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Local And Other Brevities

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pok for llie largo s In the advertís,ffetl:er Is Springy-at last, but ila wantcii. ' The Uiilroa.l Asrcnt Is ocUvelJ get'th rlgbtof way throagfa the city. ' TW Subject of Hov. L. K. Fisks dis' next Sundav SVeuIng wil bc " Prin „ prlVáte and public Hfe." Otf üoodiiuk broke round on his Tid 'co"t i-act at Milan ycstiTilay, and ,hall probably reporta jubilee next " T1C Slll)-cfintnctor3 for the flrst eight !L.ö'the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Hortti jilroad are 02 hand ready to throw C H. JLH.TMK, Treasurer of the T. A. "Ijf R. R-i reqnests us to sav that the .j iiisissiiK-nt instüllment wlll be due „Moiwlay next. ijev H'Tntino, Secretni'y of the r' iri" Associntion tor the West, wil! h In the Untarían Cliurcli ou the y, mornlnir and evenlnp;. ff, „„ticed a fl ck of b'r Is one dav .'„fck Iflag friin tree to tree wlth on . .„■ twitter, asthoaxh they lamented 'j iudis=retion In letvlng the "Snnny ptb." _H,n. Jons N. IsOBuaou.. of the CoqtM.imeri'-iin, was in onr city a day or joo and .'li-oppod Intoour sanctnm. ,áhlbltlng "Block Coal' and talk(llroid. "__ -]-),,; Junior Exhibition of the High 31,011 Friday érenlo last, was targe, tended, and the sevrral niembers of the L. arqnitted themselyea wlth credit inbUwiiy an(1 10 tne sclio:)I1 C Bliss is the "irregular" Repub ,.nc,n(Ildate for Constable Ín the First -,1 iiu'J not Chas. B)yi,m, as we had k, and for wliicli inistake we ennir havlng "a heacl pnt on uv" _The wholo "Xoi-th Country" Is ar.n" to come down npon Aim Arbor on f dsesJiy next. April 8d, to talk rallrond nismil "flght it ont on thil line." r,v Corunna, Oworto, Plashlng, ittoü. Hrtlaud, and we don't know how ■arotliei' pluces promlse to le represeu■ ffell, let them come. We had intendod a leader on tbo local ■ PJitiwl Situation," but judging by the uoltsof the caueuses on Wednesday evng we are not one of the individuáis rióse opiuions will have any material tu shapiug the action of the Democratie convention to-niorrow even-■ flV, thereforc, omit our say, and jistto the better judgment of tho deletnwhen convened. -We have only one othor word to say ithisccnnection. In 18G2 tho Democnejof thiscounty and State were fcroiilled by Union mmements, adopted Unmticld), and wora not ruined. In 1866 biDcmocracy of the State agdin aecopted ásame situation. The Democracy of liwgo- or the better pirt- pursued tbo ecourse attheil last charter electie admNewYorli.HosAïloSEYMOVn.SAM :n J Tildex, Cuas. O'Conor and isusands of othor leading Democrats ■üfcotUiink thomselves bound by the knies of Taiumany. We by this iit no Democrat or no Bispublican iotild at the coming election consider welf bound to voto for any man jxt mielieisti party candidat. Don't vote ir in iülemperate man or for a man enïgedin inaking his neighbors intemperie,- continual, persistent violutors of law snot fit mcii to make or execute law, - i mau lacking respectability, 'jood ë).(ir Ihuruii.ijli fitnexit fortkt dutirs which il ietolu ujMii hún, just because he has een nptninated by the Domocracy, by the lepublicans, or by the " Citizens." Itere will be candidatos enough to stfrom. Voto conscientiously and for líiwí men and you will subsorve the best itetests of our city at well as of the party luid you bchmij. Bothpartieseould liave avoidcd coralüestions and kopt their orgairzations lUctfor a campaign involving great poiScal issues, but that course uot having tn choson, the responsibility rests upon i individual. With no party tickets itke fitjld, nobody could havo been naded as a boltar, but dou't lut thü fear itke " bulter's brand " compel you to Wagaiust your better judgment. The inembors of tho " saloon ring," the fee trade in whisky ring," the " ProliiKüon (against restraint) ring," tho "anti Suday Ordinance ring," or by whatever Wk narao called, and of whatever po-"littl persuasión, have not hesitated to tinipulate caucuses and construct ward itkets to suit their own notions, and wül " üesitate next Monday to cut and Te regardless of party, as tliey hate nctfk&aUd to cut and carré in the interest 'Ifór tocation, and good citizen may for a follow their example. esay these things in no factious or 'Jttatorial spirit, but in full view of onr Jf-long convictions as a Democrat, our 1tic9 as a eitizen, and. abovo all, our du■i as a journalist. The latter compel us speak when we would be silcnt, and i&king, we must speak what we think. - In what we have said we make no Siection upon the candidatos to be nominsted to-night. Thcy may - and we pe will - bo fit men in every respect, lsi worthy to receive the vote of cvery Wrat in tho city. Cnless yonr name is iound on the rcgis"Tlistofthc wardlii whicli you resido on Monday next, you will lose your vote. "Wore, if you have moved into the city, ioged your resirlence from one warcl to 'Wlier, been naturalizad or become of age 'lrÍBS the last year, 3ce that your name "Propirly registered. This must be done ""oitok!. belween the tours of 8 o' dock A "? 8 o'clock I. Jlf, at the iollowiiig ' ÏYurd -at Sorg's Paint Shop. 81 " -at Euerbach & Co.'s Drug Store. &J Ward-ut the Sheriff s office in Cour Ho-ise. tli Ward-Al Firemcn's Hall. 5tl " -at the shop of Gco. II. Rhodcs " - at McDonald's store. ( '11 depend upon any one elsc, but at """"oltjotirsclf. "he F Pres says that a doublé track ■ steel raus is to be luid olí the Centra 'líbetwetn Detroit asd Ypsilauti and een Nlle and J.akc Station the pres Wason j and that withiu si.ttv days th ritli will i)e a]1 stca between Detroit and Jj:kson.


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