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Siiíiriífv Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, eoiuity of Wftshtenaw: By vjrtue of oiio wreution issuchï out of 1 1 theoonntyol Waahtenaw, to nu ed imd delivi . battlea, lunds D. il i il , and formntof I dia, ba the fourtcrnth doy of ■ .ni'l levy apon - I ï i titli' and interest George i. lhll (ms in the i doaeribed real eetnté to wi; : tli1 nat half of th irti'r f iection üiiii-fi-i-n. and tí1'1 west faali of eaat Salí of wesi baif oí northweat quarter n twenty, town twoaouth mi dnff ono I 'wo aerea 'í' land, boinfr sHoftted in tbs bOirnshipOf Athi Axboi', COUOty (t Wii-lilcmw, mul Btnte ofa Michigan; atoo all tho interest Oeorge I. ■ ■■'■ 7. blo ik one imtMi, rftnfre thiwo eaat, wüd Iota i ; d 'h city of ■Vnn Avlmr. co'inty of Wnshieiifiw and Statool MichBsorlbed ro] eiitate 1 ifaall ■ ii.i m!c, at public auction, to tho bighesi bidder, al the eoathdoor of tho Cuutt Hou-,', Ln Um dty of Ann ArboTi on the third day of .1 une, A. D. 187S,atien . '.. m ni' sai i ilty. Datod, April lltli, A. I. IR71 MVKON WEr.TÏ. Fhoriff, 1ÍÍ70 By Jotítin Forbf.s, l'ixlr-Shcriff. FR. O. A. LEITE B CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Orcgory Block. ('. A. LEITKIt & CO. Ana Arbor.Doc. 22dis;i. DEOPLE'S DRUG STOiUH R, W.ELLIS& CO. DETROIT kWM % !.. &. W. F. LIIVN, Uanafhetoren of roim-i Coff-e, Splrp, HtastaffOj etc. nnd wi:i.! '■ ei i e (ifitï'TH in TEAS AND QROUEES' SUNDRIKS, ?0 Jefferson Aveóüe. Detroit. pKWIT, CaMVE GUODS, Etc, 1 have DOW In ttore n lnrge strtok of Foreign and l)ome!ic Fruits da of :)] sraite. Pickles, etc, te, vllicll I ain Oflerlbg at low priocs to tiir? trado, JOH -. UEFPBON, Wholpplp Fruit IIune, ■.".-..ƒ,. :t ison ;.ve. U! Bi:Hl, IVUWL.ANI & tü.. UamraADrer, Importcrs, aud wholeoale dealers in Hals, Caps and Straw Goods, 14(1 anrt 14S Jeffraoii nvenae. Detroit, Mich. Also chippers of undressed Purs. P. BAI.DWIN êc t ., MnniifacUirersam! wnoleeale dealers in All Hand Hade Custom Boots and Sboes, 43 Uoodtraril Aveune, DïrBOIT, MR II OiN PA1TON SOW, Mnniirncturcr and Dealers in ■ Carriases, BugjieB, Sieighs, Etc, Tho flncit nssortment in Michigan. Estaljlished in i Factory, corner Woodbridge una Brnh Streeti. Rcpositury, 120 JefTareor Avenne. Detroit. C.aiï!C:a. j s, ' i j I always keep on hand yery nice ansortment ' of 1 Open and Top Carriages, which I wlH '"11 Kt tow figures. Ruyera will do welt i Co eall Rii'i axftmtoe -toe; nnd prfcea before purchas ■ t Ing. Dealer can bay of m idvantage. c .TOSRMI KINGEL, f5 Graliot Street, comer Farraf, Detroit. Mich c -, - - - , , 1 ÏJOOKS I & . AT?X0r,r)&(TO snpp'T Public Librarles, Saooau] HchooJs and iïo'ik Bnyera ;cnerally. at low raU-s. Our etock ia cholea a mi Urge ■'■ otKiwun! aVemffi Detroit. 'ínn nnn qailoss omo stoneware . 