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The New Common Council

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Thenew Uommon Coiincll held its flrst mm on Thursday eveuiug, April 4th. ■'isfiit a full Buanl. lito Recorder priseuted the animal rerttiorlast ycar, which was accvpled and ' Sillecorder and Aid. Gorr appoiuted a tanmittec to examine the usirae. Tie following oftlcers were elected: 'irmsurer - S. M. Webster. ; iScmey - C. B. Graat. I IWia- ErastHS Lestier. The standing committecs wera auuounc U follows: QiStreels- Aid Leiand, Gott, Peek, Rogn,Seabolt, and Smlth. OnSideii'Uks- A!d. Porter, Sorg, Dow, Hurgan, Lutz, and Ilummon. O Fimuce- Aid. Uott, Hogers, aud tl Iimpê - A.M. Morgan, Suaith, and Ih id. j Tbtstrcct cleanlns was orctered let to Stlowest bidder. iraretin was.ulso held on Monday evet?,the8th Inst., at which, Tiiebonds oí Constables Felch, Hosklns 'd 51. D. Miller were presented and apliwed. I I.C. Prwiton, John'Loveland, and Newl Felch were nomliiïted by the Marshal ibedeputies and pollceinen, a-ud the nomWonconflrmfd. E. B. Gidley's resignatlou ag Deputy ■lirshal aud policemm wg received and eptol, and the services of James Clark öpensert wHü. ! Tliree more Deputy Marshals Were auferieed, and Josepli U. Peebles, E. B QldKi Marquis D. Millef uominated and würined. irtsolution was adopted prjvidlni; tbat 'Dtputy Marshals appoiuted as pólice "s be authoriíed to serve procese In be ;iltof the city, aud that th-e fees received luhem for soeh services be app'icd to'tlstheir regular pay, and that tlie addi■Ki Deputy Marshals be only autbonzed hierve procesa at the expense oi' tbe city the absence or leability of the poHce'V railroad gng Is hard at it oa the Wtact withln the cltv, and quite au etn'ikment ha.s already been thrown up be'"Felch street and MMler avenue. Oth"wlKontractors have also brokeu ground 'different points alons the line. Th wkof clearing and grubbing is being espccially pushed, the earth not beJin fit cendition to work except in vy embunkmentii or (Jeep cuts. Messrs. ■liïE & Tuombon, the contractons, have f office at the Opera Houe in thls city, "Ugettlng everythlBK In readiness for Onding thu work " all along the line" as ""sthe wcatherlia put the soil in a Hettercoa,11tion. And Üiey wül do 'f'he stock uoldcrs pay tlieir assessraents froptly, which the Treaeurer assuren us aeiredoiDg. Readinos- An entertainment will be f'teo at the Pnsbyterlan Church n"Xt esJay evening, consisling of select read tsand muslc, for the 'oeueflt of the Sun ty School. Mr. Duflleld will, by request ""the entertainment by reciting in ful '"Poím which he dclivered in Kansas. I '" I a flrst class ntertainment, and the " Is a good one. We hope it will be tl! Patroulzed. To commence at 1% 1(1misslon 25 cents. T''e attention of piano purchasers is In to the advertisement of Ciiickeking 5osï, in this number of the Akgus. Th ■Ickerlng Piano reeds no iudorsemen ''"m us, as it is knowu to all musiciaus a 'standard of excellence. . TaE Democratie National Committe "telneet, by cali of the chairman, at hi Jence in New York City, on the 8th J of liay, to mako a cali for a Nationa ntion. At that time the action o tlnClnnati Convention will be known toJ? charactor of the comiug oam P foreshadowed. The Republican leader in Louisiana the tuan who holds the fate of Grant ani tho destiuies of the nation ia the capa cious hollow of his hand, is Lieut.-Gov PlNCIlBACK. Writing of hirn, a corrospiudent of tho Xew York World says ' Ho is cunning; ho undurstands tho ne gro character aud knows how to tako ac vantage of it ; and ho has inoney. Bette than all, ho is ono of tho proscribed race But ho is grossly ignorant of the princi pies of statesmanship, and noither know nor has the brains to cotnprehend publi affairs in their largor sonse. His private character is bad, and ho is a notorious and desperato gamester. A few years ago 'PcraH1 was a waiter on a Mississippi River steamboat. Like tho barber R.viKEY.andthe cabin-stoward DeLarge, he has risen to prominence by sheer