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The Monument Unveiled

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Theie was nn immense gathering at Do roit on Tuosday, called trom a'l portions of the State, from city and villago and farm, frotn eounties near an 1 counties remoto, to witness the ceremoni ;s of unveiling the monument erected in honor of the soldiers and sailors who rallied in dofonso of tlio Union during tho late robellion. Tho Mónday afternoou traina wcre loaded down, the hotels woro ovororowd'jd, the hospitality of private hous08 in all parta of the city was elainiod, and many sought a night's rest over the border, forgotting that Canada was Englislv soil, that England had not ye-t settled the Alabama claims, and threfttened to recodo from the Treaty of Washington. And Tue8day morning trains were longer and more densely packed, platforms and aisles being ono mass of human frvight. This was so on all the roads. On the Central the morning express took in ló coachos and the Dexter train 13, while all early freighta alao contiibuted to swell tho mimbers. Once in tho city all the streets werc thronged, tho tide setting towarda the Campus Martius and the Opera House. It was the laigest crowd, so experienced observers snid, ever gathered in Dotroit. Business blocks, public buildings, and many private residencos wero profusely and beautif,ully docoratod, and all was iii gala day garb. Tho annual meeting of tho State Soldiers' and Sailors' Association was held at the Opora House in the forenoon. Offieers were elected for the ensuing year, Gens. Euknside, SltERrDAX, and Custf.e preaented to their old cornrades and wolcomed with roof-splittiug cheers, patriotic songs sim j; by a choir undor the lead of J. H. WnrTTEMORE, and recitations appropriate to the occasion given by A. Á. Giuffitii, one of them being "Sheridan's Ilide," which brought down the house. At noon dinner was served to tho veterans in largo numbers at tho Fort Street Baptist Church. Tke procession was forrued at 1 : 30 F. M , and was an iiumenao affair both in proportions and display. Tho Igasons and Odd Fellows turned out in large nuinbors and showed brilliantly ; tho volunteer companies in gay uniform called out continual cheering ; while the veteran I soldieis, with thcirtorn andtattered banner?, were the feature of the column, and turned back the current of thought to the yoars of toil and atruggle and bloodshod. The procession was two miles long and 55 minutes in passing tho grand stand. Tho exercises at the stand, located in the southwest quartor of tho Campus Martius, commoncod at 3:30 P. H., at which honr the whola campus was densely paekod with mon and womon, while the windows and roofs of all the surrounding buildings wero alive with eagor lookerson. The exorcises consisted of: Prayor by liav. D. C. Jacokes, a wolcoming address by Gov. Baldwijí ; tho Masonic ceremonies of acceptance ; the oration of Gov. Blair, during which there was a lively shower, and through which th= multitude stood their ground bravoly and determinedly. The oration concluded, the "Warrior's Prayer was sang by the United Germán Singing Societios, during which tho flags that vciled the monument wero reiuoved, disclosiug its fine proportions and boautiful statues. The monument lias alroady been fully describid in our columns and wo will not repeat the de3cription now. lts granito bas:; and struoturo looks as durable as a monument crectod to perpetúate such meinoriesshould, while tho beau'iful golden bronze figuras aivl biss roliefs nvyd to be soen to be appreeiatod. The monument is not yet complete, four st&tuos being wanting, which will greatly improve it. Am effort was made to ra,Í30 the $16,000 necessary to procuro the statues, and over $3,000 plodgod, after which tho exorcisos woro concluded with the benediction by Rev. Geo. Taylou. Another week wo may publish some portion of tho oration of Gov. Blair. - Wo must be allowed to say in this connection, that in our humble opinión a terrible mistako was made in locating tho monument. It is too far to the east, too near the old City Hall and the Russell House Block, and is sadly dwarfed by the back-ground. We don't bolieve that three sonsiblo men in the State - outsido of tho Board of Managers - -could have been found to agree upon the ohosen site, and think it must have been determined by 6hooting a ponny from a pop-gun held by a blind man, and sticking the stake where it "lit." It should have been in the exact center of Woodward avonue, at the point of intersection or crossing of tho othor streots, and then it could have been seen from any and every direction ; now, besides being belittled by tho higher buildings, nine out of ton strangera will not see it until they run against tho railing whielf surrounds itas nine out of ten searcher3 after it will make thoir approaches through Woodward avenue from Jefferson. If TnERE is any truth in tho lollowing editorial announcement made by the 3pringfiold (111.) liegister, on Monday, Grant hasn't a very strong hold on the aiffections of the Republicans of his State - tho men who ought to know and ap precíate him : "An immenso Liberal Ro" publican movoment is on foot in this "city, and in a fow days a cali will be " issued for a State Convention to select "delegates to attend tho Chicinnati Con"vention. Tho names to the cali will " embrace about all the proniinont Re' publicans in tho State. Look out for 'broakers." - In this connection it is well enough ;o say that Senator TiujmbulIi. is creditDd or charged with writing a letter to lisbrother-in-law, resident at Springiiold, leclaring in favor of tho Liberal Repub icans, and predieting that tho candidato ;o be nominatod at Cinoinnati will bü electod President. - Another dispatch gives tlio following ñames, áiuong others, as indorscr3 of the raavement : Hon. Jesse K. Dubois, Hon. O. M. Hatch.' Hon. O. H. Miner, Hon. ÍVm. Jayne, and Gons. McOonnol and ok, of Sp:ingfiold; Horace Whito of tho Chicago 'Tribune, cx-Liaut.-Gov. Koorner, md Hon. John F. Bryant; the first threo laving been Stato offioera during Mr. jINcoln's Presidua-cy. The Eon. ZiXOKARU Sweet, a former partner of LascoLN, s alsu in the mcvmunt.


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