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J Q. A, SESSlOflrS' f Slíffi AGENCT. Kis Cbmpanlc Are Sound. piJCHNIS INSURANCE CO., UARTFOKI, CONN. CA PTT A L AND ASSETS, Jol Ïy-ÏSTI . . . . 1,7H ,noO UttlCMSQ L089S8 760,000 THE PIMKXIX is tlipbost oonluclfl FirQ Insiirüm-e (_'uill:iu in tSïff Y"llit'l Matea Aiivnyn priMrnt umi oiinil, :i;idulwa)spromp( iu payntit of losINTERNATIONAL INURANCE CO., ÏTEW YORK CITY. The ffrst Oorapmy to pass tlie ordcnl of the New York Iuauranc: Comnkladoncn eincc the Cfticajo Firc, coming out from thesevere test TRIUMPHANT ! AHisocijited Press Üispatch, November 2, 1R71T THE INTF.liNATIONAL !NSÜn3eZ COMTAST. The KniM'ríntcndiMit of the New York Stnto Tniurtmee I)cp;trtuu-iit, vrhotonilklDJS ftOAroftl] offl" cil snmin nioii of tte New York City Companiptoilnv, eertUlea thattiie Internntlonnl Compiisy'asseti? f $t,500,.000 ar& ectire'j'' lureeted, wtid its ciipitalif ir)OO,(i,after pfutMlug fornll liiliilitu's, tocTad)ngtbo ChFoa(a Ure, is whnlly nnimpairc-d Thls Company ia paying all its Chicago losocs and is sound unit rellable. PoUeteBlsaüadst fair rates at my ofllce,No. II E:ist lhiron street, Attu Arlior. J. q. A. SESSIOXS, Asrent. 134Ttf. l'UENITUBE ! 1878. PRISON PÜRNITIRB SWllüül 241 AM) 243 MAIN STREET, JACK8ON, 8VS8OH. Our Stock ín ï iiiisimll] I.nre and oiii]l!l', mid lvinbraccs evory l uriety of FÜENITÖKE ! , KSIMX !!lli;'!!:TK ARK OFFKKEI). Inspoot Our Goods and learn the Trices before Fnrchasing. Tfti&gg&at BIBY C.IRÜI.I4ÍES SPEC 1 gjY MLTY--A LARE ASORT.TIET iïJÖF AM) SE VER AL 0VELTIES. Goods Dbmverkd to K. R. Dkpots AND PaCKKD BY OUKSKI-VES Fit KB OF CilAHOK. RANSOM & KNAPP. ïaes ai A 1'AL.SE REPORT ! TIIAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOF TKAUE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAIÍOE AND COM PLliTE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICE8 TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO AFÜLLLINEOF GENTS' FURMSHING GOODS! DON'T PUKCI1ASE YOUR SPRING ANDSÜMMER OUTFIT8 TTNTIL YOU GKCVE HIM -A. O-A-IjJ-í. 15 South Main St., Ana Aiboi 1331-tf. M O N B Y. The ubEcribcrs aro ftt most all time in a sitúa tion tofurnish partios wltli money ii soms of Five Huudred to Five Thousaud Dollars on uuinciim bered larms. COLMAN R00T , KINNK. Ann Arbor.Jan. lüt.isti. W56tf LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in loth FINECUT A1NÜ S31OKINO TOBACCO, Smaff, Fipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROX STKEET, Next to the xpress Office, A1SN AIIBOn, JUICH. IMMf HÜRRY UP ! UiRTUS wWWng Wall Paper, SKadr Holland, Wlndow Fixture. Colli. 1'aaU Ac alPJiew Style. t Satlsfactorj Priee, ' K. Webster &. Co., HiuktSO'.v, ïwurAhie Expíes üUlcc. X 8 lij ' H f Í H I 3 3 2 8 H o Í ! s 5 1 : o - ; j h! .2 i fV3 ' I t--rJ ■ ■ -- ft V f" BS P oí P . - (8o P 5 R n Oí3 E O H # O P-i yM."WAGNEÏT IS KUW MM FOii THE SPRIG TRADE Havia l:e elvd Lvg%fltock "f MG AND SHR GOODS, ÏS'CLUÜI.NG CL0TH8, OA8SI3IEREP, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and dUALITIES, wiiicu u r wili. on tcrms to sult. Also a ful! line of REAÜY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FUENISHING Goods. B3DST STYLEi ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATOHEL8 No.21 South Mui Street,- Eaet 81de; CALL AND SEE THEM. XrifiiAXta AVAtiNKK. Ann Arbor, April Ut, 1872. OAM. B. REVENACGH KEKPS ON nAND A. LAEQE STOCK OF1 OVAL AD SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! j OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. TaCKSÖN VVAG0Ñ8 A Car Load of JACKSON WAGONS Jut re eeïved uk . ' Hogers' AgricuHural Warehonse. ■ Thoso whi) want .Inckson Wagon, had bettcr go tor thum now at the jiriwcut B LOAVlPRIOESl no thero Is root to bonhout ciL:ht dolUre nddutl to Uw proenl prlce on uccouut uf the advuucu lu prica f Wagon Biocka. M. ROQEKS. 13GAm.1 - VTOTICE. TIio noten and book acoountfl oé Mr Benj, K. Rio re uw in my. IuíiiíIh. tori (U%fií, o4 'inmeílinte ujjuwkt ot f io mu: ir düinaudud. Il uut pftid mum ! jntii wIU bc umi theveon. Ann Arlior, JrtiiiiHiy :ifth, 1872. 135'Jti TKACY W. KOOT, Asüignec. "" READ THIS ! I AM HOW l'BETARED FOK THE FALL TRADE ! I Ha U yit, i,.ii;i;vr AND Finest Assortment OF KVI'RV rESOKHTION EVKU BKOUGI1T TO TUIS S1AKKE1'. KVKltYTHIXU NJTW, A.ND STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A UNE OF GEÏÏS' FL1ISI1LG GOODS ! EVERYBODY wisiiino FALL AND WINTER CLÜTHING WUL FIND IT TO TIIEIR 1NTËKK9T TO UALL ON JA83ESIBOYD, JSlStf 24 Main Strec SAM. B. KEYËNAÜGH FHOTOGRAPHSR MAKES ALL KINDS OK PSQTÜRES PROM TIÏE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, ANDI'IXISIIESTHEMIN INDIA IINKI OILj, OR WATER OCLCEs ! IN A SÜPPEKIOR MANKER. is:)-ly. üo. 3O IirHON STRWET. jjEAR YE! E. J. JOHNSON HAS A FULLSTOCKOF HATS & CAPS _ .poi: FALL AND WINTER Aleo a lar'c Btocb of Ladles' and Gents' Furs ui II BS GOODS TTrim 13 