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- p - The Tolfido (.'nnmcrcial goes into ecstacios - and f uil face type - over th; r.n - nouiicemunt that the rednrtion of tho ■ public debt has averugod over 18,600,000 monthly sinro the inauguratión of l'resid'ont Grrant. AVhatof itV who pail thn taxes? and liow much moro might it havo been rediicud had not borda of Kadical offico-holdors stolen millions íiiontlily? These are pertinent questions for the Commercial Ui uuswor. - Colfax, Dcimïson, Hurlan, the Wilsons, and a legieiu muro, patriota and Radicáis all, havo ai itcliing to be nominatnd for Vice President at Philadolphia. Couldn't tho office bc rotated among the faithful and "trooly loil," say a year, sis nionths or a quarter-yoar to each ? Ifc is not of the lenst account tlie Constitution provides otherwiso. That antiquated document has few friends - ut Washington. - Tho proposed new charter for New York City - already passed by the Sonate - is a nondescript, a complicuted pieco of machinery, a burlesque upon all the rules of common sensc. Fortunately Gov. Hoffman has the veto power, and knows how to use it. - The Senate meots as a Court of Impeachnient on tho llth inst., to try the charges against Capt. Edmonds, Commissioner of the State Land Office. - Cincinnati has wolcomed the " Liberal Republicans" to hospitable qu-utors by severely whipping tho Radicáis at the late charter eloction. - Mrs. Grant and daughter Nellie sailod for Europo on Wednesday, on tho Algeria, in company with ex-Seerotary Borie and fainily. - " A fat mini's club," is talked of in Detroit, the lowest weight admissible bo - ing 180 lbs. " Light woights," we should say. - Lightning struok in an unoxpected place on Wednesday - Rhode Island. Result : a Domocratic Lieutenant-Governor. - " Blessed be they who expect little " ' that's how we congratúlate ourself over the result of the Conneoticut election. - The Cincinnati Commercial takes square ground in favor of Charles Francis Adams for President. - Greeley is converted to revonue reform - which means no protective duties, if any thing. " While the holda out to burn." - Sickles is about to bo recalled from Spain, - report Bays, Who will want his mantle ? m-- - -- -- Samuel F. B. Morse, known in all lands as the inventer of the electric telcgraph, died at his residence in New York City, on Mouday evening, aged 81 years. Mr. Morse was a nativo of Charlestown, Mass., a son of Rev. Jedediah Mokse, of " Morje's School Geography," so familiar to the school boys in tno days of " Webster's Elementary Spelling Book," " Daboll's Arithmetic," and other ancient school books. The deceased graduated al Yale College in 1810, and won considerable lamo as a painter ; but the world has known and honored hini as the man who "harnessed the lightnings " and made thom the errand boys of commerce ant civilization. The House, on Monday, summarily disposed of tho Senate tariff bill by adopting a resolution, - yeas, 169 ; nays 9 - denying the right of tho Senate to origínate tho same, and then laid the bil' on the talile. Well, it was not much of a bill anyhow, except that it sacrifioec great public interest to the monopoliststnoi much of an exception now-a-days;. but can the House do any better? lts passing the free tea and coffoe bill does n't warrant an affirmative answer. In anothcr column - firet page - willbe found the pronuncUcmtnto of prominent and well known Rcpublicans indorsing tho Missouri cali for the Cincinnati Convention, and inviting tho friends of rovonue roform, general amnesty, etc, and the opponeats of centralization, to meet with thom at Cincinnati, May lst. The names of Judge Seldejt, Horace Greeley, and the other signers of the cali are a power in the State of New York, and where thoy lead thousands will follow. The new Pennsyivania Senator, Col. McClure, J. M. Morehead, and other prominent Pennsylrania Ropublicans are announced to bo at Cincinnati. A BIG tiine is being arranged for in Detroit on noxt Tuesday : on the occasion of unveiling the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. Tho railroads have all reduced the fare. Many distinguished offioers are advertised to be present, and a large gathering of Michigan soldier boys is anticipated.


Old News
Michigan Argus