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nn nn iwhatdübs 2iü, Zd ! ITAIBAN! Tlilc questïon hns been aeked many times latei y nd one of Erin's pons enid, " It won UI take an educated mon to fll that." Bnt It mea g thnt L 'OI.II V, tvho ha for the Inst threc yeare been a partner in a larce wholesale house in Chicago, and alihough the terrible firo of fast fall has left that city in ruins, be Ft il i lives, a tul liko BARNABY'S CROW, Never ïdys die, bnt has opened ft flne stock of ncw clean GUOCERIES, at No, 29 SOUTH MAIN ST., between thefashlónable Dry Goodi Stcre of Ilenion & G"tt, and the1 Mam mout Hunlware Store ol LewU fï Rlsdnn. I wlll say to citfzens of Ann Artor and surronndiDR country tbat I wiïl sel] tirocerles, l'rovisïojis, CnirUrry. fainas warOj at a Iov Agore for Cnsh or rwuïy pay ouly I ilflfa pur Cash Down for Ooo:ïs, and must have pay for them when delivercd. Do net aek me to trust you, tíVín if yon are worth a million. BIT I Wltt SETX GOOES i.OWKÏi THA!f AY TI CA WHO TUE8 I'UKDIT FOR PAY. All kinds of Produce taken In Fichangc. Oooda delívered in the City free of ch&rge. Come in READY PAY CUST0M2RS, ud cxsmine nj goodn. I wlll SHOW YOÜ AROUXD, wlth the gretest of pleimnro, and if yon do not huT, I promlae jon t wlll not look croje. Bpeclt Inducementí lo Boarding Houses nd Clnbs. Look for the slgn of the C. O. D. Grocery and the Big 29. Xjewis Colby. March Hth, isrs 136S ïyisSÖLUTlUN. The eo -partnership lieretofore oxiating betweon the andemgnedi undor the nnme, of Henion & tiott, is tliis day dlaaolTod by mutual conHcnt. All ncconnt and di'btf of Mtid iirin wül be settled by James B. Gott, who alono is anthorized po to do. Dated, Aun Arbor, Mrch lííth, 1872. B. M.WKI.I, HKNIOX. JAMK8 B. GOTT. The undorsiffneil, pnrehiised tlie intoroat of S. N. llenion, in the flrm ot llonioti ft (íott, will clone out the ent if stook of Dry Ornéis, Carpeta and (irooerlea at private sQle, at preat burgnins for the next Bixtydaya. Aftr that time the bnlimce will be &old at ane'ion. All persons indcMedto the ñim will xuakc immediate piiyiHent to mo. JAMKS B. OOTT. Dated, MaJsfa 10t.h( 1872. 1806v8 fÖÏÏSALE ! Thf nflUlGDOG of tbc siilíscríííor. lTonse Xo. Í12 and two lots on Hnron 8treet, Eaak PoaaOMion jrivun the Rt of May if desircd. Inquire at the Ahguh Ofkkie, Tor of C. H. UK II UOM). Dated, Ann Arbor, Mnrdi intli, l-72. 126Gm2 ryHE ANNUAL MEETING OF TTTK LADIES' LIBBAKY ASSOCIATION, will 1ü held on Monday, April 8!h, rif 2 M o'oloek r. M. in the LadiM' ParlSrof the Prmbytcran Chuioh. AU who de.sire to becomu subitiilx-rs to the J.ilirary axc invited to attend. By order, 1367w2 g. Y. nUXT, Soc'y. SAM. JJ. REVENA LGIi Copies Oíd AMBROTYPES & DAGUERREOTYPES IN FIEST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DE9IRBD SJZB. - HURRY UP ! IÏAIITIKS wlshlDg 'uil Paper. Clotll - and Paper Hhsides, Ilollnnd, Wimlow Plrtnre, Coids, Táraoh. &c, nlt BTe