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X - X HURRY UP ! ARTIES wishihg VTnll Papsr. Cloth -1 and Paper Staader Hi!ums Window I'ixtür..!. :■! r!. TnpsclB. te. all New Sl.'-. ut Salif:ictorj I rico li.-.l, It. Web-der & Co., Bjuk Ion, uuur IK: Bzpro i? Oflteo. X X JjMRE DEPARTMENT. The Annual Mei r.r the Fin! Dcpartment wlll b.1 hoM at Firi'mcn1!. Hall, SutimU.v, April Cth , fit 7 oVl ek K M . for hc purpoe o .'e!ectin; ofllccra niiiltr" i r hIi otlier liuslue-s as muy come befi M tbc mgfttbig Uaiuu, tufen tU. 1TS, FHF.l) 8JHMIDT, Ch!of Enginccr. 0. w. CROPf-Üf, Wt p ItOTECTION CO. No. 1. A lieaularMeotlii;; of Protcction Flre Co. No. 1 wlll bo h lil nl Hall, on Thursday. April Iili.iii 7 o'clock P. VI.,for the puipose ut elccting o ü';rs the ensuinji yeju nn trftoracllB such 0 he ■ bnslneM uh mar cone beiSrc the raectiníí. iJnlcd Murch -TUi. I-7J. O. W-CUOPSEY, Foreman. E. T, SMITir, Sc rclary. '1HBANNUAL MEETING OF 'Í 'UK UDIES' LtBttiBl ASSOCIATION, rül ba held on Mondar, April sth, nt O-i n''oak p. m. inthe I.:idi'-' Pnrtorof tliir Pitabjrtniaii Chureh. All who desire to become subscribera to the Library ure invitfd to Httend. Iïy order, IMfwi 8. W. HUNT, 8ec'y. j B. GIDLEY, f nicessor to COLGKOVE 4 SON DÜUG'alST AM {MM IN CO )KS NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STREET I BAIBR IN DRIOS, JTKDH li;s, siR.i(ii, nsriniiKVTs, PCBE MFUn lm L1Q10RS fPOR MKI IJ.VL PURPOSES ONLY.) Fancy (joods, Perfumery PAIMS, OIIS, yaumsiii-:, GLASS, A.I PliTTÏ PIIVSICÍWS' PIHCIIPTiöKS Cnrefally conipomulüd at all hours. I PE0P0 E NOT TO BE UNDERSOI] BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WEOFURNISH AS Ü00D AN AR1ICLE n. ij. r.iDLGY. 13C7tf WINDOW SHADES, ULOTH AND PAPEB WALL PAPER, GOLD AND SATINS WHITE BLANKS, 2il DIFFEHKN V l'ATTKUXS AI Wholesale aai Hstail, ATSOT & CO. 28 IIURON STREET ISOTwS Rheriff'8 Bale. QTATE OF MiciiHi.W. oount] oi WaafatoMnr, kr. Hy vi. tue oí one execation isnod out of and and the se:tl of the Circuit Oourt tot xhe coimty or Washtenaw ind State of BfiohigRB, doted tho tiiirtconth davof FebroHry, A. D. ls:, and to me dineted and deuvoed furainat tkf goodS) oh&ttela. landa andtenements of TbODiAd Lileniua and Willbm 8. 11. .ny, nnd for ïrant thereof CdM.on thefOorteenth day of l-viruary, A. D. 187S, seizo :md levy ujion all the riffbt, title anti toieresl Tbranaa Qlooan and WiUam S. Barry havo in the followinir deaeribed ical estáte, to wit : The noitlieast tu;ivtcr of t!iü nwtfewOBt qu:irtpr, and Boatheast quatterof uorthwesl quarter, in seotioii ETo. 27, and south ew of eaat sil and v;ist half of north'■:it qOAXter and noj-thcnst romer, in scftion numbor 2S ; m:tki:igin all two buadnd acr of l .nd Ik; tho ■amo more or u-ss. tlit1 abore deaeribêd lan s ten: nnd Lyingm the townshipof NorthüeKl, countyof Wathtn;iw, and stnto of Michigan, whioh above fleeeribed real estáte I shnU exposé for sale al publifl anclion, to the highesi bidder, :tt the aouth door of the Coiufl JTotihO. in th city of Ann Arbor, on tlic Ï4th day of My, A. I. 1872, at t?n o'clock a. m. of suid day. Duted, M;irch 20lh, A I). 1872. BUTRÓN WKIÜï. Sheriff. I3G7 Jïy Jor.TiN Fobbbs, Undezfibetifll HURRY UP ! OARTIF.S irtAIng vvnll P:ipor, Phadn-- H(ïI!:ith1s, Window Fixflircs. Codp Tnnela, &c , all New S'yt'". nl S.itifactnrj p.iccs. b) jr. n. wbater &. Co., Iïook Stf1r", ncar the Expicss Ofllcc. X X A CAUD.Mm. OLABA B. DAKROW wonld rcspcctfnlly tnounce to her formcr patror1?, and othcreintcrosted that aho will resume her instructlon in Vocal and nstrnmental Mnsl-:. She will alsoTorm a class for [nstruction of chlldren in the clement of Vocal Miisln and BtaUng and Stnging by notr. Address her nt rcsldjnco No. 28 Pourth Street, Ann Arbor. March T:h, 1ST2. 