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I, Pr ; - u.r. 11. H. Mc Do ai, d & Co. DrurkJaU ál bien. Ai9BuU,Rfn fruncido, Cal., nnd 34 Coimnorc ilrctt, X Y MII-MUNS Itcar Tcstimouy tö ikuit , Wonder fa I Curativo EfT.'rts. Thcy are not a vilo Funcy Drink, llfifla of PootUinri, Whislicy, I'iool Spirits niut U:luo IjiQiKii'fi tloctorcd, fipiced and swootenud topleasc tho Lantc.callc-il "Toirtc,' "Aijpetizers,11 "Ilcstorcr3,"ío., LlmMcai! tlié Étppicron to SrúnbmñéMánd ruiü.butftra ntnu: MrHIcii: ciliado f rom V,n Nntive lïootü iintl llcrba uf CnlifoTiii;, f reo f rom nll Alcoliolíc StlnmluiiiM. TheyetbGRJÉAT ItLOOl) 1MJ1UI 'lKK:u..l A 1,1 FE ÍÜVlNU l'JM'CULE, o porfoot BffiKnrator and luvigomtor of the Bystem, CiiiryitiK oíTall poisonous matter mul re-storing ibeblood to ;i healtby cundition. No person cun t;ikc these Bitters accordinjí to dfrections und reinuiíi lonjf üuwelJ. piovidert tlurir boflM are not dcstroyed by üiineral potsonor otljcr iiicuns, and the vital organs wasted beyond tho puintof ftpfttr. Tkoy ara u Gentlfl riirarulvcn wcll asa Touic, pofix-sinK. tuso, the peculiar mcrít of íictíng a& a powerful BRent ín rclievlnR Conge&tion ot Inüammution ot thc Liver. nnd nll ti ic Visceral Orjíang FOIt FE.UALK COMPLÁlNTS, inyoungor oíd, mnrried or single, tit ttie dawn oí wumuuhóod orftt Uic tutu of Ufe. tiiescTonic Bitters havo no cqual. I-dr ] nllatiiiniitory nuil C'lnouic lMicittnniNni nnd ïoiit Dynpepfiiii or Inditfostloa ili liotis, Ilertiittttit it ud Tnlerinlttunc I"ctci-n, Díncmincs oT til.1 lllootlt livtiv, Ivirflicys inut lilutltlcr theso Bitters have bee-' moafc ■nrtUMfji) Sucli líintaet urocau&cd by Vítinted lllood, wliicli isfíeuerally produced by dcrni:tiaient of thc Dlgentlvo Qv%nuH, DVSIMCI'SI A OIC INDIGESTIÓN, ifeadacbe, Paln Id tlic Slioulders, Courüs, Tiglitoess of tba Chc-st, DtSKhMMt BOOT üructatious of tho Stumacb, Bad Tóate Ín tho Mouth. BUious Attacks, l'alpitatiou of tho Ilcart, Inflaminatiou oí the Luofs, Pain in tbo ra Líods ofthu Ridiicys. nnd a huudrcd other paiuful symploms, ato tbo oflspringfl of UyspepsiaTbor iiirigorate tho Stomach and stímulnte tbe torpid Liver and BuwcIh, wltich renner tbem or unuquallod e (ti cae y in cleansins: thc blood of all impurftles, and iotparting; new lifc auJ ngat to tho wbole syatem. FOItSKIMISEASE.SLruptioiu,Tetter. 8alt Rbeum, Blotcbes, Sprts, Pimples, l'ustulcs, Boils, Carbuncif, Rlnff-Worm. ÖcaTd ifrai, .Soro Eyes Ery&ÍDelas, Itch.Scurrs, Discolorntíons of tho Skin. Humorsand Diseasea of the ijkin. of whaU-Vír name or uature, are literallv dug up and carriod out of tlic system in short timo by tha una vi these Hitttra. Cne bottle ín ucU canes win conviiico thu must iucreduloua uftbcir curativo ofleets. Cleauso the Vitlatod Blood whenover yoa find itsimparitic.i bursiinff tlirvucbtho skio in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; clcanse It wben you fiud it obstructed and slueeisb in tho veins: clcapso it when it ís fnul. aud your feellnys wtU tcUyouwhcn. Koep tbo lilood pure, and tho bcaltb of thesvEtem wilt follow. I'lii, Tape, and otliur Vormst lurkinsin tho System of so many tbousands, are effectually dcstroyed and removed. Saya a