EST! NimiSPRICES THE Aleo a full lincol Gents' FiirnisliiiiR Good 7 South Maia St., Ann Arboi. PAIÑTS PRINTS PAINTS Oils i OJls Oils VarKish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes MINERAL PAJWTS, &c, LOOK TO YOUR INTEHEST AND CALL ON E. W. ELLIS & VAK, I5EFOHE PÜHCHASING T UMBlöR YARD. C. KRAPF, ilas a larijp and wcil tocked litimber Yarti or JffTiTu "ii thefouth pnrt of the City, nc willkec]couKtnnily on liand an uxccllentvariety LÜMBER,SHIWGLES,LATH&C which wtllbesold &t low asear be aíTorded In ft ti la mnrket. Quality andprice?snch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETEOITC. KRAPF. Ann Arhor,-Tanii!rj-20th, 1S71 086 PttYSIfilAKS' PRESCK1PTI(KS VOClfRA'.iLY AND CARBFULL Y PRBPABBD BT R. W.KIJAE A OO.,VfíUOaiS18. Mortgage Sale. ÜKPA D rT huviug been mudo in the ooncKtions t q ;i, martfgg exeitcd ly Dimicl Kont and Maxtha L Cet toSift 11. Dovfclosa, Administráis of the en! j ate of Htm y w. Wellen, dBöoamd, beturing date the Oi wanty-Üith day of April, A. l. 1863, and recordedin 5 nt ;!ir Ki ■i-trr of Dfleda tur V;thteii:iw (,j 'ouiity, Mii-!ii;-;u!, on the tweuty ttfth dnyof Ipiil, jn . 1 1. lHt;:i, in ïibfi1 ',■■■ ■■.-, on poffe"lu,by fa vïiifli tli ■1-iuH the power oj'...l' eontailicu in atyd ij hum '.r.i; ■ ■ hns boooinc opcrutive, on which moi tgngf j] iü-r i elalmcd to be due ut tliin dato tbc sun of tu u u, i-ui fortyeven dollars und sixty conto, mul j wunty-tivi; ildllü's :i-. ui Altdine) fee im pruvitied in t. aid mortgage, and do uit or proóeedii u n lww o m liancory Euving been Instfewfed to recover the debí iceim-rt ta Baad mortgafra r iny part tuen i ; Notioe u therefore, hereby givcn, tlmi bv virlue of ho po wei of M&le sjntninsd in ;úd mortgugtf, and f hestutute in such cose mude and provideu, aid mortb ■ rozeclosed on Snturdar, the olsventhday t Muy tUUtt, :t ton f'i:lo:k in Ihc fort'iioou of thnt lay, ut the aoatta dooi af the Court House, ta tho city t Anti AvIkji-, in Buid eannty of Waahtenaw (unid ïourt House betaffthe ptuëe of holding the Circuit i' 'unrt for suid C'oimty f Wt-.lit.ciiiiw!, by hale at c ío nuctlon to tho lilgnest bidder, oi ti ■■ premwea al icribed m mid movían;'', whieh nl 1 morrangad o ees are deacribcd m Baid inortguge na fouowa, rias: n AU - ñtuatód in b ihscottntyof V,i'.!icpi;iw, in the State of Michigan, u lescribod aa follows, via: 'ihc west twenty-eix und u !orty-eix hundredthfi aerea ii the non iiwi-f-t quartev o uf the northv i .-' Eru tionnl gunrter of. teotion nu tour, and two acra of lnuu inthenori f seeliun nnml i üvi-, lying betweexi the mili pond '1 md the Motion line, all being in townwhip numbei ■ iith of range number ihree etit ; alm the licht :tini ui ui flowing - na ich of the oortb;i.-i quartèr of seei [on munber ftve ufbrwuid na my o oveTftowed by nising tíie water at the dumonthu liiiít desciil i l puree] l-hirtcen feel ; nlao the cast part ij lotnnmbez font [4 in block nitmK-r thirteen r; , ui theviUageol Bylran in theoounty of Woahteuaw, mJ State ut Siidugon, a cordini; to the reoojtled plat )t' s;ii(ï vilhisjv, bonnded and dosarlbed ;is foUows : l ï.uu !!■'.■ -il uu 1 .ï-i by tba oasi line of Baid lot ; ning thonoe weat on the northline of s;iii lol ( oine I ■■-! . thenee wuth t- i poini on the Miuth Une t smid lot ftfty-ix feet ■ otimoi of aatd lot, thenee euAi to tin: aoutheoM eon ■■ game lnuii to Biiid Üimicl Kent by Beekex Eruttuncl wlfeby deed, dated Mareli 5th, A. 1). lfioi. Ann ' litli. 1873. B1LAS H. UOUOt Iftl . U ii:iltmtor of the Estafe oí Henry W", v Felob ft Oa wed, Mortga Attovnoya lor Mortgaffco. Iwl Mortgago íSale. DEFAXTIiT having been made in the conditión of u mortgttgo executed bj Du vid DeForestand Mnriunii UeForost tp PhilipBuoh, beaiing datt the2)th diiy of NoTCml office oi the Regiatvi oí Deeda ïbr Wttshtcnaw oounty, Miciiiiinii, on the -_■! duy of November, A. I). 1867, in iiinr 86 1 i-;;i löes, on {w i uiyassigned by suid Philip Bacli lo Silug II. DougUtau, by ossignroeni bearintj dnte the third ty of Muy, A. I. 1870, ui..! rocoi"ded ub the ontceoJ tho sakl Ugiti i oi Waslitenafl li la-j oi !,l , A. D. 18J0, luUberSnj ñHtñfcmúaut ai nxortgniTm on Cault the now) rof atiloontnint '-1 iu ;ii'l !H.Ut;iU" htlS li'cui:!" c];■;lti"■, on w bieb to b due nt thïs di Bum oftlireo Ihouaaud flve humlivJ and thirty-flve (lollurM, and liity dolliiraasan Attorney fee ntspto■lel in stiid moitgage, and no auil oí proeeediug t luw or i n chancea y having beon inatítuted tu r i ..'[.■M secuTd gy feüd mortgaífo, or any pari I ui j ís üii-f'-ii.