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The Queen's John Brown

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L'jriilon UOrn&putlclÓBJM Xow York TiuK.1-:. It isnot quitjclcu' who tirst suizod O'Coiiinir wliuii ho uresentoa bis unloilod pistol at the curriago win.low, but the Cbtrrt OircalWr, whioh is drawu tip under the personal supervisión ut' the Quoen, givcs t!n credit of tho capturo to Joliu Brown. .íuhu is rather a celebrated cliuractor in his way, and was regarded with much curiosity whon hu appeared as a witiuws in tho Polioe Cour;. Ho is an Abordeou man, i'rom tho neighborhood of lialmoral, and was Princo Albert's favorito ghilly whou the Princo went out jrouae-shooting, or deer-stalking. Tho lluocii frequently aocompanied hor husbaud on bia sportiug oxpoditions, and was muuh struck with Browa'a evident utttiehinent and devotion to his niasier, aa vell is by his shrewd romarks and independent judgment on all mattors on whirh ho was consultad. Brown was always prepared lor every omorgoney. It' tho clouds gatliored suddenly ovorhcacl, if a chango of wiiid brought a 'uiting air with it from the gnow-tffps'cí the mountuins, it was invatiably fouud that Brown'a forosight hd providedfoi it, that ghawls and wrappers had been Btowed away BOmewhare, and that eyorything was t'orthcöining when rennired. Brown knew tho nicost camping places, tho satest ïdatls, and the bost way ot' managing evorything. At'tor the Princo's duutü he became tho chicï personal attendauc ón tho Queen, and bas &voi sinoe maintai&od his supremacy in tho lious. lioii I. D CDiiiiiauios hor Alaj'.sty on all OCOlliioas, loads hei pony or rideain tho ruitblo behind her oarriago. In his tartán lci.ll tilni'i, stal wart, shaggy, hard-foatured, he ís a gonuine Bptíciraeñ of th; North Country bcot; and lm is alsoa thorouh Bool iu charactor and tetnper - voiy quiot, oool and imperturbable ; roserved in speech, althóugn óutspoken enoigh ou ooouslon; "canny"and doferential, but also resolutc and periinaoious Efe belongs to tho typo oï Scutoh rotainors of whoiu sevoral samples aro to bo fouud in S novéis, who idéntifljed thoinsetvcs with "the family," believed in it, worshipped it with intenso, psesio&ate tidolifcy, but at tilt' s.aiao tinu: had a i !,;.sitation u rxpreaaing an bonost opinión uu any question, even at the risk ot' diffaring trom the mastor ot mistress. Ta? Seotcli have always beeq rttriarkable for this personal loyalty imd trustiness. It is c.oi;ii:unly suppusod th.vt a BoyeraijEn with a great household always at oall, must nèoessarily bo well sorvtd ; hut tho valtio of all service dependa on the spirit in whjch it is renderad ; and in the midst ot' tho retinuo 1 of stato, a monarch is especially qualified . io appruciato tho watchful atteutiyn cl personal loyalty and aftaphmeut. Tho position which John Brown holds in the royal housohol.l is aliko honorablo to tho (lueenand to himsolf. In the Polico Court he gayo his evienps with a strong Scotch ucconi, and quaint homolii' langiiagc. " ITo just datohed the boy." ! he said, "by tho scruft' of the neek, and . koepit him till diere was eOOUgh pOfl(J around about to take charge of him. "


Old News
Michigan Argus