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. I - 't -.- - JOK T.JACOBS, Tlie Popular Oue PriceClotUier, lias ubi roturned f roni tlu I0ui witb an ■míense Stock of Itlen and Boy9 and lie ;ul svh His customrs Lo lay in thvir clotJiiug; at once, efore tlic rise Iiicli nfutt soon come. Castorin- a substitute for Castor Oil- a vegetac piiípuruíioncontftiningneither Mineruls, Morpliiuc or Alcohol, lt is plensant to take, does not mim e. and opérales woon all other remedies fuiled. hr. tcher has experimented liíteen years in pruducing a grepantiun more eüicicnt than Castor Oil, without its íorrid tnste. The Cautoria regúlate the uystom ; rest-Ousíipatiou, stomach ache.croup and flutulency, nd küls worina. 1 1 doce not distresa or gripe. By ts quietinf?, soothing effent it produces natural sleep, wad is partieularly adupted to cryiug and tcething bildcon. We desire Physicians to test thÍ3 article, and will orwiird Uirce bottlcs giiatis to the addxres of ay une so authenticiited. Jnsistthut your druggiat order it k-r yon. It nosts but L0 cents, und one bott-le will save many doctor1 bilis. 13G9w4 D1ED. In Salera, March 21st, 18;:!, Mrs. ABKrAII, UAMLTON, afred 80 yeare, 11 months, and 24 days. In Ypsilanti, March 18th, CHAKLES 13KAMK1.K, aged 43 years. Mrcs. Mary Ann Thaykr, wéU belovert wifo of Thater, and eldcst daughter of tho late )r. LtJTHZB W. IIart and Siiiyl BbUXH IIaht, formerly of Purhnm, Oreen Co., New York, depurted Lis life, at Aun Albor, April 2d, 1872. A more fcvely í.'hristiivu thilrncter never moved mongr us us thim she whosc dümiso we now record. Charminfr in mftPHTj casting a halo of g bout her ; &he haspe whore hur Saviour passtíd beóro. The fear of dyinjf had been taken aw:iy and he " feil on sleep " calmly ns the sun sinks to rest on cleai summür ev?nin. Her expressivo eye cl(JBrd u eavth has are this, wy trust, opened on the land o verhiiítinír light. " There nothing can be fteble, Thcre none can ever moum, Tbere nothtag is divided, There nothing can be tolíu" God praut that those who knew lier nnd sluired her ellowöhip in the church below, tóay follrw lier in her unworldliness andehoiceof true wisdom. As webelieve n the resurrection of the body, so surely do -we, looknp beyond the night of the grave, hopo to soe her iirainin thefaswö of Ood. Mr. and Mrs. Thayf.ii immirated to the townHilip of Ann Albor just aftcr thuir man-iae, in May, 1835, ind settleil at fírst on a farm about three miles from own, whence on a Sunday morninj? they were nccusomed to walk in and out to attend service at the 'rusbyterian Church, of which Mis. Thayj:r was a raember nearly forty years. For a long time an invalid, uffering from Asthma, scarcely knowing a perfectly well day, she was cheerf ui and eontented, even hapiiy, et what would let ide. Her f riends flnd it pleasant to Iwell on her equmunity of mind and the temper vhick saw beauty in all God's works, and feit a tliaukul lieart for cverj' mercy. lier nuiet humor, ever buttbling ip to the surface, was depicted in the play of ïer line ffcattuvs, which, liowever, u?ver gavü the ongue utterauce to worde of ill nature or imfuir criticism. Blessed ere tho commtinity who have had auch an infiuence among them