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POLLARD TEïWPERANCEHOÜSE, BY WEYRÜRN & BR.OTHER, BUFFALO, N. Y. Corner cf Pearl Sireet irnd Terroce. litar the Lnndings qf i'ie Sltamhoals und Rail Rond Cars. IN Cimiplianco with the solrcitntions of mnrty friends of Temperance, and our own convictions ot tluty, we niterñpteil the experiment of keoping n house on genuino Tempei-nnce principies, and are happy to say we have been sustained in our efiforts to provide thé public wiih a heuse worihy of iheir support. - : After hnving been in operation four years. nnd giving universal satisfaction.we llave no hesitation in oflering our cluima'to the support ot the traveling community. L. D. . O. WRYRURN. CHARGES MODERATE. PatroriS nnd their baggage cun.vyed to and froni the Mouee free. Vc. the sbscribcr8. take plcasurc in recom menning the above House to the Iriendsofthe cause, as being worihy of their patronnse.C. W. HARVEY. Prest Erie Co. Temp. S. S. N. CALENDER. Sec'y do DANA FOBES, Pres't Young MenVdo. H. MILLERD. Pres't Poliard Tem. Society.A. ADAMS, Sec'y do BufLlo, July. 1843. Gmo- 233 Admiiiisfrator's IVoticcTM E undersignoJ nppomted by the Judye of Probate of the coumy of Wash'-. tenaw nnd Siate of Michigan, ndministrators of the estntc of Dnniel Waterman, late of shidr county deceased, and Inving taken upon themselves that trust by giving bonds ns the law requires. notice is hereby given, to nll persons1 indcbied to said estáte. to ninke immediote payineht, and all tliose Iriving claims Ofrninst th same, to' present them prrper]v n'ttestetl for adjustment. ALONSO WATERMAN. ) AdminisROSWELL WATERMAN, 5 trators'. Oc:ober 9th, 1845' 233 TEMPERANCE HOUSE, (Diredly opposile the Cato ra et fíbtel,) BY CYRUS F. STOITft, NIÁGARA ALL. N. Y. (CCHARGES MODERATE.c_Lj) TI1IS Hotel is simated in the pIcuMiiitcst part of the village. on Main-strcet. nnd but o few minutes walk from the Oont Jsland, or the Ferry. The locition is one of the pleassntest m the villaje. The House is not of the JárLest clara, bol hns f-een fhoroughi rrpaired. nnd newly furnislied sfnee inst 5Cfiaon. ond the proprietor pledgea himaolf to the public, that no House sliall be bettcr kept, or greatcr attfcrttion paid to thecomfoi t of guests than at the Exchanga H.)tel. This Hotel is kept upon sln'ct Temperanco principies., whinh will ensure ihe strenger a cji'iet home, during his nojourn at the Falls. Every fncility in the power of the proprietor, bo rendered. to make thevisit oj hiapatrdns'agree ble nnd interostintr. Niagnfa i'.ills, ltí-15. 2?7-6mRIFFIW& NAf IONAL TEMPERA NCE HOTEL)Ulica, JVew Yorli.CHARLES N. G RIFFIN, Propritin. would respectfully infurm his friends, and tho public gencrnlly. tbat he has taken tho above Holel, locatednt 1 "7. Geiesee. Ffeet, nenr the Canal, where he is now prepirod to nccommodatö the public at all times. inr the best possible mnnner. and on reasonnble terms. Stages leave nnd nrrive at this House daily, W nnd frrtm ollparts rf tiie Country. GOOD STA BIJ Nö ATTACHEÜ. The proprieior flaners htmself from ihc experiencelie lias liad in kefipinga Public House, and the exenion he inienás to pui forih. that ho il{ he nble (ü pienso all who may favor bim wiib their patronage. _ . U ti ca . M ny" 1 , 1 ÍÍ15. S2-6m ËLAVAN HOUSE. ALBA NV. NEW YORK. BY NATHANIEL ROGERS. TTHIS eclebratéd riouse is riow open Tor the rö■ ception o"irav-krs. It is the Inrgest dlmensions. and is en'iredj ncw in all its parta. It i? sirictly a Ten p:) unce House, nnd while no pains wil) besparcd lo maUo it nll that the travelinc public can nsk, it is ex'pécted in return thtf w i 1 1 recfive the pa;ronage ofall thefriendr of Temperancc who may hove occasion tavisit Muy in. 1P45. 2r2-6"m Ano Arbór Oil Mili. TUK Fiil'scnber woitld give noiice that he continúes the Mnnu acture of Linsefd Oil, und is prrpnrcd to Fiipply painters nnd others otith as'pood nn amele as can he purchased in this or nny other inarket. Cash. or Oil will ba .xciiüheöii for Flnx Seed. (or htch the highesr morktt price vvill bc pnid. Z. S. PüLCIPHER. ■ Ann AiK.r, i-ower Tuwn.Óe'r. 10. 184R. 233tf MARLBORO HOTEL. TEMPF.R.ANCE HOUSE, NATI1AN1EL ROGERS. Xo. QW Washington Strett, Boston. 'HUIS honso Iin3 underpone a thordligh repair, nnd t ip intndeH ihat nnrum house ahall h suppiior i r. It will le under the immediatO chrctí ni Brown & Colhurn, ae Mr. Rogers kt;i# iKc peVvaii 7Ioue n Albany. May iÏÏ, tB6. S'5-8m


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