ïc ii.'i ■■:■- :-i ven, that by viitue ï the power -r' sale coutniuca in wtid mortsaae, and of the Btttl ute in bui '■ casfl toude umi provided, said móïtgrage to31 be foredoseO ou Satrd5, the I i doy of April oext, :it o o'oloclc in the foronoon of that day, ut tin' south door of the Court ín the city of Ann Ailior, in aidcountyof WafthteuaWi (aid Court EInuse being the place oi hnMmvr the Clronit i"ourt foi Buid eoanty of wnahlennvt I, by tata ar pobüc auotion, u the hiulicst bidder, uf ilic prómisefl described In uid nu i wiid mortoaved premisos are dosoribed in t-nia nioitnic as rollowB, vi. : All the followina deaeribed piecefl of land, idttiated in the otty of Ann Arbor. wafthteiuiw county, Btichiffan, via: commencing af the intersection of the south line oJ Xortb streel with he east line of pivfeion si reet, ín suid city of Ann Arbor, and running u8t on tho bouMi Hue of streel nbout two hnndred fcef Uitbo' t' hulic ' 'lï"ïiii lot, thcni'i' aouth Bvo rodu Ifionce mat purnllel to Korth streel to Divi&tun htrect, theuco nortli to the plucf ot boftinniTi. Ann Aibov, Mich. .T;m. SOth, ]S72. BJLAÖ H. DOUGLAHS, Assignee. PttLRB ft Ob .vi', Attornertfvr AsafKnee. 1359 Mortgage Forcclosuro Notice. rk'BFAUL'F hnviiigbeen mode in tho oondition ■'■ ■■ ' mortgiiKe nwde and ejcoeutod by John öa ('lavk Hution, bearfnjfdate theftourth flny of May, A. í ). einbteen Uuu irod ttoá nixly-igbt, umi reoordod in the otttco '.' tUe IC {pster of Uoodd "t Wa ' Coonty, Miohiffan, in HN'V thirty ight of mortgitiree, on pngc fout bnndred and tuonty-uix. tai the oíríitceiith diiy of June, A. [). oightocu bundiwl nd uxtyi and hult' oxïook . u , und Üm power ot tule ooutained m Baid moi hfiving bocome openttive by reiwon of sucli default, iiud the bum of uirec himdred and eijhty-one dollars and (on centa beiug oltúoxed to be due an suid mortgiwe al thedute of iliis notïce for priucitml and intetest, besid Bonaüli Attorney fee for the for cUwurc of snid mortvago, iind no suit oi proceediniw a luw hivins been ii;.-.titnti il torocovi f tin úi -. tieoured i baí i . i or ony purt Iheatof ; KoJ ioe ia t Itereforo hweby jiivcn, that Buid mortsnee wifl be foreclosed by h sale ot thi; mortfraircd huuWuad premisos thoren deeoribed and hereinnftor montloncd nnd set fort.h, or Bome pnrt thercof, on Batnrdiiy the Bftconth day of June next, at : eleven oclek in tho fownoun, at the sontb door of tho Court Houw. In the city t Ann Arbor. thut being tbc place i holding ti-1 : Couii (or the county of Vaahtenaw. Thesaid iirtgarfed prettdaea bo to be sold, by virtue f the poi i rol Bale in Buid morteage, ure described in snid mortgnRe asfullows: " AU that tract or jtaicel of hmd Mtiiute m ihc township 't1 Etridjcewatcr la the county "í1 WaiditeiiaW' and Btate ( BXichisnn, bounded and demrü as being the nortbftst qunrtor t' the northweat quarter of seetion number tbirty-sts H) n township number four [4] Bouth of range number tou) ' oast, containing Corty '.cros of land bc the aaxne more or ! sa. Dated, Aun Arbor, Mardi llth. IKTi. OLAÏIK BÜTÏÜJf, aiortgngoe. HlllAM J. BlCAKV-S, Attorney foi Moitgngee. 1806 Sheriff '8 Salo. OTATE OF Mh'iiiüAX. county of Washtenaw, sa, Ï3 Jij' vjitiv' of one exocuUon, Usufid out of and tin der tne aeal ufth QUo{iif -'-'r foi the county of Washtenaw, State of Michlgiui, dnte1 the flrat dny cf Miireb, A. 1. 1872, and to mcdirocted und deHvcrcd, njtainstlhegoodti, chattles, binda and tcnurnont&of David L. Gates, l dld, on tho ttvst dny of Murch, A. I. 1872 sefaso nnd levy upon til the nght, LitluHud interest that David L. Gaten h:M intliefbllowing daaciibod rcl estáte, to wil : The eti&t twenty i roda ín widtfa ': the soutli sixty-one rodsip k'iiKth of tho wost Iiiïli" ot the u tl i west inarti i of bip Nu. two soul ü in I niuing ten acn ■- of l id, w the sam more leaswhteli iibovt descTÍbed lus ñtuatv ainl Iring i;i the townelu] oí Ann Arbor. countj "t VVrtiteiii w, und State ol M ichitin, wliieh huil í rihnll expose for bhIo, at public auctiou. to the highext bidder, al theaouthdoor ! t ii ■ Couri Souhc in the city of Ann Arl or, on tho lüth daiy of April, A. D. IÁ71. at 11 u'ulock . M. of said rtfty. Doled, Ano ArUir, Mar-h. (itli. A . 1?. 872. MYHON, SlkcrüT, 1364 }ïy Johtix Fobbks, 'inlji-Sh(..jilF. ShcrifF's Salo. CTATE OF MICHKiAX, eount) oi Wosbtenaw, u. Xiiy viitue i'! nu i'e. ii'mu lued out of Hnd ui der tbeaoalof theOu-cwil Court for ii. oounty of Wsabtenaw and tétate of Uichigani t1:itt'tl the ihirteeuth daTof February, A.D. 1872, und tomodun iliii pred il' i ï t tenementa of Thomaa Glenau and w-.iibm s. Barry, nnd forwant Llureof t did, on the fourteentli díiy oi l'truary.A. L). 1872. seize and levy upon all (hi Htlc nd mierest Thomaa Olenau and Willam s. Bsrry harp In the tollowing desoribed iel eslate, lo wil : The northeaat quartor of the nurthwcHt qnarter, und BÓuthea&tquj ttoroJ uorthwest quartvr, iu aection No. 27, and south end of eaat bide and -i bftlf of north-nst (junrler and northeast corner in eeetjonnuni her s; mukiogin all two bpndred aertre t Lind betlie moreor lees, the above described lanía ben nnd íjiTiL' i) the townaliip ói Nurtliiidd. county oi '. n-'n K'iK'.w. and m.iï" of Mieldgan, whiob abo e describcd real petate I ahall expose for snle at public auoti in, 10 the bigheet ladder) :t the aoutli door íji the Oourt' RoubO. in th city of Anu Arbor, on theHthdayoi BJCftT, A. D. 1872, :'! tenoclock . A. ui suid day. Dated, March 20th, A I). 