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The Liberal Movement In New York

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Ni:' York, Match 29.- Tho following will appcar to-morrow in thé Tri To Col. Win. M. Orosvonor, Chairman of tho Ejecutivo Coinmittoo of the Liberal Ropublioan Conyention, "Waihiii"ton, D. C: Sin- We, tho Republicana of New York, wish to expresa uur CQnouri'cnci; iu tho principies lately set fbrth by the J.iberal licpublicans ot' Missouri. We muko tliis departure froni thu ordinaiy insihtldí of party aotion frota a doep coaviction tliat the organization to wliich we btlong is ander tho control of thdw who will usu it chieíly tbr personal purposus und obstruct thu íVci; expreesion of opinión on thu impoitaut mattera which the goiitlfiiion whom you represent have Uid before tho paoplè of the L'nittd States, Wi! bi'Hoy.) that the timo has (;ouif when pulilioal oll'i'use.s uf tho past shjuUi bu pitrdoiiL'd ; that all citi.i.ii.s should be proteoíei tn thu enj yi4jent of tln; rigkts guarautoud thein by the yon htüutiou ; that Fudoral t.ixution should be imposed fot revenue and soadíustod as to maku tliu buriiiU upon thu ndustry oí' tae country ;.s liji-it us posgible; that a i reform in tho civil servil e should bc made ! wlduh will reik' vu uotiou froui tho míiuenoo oi' oüioial patronage ; that I tho rigUt pf local Belf-government, thu foundation of American froedom, should bo reMaertad, and the euAroaohiuenlt of Fodoi'al powor checked ; and v: ulso bülievo that ut tiiid timo n special duty rosta on tho pooplo tu du away with corruutiou , in ofticü. Tijo expognteg ruceutly mado in tliia Statu havu brought to Ugnt evi'is which uro not couünod to one puty, nor to a singlo locality, and (iisciloso dangors moro formidable than any which the llcpublic haa yot encountuied. With the hopu that the ïnoveinent begun in Ivlirssouri niiiy tpraad bbrpagb all the States and nfluenoe every politioal party, wo accept tho invitation to meet in Nutiontil jLtó.-i Convon(ion at the City q( Ciricinnati, on thé iïist Wedncaday in May next, and we invito uil Republfeans oí New Yoi'k who agivu wilh ai to co-opcrato m our aotion. (Siguod) HENEY E. SELDEN, HOEACE GEEELEY, 1'ItEDFniOK A. COJíKLIXtr. WILLIAM DOESHEIMEE, HINOLAIE TUUSEY, SIÖISMUND KA.UFMA&, j;. KEAKOWIZEE, IUA O. MELLBR, EDWIN E. EEYNOLDH, WILLIAM H. BBIOQa OHAELES W. GODAED, HENEY D. LLOYI), WILLIAM AV. GÜODEICH, WALDÜ HUT011IXS, HIEAM BABNEï, PEEEMAN J. F1TIIIAX, GEO. P. BRADFOK1), BEXJ. A. Wir,LlS, HOEACE BEMIS, LOUIS LOWENTHAL. The Tribune editorial on ths cali says: Tho lettor it' certain New York Eopublicans to Col. Grosvcuor, hoiowith printcd, is tin: lirst miuijuivDOii! responso from tho Iv.i .■'. tu tin.' overturo ot' tho Liberal Eepublicans of tho Weit f OT cunsidcratiun at Cinoinnati on Wodnosday, M:iy lst. Othors will soon follow. Thoro is 110 louger excuse i'oi' doubt that the Convention will be huid, and bc roSpectably attondod. Wo presumo that shonld uny important action bc taken at Güaoinnuti thojso present from cach Statt: woald a portion of their nurabor to cast tnc voto of that State in the Uonveutioiï, b-at no one is oxcludod from attunding, and tho invitatiou is so bro-id that miiny wül doubtloás be present who Uave not been invited. Cincinnati pi'ofl'ors all a generous wolcoinc. Whethei tho Convemtion will determine to put forth a declaratiun ot' principies, to preeent uational candidatos, oi1 adojt Bome oth'.-r forin of appeal to tho country, rio one iá entitlod to forecist. Wliatevor it shall dj or propound will necossarily derivo all its foreo from its accord with public sentiment. This Convontion spealcs with no authority, and claims no power bat that which may bo accorüed to the intiinsic worth of its acts and its decl&r. tionf .


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