13Clm3 TACKSON WAGONS.' A Car Load of JACKSOX ífAGfONS just re :elved at Itosrcrs' Agricultural "Wareliouse. Thoc wh9 wnut i.irkst)" Wagons, had beller go or Ihcm now nt the prem-nt LOAV PEICE8 ! n thr.' is .oon to benhnnt oiht d.-tlUri adflod to he prrctlt price on MOOOnt vf the tánjxt in Brice 1 Wngon Btocks. M. ROGERS. 1866mA ■ ■ i 11 ii - i GotoR.W.ELLÏS& CO'b for3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Painte.Oils.&c. IS Nu BEADY FOK THE SPBIÏG THADE Havlng lUMlvodaLMgeatotk,, fflUMi Mü SLUIMER INOLDDINQ CLOTH8, OASsi'SiEiiEe, VE8TlNQ8)á(, of !hcLYST STYLES an? QüAlmjj VTH1CH DI W1LI. ontcrms to su!t. Also a full ]Dt of KEADY-MADE OLOTHJHft AND Gents' FÜRNISHING Goeds BEST STY ALSÖ1 LADIES1 AND OEJT' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No.21 South Mala Street,- EastSlde CALL AND SEE THEM. trittlAM M ACPH Aon Arbor, Apiil tt )72. ' Eail Road Stock Assesstnent. Office of Toledo, Aun Albur & Xurthcri n. Ann Arbor, Marcb 11, A. D.'inj I Notiee is hereby (riven, thut the Director. ', ! Toledo, Ann Ai!r Northern Itailroail ,? ' having horoiofore droivnntcd thnt urt o( f)?"'' puny'i Rnilrond line lying in tbe countr tTSSü! tnjil in tuat part of the county nt Wii-htin Of UlJ rivcr Hurón, ni the city of Aun Atbot 4 dirtlion fur contrucüon : At i inicthis of Iu'rÜJ of iJireeiois of ml Company thi Jay .Ji !J Huard did, hy resolution. require all ncisoiij Lr orinterestcdin the Capital stock ot km ro"" who, by rasiding dong or eolliiteml to raeh flJtS división, or within two miles ol cilher r.f tlíi thereof, or by special agrucment croh rvtUwï?? M )i ■ iwaeued and made In puy tov ar t, ihe wan tion of such desigual ed división, to pa; totlieT torer of siil Company, t his oiücp m AnnArbi ií followrasr ïnstatlments upop such h rtsof thei-iihü stook held by thom reapeetively One hí m. ■ut of tfn dolían peí fhore, omrWorituï, inyof April next; one iustnlln en f en dollm ■ihuio on or bcfortt the llrst d;iy i í Mav mV ! (.. stullmunt of tju dolían p-r s' a ó . or tÓü"" first day of June next ; one insla 1 1 ent of tmdoim ptr ühure on or bofore the firet day (f Juy hmTi!, ihü couiitniction of guch división o; kairl piad. liy orJcr of the Board of ünctors E. V MUB0A1 Secret ary of the T., A. A. 4 N. H. Estáte of Timoieon Iiullard. OTAT E OF M I0HI0AN . Oonnlyoi Wamto „ I K? At s aeenton of the l'robatc C'onrt fonhuini't of Waahteliiiw, holden :ii ilie Prohntc Oflict hd City of Ann Arbor, on Wedncraaj, ,hc tw cnrn hiv nt March, in the ycar oue thn-i,:. h n 'rr " mei seventy iwo. 'e ' Prasent. llirum 1. neikef.JudgcofProiMte In the mutter o! the Ketatcol ïimolfuLBtiliri decead. On 'iiilin'andlHin).'tlirpelltion.iliihrer[Mi I H-! ry l'n lard. prajloi; tlnit Embiée WliM [ or t i e other sirtiible p.-rnuu nut; be appubiJ ! idmÍDÍirat(r of the e-st:itr of naic] dect-aied Th r ui.oi, t is orileied, thni M cday. ti„ tM dn of April in'xt.'iit ten o'clod i ii rorenoon be aroigned fiir tbc hearing ot i tiin. nrt thii the heir nt law ol jild de censed. anti all olheracrsonainteretti are reqolred te itppeor at ■ reasloii ofüü thon t.i be holden ut the Probate Offiie.toitt City di Ann Aronr, iui'1 shiw ennseif oj ihoreï way th prayci ki the petl! inner ■ grauted : Aiul it ■-fiirihcr ordcred, thi siümu. tionericlve notice tn thoperfono n'erfsted n MK eftin ■ ui r. 1 1 - poudcucy ofaold petition ni ii hrarlna thereor, Dycniisinga copj ofihiiioften bepubllahed in the Vi..lnii .ii-qi.