1872. MYRON WEBIï, Sheriff, 13ÍÍ7 ByJOBTIM K0SBL6, I ;i .t-!i. nli. Chiinccry Notioe. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judioinl Cironii : En Chanoory. Buit pending in tíUe Circuit Cour! for the county ol Washtcnaw, in chancery, wheroln Nathan H. wheoler i-s complainant und BliAtbeth V1heeleriadefendantat Ann Arbor, first day of Maioh, l7-- (:i reodingond filinírdueproof by afftdavil that the above namod defendani reaiaea uur of thia State, and residen in the Btate, of Nebrakka, and on motion of Nin.1" k Crane, BÖlicitora for complainant, ü Iorder tl that said defendanl oauae hw appoaninoe to be ntered in eaid cuuae within throe montha Jrom the date of thioider, nnd in (lefaull thereof that the bil] of complaint in said eafuebe talen Euoonfeeaedby mik] dezendant j and it ia furtber ordered that within twentydaya said complainant canse a copy of this order tobepubliahed in tiie Mivhiym Armu, :v newapaper ürintêd and pnbliahed In the -ity oi Ann Arbor, in aaid county r washteiuiw, and that snch publloation be contiiiued once m eacl week foi tiz Baeoaarfve fffiks. Dated, March lat, IR72. J. W1TXAKD BABIilTT, Circuit Oourt Commiwioner, Xixdk & Crank, Waahtenaw Oounty, Mioh, Sol'ra. for Compl't 1364wfl Chancory Xotico. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of WaahtBnaw, bs. i The Circuit Cgurtfor the eouuty of Washtenaw: In chanoery. JACOB T.WffiE, ) vs. JEANNKTT A. AVISE. ) It satisfactorily appearlup, upon due proof by nflfttiavit, thut tho flefondant, Jennnett A. W isc is nol a residen! of the of Uiohignn, but thatahowstdea ut Santa ( 'lar.i, ( '.lüfoi ni.i, -.n inotitui of J. F. I,:iwr'::co. Polidtor lor Complainant, it la ordered thrtt adunt, Jeannett A. Wise, causo hoc appearnnco to be enterad in thia cause witbin throe montha Rrom tho dato of thia order aatd that u caue of her ippoarance he ouuae her etniwor to the oompUinanVa bil! f oomplaiöl tn be iiled, and a copy thereof t be served ou the oonxplainant'i Bolloitor withtn twenty lays after Service of a copy of Boid bill and notice of order, and on default thereof that thesaid bil] be uxken m oonfeaaed by the Baid defendant, Jeanneti a. Wise; and i( ia fuxther ordeiod that within twont y laya the aaid complainant canae a oopy of thi ordnr io tl ■ pablisbed in the Michigan Argut, u public newawper, printed and pubUahed ín tho city oí Ann Arbor, SVfiiihtenaw county, Ufchlgan, and that rach publicaion be oontmued ui Baid paper once ín (ach wock for uxauccaaBive weok, or that ha causo a copy of thia mier to be pprsonaJly Berved on thfriftiddefendant, rennneti A wiee, at laast twenty daya bemn the Ime above prescribed for hor appearanoo. Dated, Ann Arbor, Maroh IVh. 1872. H. ÜKAIIAX, I Circuit Court Commisssioner, ' 1306wb Waehtennw County, Mlchignn. t il , C. A. LBITE lV CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL ,' Physieians Prescriptions, { A 11 lionr, at No. 1 Oregory Iilock. 0. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 22(11871. ISM i Go to R. W.ELLIS & CO' for choice Wines and Liquon , j for Medical Purposes . -.... - - ' I ComnussioTH re1 Notico. JTATEOï mCEEIGAX. county of WnshtenAW, ss. o j The ondersigned, hrrvim: been nppointed by the n 'ïobatc Couxt for ail CTXiiity, C'jjiiiiiirtííioners ir ro? )jvetsnminouQdad]Qat :ill claims and dcmandtt of all (Ji ;i" ■uti .i the estáte of George B. Gooding, lata la :;fy, di-. ■!■;:- i], ! ;sl-y ivo uolirc lh:d. sx dr Lontha tifiii tinta are aUowod, by oxder of suid ProHteCoart, forareditore to present tbeirolaimsagainBt ■ d, and that ilicy wiU meet at de ■!'■ offij o of Batch ilder ft Bvother, in the city of Ypriaty, ou Baturdny. the flfteentb dayoi l ■ mie. wntl Wedta may, the eighteenth day of Septemeo ■i next, :■' ! :i o'raóolt M. m. of oach nf fuid duys, iai i iiM'ti'.c, cx.tiniii ■■, and ndjiut said claims, Datod, Mareh I8th. A. D7l87ïdn JOHN II. CAMPBEIX, U NOUMAN BATCIiKI.IF.H, th ISGCwl ('omrnisioi.i-i.-, p - . at CoinmissioTiers' Kotico. 1J JTATBOP MICHIGAN. Coonty of Washtdnaw, ss, LJ Tl; uaderriatwd) li- inr been aiuminted by the 'robute ourt tr sáíd onunty, ComñuBsiose to reK„ mine and ndjust aU duime and domand of ( '■ estnte of Jane lirigg, lte pi f nud county. deoensed, hereby ivo notiee thataix L, nonths from date are allowed, by orden of said Prow mto Court, foi i presen! their claim? gainsttheestata of said deoeased, nud that tbey will ■■-'■'■' at the office oj i harta il. Wallnoe, in tbo village ii' Sitii:n'. in su; ; eounty , on 8atuxdny, thetwentyccund day of June, and Bol urday, the twenty-fli , Luvi, to reeoiTO, c:i!i;;ii-, umi ndjnsi wiid dui i i l, fttatefa 21st, A. I' o EVKttETT B. CÏ,ABK, ei ■ :.!cr II. ( I.AKK. UG0v4 omaiinooners a Real Estáte i'or Bale OTATE OF MICHIGAN, oountr of 'Wa&htenav, n. (t i matter of the Estáte of Kufua Knight, deaned. Nottce b hereby given, that in pnrsuance of rantod to the undor tened, Kxi cotxix ot the l Batato of naid ■■■::.