'J UU, lUU at Wholesale. Aleo on entirdy I nw stock of M hito Kranite and C C. GooiJk, Piala au 1 lieoontiirH China Dinner and Tea Seta, ] Cut Glas. Hlver Platcd Goodn. I.amps. Cntlary, Japan Ware. etc , at No, iu Ulcolgaii iTenm, oppostte m'w ritr IIoll. DAVII) HoOOUHIOS. A ICUIGA..7IACIII?iLUr 0EPOT. G. S. Wormer fe Son. Dofller In pM kiTidft of Wood and Iroa 4 urkintc IVIachinery, s.9, 101 and 103 Jefferaon Ayenn, DfffBOlT, MICU. noRTABLG EneiNEa Por Mechanica! nri F:irm ata. ü. K, ivlCK. Manufacturer, l.'l Atwattr Street, Detroit. TOJI3Í H, AVEXDKLI, Sc CO., Cummii-ion Merchants in Flour and Grain. Ufllce auil Wnrehouec, Noa. 50, 52, 14 aud6f Woodbiidge sireet, weet, DETKOIT, MICH. i. TOSE WJTRK, 13a llarcl fe Starrat Maniifutuirt-Ts aud Wholesale dealer." in StoDo and 14 GUnbini Ware, Pire lay, Flr Book aud Dtaia THe, QlaiM Pnilt Jurs ad Kiaj-t. Mftnalkctnrers A!.rfiiti forthe tltdo Ptone Socket S'jucraiKi Wnter l'it-. ■ and wiir.-h.Hi'j No CO Woodbridye Street, opputlte Board of Tn.ii;, Detroit. Mich. j A. TïfiEIi & C. SWAIK, Wholesale and retall dealers in H liïii'li of ( Fvm Implcmcnta, Macbiocs. Btata Axeuss fur the Phyadalpnlt ,L.W]Sr MOWKRS, wrracti U) !e tbe boat in the raarkt. Trices Irüiu 15 [o $:;.'). Ubort] dlacoDi to doaln t# Suud lor circular. Ko. !il Jeilerson av.nuc. Deirott j ,, Detroit Sieniii I'ancy Dyolng; IIkIilTiIlubuueot, it Congnw street. eul, beuveen Bates nnd Rnn dolph alrets. Fancy living ou Blik. iVuulca aud Mixed Goods of evt-rv Mf-.crip!in done in tbc l.c-t pomible mmmer. Bveryklndol Hbiiwls, sllka te, cleaned and ro-presaed. Kirl u . , and úyn'.. A&üBlUAlD Uka.M'. p iSCHULENBCBG, ISiHinrd Tnbfc 1 iney'B Patsnt Steel Wire Ou-hlong, nniveral ■. acknowledLed to b the boet in iih, 8, lou nnd i'i_ Rjuxtölpn etreet, Di'troit, Mlch. rOIGHTS FAMOrfl V MtLWACXËE LACE3 3S?"E stho bctl brewed lu Ibti lrM B. W, V'UIOHT, Milwuukeo ürewury, Di-iroit, Micii. Term.i Cash. Gko. e. wtzjobtsc c .. Detroit, SUcb. Afients aud dealere lu Pine mul !.j?i:d, in Micblcan. mul la ne:rly all the other States, i'r;;r[-(: i'ine Land bouut or sn!d on Cominia. Ion. 1 ho best of land inthe t-uuthcru State at low rate-i Chas. Neblc. Gen. S. rvovt. Chas. W. Bebto CEEDS, l'rcl and RcIi.iMr Ottrdea, Flowcr, litlil I ;irlti fices!, Who'.csalc and Eetoll 1' It FERRY i; CO , Seedamen, -K oodward svenne P. '3. Our Dlmtmted .iid doscrlptlve pri :ed Bmd CaMocns of .C2 pasea freu to uil spplicauts. ÍKEDS! SEKDS! Fresli tu! Kelinble F!eld anrl Flower Sfec!. wholemle an.l reüi!, Ht i loweat rat'. Alm Friit and OriiAm.'p.':ii Tren, Sñpo Tines, Sbrubs, koaes and Pluma ol all kinds. Send (br a cabüogne. v. M. ADAIK & CO , Detroit. JOHN BC. DOUGHBHTY, Manufncturer of Mlrror p.nd Iictur! Fmutc, Chromoi, i:uijTai ntN nad Piioto. Dealera and Agenta snpplled. --Ï Jefll-rsm ne nue. De ZW Gorman platos at Iowest market rates. tfend for cataloüue. iilll law I. A . CADWEIX, iTI. I. Or ■N lint and Aurist, permunently ' locatedin Uetroit for i'wcnty-Five ra. Specially treatiug dlsesseii -y o' ■ ■s n'i?. Arr p:ak, and Cntarrhal aiToctl'-iia of the HKAT.) ANX THROAT, onico and residence, No. 52 I,afayette avenue. Offlca honrf from 'l . t. to 5 r. m. (toferencei bj Permlíílon- Nitbdnlel W. Broolu", Ilon. Ira Mayhew, Qeo. Prentlaa, gaa., vm. I. Horton, BankeK 1. P, Morton, E; , Wm. I. Fowicr, Epq. 13T0m2 Estáte of Charles D. Stitt. OTATE OF MTCTTIOAN .Oonntyof Washtenaw, fs. t At a sossion of the Prob&teCoart Por the Uoonti ([ w ".-:■; ntriinw. bolden al the Probate Oftlce. in nh City of Ani Arbor, on WcJuesday.lnc scvcuteenth da.? of Aprft, in the ytvir oiití tho-inaiid eight hnn'lrcO and seveoty-two. Prosont.l!ir:im.í."8eakofi..rnd3eof Probate. In the matter oí the Estáte of Charles D. Stttt, deccasod. OnrcfiíllnLrndfilinthf'pctition,duljverlftod1oí il. Btttt, jirnvinu' that Iíivid A. Horner or somc othcr Riiitahle persou, may be nppointed Adminlstrator of the emate of ft.iid aeceftea. Ttaereipon it i ordored, th.-it ndny, the thirteenth duy of May noxti at ten o'clock in the assined for tïio hearlDg ol sitid pftitlon . and thai the heirn at lav of aid dcceaaeaDdaHothorDorsoDSInUrestedtnealdeetAte, arerequired t fippear at a ie?sion ol said Cnnrt, the bc holden nt the Probate Office, In the Oltj ol na Arbor, and show canse I fan j theretae whr prajer of the peUtloner shonld not be rranted i Andltlsfarther ortlcred. thui BftJdpetltioncrüive iiotvcc to the persona in'ercstcd iu MÜd estaic-of the [w:ml." y ofsald pctltion. and tk.c heartne tboreof by caoAlnc a tap; ofthia order to bepahlished in the Michigan Argut.ñ nowspapcr, prlnted and clrcnlatlng in aid ('oiuity,three8uceesniTe weeks prevtoas to salddai ofhocrinir. (Atrnecopy.j Hl RAM J. BKAKK8, 1370 JQdee of ProhiitP. Est.itc of Polly Gould. QTATEOP MICHIGAN. Connt ofWasatenaVtSU 0 ae ;i neaalon of the Probate Conrt Tnr the Countj of Wanhtenaw, Molden al the Prï;ite Office In tinCüy of Ann Arbor. on Monrtay. the fftcrnth fly oí April, in the year ouo thoneanci hundrodaod veventv two. Present Miram .J. BeakeS, Indpof Probnto Tn tho matter of the estáte of PoïJy Gould. ('(■(■■ïi-ed. John ■'. RobUton, Administratie of nl pptatp, comen EntoCoñrtaod eepresent thnt ho l niw pre pared u reader nis flnnl account as ueh .4 dm in is trator Thereopon it ír Ordered. that Mondajt the thïrtP'Titli t!:iy of Maynexi ut ten 'c] ck Eu the forenoon, !u asslffned for exsnünlnc nnd nllowingr snr.h ■ ■- and tb si Ihehelraatlawof sald deceasedi and all other - i crentedln BaideMateac4 1 -li:; ■! '1 tO appOAT ñi t flttSefoil of Sflld fniirt, tbftU t" ïcholdon at the Probate Office, ín the City of Ann i Arixtr. i ii BaidConnty. and show i-mse. rf ao-j thore u-.v:v the nMd ncconni ahonïd roI bpnnowcd And it is fnrther ordered that sald Adm'nl ■ [ÍTenot1oetothepoivontiInjten}atMÍ n unid estáte of the pendencv ofsald acconnt, nnd the hearing ;hereof. DTcao oftbts nrder to be pubtvArpvs, a new8píipir urintrd ni clrcnUtlBf in iiid Connty. thrtft sTtcoeootTe veoks pre vio ti y to snldílnv of hearinp. CA trnecory.) 