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Railroad Movements

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The Jacksou CitUen saya : Thn Board of Directer of the Air-line railroad were in session at Dr. McNaughton'e office from tho Ütli until tho 12th lor the purposo of deciding whether to continuo or to abandon tho project of extending the road from here to Pontiac. After a stenny session, the eastern división from Ridgeway to Komeo was loasod to a company of Pontiac gentlemen, anda contract wrt6 mude that thoto gentlemen should build the road between hcro and I'ontiao. This is a virtual neliiiig out to Pontiac, and places the question of tho Michigan Central improvemente horo entirely in their hands, it is aseerted, h- the Central Compu'iy, if tho loase of their Kaatern División is not contirmed, will not mako tlie extensivo improvoments here contemplated. Tho Romeo correspondent of theDfitnut Tril, une 8ays: On the 13th tho Michigan Air Line ïiMilroad, eastern diviíion, went into the possession of a newly organized company known as "Tho St. OlairEiver, Pontiac & Jnckson Eailroad Company," undei a lease. Tho ofiicers of this new company are as follows: Wm. M. Connell, President; E. B. Com. Troasurer; J!. Ó. Btout, 11. W. Lord, A. C. Baldwin, Bdwin Phelpa, A. Parker, .M. S. Hadley, J). 0. Bnokltwd, Direetore ; nearly all frOM Pontiac. Tho leas nqniree the oompletíon of tho road to Pontiac in ono ycar, and to Jaokgon within three yeara. Tho citizons of Pontiac havo fonnd it necessary to t:ilf )'.!d of this project and will carry it through as a ir of self protection, as new roada avoiding Pontiao had cut off theix tradc. XJw A'lrian Times says : On tho Uth tho orgftnization of the Adrián State Line Jï Company was perfected by tho eV.'ction of a board of diioctors, by whom tho following offleers wero choson : James at; J. P. Cawley, Vico Leal II. Rtone, Treasurer; and J, J. Jfewell, Seeretary. 'l'hf liaa froiu Kokonio, Indiana, to Saline, in this Rtatp, a distance of 170 miles, ia non? l'ully orgaaized, and at ser oral points tuü V9fk vi coiiátruction is goiüg on.


Old News
Michigan Argus