-.■ i. iiy the Hon. Judgeof Probiite ? ror the county oj Waslitenaw. on the oiguteeeni U áav Í f Maren, A. . 72, there will bu old at ïml lic ] lno,totn .; tliv inott door of the i the city of Ann Arbor, in tïio oounty ir 7iwhtnaw, in savi State, on Tueuy, f;.'' ■ venth , l.iy ol May, A. I. 1875, at otie noon of fchai day (sabjeel t all encuinbranoea )y :' ti the time of the Leath sajd deoensed] the foliowing dweriw 6tatet to-wit : Thesouth toviy rodH tn width i ■ v ■-: hall ofthcsoutli of section ' Four, in towuship two Bonth of range fiw eai in sald es more f'r Ie half of the northeüftf froetlonal qnartfi j' threo, contiiinüjg mcl ... i i more i ; the ' enst half of Ih uorthw ■-' fmciioniil ijaarter of eatd s ottou threo cootaining sixty-tliroencismoreoi lees ■. l imd the weet huif of the utheu t iuarter of m 1 iotl tliffC "VV] i' i::,' I 1 ■, . I BOld toJameti caqtainin; moreor townahlp three aoath of range five eust tn said State. ch l.v.h, A. I). 1872. LAMIRA KNTQHT, HVRHTKT KXr..[T. 1866 lixocotrii. , lïeul Esfcato for Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waáhteiww. M. In the m.-iti l orncHos LaughUnt i Sotice fa s . 'luit ia pnrsnailce i of an order grtintcd 1 intedi Aunu i ■.er et theestateoi nitid dcoeuacd, by the Hun. Jude Of l'lijlat. for tïii couiilT ) I enth day oj tfarch . i. W72, tliere wiU bc public vendue, to tbc hiffheet bidder, at the dwclling i tho ■ -■■■ 'm in'n nafti ■ . In the county of Wüshtcnaw, iïi enid Stnie, on Tuewlity, tbc tictli l-i - erf Aprüt ■. ■ i "■-. ai ten o'doclc ín the forenoon of that day, [subject to all encuinbrnnees ■y ]i;i'i !;:.('■-■ ei' u! !.i ï UU eXÏstinfC 't tlif tilín1 OÍ the death of said deoeaned] the foliowing desoibed ien i'stuti to-'.it : Th' west half of the sautiweat qna:terof aeetion twenty-tlireeú townsuip one oui ï ot rango si etwt, contniuing tiglity ucies more or less, in suiil M ;■.'. Drtted, Murch Hth, A. D. 1872. litij WIIXXAM Ul'KKK, Adiiiinistijitor. Eeal Estáte for Salo. ÜTATEOF 'ML' HIGAN, County of Wasbtcnair, s lu tlie miitni oí theeattiite of Daniï B. Green, t'o ici i her bygivon, that m pin '.t un order granted to tlie undei ugned, adnunistratois tif the óptate of suid deccased, by the Son. Tu Probate foi ti-11 County oj sV;ihtenitwt on thenineteenih day of february, A. U. 1872, there wiU be sold ut l'ublio Vendue. to the h%heift bidíl I dwoU■ .j, rïif prei ■ [bed in tlwi nnfj i Washteuaw, in said Btatet od Patnrday tho sixth day oi April. A. 1). 1872. at une (-Iri-k in the tifternoon of that day (subject to all encunv bziuicoff by mortgdffeorotherwifle eauatíng al the time : of tlie deuth of iil doei fwed), the toUoiring S rcul T-ialt-, to wit : 'The west huif of fhs sonthwest qutirterol scctioneighl the wal half of the ast hnlf of the suutheaal quertei of ecetion neven; imd the . i ol 'ík1 northeasi qnorttT of the Boulhweel quarUr of acetion twenty , iu tewuttbip three south of ranfie thrce eairt, in twid Sttite, oontoinmg ons hun. foi - acj i b moifl ■! li w. Lhited, February lütli, A. 1. 187. 4ÍUBEUX P. HARPBB, 1363 Adminifltrator. Estáte of Matthew Scháible. CTATEOF MiCSIGAN, (Joonty ..;' - . At nseasionoi the Probnto Couri iorthe ouutvo W.i-'.iu-iiaw, holden at the Probate OÖicc, in the City of A ii il Ai'bor, t;i Baturday, the twenty-tnird day oi Bfarchi in the jear one thoitsund t-Jlit hundu'd oud stvciity-two. l'i son"! Iliram J. ISoukee, Judffe of Vn n t c In the matter ot the eétatc ol Mattlu ff t ohuible, late o] Preedouit in wiid kraniy, deo a Onièoding and liliüu' the petition, duly verifled, oi Ctharine Bchuible, praying thai JohnQ-, Pcldkainp, ■ peiBon, in.iy be appointejd :!- njiinistmtor of tbctetutc ot wiid uvcetiácu Tlierenpon it i ordored, that Monday, tibe i wentyseoon i day i April next, at ten o'eioek in the forenoo ., boaáfeigncd forthe hearing ofeaid petitiontand ih: . theh atlaw of naid deceitocd, tmd al1 otj j j) raoiM iutcroited In wiid estatu, ore reqnüed to Hppoar at u somion oJ snid Court then to be holden al the Probate Office, in the Cityol Ann Ail,or,aiid simw oause, if ;:■ there !■, v.liy Tirtiyer oi 1 1 ■ . titioncr shoul i led: AnuitülurlhtM oidüi-ed, that said jïe'itioncr nivc nolice to the pers üs Intorested in wüd estafe, oi the peudejncy of wxá tion, and tlie hearing thereof, ij" oundng n copy f t):fp order to bu putalit-hed in the htwkigan Argut, .■; neirspaperpnntêd nnd ciroulatinj; insitid County, Utree bu ■■■■-■ c weeks provioua t wiid di v of heoi ing;. (A trnewjpy.