force of iiupudenco and the lack of smarter men among the nogroes. He is a gingercolored mongrel, and bears hiinself in public with all tho pomposity characteristic of tho darker sido of hifl ancestry." And it is into the hands of such men as this Congress has placed the reinsof govemmeiit in tho Southern States, men ignorant, degraded, and incapable of taking caro of thomselves. And to keep them in power, and through thom the Hadical party in power, the intelligent men of tlio South are to be porpetually disfrauchised, and the military placed over tho civil arm of tho govemment. Gen. Giiant, his military subordinates, and the Pinchbaczs, are the real rulers, and legislaturas and courts but tools. What aay liorthern freeinen to that 't The amount in the State Treasury on Ifaroh lst wus f693,212.44 During tlie uionth thero was reoeived f 149,703.91 ; the expenditwfis during the samo time were 94,5S0.89 ; leaviüga balance in the Treasnry at the close of the raonth of $784,335.46 ; au incrcase during the month of $55,123.02. - Jacktoii Citizen. It is about tirae we had some eort of Legislation, intelligent, uuintelligent or otherwiso, to relieve the treaeury from the burden of carrying such heavy and excessive monthly balaaeee. lloney iu the hands of tax-payers will comiuand ten per eent. interest ; balanoeg in the yaults of the State Treasurer or depoited to his credit will not bring any such interest - to tho State. Besides, money lending is not a Legitímate function of tfae State. The debt or the taxes ought to be so arrangud as to aroid balance of the magnitude recorded abvo. - With such balance why conld not Gov. Baldwix be induced to recommend to his extra session the ameudment of the University appropriation act, o that funds not appropriatei could hare been drawn against in advance of tho collection of taxes ordered levied 'i Such legislation would have worked no harni to the State, and would have saved the University from borrowing of the State and payiug interest oa a portion of the above balance. If tiiere are in this county fray for;ign-born inhabitunts who have rsided n tüe State two yoars or thereabonts, or ;o bo exact, who will complete a residence )f tico and one-half years on or befvre the 'o'trth day of November next - the day before the Presidential election - and who lave uut yet declared tbeir intentions to aecome citizens, tbey shonld attend to tho matter at ae early day, say full six runths precediug the election, or more efmitely, on or heore Saturittf, May ith. ailing to do this tfaey will lose the privege of Toting on the 5th of November aert. There are, no doubt, nmny such in ach and every town in the county, and bey should cali on County Clerk Rob son at onco, whio will funiish them with he necessary " first paper3 " It is not aeoessary lo wait for a session of the ourt. Isr our last issue we rported Aaron Diiilds, Democrat, elected Supervisor in Liigusta, but this week we have to teil a ïfferent tale. Tho "old war horse" met lis Watnrl-oo, and was defeated by a maority of 23, Thos. J. Olcott, Supervisor ast year, having the honor of doing what las not been dono befoie, boating "Uncle A.AROX." This makes the Board of Suervisoi'g stand 14 Repoblicans, 11 Demorats, ÍKglead of 13 to 12, as we had it ast week. Wel!, the Bepublicans might as well have fourinajority as tvro. - Now, the Ann Arbor Democrats who went into the "Citizens' Movcment" ean't e ehaf ged with givimg the Board of Su)ervisors to tho Republieans ; at least no more than the Democrats of Northfield and Lyndon and Saline. Can't thoy be ab'ised for somethiag else ? Erasttts Cornizo, trf Albany, New íork, well-known in business and political circlea tiiroughout the country, died on Jlonday eveuiug last, after a long illïess. On the aunouncement of his death lags wero half-iwasted, meetings of the ïoard of Trade aad other associations were called, and ia tho Legislaturo oommittees were appointed to draft rosolutions of respoct and nympathy


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