dJctbttuUhed pbysioloyist, tlior ís scarcely an iüdividut upon the face oí tha carth whose body is exenipt froin the prosenerf of ■worras. It ib not upon tlie Iiealtliy ciernen tn of thu body t nat wonm exíst. but uiíon thn üseased bumors nd sliiuyi-deposits that breed thtse living monsters of dfsease. No System of Medicino, no vermífugos, no antbeimintics wül freo tho systetn from woimis' íiko these Bitters. J. WALKKlt, Proprietor. R. R. McDONALD & CO., Druïffistsnnd (Jen. Aerents. San Francisco. California: and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. ■3-SOLJJ BY ALL DRUUGISTS AND DEAUíRS. To any person producing any Moilicine ablii to. ihowone-thirdiis many Hvinc permanent cures as Dr.FiTLF.u'tí VtUKTAüLE HtiKCMA'iic Rknf.dt j and a "urther r'Lioard of $100 for &ny case of throii'c ;r nflammatorv Rhtíuinatism, NeuraKMu. Kheumatio gue, sciatica. andRheamatlemoI ;hc Kidueysit vül ii"t cure. This RhenmfttiC Syrup H uiw ínwaray only.pïeaBnnttothe taste, and ;uaranteed free rnminjnrious Drníís. It Ís not a (nuck Medicine uttbecieutiücpreticription of Jos. P.Fttler. M. O., Professor of Toxicoioffy and Chemietry, gradate of the celt'brated Uuiversity of IV-nnsylvauia, A. ).1863, whose enti re profes aíonallil'o bas bcei; deoted specially to this dlseate. This proparatiou ndcrpolemli cathia cousciv-nt,ijns]y believed to be ne only tfpositlve, reliable, infalliblc specificever iscovered. Thc proof that no other s[)ccifiL; exats is found in every corañimiity in persoíis affifeted or many years past aad et))anbriog ffpkytiqtant onld cure ií, tf a . '■■'■■■ !■'■( exista th%i wuid nut be o,- afact l'hat mnst be unlversally admitted. The ftdecelvedanfferermay witely aek wbat Becurltj revidiMice has helhat Ir. Fitlcr's Rheumuiic Syrp wfíl cure his case. The protection offered to palentsagainstiinpositionisin a lcgally signed conract whích will be forwarded without obarge to any ufferersendiiiKby letter a description of iifüktion; lis ruirantee wil) stute the exact numbr of boties warramed to cure, and Ín case of fiiilnre thq. noney paid will be ruturned to th3 patiënt. No therrernedy has ever been oíTercd on snch liberal nd honorable terms. Medical advice, with certiflfttes from prominent sicUns, Clergymen, te, whohave been cnredafter.all other treutmeiit avcfailed, ent by letter. Lratlv Afflicted cordialyinvitedto writcfoi adviento the piiücipal office, 5 SonthFonrth Street. Phibdelphia, .IJa. Dr. Flter's RhenmaticSyrup ia sold by Druggists. R. W. El)i8&Co,,Sole Agents, Ann Arbor, Míen. ITEAR FE! E. J. JOHNSON HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS & CAPS 1 FALL AND WINTER. Also a large stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furs ! II IS STYLES A.K.E THE LATÉST. HIS GOODS THE BEST! AND HIS PRICES TIIE Also a full lliuMil Qcnls' Furnlsblng Goods 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor. 3PAINTS FAINTS FAINTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Bruhes MIJVERALPA1WTS, &c, LOOK TO YOÜR INTEREST AND CALI ON R. W. ELLIS & CO., BEFOHE PURCHAfítÑO Go toR.W. ELLIS & CO'sj for choice Wines and Liquort for Medical Purposes .


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