styli-. at Battsfactor} Prints, bjj, it. A%'rlU'r Ac Co., Bjok tlorc, "uear the ExureHs üfKce. X - X AfONEY WANTED. Viveorsix thousand dollars, or more, on n mortgftge of unincuiiOwrod real estáte worth threc times tlie ainount. Knuire of i:tfiO K W. ÜORGAX. T IVE GEESE FEATHKRS FIKST GiXJLIT'2' , ftoneianti} on hand anti for hm] ( by BACIIé' ABEL, Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Rail üoad ÍStock Aasessment. Office of Toledo, Ann Albur & Northern lï. R. Co. Ann Arbnr, March 13, A. D. 1872. ( Noticc Ís hereby ffiven, that Uto Diruetors of the Toledo, Ann Arbor St Northoin línilvotid Oonipuny, hnvinfí lu'rftofore íltwgnnted that part of stiirl CoiApiiny'i Kailroad line lying in tho eounty of Moni w, uní in that part ug thu cotmty of WiishU'imw wmth of nvcr iluron, m tw city uf Ann Albor, 'as ;i ÚtTlnon tur contruction : At a meeting oí tíio Bo:ird of Director of Baid Company thls da; htM, gaid lioftrd (lid, by rcsolution, requirO al) peions holding ni - intcrrstt'il in üm Capital Stock oí naid ('ompuny, who, by reaidioff along or ooUatortü tosooh dedgnatd división, or within two inilea of eit hor oí' the termini thereof, or by ape#al agieement orotlierwisc pr hablo to be ajíseused and mude lo py towurds the 601111I ruction of suoh dfrtifrnatod división, to ptty totho Trcnsurer of wiid Company, nt hi.s oltico, in Ann Albor, the ïbllnwiiiK installin!nts itpun mich shiuvs of the capital stook held by them rcwptwtivt'ly tu wit: Ono installmeut Of ten dollar ppr shiut, on or before the first day of April next; one iiiBtalltnont of ten dollars jier ■bare on or before tho tirst day (rf Bfay nezt ; ono installment of ten dollars per phare on or bef on? the tlrat day of June ntxt ; one iiiHttiUuient of ten dolints per share on or beforo the flvst day of July next, far the oon-striiction of suoh 1ivísídh ot wnd riad, lïy order of tho Itoard of Directors, K. V. MüHOAN, Sccietary of the T., A. A. & N. it. 11. Co. 186S piRE DEPARTMENT. Tlic Annunl Meeting of thc Pire ï)opftrtmfnt wlU ho lu-lil ut Kircmen'H Ilnll, Snturdt.y, pri 5th, :H 7 o'cl ek y. M ., fnr th piirpope of electing otltrorn anft tranMCttog such otder btmínees ae mity come hefore the BlMÜDg. Dated, Mnrch 2TOi, J8T2, PBEt) SHHMIDT, Chief Knginccr, ;. w. CBOPBiBT, AbsU. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's forstrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Páints,Oils,&c, To any penan producinr nny Medicine able to Bhowonc-'.hinl us m;uiy living, permanent cnre n Dr.FiTi.KK's Vk;ktaiu.k ItiiKUMATio Rkmedt ; ané t furthtrrewoni (f$lÓO for any case of hronic or Inflaminutory Ilheumatism, NenralffU, Rheumatlc Ague, Sciatica, and UluMimatipm of the K.iduystt wiii notcure. This Rlienmatic ftyrnp U wed imwmrd'.V ny ie. asnnt to the trttte, and norantííd froe from injnrioiu Dtoitb. it is not & (u.ick Medtdm battheBGlentlficprecrlption ofjo. P. Fttler, M. D., ProfoBdor "f TosScology and Clicmitry, grftduateof tlHM-.i'1-Ui-atiMi [ uivt-rsuy f Penney Ivauifl, A D.1868, whoeo entlro nrotosrional lift beer. tlovoted Bpedally to this rlisaee. This iivi:iratun under uolumii 04tb is oonscloottoosjy bclicved to be tlir oijy ponUive, roliubltí, En fallible 0pectflc ever ctincovi'ici. Tho proof that 110 Dtbet .