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Mortgugc Sale. DBF ' 'Ir hoving been mude in the eanditkms ot a iaorturíifíc: vx ( n't-ii by Daniel KVnt iuid tfartba Cent to Hilas H. Dmulafla, Adminiatrator of the i atwof Henry W. Wellen, deotMwed, bearing ilut! the wenty-tirth dny of April, A. lí. y rdediu f, ■ ■■■ ut thu Register ,.r Doedj roi Washtenav bunty, Michigan, on toe twenty fiitb Üay of ui, '.' V 1. 1"L of mortgages, on pttue 716, hy rhich defnult Ihc uv:v of sale oontaineu ii ■ ikm Utmiik1 operativo, on woich moi hete i.- olaimed to bo !nh ut tliis ram f "two r! hundred oud forty-Mven ■ i-'ü'irs and sivty oento, and flve dolíais as on Attornej fee na providtdin i -ni mu! tgage, and oo mil oí prooeedinjj At law ui íd ■' ohancefy havjngbeen ïnstituted to recover ihe Qebt , m oor d bj iaid mortgageor tiny ï'-irt then of; ís tHescfore, horoby given, bat Wvirlueof power of .ii oontaincd in iajd mortgupe, itndof V' the atetóte in -neb oom auide and pratided, aid inoi ffsi will bef 01 doaed on SaturdaTi the etaventhda; of May noxt, ttt ton o'olock In tno forenoon of that V day, at tho soatb dom of th; Court Hou.-.', in the city of Ann Arbor, in s.iiil oounty of Washtenavi (saia Court House beingthe plnoe nf bolding the Circuit ? l lourt for i-:ti'l 'onnty of WaRhtenHW), by uUfl ut ■ liniHM-Hon tothe lïigïn'.st bidder, of the premisos i Kribt il n: mortmige, wlucheatd mnrupiged preraiyes ure deseribed in said mor&gage aa rollows, tíe: AH those eertain plecas or parcela 01 land sitnatsd in the county of Washtettaw, in the State of Michigan, ■ 1 na follows, vi : The tveal twexity-eix and forty-aixJiandxedthfl aerea ol thu nortbwestquarter , of the nbrthwèsi fraction&l quarter of aeotion uumber foor, and two aova off tand in tfae novtheast eorner 1 of section Tuimbcr fivi-, lying between the nu 11 pond 'J nnd tho eet Ion line, nü in towntibip numbei three soutli oí range uumber three ist u. the t light and pri vflpge of flowing s' mnch of tho nor g aan quarter of section nutnber ftve afÖnsold uh muy ] beoverflowedbyraisingtiu water al the dom on the , first deseribed parce] thirtei n fee! : hIho the enst part 1 of lot nurabex tonr [4] In nlooknumber tirirteen (ISi, t in tho villaje of Kylvunin thecounty of Washleiiftw, . and State uf Michigan, iiccoi-diiig to tho KOOidfid plut ' ui Baid viiiuaia, bountied 1 boonded oil the mat by fchn oasi iinc of aoid lui . ; ning thence vest on uie northline ofaaid lot 1 pt. thenoe aoiith to a pointun the Houth line oí i ( Miiri lot íifty-ííix feet wed trom the BOntheast eorner , of Kiiiil lot, tbenea Mal to the Bontbeaal corner of suid lot., said last deseribed parce! boing 1 bc same lamí cihiwvh] to Bttid Daniel Kent by BwkT Pr wiMiT dd.flflted Harcb Bth, A. I 1863. Ann Arbor, Micti. ïr"eb. ?th, 1872. tiJLLAë U. UOJJOIfASS, Adminístralo! of the Bátate of Ji' ory '. Wi & Ohant, deoeused, Uorngee. , Attorneysfoi Slorti w, Mortgage 8ale. DKFAULT having boen made in the condition of a mortgage executed ï David DeForeet and Mariann DeForr.