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In York, on the 8th day of March, of typhoid pneumonía, ANN M. wife of Erastus W. Basom, agcd 43 V'-.ti -. In Ann Arbor, Haren 2Oth, Mrs. Sibyl LAWrence, wife of Hon. Edwin Lawrence, agod 53 years. Mrs. Sibyl Lawbence was the daughter of John and Rhoda Fuller. Öhe was bom January 28, 181ÍI, at Sempronius, Cayuga Co., X. Y. Sho camo with her raother to thiw city in 1310, but spent consideruble time aftcrward ftt Miss Uphnin's SeminaVy in Cauandajgna. Rhn was marricd to Judge LaVSBKOI in November, 1838, and her wedding and her funeral were in the aamc room. She was the mothor of If ahy M. Lawukncf. and Kdwin U. Lawuenoe, who aro doconscfl, and of John F. Lawhence, now of thiscity. lier mothcr ia still living, aged 82. Tho death of sych a raro woman as Mrs.-LxwnENCE oupjhtnotto bo lelt with a merel y formal mention. Men and women of all secta and ranks and social circíes consentcd in prnisin onc whOM love was so largo whoso hcart was so sincere, whose tongiie was so trutliful, whose" labora ín every cuusp of charity and rightoousncss were so uuselfish, so pronipt nd sp constant. Bhc wusthe light of her homo, - in her faithfulness as wiío and mother and daughter nnd eister, and in her welcomc to tho niany guestn who woro so glad to come where thcy coulil look upon hor bright face and seo her happy Bmile and hearher choerful voice. ín evcry líind of well-doing shc was rever -weary. She loved her neihbor better than hersclf, and would sacriflee her own comfort to help any nuffering frora neod. ilor rule was the rule of honeaty and oharity. While %ho never tried to concoal her opinión, religious or sociil, shc was DOt harli or intolrrant in espitssinf them, nnd allowcd to all around her the libfírtjr which she claiined and useJ. lier cloar JntfliDflOt v;ih quick to seo fullanitjs, and would have a reoson for its belief ; yet she made not miioh profeasion, hut alwayH showod her faith by her service. Her spirit was hopeful, nnd Übfl lociked for a better timo to come, and for a nobler work in the npiritual lifc. lier lon sicknoss, ofton attendod with nevere pains, was borne without oomplaint, with a patiënte m'arvellous to those who looked on anl ministcred to oue whose only fear wus that sho might we r out by helplosanös the pati. n ;c of hor frienda. Her (rene and happy death proved that slie had noterred in ohooing her way of truth añd duty. Whowillbe moremisiod Üum she w"here practitial í '!n i-tinn work is to be dono ? Who'will be reineinhorde moro lovingly bytaolaVgo conipany vhohocl looked ó hor f o eonnicl aid quickenin and inspimtion ? W!io more sur of greeting from (bo angela who' aro b i 7 in Ood'a errunds of mo cy .' ü.