■'■i - 1 : i ■ ■ ex luta la round In everj conunnnUy í'1 peraoua idiicted fi ma ti y vOftrf past uid ttUlsuflteriñfft (fphurieitml conté ru'i-t fl, r7' n nyfijir 'lid ,rr.-t, thu WOUJd nni Ae ín,- afact tfiat most be nDiTersailj? ndmitted. The olí (ifi-civofl snftVrer mny vrUelyaaki whit aecarltj or cviiiiïiicM' haa hc that orPltierV Rheumatic Syrii) wilUme hisr;lsf. The prote4ior offered l patientsagalnstlmpositlon isln a ïof;nlly sigoèd con( ra t wiiivti win Be fonrirded wlthoal oharge to nny BafTerersewUiig ly U-U er n dcpcnption of affilctlon; ïhisgoarahtec ni8titte the exact mmihT nfbottlea wnrranted to Clircs mid in ca=e of fnilure th mnnpy ]aid will be rotiiriHtd to tho patiënt. No othci'Vcftitídy haf evor been olfercd on such liberal and honorflbletermf. Medical advico, with certiflr:ti- from prominent lMivsirisn, Cleri;ymen, otc, who hnvaoaen ciircilaftorall oiher trcat'montei have failed, sent bv letter, era tic. Affllctcd cordlally InvUed to writefoi adv l ca to the pitnclpal office, il South KurthSirpft,rbiïndclphia, Pa. Dr. Fltlor'slfhPiimatirSyni)ifoldby DiiiKKletsIï. W. KHïh A''o,,ole ACDts.AnaArbor, Micb. TY7IND0W SHADES, nl CLOTII AND PAPER WALL PAPER, GOLD AND SATIXS. WHITE BLANKS, 211 DIFFFlRKNT TATTEÍINS AT Wholesale and Eetail, WATM Í CO, JJarch 15, 1872. I AM NOW KECEIVIXG New Spring Goods, New Bleached Muslins, New Spring Prints, New Shirtings, New Table Lineii, New Counterpanes, New Bed Spreads, New Napkinsi New Towelings, New Alpacas, -ASISTID NEW DRESS GOODS ! 8OLD AT THE Very Lowest Cash Prlces ! WINTER OODS I ATI CI,OSI WITHOUT REGARD TO IMt!:SKT EASTER.V PltlCES, o Üousekcepem Replenishing wili f nd it ifrt'iitly o tlirir uli :uil:iïr to Examine our Stock and Priccii. C. H. 'HULLEN, i.TC.'ml Ho. 4 South Miiln Street. LOOK HEReI Ton; frlcndi and PatfoüS In the I)AYS OF AULD IANÖ SYXE, And totlie Public pcncraHy, I take tbis mot hot! of saying, thnt hnvin purchaRcd thu interese Dl Mr. Ij. M. Taylor, in the old aud well kuown TOBACCO STORE ! ON HURON STREKT, two dnors went of Cook'n Hotel, Cflt the slgn of the IÜ" IiiLMu,) I am preparcd tu kïïct thera ;ts good a stock uf CICARS ! TOBACCO, SNUFF, JIPES, &g. At il rpíiíionable rates .is o au be fooud at any Store in Arm Arbor. By kepping a ftill stock and paying etrict attentlon to bnginiss, I hope to merit nrdro ccive a ftilr share of public patronage. PLBAS8 GIVE 1 A CALI C. L. PACK. 1367m3 NEW SPRING GOODS FINLEI LEWIS. [ Aro now receiving the moet completo and ELEGANT STOCK OF FINE GOODS IN THE I.IJffe OP BOOTS and SHOES EVEH BROUGHT TO THIS CITY. HAVIT. THE