-t to Philip Bach, betiring dtttethe2öth day of N01 mt r, . D. , and wcoi-ded in the ■ omce t thé Register of Deeds for nhtcoaw county, liii';:n.on t)ie 3id day té Noverabet, A.D in líber 3ti of mortgoges, on piwe 6W9, ui'l duiy asaigned by said Philip 13neh to Rilas H. Donglaas, by nsfignment bearing date the third day of May, A. D. , ■ id reeorded in the office of the oïd Begiater of Doedafor Waahtenav ooonty, on the 7lhdayof May, A. l. ls70, ín liber 2 of assignmenta of mortgoges, : page 511, by which defanlt the xtweruf sale oontáini d in said mortffaffe baa become operVtive, on which raortgiige ia olaimea to be due at this date the nun t t hi 1 ■ thonaand flve huodxedajidtbirty-five dollars, and ftfty dolLirsasan Attomoy ív vided in aaid moztgoge, aod no snit or procoedfog at law or in ohancen bavuig boon Lnstituted to recover the debt aecúred by naid mortgage, or any pai I ol ; Kotioe is thetefi tven, thiit by virtne of the puwüT of Bals oontainod in s.ií'l tnorteáffa, and of the atatute in toch oase made and proviaecí, sjii iin-i tg&g6 will hi' lureelosed on Baturdiy, the twentyseventin dáy of April next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House, in tlie city of Ann Arbor, in attid county of Wushtenaw, (aaid Court House oobiff the place of holdins Ciuruit Coort fbi aoidoouiniy of AVashtennw), by mo at publir. auction, lo the Mg-hest bidder, of the premisM Uescribed ia taid nwtgage. whivh aaid mortsraoed prenuaes are describcjd ín aaid mort- foUbws, vi, : All the following deseribed nteow of land, bituated in the city of Ann Arbor, .1 .liicnaw cotujty, Ufcblffun, viz: commencing' at tho intersertion of the soutli line of North atroci with the east Une of Diviadon atreet, in hhU cdtyoi Ann Arbor, imd mnnin;r ■:■-■{ on tïte sonh line of North Htu'it about two hundred feet to the ' atholio Churèh lot, then'.; BonOi flve r..: - parallel to North (reet to División Mreet, thence north to tlie place of bpfinning. Ann Arbor, Mih. Jn. SOfh, lT1.'si las n, D0UOLA88, Aaögnee. VÉLCU & Qbant, AttorneysforAsriignee. 1359 Chancery Notico. TATKOFMTCinOAN. The f'iifuit f'ourt for the L5 County of Woshtonaw; InChancory. MAKY E. COVKLL, Complainant, ■. IIKNUV E. COVKLL, Defendant. ) It aaiisfaotorily appeoring to thu Gouri by affidavit, that the defendant, fienry E. ' ior 1 Is not a resident of this Staie, bul Kfltldea iu tlie State of Iowa, on mof ion of int P. Kuilt. Bolicitur for eomphunant) it is order.i that the dofendont oame hla appemunce to be ent lic 1 nithin Ihree monthn front t]je late of rhis nnd tl et Ín cuse of hts appearance he cause hia ftjuwcs to Uii. eompluinant a bi 1 to be tíled. and a copy thoreof it be Berved on ihe uoinplainbnt'a Kolicitor witliin iwfiity daytf after Berriee of a copy fl' fc:üdbill di oomplttint and notico ol í liis ordexi and in iiciauit then "I that the tirt bil! be taken a oonfewcd by the Buid'defeudani : And it w furtheroidered that vrkhin m 11';. days the said comphiinani ■ . of tl, is order to be publlahed in tne Michigan ArgvM, a nei st..i.-'i priifti , looontyof Woshtenaw, and that thepuplicAtion'contfnueatlcflstonoe a weok for sis weeks in sacceeaion. or that she canse a oopj of this orflei to Vé peraonally aerved m t'.iy aaid defendant aooording i the rules and prooUoe of tiiis Court. Datod, Fcbiuai 20th, L872. H. Ï1KAHAX, Circuit Oom ZrjfA ICinc, Waabtenav County Michigan. Complainant'fl BoJIoitor, I362w6 Chancery Xotiue. ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judieinl Circuil : En ühaneery. Snit pending in the Circuit Court! for the county of Washteti.ivv, in chancuiy, whereln J Nathan H. Wíieelcr is complainsint and Elisabeth Wheeler is defendant, at Ann Axbor, Üiis fitvt day of March. I87Ï. On ronding and Qling doe prooi by affldavij tlmf the above nanwd defendani retidse om it this State, and .il tïi(.' Btate of Nebiaka, and on motiun of Nindn & Crane, Sollcitors for complftinaoi, it : dered that said defenduni o peorunoe to be 1 entifd in aaid within three moniba hum the : date ot this oidei . and in defanlt thereof that the bil] of compliiint iu aaid 1 tusebe tulten as conf eased by .-;ii'l dafendant i and it is further ordered that ritbin Iwentydaya said oomplainatnt ouuh ;t oopy of this order to Ie pubUshed Ín the Midtigan Argust u paper piinted and pubUuhcd tn tbe city of Ann Arbor, 1 in Baid county of waahtennvr, and thai such tton bü continued once in eueii week tor six Biwoessive , weeks. ' DatQl, ilarchlai, 1872, J. wn.I.Aiil) BABBITT, ('ircuit Cotitt Cömmfas'oTier, Niniïk & Cn.NK, Washtcnaw County, Mich. Sorra, for Compl't. I864w6 Chaucei-y Notice. CITATL OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, - 1 f' Circuit Court for the county of "Washtenaw: In chancery, 1 JACOlt T. WISE, ) í v. JBANNETT A. WISE. J It natïsfactoriiy appeu i nu npon due proof by nfTi( ïavit, tlint the ilt-irmlaiit. ócjiiniett Wiae i not a rufeident of the State of Michigan, but that she resides 1 .' I 1 ;i.i, ' aUfornia, on raotioo of J. I s Ejawrenoe, Holicitor foroomplainant, it ü ordered thut i tho deföndantj .To.-mnt-tt A. her appearaneo to bd enterad in tbüs cause within thuc months 5 fiom the dato of this order and that ín euso of hor 1 apieariinee she osóse her anawer to the comptainant's t bul of oomplaint to be flted, and a oopy thereof to be 1 servedonthe oomplainant'a Öolicitor witbin twent} a days after eerrioe of a oopy of said bul and notice of l tlns order, and on defauli thereol that; the litl bilí be c taken as confesscd by the Bftld defendant, .Teannett A. s Wne; and it j fnrther oniered that within t went y s days thes;iid complainant caupc a copy of this order s to oe publisbed in the Michigan Árgm, a public newsfc paper, jirinted and pnblished in the city of Ann Arbor, l Washtenaw county, iliohigan. nnd that. tuch p tion be continued in soid paper once In each week tot 1 six fucos iv' week. or that he oaosoacopyof this order to be peraonally served on the said defendant, Jennnett A. wiee, at least twenty days bof ore the ■ Ume above proscribed for her apioirriiice. Dated, Ann Arbor, Majoh 1-tli. 1879. lï. BEAHAN, Circuii Couri Comniisssloner 136Gw6 AV'iishtLiiaw County, MiehigAn. i_ i Commissioners Kotice. STATE OF BIICHIOAK, county of Waahtenaw, ss. The undersigiifd. having been apponte4 by th d Probate Court for isaid county, Cosuntaslbtiera to 10ceivo, examinn and aojust nll claims and domnnd of all persons ugainst the estáte of Oeorge E. Gooding, late 1 of sald cnunty, deeensed, hereby pivo