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About Working Our Streets

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A year Híi) r tbereaboata W6 offeren somo sugestiona to tlio Conunon Councll toticliln üie adoptloo of a recular systun n w-orkini; tlic .treets of tbla city. Anotli6r year of obscrvatlou has confirtned us thc corrcctness of the snggegtlooa tben made. We have too muny mea la charge of onr strcet iniprovenjenls, - tliree Btreet Comuiissioners and a Street Comttlttee O alx,- and thc oíd adage that " too many cooks spoil tlio broth" i ns truc in Uito as any other matter, especially as each man woi-ks on a plan of his own. Too nnicii tvork is clone one year to be nndone the noxt ; too rauch Ib half or tess tb,an half done, to be gonc over by the next Conimitl: t nr Commissioncr; too mncli gravel is damped liere and there, where a ditc!i sliould be CUt iii"tci'l of a street ralsed, for no goorl reason so f;ir as tlie public can nee, save to assist soinc man in di}íS'"g a oellai or to fjive penistent applicanta for work a snmmcr's jui). There is one and only one remedy for thls hap-hazard, raiulom, proraiscuous, loossand coetly way of spendlng the people'i money without securing tiic end sopposed to be in view, the bettering of our strects. Thai way is this : Before anotber load of gravel is drawn and (Himped, before another foot ofgutter is cut with an upward inelination, before anotlicr dollar Ir expended " iy gneaa," a competent 8iirvyor or engineer slionld take an exact level of each and every Street, establlsh the grade of streeta, gatten and water coamea -with slze of latte r, map the same, have the work approved by the OoanclI, and maps and plans deposiled in the Reeorder'l office- lu the absence of a snrveyor's or en glneer! office. Tuis done, lel Streel Commimioners and Streel Commlllees be remdred to workto aurlirwp and plans : or what Is better, let the charter be amemled, three Streot CoinmiMioDen be abollehed, a tinglé une provided f or, and better still, if Otat one be lie Marshal Uutil such a survey is mude, sucli jrrade= estabtblbed, such maiis and plans provkled, such a rlgid system adoptad and adhered to, the money of the tax-payers wlll be larnely thrown away. A survey and ra.ips will cost some money, but the cost will be saved m a single, and every year thereafter. The plan we snggest is tliat pursucd in oüivr litios of the State, pursued successfullv and tkorooghly, and on oo o!ler can good slreets be econoniically made. Nature Las givf n us good ai.l, and a little gravel, a little commou sense, an nngiu eer's level, and a little money, will give us streets cqual to those of any nelghboring city. The present want of system Is "go ing back on nature," and at great cos:. - We heard It romarkcd a few days ago tliat if some of our citizcus would pass aronnd tho hv.í' raise a small, and hire tltcCouncil toga down and look at the strects of FpellatfM - where the plan we suxiestcd last year actl renew now is worked upon - it would tasare reform. Two weeks ago we presented a new railroad project to oar readers: the orgaiii.'ti':ii of a compaiiy to construct a roacl from or Bear Saline, in this county, to Pontiac, In Oaklam'l county, the same to be a connecties link in or part rf & ton; line of rond, say from Port Huron or St. Clair to St. Louis, Mo., matting the s!iortpt linebetween Portland, Me., and nll New England, viti the Graad Tronk. On Weilnesilay our city was visited by IIoi). E. ü. Stout, of Foutiac, and .Messrs. Beukt and Keweli,, of Adrián, in the iu.terest of thia proposed road, and at a meetIng at the parior of Cook's Hotel iu the evenlug, our buslnesa meo bel Dg well repre sented, a commlttce was appolnted to pro cure our quota of stock subscrlption Decessary to effect an orgaulzatlón. Givi the commlttee a-'-eitrinE - and liberal snbscrlptlons. N. I!. Colb reqnests us to pay to tlio.e wlio are n want of Fruit Trees iliat he is dow cast for the purpose of Belectlng n largo quantlt; o!' dioico trees, and wlll have the satne open for inxpectloB as bood as the we.itlier w',11 per ra i t, and would like to hav those in want of trees cali and examine bltem. Rrv. Dr. Ricbmond Fisk, of Grand ids, hite President ofSt. Lawrence (JnlverIty in New York, wlll preach In the Unitarian Church next Bünday, mornins; anrl evenlDg. Dr.íFras Isoneof the most eml nent preachers of tüe Unlvërsallst denomiiHition. , A Parker SDgar-cured ham has foand Is wiiy to onr larder, and í henee, in temp tl D( siicos, to our break fas t table. It came fron SuLWaoa & Son's, and !f you liaye a tasti : lor .weet acd toothsome raeat order one o I the sanie gort, A vci-y valonarte number ot Hearth and Banu for Apiil 20 is before us. Bedeles severa! fine eogravings, rad tUe usual good asRortmeat of excellent reading for all depart menta of (he bousehold, a supplement lo tliis number ?ivcs an accotint of a four yc:irs' II bel suit brougt igaitist the pnbllthera forexposlng humbugs, In irhlcb the important rulings of Jadge Bradv of the N. Y. Suprcme Court, nn 1 the lestimony of g phys:cia:is, tike aiivanced grountl in regard to the responslblllty ofmanufacturersand dealers in patent medicines. Tlr.s wlll be apeclally Interestlng, nat ónly to lawyers, physiclans, airi drogglftts, bot to to all who buy and use medicines, nnd to tlmse who haye been swiodled by hnmbiix. A prominent feature, bowever, oí this number, !s the r.ew story by Dr. Eggleston, aathor of the "fioosler Sehoolmastcr," CDtltled "The End of the World," illnstrating life and scènes in the West tliirty years ago. It is conSdently belleyed that this wlll be one of the most attr active and nsc.'iil American stories yet broaght out. Get Uiis aamber ot your Dewftman or eend a dlme and get a postpald copv from the pulliJiers, Ouanok Judd & Co , 245 Broiidvvny, N. Y.


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