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$Larch 15, 1872. ; i i I AM NOW KECEIVINQ I New Spring Goods, ' Now Bloached MusliñS) New Prints, New Shirticgs, [ New Table Lineni . ' New Counterpanes, ' Ñew Bed Spreads, New Napkics, New Towelïngs, New Alpacas, J A-lsTID ! NEW DRESS GOODS ! j SOLD AT TUE t a Very Lowest Cash Prices ! j i j i WINTER COODS I AH CLOSIXC H ÏTUOIT , KF.G1K TO PRESE.VT EiSTEKX PUICES, ilousekecperi Itt[l nisiiíni; will find lt (jroatly to thcir advnntage to Examine our Stock and Prices. C. H. MILLEN, IS6O111I No.4 South Mala Street. HARUISOX'S low-ilonn and Uaiscd I'irc-(;ralcs and ;, uusurpassed in Beauty uï;rii and Finish. Ilarrikon's indirect ribbed STEAK RADIATOR for Iligli and I.ow Presurc. P. A. BII.I.INGS, Detroit, 1355m3 Bole Agenta for Michigan. LOOK HERÊT ■ m To my friends and Patrons in tbc DAYS OF AU LD LANG SYNE, And to thePublic frenerally, I take thia method oí sayiug, ,tNi hivljr purchiisud the iuterest of Mr. L. 3tt. Talor, ia the oldaud wcll knowu TOBACCO STORE ! ON" HXJROiC STREKT, vo öoors weit of Cook's Hotel, fat the s!gn of the iig Inln,) I am preparcd !o offer them ae good stuuk uf CICARS ! TOBACCO, SNTJFF, .PIPES, feo. At as reaaonable ratea asean be fonnd at any Biore iu Aun Arbor. By kof-ping a foll stock and paying strict attention to business, I hope to merit and rocelve a fair share of public patronage. PLBASE GIVE Ml A CALI C. L. PACK. ItSTmS NEW SPRING GOODS FILE! I LEWIS, Aro now rcccivlnj the most complete and ELEGANT STOCK OF FINE GOODS IN THE LINE OP BOOTS and SHÓES EVER BROÜGHT TO TUIS CITY. HÏVI; TUK EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE WORK OF ALL THE FIRST-CLASS 7IA.YIFACTIREUS IV TUE COl.VTRY, WE CA.V OrFER TO CASH CISTOMERS GRKATER , INDUCEMENTS THAN ANY OTÍIEE HOUSE IN THIS CITY. We carry complete lines of work from i:. c. min1, (iitAï Bitoxn rus, STIDWELL BROS. In CHILDREN'S FINE SUOES, of whlch we havo liy far the larcest and flnest aseortment ercr hrought to Ann Arbor. Jas. I?I. Burt'a Qent's FINE IIANDMADK Iloo! anij Shoes, uueqoaled orSI)lc,I);irabilily aud ilnifli. J Hn XV. Burt's Boy Fine ShoeB. and In fiict a Complete Stock of yiNEahd PLAIN Oood, suitablcfor thi market. nes __


Old News
Michigan Argus