noticc that six mont.ha from dato areaúoired, by order of sald Proj bate Court, forcréditorfl to present their claims aainst i the estáte of ssid itnrnBffd and thnt thsy will meel -t theot&oe of Batoheldec & lïrother, in thi i1 y I laiiti, Ín Beid ooonty, on Saturdny, the Bfteenth day of t Jone. iinl Wiednesaay, the. cifihtoenth day of Septenit lier next, at ton a'elóck a. m. uf eaoh of said days, a to raoeivej, examine, and ad jus t said claim. Q Dated, Maich löth, A. D. 1S72. JOHN CAMPBELL, NORMAN BATCHEtLDER, o 136flw4 liaaiopers. f ___ ! ,ï Cömmissioncrs' Notico. í QTATE Ol' MI(HI(iAN,Cov.nty of Washtonaw, ss. J Tho undersijfiied, luivin lccn npiointrl by the , rrohate Coorf for suid Ciumty. ('ininuis.sniiifrstoreC8$VO BXUnlnfl nixl mi.iust all rlaims mul doniumlfi of uil persona ogainal i In' i-sf.-ai of Jane Bhgs, late óf soid .■oiinfy. il as'-l, horeby giv notioethntabi montlis iinni ante nro flJlawed, by order of said l'rohat.' Court, ioi' ovediton to pmaal their claim e nu.uimt ihocstate of Baiti deoeased, and that thcy will v moet at the oiïioe of Charles H. Walhice, in the village o of Saline, in sald oonnty, on 'Satunlay, the ( socond dayof .)viiK'. and Batutdaf,the twenty-fllBtdsT 0 (;t B)(eniber next, ut ton o'oloek a. v.. of oach of said j to receive, oxaminCt and adjnat saitl claims. Dotad, ::rcli 2l3t, A. I) 1S72. EVEKETT B. CLAUS, d ALBEBT il. (l.AUK, 13CGw4 Comniiüsioners. r Ii Estáte of AVilliam A. Nowland. ti STATE OF MICHIG A , County of Wiwhtenaw, ssll Notice ia hereby y,inn, tbat by on order of tbs Pio, bate ('om-t for tl1 tounty of 'WiiahtenaT, made. on tho " fourtl. ilay of tfaroh, A. D. 18ÍÍ, six months froiiitlmt date won nllnweil for cxaditon to pmaan) their cloima againsl theeitateof WaUam A. Non late of aaid eounty, deceaaed, and that all creditors of fl Baid deeeased ate nquired to present their rlaims " tusai'i Probate Court, nt the Probate Office, in the JÍ ('it.v of Ann Arbor, for rxamination mul allowunre, on ' or bcfnre the foorth daj ol Beptembii next, nd tin' '" ms will be heara befoxfraaid rritbató Ccmrt, ' ■ iny, Ci ■ twenty-flfth dy of May, and -n '. Wednesdaï the fonrth i r. of September next, at ten , o'cloek In the forenoon ol 80h of thOM 4ay. IJated, Ann Arbor, Mureli lrli, A. 1). 7. ÍJ Ilü-.AM J. JIKAKI'.S, lo 'ifiUvl oJ Probato. K:sta(o of Luther Boyden. OF MICHIGAN, (onnty otWaahtutm la hereby ffivan, thai by an order oftlie - rt for On County of naahtenaw. made on V] the fi rt li day of March, A. D. i;l', ix r.:untha oe trom that dato were áUomréd for oredlton lo pi their olaima iiurainst the eatata of i.ntiier Huyden, b : oottnty, deceaaed, and that ;.u ejeditors vi" si: e reqnïred to pn nt tnelr duinv3 io Pi taid Probate Court, ut the L'roba OfSco, tnthecitj ■ I Ann Arbor, for examinatign and -.úiv.-.íiuh-. onor m fore theflfthdny oí pptembo in.t, nnd that smh Ji elahna will bc heent befoM :iil Probate Court, on d f-'atiirilny, tho tut. rity-fifth day of May, and oo be Thuraday, ): flflh day of September next, at ten rr oVloflï in the foruoon of eaoh of thnse davn. Datcd, Ann Arbor, Marcb tth, A. D. 1S72.' HIHAr.I HEAKFS, 136iwl Ju'lgcofl'robate.


Old News
Michigan Argus