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The Paupers Of Pennsylvania

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It íb a singular fact that, of all tho States in the Union, Ponnsylvania has the largeat numbor oí' paupers ot' any. Ppsseíwed of the l&rgest proportionute aroa of rícl [and, adaptad to all the imíus and fruits of tho températe zouc; ; underlaid wich mines of co;il, ron uncí zinc; hor mountains cloíiu'd witli raust v.vlii'ible timbur ; witU a population tolorably woll uduoatod, and not appurently wanting in vigor'or ouergy, íor sonu reason, us yot unoxplained, hor pooplo aro anable to lio aulí'-supporting, iud pauperigm infeste her .borders Jrow oae ead of tho State lo tho other. It hu fhlways beon olaimed that Philadelphia w:s ene of tho most thriving oities of tho luud, tho oom fortablo home of a graat popuWtion rojoioiugin uhuudanco; but yet l'hiladelpliit uunt:iiu.s to-day moi"o paupors tluai auy o'ther great city. If wo pass from the city to that must lovuly nu rich I.ubancft vallay, whoro the land toema with riohneas, and. tho hoge stono barus are otiun mistaken for ohurhea, again we find panperum of tho most distnal and hopelesa sort. Passing on tq tho mountains, mul into tho authraeito rogiou, agais pauperÍ8m stares us in the face; and whon wo havo oroased tho luouul :iiiu and pass down into tho vullcy, where Pittsburg lies, sheltered in tho midst of ovory uluiuont of wonlth, thoro vo íind, to our groat surprise, the uuiubcr of pauerS the largést yet- in faofc the city ia jutono hnge alms-house. Tho strongost pointof all this, that tho noio misüiiiblu tho pauper, tho more iucoinpotont, and tho moro ignorant, the moro luxuriously ho is supportod, and tho roator buiden ho bocoinos; and still noro gtzange, the greater Lis opportunity Ot support himeelf, tin? moro it is atompted to relieve him i'rom tho nood oí' elf-enpport, and tho inoro doos ho boconic dependent upon tho State. Thoso assortions may bo doubted ; but vhat is a '.pauperf'f The dictioiuiry deInö8 thu word " ono who roquiies jublic )rovision for liis support." Possossod of tho öiements of wealth betond any other soction, the poople of ?ennsylvania yit auuounoe that thoy ïuvo neither tho strength, tho skill, the bility, or tho capital to avuil theiusolvos f the opportunity which lies at thoir oinmancl, und thoieforo domand provison lor thoir support to bo mado by the üongrsaa of the United Statos, at the ost of tho rost of tho Union. And thoso who in othor Htates would be tho roproontativo men in manufactures, in mtnkg, uiül in all tho othor 'uranchos of inustry (nguod in by self-respeoting :mil elf-supportiug men, are in thu State ony representative infanta, and spend a, ar;o puition of thoir time whimpyring n tho lobbiw of the Capítol in Washing:'., and whining that they ore inoq ent, and neod to be protuoted and proviud for, evi'n thousjh proteotion and proirision to thein ïuoans privation to all leir countryjfton. Thoy aro tlio most abjecC of ail pauers, whose senaea are blunted to tueir wil condition ; and who, having lost all mse uf' self-respect, spond a parfc of theii ïuu in abusmg thüse who uro taxi'. I i'or i-ir support, nud tbu remuindi-r iu atempHng to prevent the eemovttl of the utdeu. It is time tlaat their truo name oulJ bfl ii:-:ol upon thoiu, and therefore :ii 'hu advöoates of ]riyatioi:, miscallcd l'ioii'i ii,ui, Thb Paupers or i'i:. xsvi.vA.MA. - Fktorial Ta.i-Pn.yer.


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