ï lillt.VM" J. BEAKE8, Vút Judgeof l'iol'atc. Estato cf Timoleon Bullurd. QTATBOV MICHI0AN,Ooanlyof Waahtenaw m. i AtftBeseloii oï the Probate Cun.rt (orthe Conntj of Wftdhtnaw,ho1deu jk ibu Prubaie Office in the City of Ann Atborton Wcdnesaty, ;hc tweuty-#cvüiith Hay of Maren, in thcyear oh thol8Abd t-fjgbi h .n Ire' Jiud nuveiily-t wo, Prseut. lïlraiu . lie.tko.Juiltrc of Tro e. In che riiütuT oi tbe Estáte ol Timoluuu JJtillard, [le'.i a-t'd Oü raaJiufrtkndfUinjfthepetltlon rtnlj verifico. oí Hri.ry I ii lurd, pnniiiu thai Bmbtee BuPurd, (ir s n r other bu taoic j rsou Hij.y be nppoïnttH Adminisirttto: ol the estáte f Kiüd ueccased. Thorenpoij ii is orderedi Ll;;.t M1 Dday. i tw utj BCCond day ot" Apil uvxt. Ri ten o'elock in tlie forenOOD hm assigucd rr the hearing ol ;-:.iii peil" tlun, aud ijia the lu'ii at law of Baid decetwodi nnd aDothtToeMontlutoreted Lnaidestatt ire ruqiiiiTil to ftppour ni n icssiou ol ald Cmut, ih.-i, to be bolden t tbe Probate Ofik, in th City Ol Aun A rltur. ai;il .-Ijow .-Mis !' any tiiercbe, why the prnyur ui the petltioner shonld not ic grauted: AudUIsfunher ordcred, that sal tionerftivenutice to tlicpcniODH Inicrested In said i.;-it:ite.of th" iHíiidi.iif.v ui -ii, petitíon. nnd the aenrimrtbcreof, bycausinira copy of thU order lo bepabHshed in ihe Mihxg&i Argu,tk n-awapaper, prlnted and olrcolattDfï In eaid t'onntj, three auccesaive weeks pre VÍOQ8 pnlfidaj ei hearing. CAtrnecüpy.j IIIRAm J. BEAKE8, 18C.T Jade ol ProbateKeal Estille for Bale. QTATEOFMK SIGAN, county oi Waahtci ? In the matter of the estáte oí' Jacob ' line Uanaer, nnd Eüxabeth liauser, minors: Nolioe is hereby givcn tha1 in puisnanci i grnnted to the Tindersigned, GuaidiuB ol the estáte of said minors, by theHon. Judgeoi Probutc for the oounty ttténaw, on the twcltthdayof Febn !). 1872, there will be sold at , tothe highest bidder, at the outh door of the Court House, in tl. elty oi Auü All.-.;-, n Hio county ol tcii:nv, in said t;it. nu Wednexduy, the tenth day of April, A. D.182, al ton o'clock m the fcrenoon of t j i : 1 1 day, [subject to all encumbrances by tn or othei is at the timo oi sale), the unoiviled three fouilhsof eaoh oï the fbUowing describí d piin slsoi land, to Wit: Thenortheasi sixtoen feet wide inuthotist thirty-eis feet wideof lot eight, nnd the southwest two feet vide ol' the aoutheast thirtysix feet long of lol nine. In block six, in Brown & Fullers mlUition to the city oí Ann Axbor, in in Baid oounty Datwt, February 10th. . 1. is:s. 136S ri;i-:i)i-;iíK;K alhkk, Guardián. lOstiito of Anso'. A Holcomb. STATE OF MICIIHiAX, County of Waabten ai n sesaion of the Probate Court tor the onnty of Woshtenaw, holdn at the Probate Offloe, in tlie City of Aun Ailinr, on Tusday, the Dineteonth day of March, i:i tiie yaor one thousond eight hundnd nnd si'Vi nty-twn. Preaent, Hiramn J, Beafcfts, Judge of Probate. In the matter oi theeftUte OI Ansel A. Holcomb, deoeast il On L'eofUnfi and Hlinjr the ptition, dnly verifird, of Mary 1.. HoTcomb, praying that she nnd James i - ■ - rsnoeor suuie olher iuitable jwisons iqay be appuiutcd administraton of the estáte of sai.l deceased. Tlier6r.]Kn it i oileiel, that tfonday, fifteenth day ot' April next, at ten o'cloi'k in the tui . qi assi;med for the hearing of Bftid petitum, and that the hi u - .i' law of said deceased, and uil othei ■ iatexested ín 9ai retiuired toajin,-ai at asesnuii Ol said Court, then to be holden it the Probate ■ tbe City of Ann Axbor and show oause, if i ;■ be, why the pruyer ot' tho petitiotler shotild not be gran tod : And it i- further ordered, that said peütionex give noticc to the persons interesh In said sstato, of thependenoy of said petition, and the n;ririnr thereof, oy causmg a copy t thia order to hf piibllshed i the M Uhiaan Argu. a QewspAnertpríBted nd ciiculntiiifr in said county, three BUGOOwye weeks previons to snid day of hcjinap. (A trne copy.J lilüAM J. BEAKES, oi6 JudifC of 1'robnte. llstutc of James Byciaft. STATE OF MïOlïIGAN", CountyofWaahieniiw.BB Ai a Besston of the Probate Courl for the Conntj r WashtenaWt holdeu at the Probate Office, In the 3lty of Ann Axbor, on Momlay the elfihteentfa day of "Marcht iu the year oücl thousand elght iimdrcd and sevonty two. Hresüiit, llirnm J. lïeakep. Jndiie of Probate. in the matter of the estáte of James Bycraft, loceasod. (n readins and QHogthe ]etition, dnly veriilocl of E-.lward Bycraft, prayion that cerlaiu Instraraent now on fllo i talsConrt, parporttng to lc the ;ist will and testament oí said deceased, ma be dmittedto Probate, and thatbe may bt; itii)oiuted ole Bxocutor thereof Thureupon II i ordered, that Monday, thr fifteenthday of April nezt. at ten o'clock in theforeininii beasaigned for tbc haaiinffofsald peiltloiuuid Lhut the leñatees, cieviees ano hetrs t law of iald deceased, aod all other persous ltere#ted In Ml'lebtate, re reonlred to appoar ataessjoa of said Conrt, then