F.XCMSIVK SALE OF THE WOltk F kit THE IIRS1-CMSS ÏÏAIFACTIKERS 1 THE COIMKY, ME CAW OFFER TO CASH CUSTOJiERS GRRATÈR INDUCEMEIS'ÏS T1IAN ANY OÏIIER HOUSE IN Til IS CITY. Wecnrry complete Hoe of work Trom F. C. HfKT, G1IAT BROTHERS, STI t1VI)I,I, BROS. lp "CHTLDRKN'S FINE SHOES, of wliich we have by fnr th IjirL'ot and finest nsortnient orer brenght to Ann rlor. Jun. 1, Iturl Oent FINE IIAN'IJ. MAt)H Boota anVI Sboot, nnrqadcH oi-stylp, Darablltly and finish, jf Iin W. Riirt'a Boys Fino Shoes, and in fact h Completo Stock r.f ÏTNEand PLAIN Goods, suitnlilc for thi martel. 13(!2 poïWGiAfiS'TSsciiimSs"" VOCÜRÁÍELY ANP CAREFÜLLY PREPAFED BY h. w. ulij f & po.jatffaGisis. i J] B. GIBEET, fucceMor to C0LC1R0VE 4 8ON. DRUGG1ST AND MIST IÑ COOK'S NEW HOTEL, Na 12 E. HUKON STREET, DEALER IN ftRMiS, 11 K IHflVF.S, SIKUCAI, lASTIU'JIF.TTS, PIRE WIS ES XMt LTQUOB8, fPGR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLY.) Fnncy Goods, Perfumcry, PAIKTS, OII.S, VABMSIIES, iï.ASSi AD PBTTY, PHÏSICIAIS' PRESCRIPTIOM Carefally componnded t nïl bonrs. [ PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM Itf THE CITt WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. i:. it. (;iDi,nï. ttGïfY pARMERS' STORE. CARPETS ! WE WOULD SAY TO tflIOSE WHO WISfl ITO PURCHASE A NEW CARPET This Spring, that we are now rcceivlng OUE 8PBLYG STOCK ! t OJET CARPETING ! wnicn we wnx sêll POR THIRTY DAYS AÏ LAST 1AIIS' PRICES ! Whlch wlll makc a sarlng of 20 or 25 jjdf ceiit. Dun't fail to to giye U9 a tall as wa hare Tllil CARPETS. Ann Arbor, Maren 22a, 19T2. G. W. HAYS, Stipi lSG'ml ViiSiTTtÉ J. Wii.KKK, Praprlttor. H. H. McOsniLn Co., Orupriti é Om ApoU, Shii KrfturÍM-1, Cu]., mul 34 OmNNI trt, Jf, 7 BI II. 1.1 0 NS Bear Teittiinoriir lo ttaoM Wenderfnl CiifnilTe Elli'ct; Thcy nro not n vilc Fancy Drink, Sladc of Pob Klim, AVhisUi-y, l'ioof Spirllf nml ICi-l'iiKci I.ifjuors doctoreil, Fiiiceü nnd swectcncd to picase th tAste,ctillctl "Xonics," "Appctizers," ílRcstúrer3,' to.t tluit laad tlie tippler on toflriïnkcnnoss ntiil rmn.bntw atruc Medicine. nmilc froni tho Nntivc Iïoots ftnd Itorb of IJnlifnrnlu. freo from nll Alcoliollc (imMlnnt. ThcynretlieíJKEAT III.UO l"i:KIFUUtwtf A MKE (J1VINÍJ l'RINCiriB. a perfect Rcnovator aml InvÍKOrntor ot tho Syrteni. Cftfrying off uil poisonoua mattor and restoring thcblood tö n bcftlthy cotulition. No pt'rson c:in tako tlií-ne tíittera accordinK to dirfictkms and remnin lonft nnwöll. providcJ tboir bonos nro not dostrOycd liy )nlhrl poison or othcr mcans, nu tho vitul orgsns ivastca beyoml Hia point o[ rnpnir. TheT aro a Uentlo l'iirtalltelisii'cH n Toníc, poanosafoKi ltc ï'culiur mfirlt of actüijc ïis a pówerful nent in relic-frinR CungcAtion or ínílammntion of tlio Livcr, and all tlic Viirtrnl Organt. FOB KBMAI.E ■! IM.A1NTS, inyoántíor oUl, initrricd orsinKf, nt thcdnwnof wonmrtiwodorat tlio turn of lifi tlicso ïonii: Uitter hae no tfinal. tot