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In Salme.on ihe 27th uk., MosesBarteit, in the 75lli year of h:s ngr. Fother Bartlit moved frotn Cnyugo, Co. N. Y. He has bern a re3Í'!eftt of tliia Stme abouf nine years. - I is vvifetieparted tMslifesorne four yesrsaeo. There are nine children left to rnourn the loss of a kind patent wlio was eminently distinpuishod for liis virtud, Iiíb endearing love, and respect 1o nll our rnce. The freeih color of the flnwer nilist fade.- Tlie leavps of the mo?t beautiful tree must wither, nnd full to onr mother parth. There is no abiding1 temple ortabernocle'upon eorth. The music of the broken lyie dies nway in tlie diáiancc, and is heaid no more to makc melody ifi our henrts. The voice of oor friend wns liuilied in dtath, Itis body sank from our sight, ivlicre c now slntnbers side by Pide with ihe niimerous lundreds of thedüst. His hap py spirit lives forever, lives to see his Savioor, and sirigr his sacred praise in a day with out night, and world without end. Rkv. S. AriLEs. ín Scio, op the ís! inst., Jvdia. consort of Amos Biood, in the ?5;h year of her age. - Her déath whb pudden and unexpeCted. It is ihought she liad a shock of the palsy. She below the reach of medical aid, and now sleeps in tlie dust where no uinrlnl or onjel's power can wnke orsnatch her back to Hfe. - Nonn bui God eau raise the dead to die no more. She has left a kind husbond and sev en children to moiirn her exit from the shore ot time to a lirighter and happier world, vuhorp -nnin nnrl Healh ara knnvvn no more.


Signal of Liberty
Old News