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Railroad Meeting

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Quite an enthusiastic mocting was held it Cook's Hetel, in this city, on Wednes; iho interest of the proposed rond ra here to Kast Saginaw, via Lyndcn -! Flmhing. meeting was ealled to order by 0. Owkn", of East Saginaw, on m raotion, Dr. S. H. Douglass, of - city, was eleeted President. Mr. :; was chosen Secrctary. Od motion of Ira D. Orotise, of Hartiind, a eomniitteo on credentials was apI as follows : Messrs. I. D. Crousc, i Hartland ; Jacob S. Giïswold, of Pai-áalville ; and J. A. Button, of Flushing. ■ immititee reportad the following s i nütled to Beats, whieh report ns approved : Bagbuuo-W. II. Warner, E. T. foid, John G. Owen, E. Thatcher. ,;,se.-W. Streeter, Thos. W. Pettee. 'ing - Jacob Kiminell, O. X. Hart, 'i A. Button. on X. A. Beecher, F. H. Kcllacnt, I . Stiller. Quines- E. Fletcher, J. W. Rail. Xtrth 13,i(jhton-J. B. Thurber, Alfred Onlc - G. Leo. Vi'ldtmore Lake - Jcremiali Jacobs, Wm. K. Stevens. Jfnáy_W. Alger, J. W. Peck. .ynihn-J. B. Hyatt. l'nnludtillc - J. S. Griswcld, B. E. townley. Tyronc - Cyrus Mat lier. Deerfield - J. Chamborlain. -V. Parshall. Bartiaad - L. 'C. Chambers, Ira D. !rousc, C L. Crouse, G. Stark, J. B. Crouse, J. N. Weaver. Brighton-'E. T. Albright. Mr.In.v D. Crotse, of Hartland, stated il length the ojeets of tlie meoting. Ie claimed that the proposed line of 'i from Ann Arbor to Enst Saginaw, ro6sing the Detroit and Milwaukec road 't Lyndon, and passing through Hartnd, ParshalviHe, Flushing, etc, was ''most an air line ; that it passed through 1 ricli agricultural región ; that the coal 'mos and stone quarrios at Flushing rcre of the best quality and would furli a large business to the road ; that taline was 12 miles shorter than the 'runna route ; and that it could furnisli 'o dollars to one offered by any other "e, while it could be built for $240,000 88 money. The meeting was also addressed by i(srs. J. A. Button', of Flushing, who 'xhibitcd. specimens of the Flushing tone; L. C. CliAMiiEits, of Hartland; ' Hyatt, of Lynden ; Dr. Mather, of tyime, who said the Tyrone hills were wt in t'ao way, that they had a water Itd right through - made for the special Urpose, and the money to pay for gi-adso and building. They had no coal and ne - some outcroppings, buthad plenty 'f wheat and a mili to furnish a car load " flour a da}'. The meeting was further iresse.1 by Messrs. J. B. Ciiouse, of Bartland- who thought ho had boen deved, and becaino unnocessarily indignt, becaus(! be bad just learned whaf "e public knew years ago, that tho Tole Ann Arbor, and Northern Raihoad d its northern terminus at Owosso, lna coüld not hitch on to his project at oment's notioe ; and by Messrs. Owi. s"d Tiutciier, of East Saginaw, who We confideDt that that city proforrcd "M Uno to tho Corunna line, and would ' it liberally. Mossrs. Douglass and Trut, in bela'f of the T„ A. A. and N. It., stated wt had boen dono by the directors in Wng aid, and announccd as their eon'ttaion that any projoct must help itself 7fre seeking help abroad. If subsorip,ns;"stoc'c or donrxtion, - sufficient oultt bo recelved along the line to con!tril'-t a roadbed and tie it, iron eould be W and the road ooinpletod. But this subscriptíon must bo received before radroad men were approached. After a free oonferonce and fuli underBtandíng ot' the situation, tbc mcoting adjournod (o meot ftt East Saginaw Thursday. April 25th, to organiza th East Sagina? and Aun Arbor Bailroad Company. - Tlio citizens of Aun Arbor and the proprietor of Cook's Hotel were thanked for tlieir cowrtosies. - ín behalf of Ann Arbor, it v. ;i plodgort that the county would construct a road - not oxactly lliis road - to tho county lino. - Corunna bad a dcicgation present and bcforo adjournmont, at tho invitr.tion of Ira B. Crouse, Mr. Gale spoko bricfly in favor of the Oorunna routo, and announced a dotormination to lock horns and try titlcs. Go in and let tbe best men win.


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