Infliiminiitnry and tMuonic KhrillrtaI stu nml Jout, Dyspcpsla or liiilltCMIaap llllloun, Uciniltciit nml Inlcriiiliieiit fe iii. Ilixuu's of tilf Itlood, l.ive'r, Kldney mul Klnilder, these llilli-rs hnvclwon mott ■noccssful. Siicli PI-- are c:mpd by Vlllnlcd Illood, wliicli Ugenerally produccd by dcrnhHoracnt of tlio Digestivo Oianim. DYSl'Kl'SIA )R IXDinES'ClON) Ilcalaehe, Pnin n theShouMers, t'oiféliH. Tieh-tness of tlio Ohest, Dizllness, Sour KructStt.nis of tho S!nmah. liad Taste in lbo Moutb, llilmus Ati?Hs, falpnationof tho lieart, Indamniation of tlio í.un,',. Pain in tl'O rcffions of tlio Kidneys, anct a hundred oHier pamful syniptülus, are the ofisprinss of UyspepBia.1 They inviorate the Stoinaeh andstimilntetho torpfd I.Iver and lïowels. which renacr tliomf of uiioqualícl efQcacy in cleansinj the blow! of atl nnpunties. and inipartinff new lifcand vljor to the fflttrto syslcm. FOR SK IN DISKASKS, lïniptious.Tettor. Sl Rbeutn, Blutcbos, Spots, Pbnploa, FustuICKi Boili.Carbuneles, Rln-Worms, ScalJ lioaJ.So'K fíréj, Ery.sipela,Itch.8curft, Diücolonitlonnortne Bklm llunninanJ DIstMea of ;ho Skin. o( wli:itivr n:uu' -r imturo. aio llterailv dus up ■"ll!i camed (fut 6ftbe itRtefh In a Khort tini.' by tlw Ullobi tin - Hivims. fiif Fnttlf in ucli cases Wlll convilUM tbo iihisi iticrcuulous of their curative efTectp. Cleanso tlio Vitla'etl Illunvl whenevcr ymi lind lts lm ptiriiics burKtin? thiou-h tlio kin jn I'iiniiU-3, fcruptions or Sores; cleanso it when you find it obstructel onátiñsgith in the veins: clcaoH ftvbon it is fout, and yn-.u roellnffa irlll teil you wheri; Keep tlie Mcjod pure, nnd the health of tho Bvstem will foltow. Pin, Tape, and oiImt Vorm, turklne In tho Fystein of ho lnany tlumsiiiids. are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a difttinulfbd physiolociW thero is Bcarcely au fúalvfdoal upvn the face of the carth whose body is MDetffftt iroiü tho preaoncfl of worins. It is not upóii tbe beahhy elements of tb ' bivly that wornis f-sist. luit uixm liseased humora ftnd eliniy depnsits.that Ureed lhee inonsterd of diieaae. 'No Systeñi 6f nedlclnei nn vfrniifu;es, no Éntbelmlntlea will freo tho sfstett from ivornu llï tlnsu Bitten. J. WALKEll, Proprietor. R. II. McDOXALD At CO, Dfuirïrist an-1 {en. Aiients. Siln Frrtnríeo. Califortíla, ■ad 32 and 34 Comniercc Street, New York earsoLu by ai.l druuoists and deai.krs. 4 CARD. Mm. CLAKA B. DARIW'V wonld respectfally linonnce to her fornior atons, aml othcr interelUd iliat will resiune her [nttrbcUon in Vocal nd instinmciital Mnsie. She wlll alBOform a cImí ,for Inetruclion or childrcn 11 tbe olcmeni ef Vol . .:! Vcading and Simjin.j by no(n AddftW hér at residente Sí O. 26 Fourth Stretti Aun Arbor. March 7th. lsfi. 13lm Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's for choice Wines and Liqunrt I for Medical Purposes .


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