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Balky Horses

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Tho brain of a horse seoms to entertain but one thought at a time ; tor this reason oontinuocl whipping is out of the question :ind only confirma his stubborn resolve. Hut if you can by any means change the direotion of his mind, givc Üim a new subjoct fto think of, nine times out of ton yon will have no further trouble in starting him. As simple a triek as a little pepper, aloes, or the like, throwu bank on his tongue will ofton succeed in turning his attention to the taste in Lis nsjth. "The pair ot' cattle toa log chain around tho horso's neck " is an intriente anl expensive romedy, and a good aay nofc be as lucky as tho Fond du Lac mita in having a yoke of cattle hamly fot tlie occasion. A simplcr and cheaper romedy that will result far diff'erently is to take a couple of turns of common wrapping twine, such as grocers use, around the foro legjust belowthe knee, tight onough tor iho horso to teel, and tio in a bow knot. At the first cluek ho will generally go dancing off, and aftel going a short distance you can get out and remove the strine, to prevent iujury to tho tendón il' you drive further. The lïrst lesson in this simple procesa was in Lexington ; subsequent experiionue has provea its utility when applied to balk y horees. The pliilosojiliy of the appliance is something on tho same ]ninciple as whoreof we önce read for pr!V( ntiug hens iVum BCratching up tho garden : " l'ut gaffs or spurs on tho hens, A-veising them - instead of the point up iiavo üiem pointing down. Then, when the hen iihs i leg co scratch, as it descends the point catohea in the ground, jiliicing tho foot forward ; and tho stroke with the other leg is attended with like results, until the hun v:ilks herself right out of tho garden." - Turf, Field and Farm, -■ - -. .


Old News
Michigan Argus