to Buioolh the unevenness of human expenences and help on the conversión of the world to. lwttcr and holiur ütute. M.n. c. COMMERCIAL. Detroit, April 10, 1872. Our trading classes report inercasing business as one port after another gets open to navlgiitioii. One expected result of the opening of the Cleveland route is a large accession to our stock ol potatoes, and consequentiy lower price. Heavy shlpmentn from New York are comiiijr, now that dangcr from freezlng Is over. Moreover, it Is said that there are more potatoes in the State thau is generally snpposed, whlle none have goue out or are likely to go But even supposing our stock to be low, the plenteousness in Ohio and New York is so great that extreme prlees here are almost niposslble the coniinj; suminer. We Uear of instances in which farmers are sieking the aid of conimis.sion merchants to euable them to get prices which they refused to accept last 'all. Present rates ara 80i85c lor car lots 85íi00c for sack lots. Nai Is have ad vaneed 25c per kejj. Tin Is now $lü.i$lD per box. Flour has been very active all week Eastern parties having bouglit exteusivelj on the spot. Clioice white commands $8.00 readily. Millers are asking $8.25, but rare ly obtain it. There is more good wintei flour sellinj; at 17.75 tlian over $8 00. Soiik millers h'ive bouglit from wareboosea thinking it mpossible to manufacture ai equal quality at the present rates of wheat Low grade flour is dull at ?5.50(86.00 Wheat has passed throngh an excltlnj week. The interest as to prices for the im medíate future may be considered at it The advantase at present is witi the bears, who have pulled prices down 2@3c since the Ctb, when extra touclici $1.75. New York, meantlme, has been ap preclatlng, so tliatthe prospect here is blut The stock in store is about 22,000 bu. Th closing rates were: Extra, $1.78; No. : white, $1 CC@löG ; Treaclwell ?1.60 ; am ber, $1.ö8@1.5'J. Corn is active at 49;c Oats heavy at 38}ie. Uarley is hardl; sdleable ; No. 1 $160 per cental. Green ap pies $4@5 per bbl. for Steele' Red, me $3.50@4.00 for others. DrieJ do. qulet bu Oria at 10c per Ib. BeanB, hand picked $2.40@2.50perbu. Butterquietat 2ü@25c for fresh. En-js, tóe, declininj;. Iieeswax ' 30@32c. Onions flrm at 60fS65c. per bu ; Clover seed $5.10@5.15; Timothy, 3.23@3 50 Tallow, 7,(a7c. A sugar, 12rtl2;. Cat [ tle dull at $5.50i6.25. Sheep flrm at f7.50 ■ aS.5Q. Hogs, 1t-1.25. on on i vh at boes ZJ,ád!lTilAN! This UC8tion hfts been ntkcd many times lately and one of Erin's sou ald, " It would take an edu cated mon to MU tbat." Bnt It means thnt I, Col J? V, who hu for the lat threc yoars boen a partner in a laro wholesalo house In Cblcago niicl all [urn-h thu terrible flro of fast foll has lef tlint city In ruine, lie stil! live, aud Iiko BARNABY'S CROW, Never :iya díe, but has opened a Üne stock of new clean GROCLKILS. at No, 29 SOUTH MAIN ST. belween the foshional-.le Dry Goods Store of Hcu ion & Q tt, and tho Mammoth Hardware Store o Lcwis C. Rlsdon. 