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33EAD THIS ! I AM BTOW PUErARED FOK TUK F ALL TRADE ! I Hl F. TMP.I.ABKIiST AM Finest Assortment OF OF IÏVFRY riKSCRIPTION EVER HliOUQUT TO TUIS MAHUE1'. KVEUYTHINQ i:u , anu STYLISH FITS WARRANTED, ALSO A LINE OP uLAla rllulMlLVj uJOlla ! ■ i BVERYBOD"? WlSHING FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING WILL FIND 1T TO TIIEIR INTERB9TJ TO t!ALL ON 5 JAMES BOYO, 131Stf 24 Hluiji Strce SAM. B. KEVENAUCjH FHOTOGRAPIIER MAKES ALL K1JNDS OF PIQTURES r FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TELE LIFE SIZE, ANDFINISHESTHEMIN ?' INDIA INKI OÏL, OR WATER CGLOSs ! IN A SUPPERIOR HAKNER. 1319-iy. !fo. 30 HÍRONSTREET. Bberift'a Sale. STATE O? MICmOAX, county of Wiuhtenaw, ss. By virtue of one executinn, issuod out oí and un der the ueal of tho Circuit Court for the couniy ol Wushtenaw, State of Michigan, dated the first ilay of Maroh, A. D. 1872, and to me directod and delivercd, np-ainst the proods, chnltles, laiidrs and tenoments of David Ij. Gates, I did, on the flrwt day ol Mmrh, A. D, 1672) seiac and levy ujk)h mII thenght, title and Interest tbat David L. ftates has trtthefbllowing described real estáte, to wit: The eust fcwentyscven rods in width of the south sixty-onc rods ín lenjrth of the west half of the south wot quarter of section number two, in towiiship No. to south in rango six eat, containinp ton ac"e of laid, lie the same more or leas, which abeved rïbed Inndbeing sitúate nnd lying1 in tho townsMp ot Ann Albor, county of Wasntenaw, nnd State of Mtohigan, vhich land 1 shall exjiose for sale, rit public tuiction, to the highost bidder, at the aouth door of the Oourt House, in the city ot Ann Arbor, on the 16th duy of April, A. D. 1872, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day. Daled, Ann Arbor, Maieh.Wh, A.D. 18ÏI. MYJíO.N WEBB. sï -riff, 1364 By JüttfiN t'oRpjifi, l'ii-lor-Sltoiiff, Real Estáte for Sale STATE OV MICHIGAN, county Of Washtönaw, M. . In the matter of the Estáte of Bufos Kniffht, dd oeafled. Xotiee ishereby givon, Ihat in ponounoe of an order raiUed to the undersifmed, Kxcculrix ol tbfl estftto of aaid deceaso:!, by the Hon. Jurli?e of Probate for the eounty of Waihtoaaw on the oighteoonth day of March, A. D. 1872, therc will u; old at public vendue, to tho highet Imlder, ftt the south door of the (4 ffoHuft, in the city of Ann Arbor. in the w-of Washtena -v, in eaid fitate, on Tuesday, tbe eventh day of May A. I). 1872,.atoue o'ol(H:k ïnthoaicrnom of day (subject to all encumhmnces by mortga.e or otherwiso existinjr ar the time of the dcath ol said dgyajed) the followinr doscribd re;il estáte, to-wit : The wmth forty rods in width of tlïe west half ot' the southcast qnarter of WOtton tliirfyfour, in t wnship two Muuth of rangQ five onat in s;iid Stató, co itaininp twenty acros moro or loas ; tbe w si half üf the northoflt fruotfonal qiinrtcr of leetíoé threo, 00 itiüniiif? sixty-threc acres mort; or hs; the east half of the nor th west iractional qaarfeer ol' said Isection tliree coattiininfr sixty-three ocres more or less ; anil tlic west hilf of the southeast quarter of said seo tion three (excepting the twelve aerea hei-etofore wold to James Parker) eontaimns? sixty-eiirht aorts more or leu, in lownship thrce south of rane live east in said i State. Dated, Mnrch 18Üï, A. P. 1S72. IiAMIRA KNTGnT, IIAIUUKT KNIGHT, 13(lfi Exeoutrix, Real Estato for Bale. QTATE OF MICniOAN, eounty of Washtenaw, BS, O In tho matter of the fttate of fcornolius Laughlin, decenseil : Notioo ís horeby pi ven, that in pnrauanos of Rn ordev nsntod to the undwratgned, Administrator of the estáte of said deceased, by tho Hon, JudgS of J 'róbate, for tlie county of Washtenuw, on the eleventhday of March. a. d. 1872, thcre vill ht. solrtat public vendue, to the hitfhest bidder, at the dwolling house on the prcmÏRes hereinafter aewribed, in tho. rounty of Wnshtcnaw, in snid Pfatc, on Tueeaay, thu the thirtieth day of April. a. r. 1872, at ten o'olock in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all enonmbranoi i ►' mortgao or otherwise existing1 nt the time of the I Moath OTSald üecofused) the followinp doscribed real estáte to-wit: The Trost half of the southwesi Qttar tor of sootion twenty-three, in townabip one south of range six f;ist, oontaining ighty acics moie or lesa, in sttid Jétate. Datd, March llth, A. 1). 