'lUKiMJ. BSAKKff. Ï3TÜ1 Judc of Probate. Fredorick Ymif " 5TATE OF MICHIGAN, County nf w '' , M ., ,.■ „ion W'.ishl. .. rf Ann Ai ,-j,. „„ April, in ti.u ycar o ■eventy-two. " """wü i ' I Hiraxn -1. 1'Af t . In the matte! ot the ittle tg 'vni, n Í11 lina and ftling thopctiüta dni, Theraupoa it ia onUred, that IToniln .v ♦een'h ■: it ten "dotf4Í! nöon '" -■■■ i vii.i ."b. ■"! "nT'SÏ ' stcd in ííjii'l éstate, ire lfr ; Courtthm , ?"'"' I ■ or Kiail mytherebc,whytheiwr-TN should nol hegrnntcd ; Vi.lit ; , " dereú, i ',?■ tion, add "irtn. lwlS riüted ond circulating in siii.i iv .""h.! ks previoua tiisnid !:iy „f i," ''Hdï (Alniroopy.) HIUAMJ.l 1370 S Ëstete oí Kuby A. fiosKa,, STATE OF JIIÍ'II . i.x, , ..,..,..!.. of w , ' At n aesíion of tlie ,„.,. ,, , ' btcnaw, holdcu at tho PnUteOaC'W city of Aun Árbol', on WodneKlay, the ''( day (;: A pi il, in Uw year ono thguaajid aMSm and acvcnty lwo. ' " " r"-::-. ■ ut, Etirom .1. Baks, JHfltrtaf pmi In the i:i'iU of thií of Uiift Un rciidinfr imtl flling the pátiHon, dulv ,- Morrie H. (irp,ip, praying thiit n -r.iiii iZS now on file in this Court, purporting (( u i? will and tpatRment of said deceaaed ma? ?J' :te, and thnt he mny b appointai iOrl':r: tui lli-.-ri'fit. ■ " tütj. Tbeicupon it is ordortd, Ihat ifondaT ík. teentliilay cf My nt-xt, at tfciiü'cli.tklntlèf . !u-il for the beatine of al petitioa S11 ■"'i Ii--ir-iii;lawofaii2í? nnd au other peraon -'ti quired I ■ muí Bnid'oourt th notden. at tlie l'robate Oifíx', iu tlie citr'(rfA " lor, and aboiv oauae, it nny Uiere be, whTtk'f' ';r' fchE petltloner should not bt Ay0 furthpr ordvred that said petitioner give aot1" ■ ■ , of the MauL .ii(! petition, nnd thc heariag tlienof Weuf"' I thls order to be publiahed in theÜL' l ■ . ,n ncwspaper priuted and ciitaUK?? . Ihroe succfüsive wecks preíioon to uj V K: boiiriiip. )n (Atruecopy.) 1IIRAMJ EFASti Drain Conimissioricr's Xoticc. WffOTICE is hcTcby given Ihat lb I)ran r . Lt nonerof Wiiehten.-iw Ccninly wül bèttüftï! )f Chauncey Howell, in the towiisl.ip of Den ,;tif] cntiiity, oq the (9tb] uintli dny yf ij?'a me o'clück in tlif nfternoon, to meet pti te 01 Um .-xcHVatkm ;iid coustructioo of i ? itnown :■ ;n Ño. I, í'ommenciiu nen5 , W. c rn uï Metion No. 21 in ihc townstriprfTL: ter, beinif town No. 1 south range 4 east, mwTmJ? Lhcncc in Moutheaaterly direction and Itaditwue! Iet on KCtion No. 23 in said town, on tbc ui ,j ;.rer. i i" of Chftuncey Hoirf,. Batnrday, the (4 Ui) fourih tlay May afomi wliicii lime nnd plooe I wül cxliibit maMofrtTiw proposoU cirain and descríptions of tbe serení tosí &t land deemed by m ■ bene tl tod tbenbr tS nmouut and dencription by división mil utrfñ j ■ ..' propoaed