1 wil] say to citlzens of Ann Arior and surrounding country, that I wlll sel brorcricü, I'ru v isions, Crockcry, I.Iiim ware9 :it a low figure for Cash or ready pay only I alwuys y.v CaBh Down for Goojs, and mu?t liavt pjy lor tlu;m when delivercd. Do net ask me to trust you, even if you are worth a million. BIT I III. SEI.L GOOES LOWER illl U AIt Cy WHO UkKS CREDIT FOtt IMÏ. All kluda of Produce taken In Kxchange. Gooda dclivcrud in the City free of charge. Come in READY PAY CUSTOMERS, and examlue my gooda. I wilï SHOW YOU AROUND, with the grearcut of pleanure, and if you do not my. I promisc ynt l wil! uot Iuok cross. Speel nduecments to Boardlu iíuudeu aud Ciaba. Look 01 the sign of the C. 0. D. Grocery and the Big 20. Hewis Colby. Mrcll 1-ith, 18T2 1365 [ AM NOW RECElVINa A LARQE AND SELECT ASSORTMENT OF COATINGS, VESTINGS and TROOTSERINGS AND EVERYTHING IN MV LINE FOR THE SPRING TRADE Cali ard Examine Our work in the Field Speak's for Iself. i Also a Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, at 24 South Main Street. JAMES BOYDNATURE'S REMEDYTV flsiHipn .The Great Blood _PswzRr lAít-, l'llli ís mude exeluMvely Irom the jutcea of carumlly scctcdbarks. Kots and herbf, and eo trongljr concoDlntod tb&t it wlli cffectu:tlly eiaditUe mm the system every taint of 8 rrfuïa Scrof ulous Hnmor, tnmors, Cáncer Oannr;us Humor, Erysipelas, Slt Rheum. Syphilitic Diaease9. Canker. l'dintruss at ihcStOBiuch. aniul.uiseaethat anse fr-m irnpure blood Sciatica. Infiammstory and Chronic Rheum&tism. Neuralgia, Gout and ipinal Complaints, can only be cífcctually cnred brough the blood. For Ulceis and Eruptive Difeases of the skin, 'uitules. Pimples, Blotchea. Bous Tetter, Scaldíead 'aud Rineorm. VEOETINE has aever lailed o effect a perinant-nt cure. For Pains iu the Back. Kidney Complainta, Iropsy, Female Weakness, Leucorrhcea. arüluK 'rom internal tilcerHtion, and ;iterine dipenses and General Debility. VBOBTINE acts directiy npon he causea of thtíwe complnints It Invigoratéfl aud striMiutlieiiH tlie wholc sy:em, acts apon the becrotive orsaus, allays informatlia, cures ulccratlou and ret;ulateB thc bowels. For CA'f.iHRH, prSPEPSTA, HABITUAL COSTlríWXSS, l'nlpilntirm nf the Hcart, HcaJache, files, XerivyusnfRs mul m'.ral prostrntíon of the Aervous Sytt.m , no medicine has ever given uch jjerfect satsfnctlon hs the V3GKTINE. It puritlcs the blood cleanuceftll of thc orans-and posseseea a controll Dg power over the Nervoup System. 'l'he rrmurkable cures efféoted by VEGETIXE inve Intluced many pbyadaofl nnn apotliecariefl whom we know lo prescribe and usc it iu their own families. In fact. VEGBTINB U the beet remedy yet discov. ered for the alvo dipeanes, and is the only reüable Itloud Purifior vet placed before thc public. Prcpnred by II. BI. Stevena, Roston Mass. PrlceS1.25. Sold by all Drugglato. 13Glm3 HU. C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES T0 PUT UP AND FILfc Physicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Gregory Block. C. A. LEITEK & CO. Anu Arbor.Dec. 22d 1871. 1354 fOR SALE ! The residonce of the subscriber. House No. 62 and .wo lots on Hurón Btreet, East. P(tóession fovcn the lst of May it' desired. Inquire at tlic Arguh Office. or of c. ii. ric ii; n on. Doted, Ann Arbor, March 2Oth, 1872. 