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New York, March 26th. For two dsys the; stock mnrkot han boen in a feve of excitcment, owing to the ptrifp to obtnin the eon (rolling interest In Krie. The control ú nirrowe down to 8 BngUsh firma, bo that hereafter, aqlef the stock should get w;itureri, the control of tl . rfa road will bc in fbftelgo hand. The prlce of tt stock lias iirivanced in 4S honrs lrM per cent., and la ballooniiih. Money íb m re active, but the ratc o tnterertlfldecltntng, The hopea held out n wee ügo witta regiri to a stront breftdstnff osorket, ar pretty nearly dispelled. Liverpool bas roncted, nn therc is Iittle confidente in the iraní cd in te poftnr luïre. The fact that California wheat will be in th market in CO dnys ia already taken into accoimt, anc tojiilher with the liirpe stocks of old on hnnd every wherc, more than counterlmlnnced the heavines caused by nofavorable reporis concernhig the grow ing erop iu somo portions of the West. Flour i dro ptox, western white wheat nominal at $1 T5Í 1.80. Oorndullat TOTO Oats flrm- Mich 6T( S. Coffer, alter a few days bouyancy. is Q!ii-t. -uar is more easy. Mess pork declined to $13 Kettlelard, 04 Hops flrm at2@C5. Turpentiue lrm at 71. Dry o Jds m dorativcly aclive. Detroit. Míirch 27. Hardware, strAnft to stay, hus been stcady for whole wnek : bnt jobbers atlmlt the expectation o nrther ad vances abont th i lt pr ix. It will he ro membered that a e mentlon of iron makers nt th ast resolved nenrly a month aqo, to pit ails n '5c per keg. and tbat no chance has nce foll wed at least in ihis market. Huyera may take a hinl Tío line been irregular at a range of 50c per bax th )iist weck. but is now ahuost universally hc!d a outeíde ratea, $15 ard $18 for the two leadin; sizes. ncheraicals.chlor. lime haaadvanred 10 per cent. Chloroform and shellac are also higher. Oils adapted to the season are on a cloeer rnne, ltnsced par icnlíirly. Kerosene keeps at the nuvaryin rate of BOQOrdtpg t qnality. White lead la flrm at i sllght advance. Groceries are active, bnt not so lmi ihis wíck. Sitiar has shown wenkeninpr pymp tome at Iba oast : dealers here art' full at 1-Ï4 for A. o il e e Coü'ce rernains about íhe same- 24 'gCiiiöc or ftnest lUu . Foreln frmUare generally unchaosd : orangea flrm at $ñ@5.60. Young vegetables are ettiug qníte Plour ia irregular iu (Iemand )Ut tlrm la prlC6 : amber, tí 7"rí7 23 : white, $7@7.75. Vlicat hii&advanced 1 9-2c durliij; the week, but is utnv rittlier heavy. The stock in storo is about the ame, and the receipts still modemte. Holders are )Iucky, and detornüned tosee what chance thcopenng of mivatiou will Uripj about ; but there are nauy wlio doubt that any profil will bc Dcttel on hu largo amount so long cariied. C loting ratee: Extra, 1.55; Ho. 1 whi'.c, l.flO ; Treadwell, 160; Amber, 1.6" íá. í'orn.dull at 49c Oats yerj heavy notuing whatever doing : No. I, nominal at 39 : -j. Barle; is ín less demand, No. 1, 81.60 per 100. Greon apples, llrm at $4.00 per bbl. Drieil do. held tl&$10e. Eggs, '20c and dccHning rapítíly. Cío er BWkl, íft 103TO. Tïmothy, $33.20. Potatocs, uil at SöttDOc. TaDow, 7 'ie. Ann Akïïoh, TmiBSDAT, March ISth, 72. Applks- S0fl80o por ba. BsSF - Brings 7 attc. ÜOLTED MBAC- #3.M. K;tti:k- PliOM romiin at lfi'SlZOc. liucKWHE.vx - Xonc in murket. ]ïkans-$1.7& per bu. ispnid tor poodqualvty.' i ÍOBM -Iïiin-s 6iMü perbu. Chiokens- Drossod 12ic. gnafc- Commmd 15c. Floub- xxx. (4.00 pnr owt. Hay - $13(16 per ton, aocordiog to qualitf . IIon'üy- lnoop, 18@2Oc. TjARD - Tho niarket atands at 7@8c. 3336e. 1-OTATOES- $1.00. TüllKEYS- 14C. Wheat- The morkfit. ififjuiet. White weuoteat .45491.50; amber, 1.40@1.45; red $1. 35@1. 40. j


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