1878. 1365 WILL1AM JHlik'F., Administrator. Roal Estáte for Bale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washienaw, as. In the matter of the estáte of Daniel lï. Urcen, deceasod. Notice ishereby given, that in pursuance of an ortlcr granted to tlie anderagned] nluui.' of the estáte ol' suid decea.seil, by the Ilon. Judgc of Probate for the County of Waahtenapr, on thonineteenth day of February, A. 1. 1S72, thsre wöl Ik; sold at Public Vendue. to the higiiest bidder, at the dwellinpf house on the premisos hereinutter desoribedi in fD'inty of Waahtenaw, in sai4 State, on Paturday the Kixth dny of April, A. IK ÍS72. at one o'tilook ín tho aftenioon of that day fftubjeot to all oncuinbrances by inortgiieorotherwist; existlimr at the timo of the death of Bftia deceased), the following described real estáte, towit: The wept half of the southwest quarter of section ñght ; the east half of theeast hnrf of tho southeftst tuurtcr of section mv9ü ; and tho west half of ihu novtheaat quarter of the Kouthwest I quarter of section Ivveuiy, in tOWnshijD tf'.it'f soatli of range three cast, in said State, cuntaininf; one hundreu and forty aeres moio or lc?f. Dated. February 1'Jth. A. I). 1872. EUBERT P. EAEPEE, UC? A(ïministrator. Mortgage Foreclosure Noticc. DKFATTLT haviiif? locn made in the condition of a mortae mfwlo and Oxeouted by John (iaeatel to Clark Hut ton, boarülg dato tlio fourth dny of May, A. 1). tihtoen huudred and sixty-eigbt, nnd rocorded in the otHce of the Register t' Deeds of Washtenaw County, Micíiijjnn, in liber thirty-eight of mortpages, on page four hundred and twenty-six, on tlie eishtcfcuth day of JUBA, A. D. eightieu hnndred and sixtyeiht, at eleven and a half o'clock a. si., and the power of sale contained in said mortie having become opomtive by niiison of stich dcfault, ;uid t&e Mim of three hundred and eighty-one dollars and ten cents bemg daímed to be Èïue on said mortgage at tho dnt: of this notice for prinripnl and interest, bosidn :i rea sonable Attorney fee for the forcclo5Tiii; of Raid mort■.'■I ■' , and no uit Ol procw.'dinfrs at law liHviufr been institutcd to recover t del 't BeooredbyBAld mortpagt? or any part thereof; Notioe in ÜMpefore he$6Joy gtven , tlmt said moxtoaffe wi ] 1 bo i .re Josod by a sale of tbe mortffagod Li mis nul nremtdwi therein describttl and hereinafter mentiomd nnd set forth, or nn, port thorf'Of, on Patnnlay the fifteenfh day of Junenext, at ciflvt'n Oclock in tlio forenoon, nt thünouth dotr of tho Coutt HouM, in the dty of Ann Arbor, that beint' tlio plaoeof holding fche Circuii Court tor the county of Washtenaw. Tho il moxipiged premiaes no to be hoUI, by virtue si the power of Mie in jiid mortffapro, are describod In Patd mortj?afre MSfullOVB! "All that trnot or parcel oL IuïuI situato in tlie townehip ï4 HrkHrewaier in fche OOjUOty of ; WaHhtcnaw. r.nd Btate of Miobigan, boanded and i described s boinf? thü northf.-ist quarter of tho r.nrthwMtfi"rterof sri-tion num1r thirty-sr. tovntRhjp number font (-1) sonth of range nnmber , ■ :;it, contñinmg forty acres of land be the : earne more or tass. Tittteh Aïin Avbor. Marrh Hth, 1871. CLARK SI XTOK, Morlgagee. JlmAM.T. Br.AKrR, Attoiney for Moiigagí10' 13w


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