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r Q. a, siissAüwe' INSURANCE ÁGENCY ' i II Is Comíanles Are Soumi. pHCKNIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFOKD, COMN, ' CAPITAL ANf ASSKTS, Jüit 1. 18T1 1.T81 ,ift CHICAGO LOSSES 760,000 Tlli: IIIIK'I I !-.t .M.niliii led Firc Insurance Conipitny in the Cnited stuti-s. Alivay prudent and ound mil ulwuys pronipt in paynient of los' Ma INTERNATIONAL INURANCE CO., NEAY YORK CITY. The first Companr to pass the ordenl of the Nw York Insurnuco ComtuisaloncrH since the Chicago I'iri', coming out Trom thesevere test TRIUMPHANT ! Associntcd Press Dlspatch , November 1 , IST1 , i THE INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANT. The Superintendent of the New York State Insorance Department, whoií makinsr a carcfnl official eziiinlnMlon of the New York City Companies totlay, certifles that the International Coropany' aesets of Ji, 500,000 are necnrely inveeted, and its capital of $500,000, after provldinjr for all liabilitles, Incliulinir the Chicago flre, is wholly nnlmpairedTIíím Compauy is paying all íts Chicago losies and isfloundnnd reliablc. I'oll oí ixoiicdat fairrates at ray ofllce, No. 11 Êast llnron street, Ann Arbor. J. q. A. SKSSION'S, Agrent. 134Ttf. piJilMITtJRE ! ' 1872. ' PRI80N FDRNITURB 241 AXD 243 MMS STREET, JACKSON, MiCH. i Our Stock is ViiiiMinlly I.arflre and Complete, and Embraces evory Variety of FURNITÜRE ! ' ESPECIAL IVItl l.ii;TS ARE OFFERED. Inspect Onr Ooods and learn the Prices before Purchasiug. ; avya BABY CARRIAOES A SPEC rfeSiy IALTY--A IARE ASSORTHE.KT 'á0aíjljjr AND SEVERAL KOVELTIES. Goods Dbiivbbkd to H. R. Dkpots and Packed by Ourselvks Free of Charge. RANS0M & KNAPP. unms ;JBLWi ff A fAL,SE REPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOP TKADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COM PLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS I JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMB3. ALSO AKÜLLLINEOF GENTS' FURÍJISHING GOODS! DON'T PURCHASE YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER OÜTFITB UNTIL TOO O-I"VB HIM A-OA-LO... 15 South Main St.. Ann Arboi. 1321-ti. The subpcrlberi are at roost all time In a itntlon to furnifih parties with money In snms of Five Handred to Five Thoasand Dollars on unincnmberediarm. COLMAN, BOOT & KINNE. Ann Arbor. Jan. lst.lSTï. ISWf "XOVJËJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST IIUBON STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANK ARBOR, TOICIf. 1345tf PüïSWIASS' PIBSCRIPTtóüri AOCt'RA'. EIY AKI) CABEPULLY PRBPABED T n. w.BLLie & co.,DRUooiai8.


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