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Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, California

Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, California image
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A :, rtiinq: alone does Tiot produce succesB. The thing which is ttdvertisert tnusthave i7itn'nir mcri or else large advertlstog will eventually do It more harm thau jiood. If yon have anythtne which yod knirv tO be ffOOdt advertise St Uwrovghl; and yoíi will bfl WXm tu s:jcct;ed : if it ia poor, rton't praise it, for paople ill soon discover yon are lylng. Snch is tlie policy of the líwr.inton Itoute, which rniií to thrce íreat regious in the Weft: lst. to Omaha, conmctinjí with the great Pnclüc Road?. 2d, To Mncoln. the capital of Nchmpka, and all thflt botutifnl replon Fonth of the iMntte, flllccl with R. K. l:i mU nuil bnmesteads. 8d, To St Joseph, Kansns City and all Kansas points. The ronda nre 'pplenditlly bnilt, have the bost bridgC8,flnc8t care. tho Millcr platfoRü a"d cotipler, nnd the safety air brakc (to prevent the loss of Ilfe that isevenwhere elso happening ; Pnllman slccpcra, Pullman dining cars, larije and powerfuï (to make quick time and good connections), and are in a word the beet eqnlpped roada ïn the West. So that lf you dealre to go eafcly, Burely qufckly and comfortably to any p-int in Sonthern ïowa, Nebraska, Kansas, or on the Pacific Roads, beetire that you go " By Way of Burlington." All who winh particnlar information, and a Iñrgt map, fthowiiig corrrclly the grent Wett and all its rail rond con ii ections, can obtain them, and any othtr kiH)wledge, by addresning Oeneriil i'sesengor Agent, B. A Mo R.R. K , Bnrlington,Iowa.


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