12fi6m2 X HÜRRY UP ! IJAKTIKSwlshinf; Wall Paper. Cloth and Paper Shade- Qollanca Wimlow Flxturea, Coids. Tanela. Ac, all New Btyle. at Satinfncturj Priciw by J. It . Wilutir ." Co., B.iok More, iicar the Express Oilit:e. X X AfONEY WANTED. T'ivo or six thousand dollars, or raorc, on a mortgagc of unincumbered real estáte worth th ree ti mee the amount. Enquire of 1S66 E. "W. MOnOAX. POE SALE 0E RENT." A jood and cor.vonicnt ilwclling in a dcMrAble lowition. ï'osseKHion gi f n iinnn-iüiiUly. Iit'iuiix at i'.w corncr ot' State and North fttreet. Ann Arlor, April 4, 1S7. ISÖBirt" Mus. II. M0R8E. TIVE GEESÉlEATHERS FIRST GiTX-A-LITST , CoiiHïnnijyu n hand audforettlcby BACH& ABEL, Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's for choicoWines aud Liquore for Medical Purposes . QPRING SEASON, x ova MILLINERY NOW READY M1LLINERY NOW READY MILLINERY NOW READÏ .AT THE UIMNUTll 33 SOUIH MAIN ST. LADIES ! YOU CAN NOW FIND AT THE MTROFOLITAN A Full and Complete Assortment of all the LE.1II1M SPRING STYLES OF HATS & BONNETS, FLOWERS AND RIBBONS, IjACES '.tSSO We alio keep the I, ARHE3 .' ASSORTMENT, at he LOWEST I'KICES, of ÏOSIKKY, Handkercuiefs, Gloves, CotLAES, And Cuffs, DkE88 ÏKIMMINQ8, Dbess Buttons, &c., &c , &c, &c. (K Hl !RKD IMZK TOWELS F ItO.Tl .11 1'T1M. One Hnndred Pieces Nottingham Lace, for Curtains, from 16c Per Yard Upwards. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWEL1NGS, TABLE SPREADS, COUxNTERPANES, TOILET QUILTS, SWISS MÜSLIN, JACONETS, BRILLIAKTS, NAINSOOKS, CAMBRICS, PIQUAS, VICTORIA LAWNS, EMBROIDER1ES, And INSERT1ON. LAOIES' MADE ÜP DRESSES, UNDER GARMENTS, Oar Combination Hip Gore Corset, Made Expressly for the METEBFÖLlTffl Hoop Skirts, frcm the Cheapest to the Best. The Best Dollar Kid Glove in the City. TUE LAttGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF PARASOLS AND M V I TIltHDI.I, AS IN THE CITY. PERFÜMERY, SOAFS, B RUSHES, COMBS, GENTS' H'DIPS., TIFS, COLZARS, HOS IER Y, &c, dèc'., dkc. H. COHEN. 33 6OUTH MAIN STREET. I oa DONT FORCET That the Fairest. Sqnarest, nd best place in Ann Arhof to buy Pure Drtiüs and Medicino, Wlnes and Liquors, for Medicinal PnrpuBcs, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, :BRUSHES, &C, IS AT R. W. ELLIS & CO'S. Corner Oppoplte the SavinL8 Bank. Our PermKnent Coïri", fir outcideor iusido pnintinc. mnnufiictun-d ï"ïi Pui-e Whiie Lciul, zinc, and Linsced Oil. Cheaper and hetter thnn any other Paint made. Sold by tlie pailón, keg, or barrel, j AlsoPure White Laad, Zinc, #., at. Nitlsraciory Prices. RBMEMBER NAME AND PLACE. It. V. ELLIS & CO. AJOÏIOE. The notes nnd book nccount of Mr. lionj. F. Tlica are now in my hands for oollection, jiikI imriindiate pnyraent of the same is demanded. If nor iiil htvon oostB will be mado thereon, Ann Arhor, Junnarv 3Oth, 1372. , 135!)tf f RACY W. ROOT, Assignee. pEOPLE'S DRUG STOdái R. W. ELLIS & CO. A.3ST3ST ARF.OR J , ■ i r ■ i&=: T any panon prodaclug ny Medicine ible W Bhowone-thinlas maiiy ItvlnKi permanent rare Dr.KlTLEK'8 VKGKTAHLK HllKUMATIO IÍKMFPY ; OHii a I 'urllier rrrcard of ilM) for any e;w ol vhronic or I Inflamitlntory Ktieum.itiem, Neuralgia, Rheomatlc Ajrne, Sciatica. and Kheiimatism ol the Kldneyait Ml notcure. Thin ILlumiHiii: Syinn uut inu,ardly only, pleüfifMit to thu ta-te, aud gUAnbteed fl'tc frtm injmioiiH Drnffa. Itis not. h Qaack Medicine bal