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In Memoriam

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Al r nuoting of tho BORitlof Directora of the T-a1 mi -v áuoofetiatu helA April Ut, thc following iré adapted and ordned to l print ed. ■ ', Thai (w record with heaitfeM BodnMp ■: it ourdenr Mend and co-laborer, Mrs. Sibyl Lawrence, i'or thm and n half yema an affli lenj mombrr of thla Board, and trota the boginning a DiainbQf of ti.1 Koom %umiiii1tt. liocoíriiiiiit? the many quaUfloatiooa whfoh fltted her w omiaentlyté t.ikf ;m antivo jwiri in all om deUberatíiona, wfl monrn tbftt hftT ii'iiiv:il frQin us düj'-rivcd ih "f ber wisoi'ounh-.'I, hér brijit and aoltnntíng prettnce, rendy :it all ümoH te helr tacar onr lantV.'ns, ml onroiirage s by her oaooxfulneaa, tfotatrêdi 'Mint onr sympnt]iip aix with the bereaved (f Iut lioii.-tciiiilil, fivm wlioin ius lijht and Joy aw dol ]íiirtal, and for whoia wo inviiko tho tonler xnercy of Tlim who oever willinly :fllicL or grievoa ïlt chil-r dren. Wc have been permltfetl to publtah a letter from x young lafly 'n tliÍ3 c!ty to her mother in a nèlghborlog towu. It speaks for ltseli. Read it ; Ans Annoit, April 1, 1372. DlAB MoTKrn : W1U you piense get the $100 Mr. Trusty Jone bas of mine, and get two P. O. orders ajtd etifl thom to me -it onoe. I have spent all the apare money I havo fit Gou's tíottüff out store, in lnyinx in sut-h Koodn ft I noed for pvesmt uso. I wnnt t ptireïutse with tho nonayyoa wnd me tappltaa ofifowbed Onodsfnr FaU and M'intcr wciir, hr tho high piioo of woo! haa ilivudy mued them to rtdvnnc1O. I eau got uil jjkxIs ut üott's store at the lowst old uth priocs. Yuur loving, NEIXIE. TIn? ïindorsumed i ri'udy to rajcoivo pupila n cultiviltion of tlit Vuicf Jiïid in Instrunirntal Mnsio. ]ssons ffivon nt lii residnu-e, Xn. -10, oor. of Thompwin and wnUiaso Stroeto, nnrl nt. the honses ot pupils. Addresn, Tustulhce Box CH1. J. It. SAGE, Teacher. Mnrch 22d, 1S71. ]3C,n(.f