTow A. tínow, ... Dtttrbom. John 8. Sprowl, - - Warren, lud. Goorge "VV. Stevens, ... Clinton' Milton !"- Stilcs, - East Trmj Pa. (h u-les H. Stnwell, - - Ptrry, N. Y. "NV il Ham J. 'J'aylor, A,hwr, Ont. JoalniaTennant, - - - Bijthe, Ont. Alexander 1?. Truman, - Strathrot,, Ont. Sam'l O. Van Antwerp, - Cttnamaatgua, ThomHsMc.M. Wttadoek, - Hclrote, Ont. William U. Wiirox, - Oxford, Ohio, .lulins Wisc, - - - College ffii, Ohfo. Joil l- Wriifht, - - CovtMtry, Ft Nalhan D. Yalo, .... Dundte. Ann Ayros, - - Fort Plain, T. Y. Kiith K. liull, - Fair Efomn, Conn. Annie N"cws, - New Cil}. Anna U. Searhtgr, Poplar Jiklfff,, X. Y. Beion M. T'pjohn, - Kalamnzoo. HtlonF. Warner, - Detroit. This exercise was followed by the address of the occasion, delivered by Prof. A. B Crosby, M. D formerly of the department, which was listenod to with great interest, and generally commouded. Oür space forbids a synopsis. THE LA.W COMMENCEMENT caras off in the afternoon, at the eatne place, tho houso being crowded to excess. President ASK3XLL eunferred the degree of B. L. upon and1 presefttetï diplomas to tho class, 142 in nuxubor, as follows: Caslillo Ball, AVillinm R. Lacey, Milton C. Barnard, Challes K. Lathnm, Geoiye II. Barrett, it. ., Warren L. Livingston, WUluun II. Barrows, Daniel C. Lyle, Hugh W. Beatty, u. s., Alfred P. Lyon, Martin L. líecker, A. W. Madden, Att'y, ('haiks J. Beersiecker, Harvey W. Magee, A. A. Benjamin, ii. a., ïlilo K. Marsh, B. 8., Cbarlea M Nico, b. a-, Kobert D. McDonald, Weller D. Bishop, B, a. Donald Melntyre, Jr., EUram Blackburn, Charles E. Miller, .1. H. Uianchaitl, b. a. Luke tí. Montagvie, Jrin8 J. Bruinbach, Geoixe W. Moorc, JanMM IC. r.itclmiüui, Stephen W. Morris, Curlic Buck, Itobert E. Murrcll, CharlcR lí. liudd, Francis D. Neato, (,'liaili-s P. ]bn ton, a., Alírcd II. Nelson, Charlen T. liuriun, Burt Newport, J. W. Caldwell, m. A.t RalzrmoiMl A. Parker, Olarcnco L. CatnpbeU, H arrio t Adu Vatton, Zacliaiy T, Oaüon, John C. Panon, J. Jeromo Cuulkins, H. S. PetHnritt, Att'y, Worth Cliamberlain, John A. l'ickler, ph. b., WÜliam Ij. C'onlwy, Otha Preston, Jr., Uerritt .s. CongWt Samuel B. Price, n. a,, ArtbUT Corst:, . W.Pritchard, Att'y, i. Y. ('in-win, B. A.t "SVilliam Iíams'jy, líale O. Jï. OowlÁy, Arnot O. liicke s, b. a., Samuel B. Davia, James IC. KiddioktM. a. Amo.s Dfnison, u. a., John K. Kowlen, Benjamin il. Doiby, ltyrou H. liuttöcll, Charles VV'. Jerr, Jolm I-. Iiyan, Att'y, ('rinea II. lu lïois, Wil. LaKayette Uyan, Ji.iij;muu F. Bïaaon, Ali'red B. Kitgtrt Jahu A. Bdget liyi'on II Bawror, JoJm li. I'Uaiii, . A., Jolm 31. Serréis, Gearde Seeluy Kngle, John J. Slnplds. Milo Jüwin, Aaron V .Sindlingcrt Lemuel A. Ksteb, Win. Jï. ETmilh. Att'y, Silas s. FuUmb, Jr,, Leon Btftfflaf, OhariflB w. Faiiund, Oeorge M. Btubena, John H. Fcdewa, Mallory X. Bacfcnay, Kl.uTi Plsher, S. C Stimson, Att'y Warren VV. Kishor, David A Ütoút, John Fiteh, Jr., WÜliam f. Si wart, b, a., J. B. Flickinger, it. s Hiram B. SVartz, Thomas II. Frazer, Man-us d. B. Qwift, Edward Krinch, Tiinoitiy Tanney, QeOEge Gartner, Alex. Thpmaon, b. s., Wm. H (iiJljert-, B. a-,, M. A. Thompson, B. a.( Kobert M. Oray, Joiin O. Tucxer, Cbanlei K. rtowr WüliaS. 'l'ueker Hamtiel II. Gruber, WflUam Jt. Turner, Bdward C. Hagnr, b. a., M. H. Undenvood, liob'-rt J. HaÍM J. A. Van Auken, B. A., Jam i IC. Kü.'-ll, Henry ('. Waldron, I!. M. Uil], it. 8. Att'y, IjCwís Wnlkr, Banaal W. Hopk-in Fastos Waftm% ph. b-, John A . BoatfuA DariustJ, Wurncr, Edwnrd Hoversoïii,A. i. VVcissert, Att'y, WilliaiB Hoynt, John-K Welch, W. Jlyd-, ui. b.„ H. K. Wheeler, Nrwtun .J. Hubbard, John I). Wltitu, A moe r. ELuber, Hcnry i '. W, William T. Hnphcs, Leiris T. Williams, Edward M. lriah, John (. Winjy, OsoarT. Jannasch, Jameo il. "Winters, l;i ld A. Jay, "Willis V. W'oodruff, John JI. Johnson, W. V. Wood worth, A'y, William O. Keffer, Charles D. Wright, ' Lueius Kiiight, J. V. Yonche, b.a,, A'yi The addreea to the class was deliverod by President Angell, and was full of thouglit and instruction : in fact was one of the President's happiest cfforts, botïi in matter and inannor. - Tho Iiaw Alumni had a reunión and suppor at Cook's Hotel on Toosday evening, wliioh wo hear pronoimced a pleasant afFair. In tho cxaminatton of ex-Colloctor Murphy bofore tlio Renato Invostigating Committoe, a few days go; h was made to swoar that ho knew no law nor anything elsc. In fact he sworo that he had never road tho laws undbr which ho aeted, and' rolied cntirely nion the advies of his subordinates. intelligent oflicor, a tributo to the discermaent of Grant.


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