the ecleniiflc preecrtptloti otjot. P.Fltler, M. )., Profeesor ol Toxicologj and Obemistry, gradaate of the celcbralrd Uuivtrtty "f Pennfylvaufai D.1S6?, whoaoenttre profea&tonal Mfs luis beende voted specially to ihis dlaaaee. Chta praparatlon audcr solenni oath id cor.sci utionsly liolieved to be the only ipositivi', rellablo, InMUblo apéclflc ever diecovrrcd. The proof thnt no otlior speclÓO ex iets Is fonnd in Tcry comnninity in i)(;rsiins nltiicted foi mnnv yea rt paet and BtUlBatferlogi ' ■ ■ coiild cure i', if " tpcciflcdid exUt. tkia uwutd not h töy- nf:u:t Ihnt nuift be DBiveitally ftdmitfed. The oftdccoivfdsiifterer ïnay wUely ;rk, what aeenrlty ov e vid-1 me has he tbal Dr. Pltler'i Rbenmatlc 8yr up will cure liis case. The protectio oft'ercd lo pntieutp iisainpt iinpnKition 18 in a Icfnlly tÍR:unl contract wnlcn wil! !,■ Forwarded vrlthoDt chargu to Rny snlTerersemllnK hy letter.i depcrlption of ;iilli lion; thlignirantee wille tn te the exact iiimlin of bott1ewarrantc(t t run, and in cwe of fnilurc the money paM will l1 rcturned To th'.! patiënt. No otberremtidy hasever been offèred on guch Mberal and honorabletenna. Aï : i ir :: 1 advlce with certïflcatei from promlnen) ï'h. -ician, Clernymen, oto., who h:ive been cnred otter all othertreatöienta hnvc falled, tem by letter. gratis. Afflicted cordial. I jylnvUedtowrite fot adrice' totbe piiucipal ottlcc, 4bSunth Fonrth Miroet Phil-ïdelphls, Pa. Dr. Fltler's KlvnmatlrRyriipiRiiold by DrngKiUnR. W. Ellie&Co,,SolcARcnt8,Anii Arbor, Mich. jL B. GIDLEY, ïucceraor to COLQKOVE 4 SOK. DRIGGIST Al CHUT IN COOK'S NEW IIOTBL, No. 12 E. HURÓN STEEET, DEALER IN DRIUS, itlEIHCISES. SIRGICAL miBSISITS, pire h m:s and LiqvoRS, (FOR MEDICAL PUKPOSES O25TLY.) Fancy Goods, Perfuinery, l'AINTS, OI1.S, II isif i-;s, tiLASS, AND PUTTY, PHYSIGIAIS9 PBESGRIPTIOKS Carcfally compounded at all hours. I PROPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. E. !. GIDLEY. lS6Ttf "PARMERS' STORE. CARPETS! WE WOULD 8AY TO THOSE WHO WISH 1TO PUUCHASH A NEW CARPET This Spring, that we are now recelvlng OUll SPRING STOCK ! ! OF EiiriTIIC! WHICH WE WILL SELL POR THIRTY DAYS AT LAST ÍMR PRÏCES ! Which will make a avine of 20 or 25 per cent. Don't fall to to givo us a cali as we have TUE CARPETS. Ann Arbor, March 22d, 1872. G. W. HAYS, Supt. ]3flúml 1 W,,.k, rroprl.tor. R. 11. McDoN.Lt Co-, Drtfghn (i.n. Aïculi. Sun FruoUoo, CM., iiri.i 34 Comnum !rc:. N. V. MILI-IONS Bear Testlmoiiy lo theit „ Wonderfkil Ciirniive Elleot. Thcyaro not a vilo Fiincy Drink, Made of Poor ttum, AVhlskcv, Proof Spirits nml ICi-rusn Ijiquors doctorecU 6iiccd and swectencd to picase tho tate.cllcd "Tonics," "Appctizcrs," "Rostorcrs,"&c, thAtlead the ttpplcr on to drunUennessmuï ruin.but ar atrwe Medicino. made fromthfl Nntive Rrtots andHcrba of California, (Veo from nll Alcoholic Sllinulnnts. ThoyarethotJREAT 11I.OOD l'llllFIERmul A I.1FE IVIXtJ PRIXCHM.E, a porfect Rcnovator and Invigoratoi of the Sjstcin, carryingoff all poisonous matter and restori ng theblood to a hcalthy cundition. No person can tnkc these Bitters accordiiiR to directions and retnain long umvcll, providod thcir boncs are not destroyed ly mineral poisonorothor rceans, and tho vital