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ffisS DIRECTORY. . -TTíi7ñwiV, A2nt for Ihe Finkle ft tyon [ ftr!?ur"Sewir.g Machine They are eflent se a sa? ittU _ . SfcPó t" oríler .ud u-arranted. Besidenceon - _,. -■■ i s A Vtt., Droggtoti auddcatcrs l.Arl)ot. ■ W' ft JACKSOIÏ, Dantlf .rtoC.B. ■ reaS! ■' „.ete.nrs. doot cast of Pre.byStoflfcorrh.AunArbor.l ■ I'7„, i. ■::!,■!■ in Hats tititl Capa, B loTSouth Main ttteet, ánn Arbor, ',■■■. i-'-ï ÏK V WHEBOlTj Life and g'S" ï "nte, and Saleteo. &ll . : .1 mi Street. ,,.,,. , RlKDON, Dealer io BrrM' p, sitíoutli Uii Btreet. _ ÍS555SS S5ÜSárbor. _____-- ïTwMlX A; SON. arQOeri, l'rovislon i sni StoimnUstóii Merchante. 8fl 4c'e " Wter luon'l , . , ... ., ,,ul Kct.'iil.Ualer sa Hiiu Slrect. w- ca.; L South Main etreet. pILÜIORE Sc FISKE, Bootaellcra jndStaIr ,,,.,...s , "!)_; rs In Boots, Stoei, troet, 'EK, ATTORNEY ' AT LAW ! Mwttb E.W. Morgan, Boet wdcofCourtHouso ' J.F.SCHABBEBLE, Tcoch' mi the PIAKO, V10UN AND PUITAR, Ubi) office. No. 57 Boai Main ítreet.taoore'e tsilün"). or at iho refldcace of the pupil. "piano tunikg, atdeaspcciaüty and ?atiefaclioii guomuteca: : -ivl j , B 11 Y . GtASSWAEE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly Bintorealargc8tockofCrcker,QlawaT8, Fotd ut nnnsually lw prices. JOHN G. QALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, HUI), SAi:SAÜKS, KIe. lrtori.Bo)lcltedandpromi tli tiiebost Mtta In themarkot. tl Bast Washington Street. Inn Arbor, 8ept. Ith, 1869. lttott r -f. hiiij Manalactnr UUUfiEB, BlfilK8, HJBBER WAEOSS, SP&I3C W1OOSS, CllTEStS, SLEiats, üte. Allwnrk ivjirmiit-rt f th ! RP1" Bgdonepromi ' v:ir' i eive perfect sati factlOB. 0 8ntn Mam " ; N. ARKSEÏ' LM JMnutncturcrof Uarriages, Buggies, Wagons, HSctevory siylc, made of the hvit inlcd. Horse shociug ai md iricc8 reonable. liMii Strest, near R. U.Uupot, Aan Aibor.llicU. pft.ü.B. FOUTER, teeiatheSAVIIJGSEAÏKBLOCK, AnnArbor. 411 Operations on the Natural Teeth PEltFOHMRD WITH CARE. CN3ÜRPASSED PACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE mm mimi teeth, to oivr. sach ixi-.'.vinxjAi., "'reoAe proper lie, fhnpe,colnr. firmnestand na al expretsion, 1244 f C.JENKIN8 & H. RANDOLPH WHITE, M. D. DENTI8T8. 55RNER OF MAIN AKD WASHINGTON ST'S. All Operationu peiformed in the Pïost Thorough and Scientific inanner. ?itro;is Oxido Gas constantly on hand, ii ailinhiistercil with perfect safety. riIEN ÏOU WANT FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, IVo. 30 Huron Street. pfiOPLE'S DRUG STOriüi 1 R. W.ELUS&CO. Mininas cehtrax kailüoad. 80MMEB TI MI". TABLE. Passenger trains now leurc tilo sevcrnl gtntions, aa ftdlonra : _____ OOINO WEBT. ___ h y m -5 w ñ STATIONS. _ "■■II -M -" S O P i H t_ ' ■.. K. ■. i. P, M. I I'. M. 1'. M. S2? IS sü sa is is -, ■ .5S = 5 jL FackaOT lö 12 1 ■' J U ' !■. M, r. . "'■ Man 2 1 jj uy _[ 6 ■" EAST. II I ! 1 ;hicngo;!oavc, .'-15 "Ou J 00, U W u ;;"' i 4 35 -ÍM 4 17 lraLke, g - 5 25 A. M. .i Do 5 40 7 05 4 15 ,,m rlor 2 6 00 7 3.'. -1 12 .r' M 7 25 M LM : TlijiDexter Train runa I . o.. iKnwn. TÍ) "Xi " i"- c lim radllc beproas ru 1 theAirMne. a not. Mtb. ran. pOKT WAYNE.JACKtíON AND Saginaw Railrcad. Tl.pmo.Hl cürort tonta J Pitt-V riiilncMp!'". souttw . ..go 'Unie. TBA1K8 OOIKO SHTIT. L? ■ .; - Looisviltei u "" TBAIKS OOIKO SOItTH. I.-nusvillc, 7 „(A. M. i..a,,m.:,i.s o , U1 p M. 'ye' !.,. 5 ld Auburn, .., ., , JSsvllle, : iiii Arbor, 4' „. . , , T..OV.O" 86hOTe&MlchignnSoutt,.-WitlilkeSliare&Miohlp.aaMiU.- 'rAtB ICnnci. Cincüinaü Uuilrouag. EEHBT,8op. llon'T. EnxDE, Cion'l. Ticket Ag"t. SaW ITT S. T. - 18C0 - X. Tiiis stöfcderfuJ vgetfcle restorativc is the Bheen-anchor of tli.e t'eeble and döbilitated. As a tonic and cordial for tie aged and lsngmd it has jio equal anoöng stomachics. As W J-oniccl y for the nen-ous we:iknoss wlnch womcn are espccially suhjected, t is Bupersediïlg evcry other Btiinulant. la all dima-tes, , tropical, températe or frigid, it aete as a ejKseificin overy species of disorder whicli uadej-miues the bodily Btrength and breaks down the animal spirits. 1365-yl. Bea-itifol Woman! IIAGAX'S MAGSOMA BAIÏ ffives o tlio Complexión tlic l'reslmeas of Youtlu. HacWí HUokoh PM overeóme the flushed appiwncecauiedby heat, fatigue ana exciteraent. It mnkee the lady of forty appmn hut twenty. and bo natural nd pprfoct thot no persou CAn detect Ita ;u.,)l!!on. nyltsnsc the roughrat fkin ie made to rival the pare radiaot texture of youthful beuuty. , It removes rcdacss, blotcheí, and pimples. It contains aothlng that wlll "jure the skin iu the least . Magnoll, Balm is used by all ladics in New York, J.-ndon f.nd It costa only W centa per HcUle, and is Bold by all Drngglste and Perfamers, 18J5-e3wr. ■ BOOKS. BOOKS J. R. WEBSTER & (O. NEW OOK STORE Ni:.VR THE EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ANDICALL. [BOgKS= QRAHAM FLOER, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, COR KEAL, FEEOOF AIX KINDS. All the abovc articlos are WSirantod to hnvc no superior in For nale nt Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B.- Gristiüg tlonc at shori notice. AM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPHER 1 RETOUCHES ALL II IS NEGATIVE8 BEFORE PRÍSTINO, SO T1IAT FRECKLESJIOTHSANDTAN Do not any of his Picturcs. Ho Extra Charges.


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Michigan Argus