to be holden i al khs ProbatoOfflee, in the CUy of AnnArbor, and show cause, Ifany iherebe, why the prayer of the petlilunershoala nut be grantedi And i t is rorüutr ordered, that satd ■titioncrivr liotU'f to the persons Interested In said estáte , of the pondency ofsald petitloo and ; the hoarlna thereof. by cauvlnga copy oj WC order to be pablisbed ü Michigan Argnti oaapaper $ [trlotedandclrculatinjrlo said Coonty,Uree sqcomsvc weeks ntevtous tp %ald H aj ofhejsruifli. U tmpowy .j UÏKAW J. BBÁKK8, iqfiS Jadffe oi Probate. GotoR.W.ELLïS& CO's for3trietly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c. Estáte of Lewis Moorc Sn JTATE OF MICHIGAN „„„.,.,,'. J M a sossion of tV.c; Probate Court f, Ir",1,'"1., Washtenaw, holden ut the irolt7o, '■■ 0, ity of Aun Albor, ou Wodue-dny iLfSS ' Presar! lla- J. IiTOkesJuili?con',,i . omeothersuitubleperaon ,„ri, . l"w Z .trator of .''lua Thereupon [ wordored, Uwi i L lay of April next. at ten .,-, :,., k ' ', Vh, %BftW -1 for the hearing ol ,„ i „ .L; hattkel„-„sat law üfMi,, accenirf SSMi MtMnu btwested n said estáte, me r,:N„ï,?i,8U C ion af said Court, tl en tol TupStt Probate Ofltoe, h the Oity of a. m i'rt "■ 2 BUK, f ai,y (ere be, J,y the pram of h!'1 ■! ihojüknotbegrantcï d itK.2S ihh] petítáner k'c notiee to the lm, J4. aid estáte-, of the pendency of iJiï (A true ,,,,.,..) HfjR j " ?Ï!L___ J"aeof Estáte of Rufus Matthèwa CTATECtfWCHIOAN, county of WsAta rit) 01 AnuÁrbor.oni-ridiy.U.c" MtSfS March, in tlio year "Hm and seventy tv.o. "W 1" 01 , lliram .T. I, fe, .;„,]■,,., ,,{ , j . En Uw matter oi thB itate of ltufti jS On reatos ndfllinfr the potiHon, ,luly Wr, ■ ittUewa, Kxeculor, „'"Hu ■:l the ,■,,,!.: ',. íhelogatees, devisees and hcirs at luw oím,wL quiredtoappeural asessioum „údcourt iLÍ bor.and -v !i of tbtpotitioner should not Ie nnntcd' iA furtherordt-redthats noli?í.í mud pctitiou, and the heaiiug thercof bw1! cupyoi tliis order to te publiskcd i-'i i. „"f .''■.', i printed and cireulatiniïfe iveweelu previou to 3d}j (Atrüeocipy.] UIP.amj Ukak-ic lZliti Estáte of Joshuu JJowncr CTATE01? MICHIGAN, CountyorWniht,, ol BBhtenaw, holden at the Probate OtfohS1 1 i. A" ArlMjr, ..„ Saturdnj-, the ol March, m the year one thousimd cht lï' diedond Krenty-two, "t, jliiiuii J. Beakes, Judge of 1'roW ■■ matter J tLe cstatc of JW1,M HáterandflUniftlie peliüon, ilulwailrirf Rlknnuli V. JJowncr, Kxei utor, pruyinc thm I I seU cerluin ïeul cs'tuie vbenriS : """" ''"' the purposo of OL-inv" theproceeda of Buch monj the MrMn, tled tlicroto. Xhersurtin it U anleied, mi( Mnndiir a. teeutb duy of Aprfl ooxt, at u-n o'clock 'tlTii" uoon, Iji.' i-.5U.-uul tor the hcnling of s:ik] rSS" ;;ii.l tli.n tlie legaleea, üevistc uud lioimai; of au id deccaiied, and ill othei persoiu , od [n Buid e tato, are reqmred lo sidmÏ , i ■easion of said Court, then to )x IS, e Probntc Office, n the City of Aun WwJ show cjium, ifiuiy thore 1-, why li,,:;? uehnoncr should not V.,: (n,mted: -ml itiafainw .. tlmt wud potitiouei l-iiv iioti&j to tl Jï ite, of Ihc pcndencjofiifiiJ tion, and the hearinK thcreof, l.y aiMsii) trt thia order lo be poldished n tl;e JW jíZt newspaper printed ruid ciiCTlatinB in úi'üa! pn vimu in said .lar of k1 (Atn y., i;ü::m .f. ; 13i-i' "1 l'ninlt. Estáte of John Brcwer OTAT1-; ui-' MICUKiAN, -um, K Q A( asoHion of the i-i. .-.■',■ i onrl t„r ïLocwmli W aulitenuw, holden at ili,. TL" "1 Ann Arlr, ou Sati.iu.r , tlie twenlT.foorïïïï Fobruary, in tlie jear oiw thoumd didit hWi and .;v. nty-two. 8 UEM int, Ifh.nn J. Bei keg, Jndgcof Protmtf In tbc matter ol the tale of Joiu. Bw N a. i ii! ronding and the petition, duiv ïh-IJü WüliamP Hnrard.prayingtliatthPlíieíminK laat wil] and testameut ól snid deccased m btü! dand directed to convey to hun aitthZ estatetheiviu desciibcd, in pursuance of a otra made betweeu the .úd dccuicol a !Í ii oer, Thuivupon il is ordcred, that MonJur tb?fe duy ut April nest, at ten o'clvck ui tkefc ui ■...!:, bc asnigiu il Coi the hearing of &.ij jtiitiu rini i - and !niis;,t lawolniit ceasiil, auo all oll.i r p rsona mlurisUd in suidotn, are reqiiired to anpearnt sesioii of suid Conitii U) ie holden al U.e Tiobaie Office, in tliodttiia Avbor, and show :■■.,„-,: f „ny there bc 'rtrü, ol the petitioner should not be p it ufurthi i ..i.:, red, Uia said ..-i i:i„:„.r Ldveoótnii Uiopoisou! iiiii'1'i'..ini in lid es ■. ol tk ifat ut suid petition and the hearing th.-n.of braml eopj of iii oli r lo i ■ ublis!il m the VMmi■ printed iiud.