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Greeley's Position

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i"iuui tho X. Y. Tribuno. So niany persons seo fit to canvass tho courso of tho Tribune in tho Presidential anvaes now opening, and to question us m 11; at subject, ihat noegotism, but ;i resolvc that nu ono shall havo a chance tü charge us with equivocation or concealinont prompts us to sot forth, as plainly us wo can, precisoly what wc purposo and '.:puct to do in eaok probable eoiitingeucy. 1. If thoro shall bu Democratie ctndidatos tbr President and Vice-Prosidont in t.Uo fioM, we pnxpose to support that lie[jubhean tiokot whiok soeuiii most likoly to sueceod. 2. If tho main issue in the canvaes shu,!l bo Prbtoctiou against Pree Trade, wo shall (uo matter as to tho candidatos) jo found on tho side of Protention. 3 But if (as wo hopo and expeot) thero shll to two Iiupubljoan tickets, ud no othor, presentad with any hopo of suc688, wo shall favor that one whose elec;ion will bo in oor opinión most likoly to promoto cconomy in jtublio oxpenditure, purity in logislaüon aud in administraLion, siibstüntial unanimity it upholding for all oitizene :i complete ((uüüty of rights tinder tho law, and haston thö rotuni of fraternal conoord md mutual good will botwoon thoso who woio arráyod fijjaiust each othor in sanguinary ■ throughout our groat civil war. BttOh is our po.sii.iou ; and it will not bf aöbetod liy the noiuination of A or B, C or D, at Ciucinnati, Philadeljjhia, or ekewhëre. But lot it be distinctly understood that, whátever m:iy De the i.gio-, whoevcr mas' be the candidatos, tho Tribun will not bo in "organ." We shall print do oamp&ign odition. Wo shall not surrondor our colamns niiiinly or largely to tho adyooaoy oftbisox that platform or ticket. We shall not shout, and swoat, and put forth frantio EtppealB in behalf of any party or causo. We shall do our lUmost to tnake tho bost newBpaper in he.oountry, if not in the world, in whioh our readors will liuú uil tho faots èssantial to tho formation oí a correct opinión on public affairs. If that opinión xhall cijijcur w-ith ours, very wolï ; if not, it is nono of our buiïiws. Wo havo laborcd inany yoars to littlo purposo if wo havo not by this timo eduoatod our readers to form their oyn opiniuu: , t., 1 not blindly adopt thoso of any ono o!'.:. Whon ono writos or says to us, " I nave taken your paper twenty " years, and havo always agreed with " you," we feel moved to anawer, " Thon " you must have sometimos boon wrong : "for hu.,.., nature ia fallible, and no ono " is always ín tho right." Thcre aro somo - not many - who writo to the editor of this Journal in the vein - " If you do this or say that yon will be ruined," or " broken down," or somothin; to this cileet. If ho woro to auswor theso bullyiii" ci)istU"s, ho would say, " If you " meau ihat I ani to be diivcn out of niy ." present position, into somo leus anxious, woarisomo vocation, you coul 1 not ploasc " me bcttor than by making good your "throat. If I werc.onco fairly out, noth" ing could iuduco me at my ago to i'oturn. " I would lot younger and porhaps moro " faeilo and traotablé, Buooessora supplant "me in a oalling fovwliieh their yet un" taxod energie8 better qu'alify thoiu. Il' "ever a withdrawal of adequate supporl " shall givo me notico that I am no fon"gerneedod in this field, I shall very " oheerfully, epoodiiy quit it." - And bo, having shod all tho light wo yet may on our own futuro OQuna, wo calmly awuit tho dovolopmcnts of tho next two nionths.


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