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nn nn iwhatdobs Z ü , 2 d ! IT MEAN ! Thls queötion has be;u n&ked raauy times latcly oud une of Brln'Btona naid, " It would take an ducated mon to L' 11 thut." flut it that I.: COI,BY, wlio hiiB fur last tbreo yearx buen a partner in a largo wholcsnlc houae in Chicago; and altliou'li tha terrible ilro of fust fall Has left luit City in ruine, bc atlll ilvcs, uinl likc BARNABY'S CROW, Never suys die, but has oponed a flue stock of hetv cleauGKOCERIES, fit No. 29 SOUTH MAIN ST., between tlii.' fashlouable Dry Good Store of Henion & tt, j.nd the Miimraoth Hardware Store o! Lewia f:. Rladon. I will say to citirena of Ann Ar'or and BiirroundinR country; that I will ell (ruri'rifs, l'roTiiIon, Crockcryj Ultásswurc, nt alow a-uro forCnsh or rady pay oüly I alWiiyd pïv Cash Down for Ooode, nnd must havo pay (or them when dellvered. Do net ask me to trust jou, even if you are worth a milliou. BUT I H H.i, SI.I.I. GOOE8 MUi;i! TUW HAN CA WHO TIKKS CREDIT FOll 1MÏ. All klntls of Produce taken In Kxchangc. Gooda dellvered in the City free of charge. Come iu KEADY PAY CUSTOMERS, aud examine mj goods. I will SHOW YOU ABOUSD, wlth the griateit of pluasure, and if you do not my. I promlsc )n 1 will not look erom. Speel uducementalo Doardiuj Houncs and Cluba. Look 'or the bin of the C. 0. 1). Groeery and the Bis? 29. Hiewis Colby. MarchUtlL IRT'3 1366 TfARMERS' STORE. CARPETS ! WE WOÜLD SAY TO THOSE WHO WISH iTO PURCHASE A NEW CARPET Thls Spring, that we are now receiving OUR SPRING STOCK ! ! OW CUNTIIE ! WHICH WE W1LL 8ELL POR THIRTY DAYS AT LAST UW PRICES ! Whlch wlll mnke a saving of 20 or 25 per cent. D n"t rail to to give us cali as we hirve 'JTIIE CAU'.'ETd. Ann Arbor. March 22d, 1973. G. W. HAYS Supt. 186 ml FOB EABLY SPRING TRADE ! WE HAVE JÜST KECEIVED TWO HUNDRED PIECES NEW STYLE PRINTS A Few Pieces Hnndsome Dress Goods. Twenty-Five Pieces Cottonades. AND HAVE ON HAND, BOLGHT BEFOBE THE LATE ADVANCE Ten Bales Sheetinga, Three Cases Bleached Goods, Stnpe Sliirtings, Tickings, Battings, A full stock of Domestic Dry Goods And as usual offer them for MOÜSTEY UJVDER THE MARKËT. JOHN H. MAYNARD. 1334w4 SAM. Jl. KËVENAVGH Copies Oíd AMBROTYPES & DAGLEBBEOTYPES IN FIRST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DB3IRBD SIZB. gAM. B. REVJJNAIGH KBEP3 ON HAND A. LARQE STOCK o# OVAL AND SQUAEE BLACK WALNUT AND GILT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURON ST T IVE ÖEESE FEATHURS III%ST QUALITT , Cöimnutiyon Imnd and for sale by B ACH á ABEL, Finost Assortmeïit of Toilet Goods in tjie City, by &3Ü.Dli&C0o$higgife.


Old News
Michigan Argus