-irciilutinpümidm tv. foor BOceesMivc weck nuTiotbto suid dKiW. ing. ' (A truc oopy.) U1UAM -f. BKAKE8 13W JudgeofftS Estáte of S'pbionia Sjear. ,. TAXI. UF MICHIGAN, Countj of Wukteur I .' Al u r.!.),, ..t the Coiirt Lm if Waalll. imw, hiilik-ii ;il tl . l' iiiy f Ann Arbor, ou I .n M-.i.!., in the year one thousand tclulimij Itnd neTonty-two. utliiiramJ. Beakes, Judge ol PrnUte. In the matter of estutu of BouLnnintia idea. i. Wulker, Exeeutor of the l;ist mini testament of s:i-l decena doumes into ('Kuitaulnr thal he ia now prciui'cd to luuikr iutiuccount as Midi kxecurot-. Tbewupon il is ordered, tliat Jlooday, OttW day of April next, al ten o'clotk ir, tl.e fornM be aong-ned Ir uxaiuining and alknrinf ss account, and that the Icgalecs, dc at law ir Buid deccuted, and all othei I in euid estáte, ara required loqnii n Bession of said Court, Hun tu be Imlfai it Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arlnr. iixi County, and Bhow cause, f uny thorc bc, wliy tlnal nccount should uot iillowed : And it u fu red, that said Exeeutor uolire w . - Interented iuiuiid estáte, ot tlie [uúy he hearing thereof, br tacaiei cojiyoftliiB oidei to be publiühid in tlic Hulp . u nuwspapcr printed and circulatinf ■ l.ounty, thi-eo suceesiive weeks vrevious toMÍdát of bei IA n d oopy.) UIRAM J. UKAKF law Judge oí riotíf. Etut! of Charles Burdcn. QTA11.UF M1CHIUAN, county of W I O At a Bo&sion of the Pixbate Court for úxa&t of WaahteuaWf holden at the t'robatei cily of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, tl day of Mai-ch, in tlie year one thousili 1m d .iuJ seTenty-iwo fresenl BJramJ. Benkes, Judgcof Pnibst In the matter of the oí Charlea On revding and filing the petition, dul ElizabetlrM. liu.ii.-;i, praying tl someotl ,-niaj ho aiixintediè istratorof theeatutf of said dceeascd. Thcreupoii il is ordereu, that .Mumlay, theei biyol April upxt, at teno'clock in tlio ft". 'ui! for ihc liearinir ot saiil that the hcirs ut linv of sant deccüscd, interested m wiid estute, are ïxipiired tii pearal tvsccuMonul said Court, then to lie boto"1 the Probate Uüicc, in the ei; und 8how cause, il' iiuy thcro !v', lij tl ■ ld not lie gi'auti il : ' ther ordcied, that said petinoner give persoiib in s.tiii i.-.sfaU', o] the said petition, and the hcuriujr thercof, ' copy of order to 1 o published in . a newspaper printed and .iiculattnf il county, three sucecsdive wecka previottitosiidfl henxing. (A truc copy.) H1HAM J. UEAÏ 1866 JudseoLrroto,l Estato üi' Frcdorick John Wanzect STAT E OF ÏIICH 10 AN , County of Wi At a scssiuii of the l'rob;ite Court for ÜieCrl Wa&htenaw, holden ui the 1'robatc O'tiicts inthe oi Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the tKiit.riitb T . Uuren, in the yeui-one thouüaudx-igutl s.evetit-lu. PresQnt, lliram J, Beakcs, Judge of Pj In tne mattci ol theestate of f'rederickJoh0'1 zeek, üi ri mm il. -mjj Ou reading and iiling the petition, dulyw2 Muric Wanzeok, praying that Leonhanl Graft sume other suitawe person. may be aiipoüiti ■" I btratorof tlie estiite of siud il' i eaw o. Xberoupon ie is ordered, unit ilonduy, tlie T j day of Apiil next, at ten oVlock il i be tuwigiied for the heuiin ol and that tlie lieirs nt law of said di-eciised, :""'■ ,"J""h er peraons inti iud in said estato, ure reqi'ii'Hy' peár at a seasion Ql said Court, th.-u lo 1 !'"''' the Probate Ollice, in" the City "f Ann ■lr'i show euiise, il any theie !k why the I111! petitioner should not be granted : And it i & irdercd,that said petitiouer pive notice toe?fïft interested in said, ..-state, of the pendency of sswMg tion, and the hewnff i hereof, by ausnif;ficopy order to be mi'li-J l.í in the MiciiyaH Jiytu, paper printed nnd circtilatitii,' in said i-ountj' luccessive we ks prerious to said dnj of l'll"?i'c (A true i'opy.j HIItAM J. BEAKB l.'iBi JudtfC oí rr, Estato of Hoinan B. Gage. OTATE UF MICH U.AN, County of Wushtasll O At a aesdiqn of the Probate Court iortlierl f Waghtonaw, holden at tlw Probate )tï.''., Styof Ann Arbor, on Thuradny, of March, m the year oue thousaud eitrht BiI ma serentr-two. l'i. s. nt, lliram J, Beukes, Judge of rrobat. I In matter oi the estáte il lieniaa B. " . u Whipnle nnd Kuth A. Gage. AdminW'I t s:.hi estáte, come into court and iCVw' aio now prepared to render their tiiial f iKii Admiiiutraton aI Thereupon it is ordered, that Moni ighth day of April liexi, at teil o'elock ff brenoon, be assigned foi cxanunïug au(.Vfij os such nccount, aud that the hcii md deceneed aud ill ..tlit-i' penxW l'n -■'late, are rcquii-ed to :.;jn;'i "'.-,- ton of iid Court, then to bc holden "t t".c ' ate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, ■ Vmnty, imd show cause, it anytlieicl lid aocount should ngl be iiUowul : And it "Zje rdered thntsaid Administra! iin give 3iftict'tot'Jyi jns iutcrobtcd in Raid ustate, ' lie i-inK'ff A coouiit, and the benting tlio.-'t. Ï'V i.' f ihis order lo be publishcd in the 'ct5íSI newspaper printed aud c-irculating 'nslïfiï#l ireo suceewive weeks prci ious 1" said duy w.J! Atru, ., lIlltAMJ. IÍKA 1303 Judge oïW, T IVE G-EBSiS UEATHiáflS lonstantiyonbaud andforsaleby BACH$ ABW. Finest Assortmen t of Toilo' Goods in the City, by


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