argVU wasiod beyond the point of repair. Thcy are n Gentío PiirentiYO n wcll n a Tnulc, pnssssing, also, the peculiar mcrlt of nctinK as a powciful nprent In rclievint! Cungestion or Inflammation of tho I.iver. and nll thtVbceral OrBans. FOR FEMAI.K (::ill"lAIXTS, inyoungor old, marricd orsiiiRlc, ut tliodawnof wonianhood orat Ue Uirn of lifc, tlicseTonic Bitters have no ciiual. For liillniiimnloi-y nml C'hrouic IMinunatlsm nml Jout, I)yiepia or IndieestioD, IlilloiiD, Koniiltciit nml Intcrinilleiit Vkver, Diücrtneit of the liloo.l, I.ivrr, Kidncy mul Bladden these Bitters have been most euccemful. Sucli liscnse are canscd hy Vitiata 11 lood. whloh isKcticrally produerd Uy deranKcmcnt of the Digestivo Orcans. DYSPKPSIA OU INDIÜBBTION, Ilfadche, I'ainin tljoShoulders. Couchs, Tisülnos of tb Chest, Dizzincss, Sour JSructations of the Stomacb. Bad Tasto in tbc Moutb. Büious Attacks, l'alpitation of tho Hcart, Iiiflammation of the l.uncs. l'ain in the reelons of the Ridneys, and a bundred uthcr painful BTlnptoms, ara tho oRsprinss of Dyeeepele. Tbey invicorato tbc Stomach ainlsthniihiteïhe torpld Lircr and Bowols. which reniur lliem of unMUlled efficacy in cleansinc the blood of all iuipurities. and impartinï new lifc aml vior to the wboleefetem FOR SKIN DISF.ASES,, Salt Rhcum, Blotcbes. Spot, Pimples, l'istules. Uoils, Ctrbuoclu, mm-Worm 8cald Uead. Sore Broj, Brraipelas. I(eh.8curi8. DltcoloratlouN u the Skin. llumors íid.1 Diseascs of OiG Bkln.of whatAvwr naroe or uaturo. vn literallv dnir n ami purrled out of the gysteui la h Bhort timo ly the ue ol Uiese Ulltsrs. Oue Umie In kik'Ii cases will convinco the most jucrectulous of thcir curativo effocts. CleaDso the Yiti.itcrt Blood whenevi'r you fin.I its impuritics burstinff thrOVJirbthe n!;in iu Pimpiea, Eruiitlons or Sores ; clcanso it when you find it ohstructed andslusgMi in tho velnal clean itu-lien it is foul. and your reding MU tol] 70u.wb.eD. Keep the blood pure, and the heallü of tho Bvstem wiil follow. I'in, Tupe, nnil olhcv Wornis, lurliinc In tho Bystem of bo many thousands, aro eETectuaüy destroyed atv] ronn'v.i. Bbtb a dllltinvulshed phvMolosist, tliore la atticely an individual apon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the pi-ispnco of mrmR. It is uot upon the heallhy elementa of tho body that worms exist. Imt aDon tfao alwfljea liumnrs and eliiny deposits that breed thcao livin nionsteni of disease. No System of Medicine, no verin Cuícos, no Hjithi'lmintics till free the System from worm llko these Bitters. 3. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McBOXAI.D & CO„ Drueclsts and en. Aeents. San Francisco ('nlifornia, and 3Í umi 34 Conimerce Street, New i ork. "S01J BY ALL DKUUGIST3 AND DKALKRS 4 CARD. MM. CLAKA Ti. DARHOW wotild ruspcctfuUT Euotince to her former patrons, and others iDtercitcd that shc will restime her iDstruction in Vocal and instrumental Muelo. She will also form a claa ,for Instruction of childreu In the elemente oí Vocal Uñeta l"J Krading and Shtgiag by t. Addrees her at resuünce No. 28 Fourth Street, Ann Arbor. Slarch 7th, 1S7-:. )364m3 u;cur.v. eí.-v ND CAREFUIiJj Y PREPAFED i Y ! B. W.ELLIE 6 ÜO.,1RUGGIS1S - -- ■ - - -


Old News
Michigan Argus