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- Wendoll Phillips ia reported au saying - to ■■: reporter of Hie Eteading (Pa-) 1-J'i'jU - that whito ruociitly visiting in the vioïnity of örant'a old homo, hc was informad by a friend that the people thereabouts " had it vory puor opinión of Urant, thoy ili.l not tliink that h: was an honest man ;" and further, and to the pjint : - " My friondasked moto ridearound within (he neighborhood and be would show nio at least fiw grg-shopa where the now President of tin: United States luis yet whújky tbills [standing igainst him, the soore not having bec-n wiped out." We suggest that somebody wanting au office, py tlioso bilis and present the receiptá to Urant. If the " present" don't draw the unpaid bilis will be out of the way, and no moro be thrown in the face of the proud " God and morality party " - A divorco bill jiending in the Now orkTjOgislaturn inoludes iu the causes for which a wifo may pray a divorco, " sueh conduct on tho p irt of the husband towards the wifo as shall, without just causo, doprivo hor of tho society of her relations or friends ; or of attendivnce on public worship, or shall designedly ronder lier lifo unhappy or uncomfortable." - Pass that bilí iuto a law and it will be advisable for a man coutemplating marriage to tako a census of his to-be "wife's relativos or friouds" and their proclivities, and determine his ability to maintain them all. Bosh I - Wendoll Phillips says: "Mr. Sumner will not undor any circumstances support Gon Grant. Ho entertains the most oontemptuous opinión of him. During quito a rocent convcrsíition I had with him at Washington, Mr. Sumner said that the President was the most iguorant corrupt, dishonest man living ! If thero ma no other choioo Mr. Sumnor would ratbor net toto at all than Voto for örant." Grant's attorney can t.ike the witness. - Report saya that Evans, tlie dofaulting Pcnnsylvania State Agent, or rather the agent charged with taking an excessive commission 011 claims collccted from tho United States, is in New York, in a suffering and dying condition, Lis associates having baggod the greator share of the plunder and luft him without either richos or good name. The way of the transgressor is hard; especially when ho " gets cotchcd at it." - Tho Charlotte Beputiieah comes down on the Senate Congressional Apportionment Committee likc a thousand of brick. It says tho committee triod to 6olve the problcm of' " just how to divide the States so that thirteon Senators can go to Congres3 next fall from nino districts," which it concludcs is to be done by four of them consenting to be " switehed off" the Congressional couiso and on to tho State ticket. - The Corunna American, noticing tho late womun-suffrago convention at Kalamazoo, says : " We noticc the name of A. L. Williams (of Ovosso)as ono of the Vice Presidenta, when it is a notorious faot that ho is in Europe,- but, being a spiritualist, perhaps he was present, tliough not in tho flesh." - The New Hampshire Domocratic papers are charging wholesale briberj' apon tho Republicana in the recent campaign ; and not only charging but proving. Numerous affidavits aro published naming the men offering andpaying and the suins paid to get voten to voto the Republican ticket or rcfrain from voting. And that's how the election wasBlked. - Tlio Toledo t'ummcrcii that a PostofEco Directory, publishoJPWashington and advertisod at " $'2, po9t paid,' has been received at Tolndo uudor the frank of " J. G. Sutherlaud, M. C " This is ono way of dopleting the troasury so as to mako a duty on salt nooossary. - A Washington telegram unneeossarily denies a report Secrctary Boutwell was to retire from tho Troasury dopartnient. Few offi.:o holders die and none resign, and Boutwcll don't propo3e to be one of tho excoptions, not if he knows himself. - Gov Waimouth, of Louisiana, h;s been to Washington, and having failcd to get the pndorsement of Giant, hasreturned, swearing to defoat him : in which undertaking be bas our sympathies. - Forney is reported indispesed, - the assigned ails being nervous prostrution and storaach sioknoss : cause - ïaaking up with Grant. - The Missouri Demecmt (Rep.) lias changed hands by order of tho courts, but not its principios, as it still advocates the nominatiou and ro-election of Grant. - The Connecticut eloction takos place on Monday noxt. Ordors from Washington and a freo use of money will probably securo a Bcpublican victory. In Bridgewatcr tho Democrats have gone back to the old regime and nominatod Daniel LbBauox for Supervisor. Dan will bo welcomed back by his many friends on and off tho Board. D. W. Pa lmer is in tho field for Clerk. Bridgewater wouldn't be Bridgewatcr without Palmer in tho Clerk's office. In Northfield Pataice Wall again boads tho Domocratic ticket for Supervisor. A mixed ticket is also in the field, with Geokge Eenivick for Supervisor. The York Democrats head thoir ticket with GEollGE Coe. The Republicana of Ann Arbor Town iave agrcin headed their ticket with Selbi:x W. Siiuktleff. A good incident is told of tho caucus. Raquel Ckossmat offered to do tho duties of Supervisor for $100, paying all ovcrplus into tho town treasm y ; hn got one vote. JOHK Geddes "went liiin bettcr" and estitnated his services at íf00 ; he recoived tuno votes. Mr. 3HURTLEFP proposed to talce tho estab[ished fces or all he cotild gc.t, and was nominated. The Ann Albor Jiepublicans don't believo in " cheap nien."


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