drain by to.' apyiorifcorf t4 ownfiv of eaeb deMriptdonoi land tu eeutmt to the hmaahlp of Dexter U coustruct on tnamt Buch dram bpnefltin the hijrljwjiy, andto beer on, ir :ny are offered, why mich apponiaca Bhould I ■ peotod. Aim Ailjor, April lGth, 1872. DAVID M. FIXI.H 1370 Diain Comm isftioiurr of WuphtBi Coatr, Commissioacrs' Notice. STATE-OF MICHIGAN, county of Watnit.i Tho nndereigned, having been appoiutedb ProbfttcCourt foTsnid county, rommiawwnii ceive, examine, and mljust all claim and deawíi'í all pereous aainat catate of Job Bt.' lato of saiii counly, dererted, hereby give notettai ftix moutlia trom tïiflft date are aUowebjofwi aid Probate Court, t'orcreilitortitoprewnttbñittú ;ip:HÍ 'i.vt the estáte of said deceaaed, and that tber r" meet at tho residenee of John jucob Bmtñ,B said oounty, oo Saturday, the thirtnft fejtf July, Hiid on Batutday, the twelfth dt (ƒ'■ tober next, at 10 Velock a m. of each ofiuJir. to reoeiTO, examine, and adjust anid clainu, Líatcd ApTÜ i2th, ,v,l,tó72. JOHN JACOB BREiyRö, CHHISTIAN XE1BIIR, KB PIANOS Have taken tho First Prmiua OVER ALL COJIPETITIOI AMERICA, ENGLANP. AND FHAJICI, These Standard Iiïstrtiments Are urn offerod at Rcdoced Ratw n i.t OIK-J'UICK SYSTEM. t 40,000 'C3 OP THESE Stand a vd íMano-Forís Hare been mado Bold sicce lS23,ad EIGHTY-ONE FIKST PREMI Have been awarded too:irFlm OVER ALL C03IPETITIÖJ The?o Pianos are still regardcd nd oeicu-1 I to bc The Standard liielraairnts of tit anl aro so prononnped bv jiTT Sbi gref.t Iir. lp. m Lisit si.ys: " I conjMot the W! iliL' PlailO lupcrii r t inij made in E'nQt and ftm fullv convinccd tlia thftt tliey were juilï tillfl lo tilë trd l'iue.'' rtiitkcriDg & Sons' MnmiHOib HaWW is more tfinn ono-tFiïnl largor than njolheFi forte Mannfáctory in t!? world, nr.di In eeiT ■ speet muit complete a regarJs mchuJ itne bclllUea fr dulnj tb wj ir cf. -," Meaws. C. í Son have, s-iíce tSte cFtblüí thoir hoelness In niliold"? iiurl these ■ ton l"i J n r r;ow cWWJJ dncVd'w npou the "Owr-l' fnim all dtMonnla and comtnluelou; a"ilí, Iteyoud ■'l reftiifttlon thevruv liKsTandWH" ■KT Flrwt-C'iay i'i.ios n"W oflferwL -LL CABD. We cali especia] ttentioii ton UPRIGHT PIANOS whicTi in cr.-rv partlcnlAt tv íineítiw! Graiul Ptano, for whlci :hcr ajeaüoodsw"' i vt ry PIado warrnnted for Ftw vt'iirs. CHICKERIrJG & SORStl E. I4tIiSt.,SeWÏl1 854 AVafiliin'ton St., Bosten. SAM. B. REVENAÜ6I FHöTOGRAPHifi MAKES ALL K!iM)s oF PIDTÜRES FROM Til E SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUE LI F E SIZ ANOPINISIIKSTnRMIS INDIA I1NTL: OÏL, Oí( WAïBS COL0Bs! IN A SüPPERIOR tUkSSXBi ir.Hy. Ne. no mno$SAM. JÍ. KÊVEW A t 1J Copies Oíd 4MBB0TVPES & DAGCBMïWÏ IN FIKST CLASS STYLÍ TD AIJY DSSIRBD &'?S PttVSKIAKS' PSESORIPTlS ACCL'RA'. KI.1 ANi' CAREFULLY PKEPAP Ii. W.ELLIE & CQ,1)BÜGO0


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Michigan Argus