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Swindlers And Impostors

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fi tooi ana nis money aro soon purteu. Bíit so ingenious is the modern swindler Kiid' the impostor, that the wisest men are often made tho dupes of clever trickery. Ikideed, the unsuspecttngpbilosopber and íhe confiding philantbropist aro the men most easily dbceived by the cunning swindler and the brazonr-faced impostor. W ojnen, too, easily made tho victims of eraft, for they are more tendorly disposed towartüttroso who appeal to sympa-tfcy, andeles cautious in their investigations. Our commuriíty has beerr excited the pst week with th exposuro of gigantie seh'etnos of swindling, reaching from this city as a center to tho remotost corners of the country, and even to foreign lands. For some tienO past our subseribeirs bave been sending to us copies of circular letters received by theui through thu mail, oflering them counterfeit money, or wares of grwt value at a trifling cost, or u scheme to make money rapidly without Jkard work, or impropor books aad pietures to be sent seerotly on the recoipt of money, and! umfer lunny other pretonces ; ho object being to induce the reoeiver of ♦he circular to send money to the address xamed in. the circular. Perhaps the sawdust swindle ha been tho most successful and certainly it is the least criminal, boaauso it is a cbseat practiced only upon sooundi-eis-: no Itoitest peñón eter tuffer by it. The swindler sead bi circular to Peter Sharp in some country towii, offoring to sond hiui fivo hundrod dollars in counterfeit nioney, on tho receipt of ton dollars ; tho package to go by expresa ■ealed, so as to be porfectly safe ogainst prjing oyes and iingors. Peter Bharp snaps at tho bait. He soes a ohance to get a grc:it lot of bad money for ono littlo bill of good ; he sends on his money d.gets nothing in return : 110 money, bad or good, cornos back ; but tho circular saya lie nced not send any raoney at all ; ü he will gíve his address the package urill be sent by expresa, and ho can pay e-xpress on tho delivory of the package to him. Thiís so .wry fair that Poter tries it. No goods, no pay. Kfe sends liis ordor, nnd in course of timo ho receives by express a package, and pays the price (10) and expenses. N'ow hu is sure of his prize. He says nothing, but going to some retired spot, vhere not even his own family can know what he is about, ho opens his package and finds a neat paper bas. filled with sawdust ! The swintllor is swindlnu .' ííe intended to chcat tas neierhbor with counterfeit ntoney.and fias been cheated hi)iself Tíbbody would pity him if his case were known ; but ho has no redress ; ho was plottíng a erinio, and the least he sivys of it the better fcr hirrr. 1'hore are inany otlier gamos of a similar kind constan tly going on. Our f'riunds neod not troublo thomselves to send to us tho swindling circuláis they reoeive ; nur the proposals to fuinish' th9in bad; books, or cheap wares, or shares in gift enter prisas, or lotteries to dispose of houses and iands and pictures. AU theso títinoSi and Hko thing.s, are Ilegal cr immoral, and nsually both. Wlien tbey come, dostroy them at once, and never answcr them on any account. "Bho-citios ami tlw cotnrtry are also inCisted with vagrant, and vagftbond imjostors, men tnd women, going about under one pretext or another, and the same person under various n unos, asking money. Tlie pious dodga is the ono most frcquently adoptod. Hut tho pretencos arisOnumorous that it is in. vain to attempt to enumérate therai Perliaps ministers and their wivea-írre mure frequectly iiuposod upon by shesc apj)licauts than any othür. No person has any occasion for itinorant -bpgging. The State and privnte charrly have made such provisión íbr tho tomsporary Rup]ort of all needy persons hatt no individual, man. or wonan, has any right to go from door to door, askihg help. Sometimos an impostor claims to be a minister, or tho son of a minister, or of some friend of the person to whom lio applies, and he wanls taoney to gct to some other place; lio has boen lobbed, or he has lost his purso, or he has feilsxlito roceive an expectod remittiiiice, oplje-ilabcen sont to obtain aid to build a chuveh, or to aid a niission school, or somc other good work. Bolieve him not. If the beggar be a wouian, believo her not. Do not be imposod upon by a silk dro88aad India shawl. The most cuu sing impostora,, men and voincu, dross ■well. They steal the to do it. Be not deceived thereby. . The ways mitl mcans iodo good are muny. The pocr ye havo witli you always, and wnensoever ye will, .ywnuiy do tliuni good. It will do you good to look them np, to inquire into thoir' condition, and to personally ministor to their iicccssities. But peripatetic bcggnrs are, in almost all cases, arrant k naves aini' impostors. Boware of wolves in shK'i)'s lothing.- aCljePkigattvrgs


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