-'.t nnnoun printcd nnn circnlniin in i:iid ioiinty.liiitm, ccaaIti wtaek9 previoua ti snïrlrtni 'hfirtr" CAtniccopy.; U1RA1Í .1. hKAKU, ' '■'■''■ ■ ■uJïeolProhiK. litititc of Matthew SeWMe. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty .,; Watteui m ' At n seasion of the lrobuU i ourt lortteo Waahtenuw, holden i t t!:e l'robutc Office, inof Ann Arjxir, on MUuidny, the tve Ij-kbilnd March, m the yeai ono tliousand ciit hodituri SI v HM -tU). nt UiiMin .). Benkes, Judfre of rrobntt. In 'lie matter of the estute of Maltbcv fcbiKtUii of ■: ij.i. tn :i I Coauty, deeeaved. OnrewUng and Hling rlie petition, ilnly veriSeitl fiirlKiriu - Shnible, piayin? that .lohn G. Wekua or dome othei suituble ppitjon, m:: i ■ a; ] oiated #11111 lÍ8t lü.' : te UT MliU (lee, Thorounon it u ordered, t int Uonday. Uk tijlerond tey of April net. at :..t i.. noo , ii-sifíiicd tforthi hearing ofsaij petitiop, eci hn the hein ut Ijiw of khíh deceosed, itnd all om: p sons biterested in suid eafate, iiiiied w apptta at a DOHsion ol suUCourt, theu o be mlía .. i ie l"robnte mli.r. n u,e i ij ,i AiinAibor.tú. aho.v oaiue, if any tliarc be, wby t'lic proyat I ttapútíuner shouldnoth. (rrunted: Aml il furthwicd vl, th:ir üid x' itiuner gire notke to theinM intercated in niil state, oj ;! u pendeocyof mia wti■on, and the bearioff thpreof, by eitusinga om order to bc p ton bed in the Michigan .Iryw, nm. ptpei fjnntel nnd elroulatíng in - i il ( auutr, tfcm lucoeeiire ■!; previoun to said day of lienrinn. (A Une copy.) H1U A M J. IiKA K IMÏ Judgeofrrotail. QISSOLUTION. Tlie OD-pnrtnenhir hcretofore existing botwn tkf undcmgmd, in Lt the name of Heiiinn tOitt, thi day dissolved by mutual consent. .411 mmuiU and duhts of huid Hrm will le pcttleU by JamB. Gott, who alone is authorizod so to di. Datcd, Anu Arbor, Miirrh liith, ls;2. s. NKWELL HENIOX, JAMB8 a UOTT. The undenBiffxied, hai inji purchascd the infer rf S. N . Honitiii, in the tirm of Henion & Cott, will ck ont the entirn stot-k of Dry Qoods, Carpeta sml Of oeries ut private aale, at greát birpain íor tt n"1 alxtydaya. After that time the biiliinMuiBbm" at anction. All persons mdebted to tlie flrm will muke im1 ate payment to me. JAMES B. GOTT. Dnted , Maach ÍSH , 1 s : : . 1 Jfflwi pOR 8ALE ! The residence of the snbscril-er. Honse two lotson Hui-on Stroet, KHBt. Pofcion piro 1 st af Mtfy a desired. Inquire at the A'xan O"1"' orof C. H. RICHJI05ÍB; Datod, Ann Arnor. March 2oth, ls;i. ISlW A10NEY WANTËdT" Five or ix thousand dollars, or more, on 0a1 gage of nnincnrabere4 real estáte worth three ti the amount. Enquiro of 13C E. W. MOBfll A LHÍITED QIAXTITV OT TURE NORWAT OATS 60 cents. Thpy aro the bost kind we ever raiK' (luiic at thki tihv'. nV DAY & FERBOV Ann Arbor, March 20, 1972. lM6r IV'OTICE. The notes nnd book nrconntn of Mr. FjfL :in iicnv in my hands for eollection, and """rj, payment of the snmei demanded. Ifnotpsw eos's vill he mnde thereon. Ann Arbor, Januarv 30th. 1872. . .. 1359tf ï'KACY W. ROOT, As. fyR.C. A. LEITK1Í CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FIW Physicians PreseriptioBfc At allhonrs, at No. 1 Grcgory Block. C. A.LEITER C' Ann Arhor.Dex-. 2Sd 18T1. J T JMBER YARdT c. krapK Huí a larpo and well atocked L'lJi Jeffersi'll Street, fn the s:nth pari of 11"' ' ' ,L,yol willkeepcoiiBtanllyonhaiHlnnexeertenlvsriw LÜIVlBERjSHJNSLESjLATH&f which wilIbeAf.l'daeIow8c&r be affordcd in. mrtrket. QunlityAi]dprlcefüiih that NO OTTS NEED GO TO DETROIT (,KB(FÍ1 Aon Arbor,.Iuniiar.v20tli, 1SÏ1 x pEOPlE'S DRÜO STOrii-i R, W.ELLIS& CO.


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Michigan Argus