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The Eleven Territories Exceed By Nearly

The Eleven Territories Exceed By Nearly image
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20,000 square miles the aggregate aroa ot all tho présent aduiitted btato iu thü Jnion. ürading on the North Pacific railroad ïas gono on all winter in Dakota, and is Inisned to a point 70 miles went of the Minnesota line. Only once since tbe white man settled n the Grand Traverse región, Michigan, nis tho weather been so cold as duriug he past winter. About 200 Swedes are expocted froru Jwoden this month to settle upon lands owued by the Grand liapids & Indiana tailroad Coinpauy. "Ah, parson, I wish I coiild take my $old with me," said a dying dtaoon to is pastor. "It might niclt," was tho jastor's consoling reply. During 1870, Philadelphia produod 10,000,000 worth ofcarpots, $5,öOO,000 of prints, $3,000,000 of silks, vnd otler abrics to the valuu of over ij 40,000,000. The New York Assembly has passod a )ill to give thf majority of elector power ;o decide whether liquor may be soid'in any city or town. SecrMary Fish bas instructed our Conul at to reinonstrate against he outrages couimitted on the Israelitess n Roumania, Probably tbe longest bridgo in tl e world is on the Mobile & Moiitgonu-i y tailroad, between Tensas stition and. fobile. It rt'sts on iron oylinderf, luis en druws, and is 15 miles in length. A college 6tudeut being examinad in jockc, wbero he speaks of our relations ;o the Duity, was asked, " What relations .o we most ncglect?" he answered, with ho utmost siuiplicitv, " Poor relations, ir!" A politico-astronomical paper Baya : 'Venus is as suceessfnl a lobbyist ;is Yinde Beam. SUe bas coaxed $50,000 out of Congross on pretext of a transit across ho sun." ïwo women of Poeafouica, Illinois, were exaniining a pistol tho other day, upposing it unloadcd. It wns accident ally disoharged, ghooting oue of thoni faally. They were as careless ;is uien. The Lutherans have, for years, not ony h id deaconesses, but also institutions stablished with special reference tothom, ho first of whieh was formi d in 1836. ure now forty-five, ind the aumber it deaconesfles is 2,500. Only one of these nstitutions is in this country. A Bay City pastor declines an addition jf a hundred dollars to bis ealary.for this ea n, among others, that tlis hardeet )iivt of bis labor, heretofoie, bad been the ioïlection of bis salary, and it wouj. i kill ïim to try to colloc-t a hundred dollars moro. Tho only link wliich is now needed to omplete Puek's girdle round the globe is be counection of our Pacific coast with he Ishind of Japan. Mr. Cyrus ; 0 whoso energy we are largely indebted 01 tbe 9000688 of the Atlantic cables, i mu ivoring to secure the establishment ' a line from Vancouver's Tsland to Ilakladi, and thenceto a Ilussian naval staion in Siberia. Three other trans-Pacifc lines are also contemplated. A young woman delegato in tho recent hio convention of woman suffragists, lumply said: "For my own part, I ove men, individually and collectivoly, )ctter than women ; and so, I am sure, oes every one of ui y sox, if they, like me, ould utter their real sentiment. ï am more anxious for man's elevation and m) rovement than wnman's, and so is very true woman." That's thu reason W wants to vote, Betrothal part:os, aftor tho Germán ustom, are becom ing tbe fashion in New Tork. Tho engagei reoeive their Wends i formal fushioa, and an: oongratulated. 'hus the happy event is made public. and great is tbc rejoicing tbereat. If this bepomes general, and every belle givos a party every time she becomes ongaged, New York society will have its hands i'ull all the vear roundi "How can I stop my fowls from eating their eggs?" To this t(uestion the KI mira Gazelte replies : " We would say that wo have tried muzzling hens addicted to this habit with much success; but if you have many hens it is too much labor to harness andunharness tbcüii soveral times a day, and perhaps, after all, the only way to get oven with tho hen is to wait until she eatüthe egg.and then oather. You thus kill two birds with one club, and a hen ís tho pot is worth two on the pole, as any " hen-roost stripper " in the station houso will teil you. We havo socn tho lcaking of mille pro vented by placing an Imïia-rubber ring around the teat after milking. Another rouiedy, common v?ith soine dairymen, is to milk sutli cows thiee times a day, until tho musclcs of the teat gain sufficiont strengtli to hold inilk from inovning Uiitil evening. Anothor very au and simplo way is to apply a small quantity of collodion to tho teat immediately after milkintr. This forins atonco a thin, tough mtinbrano or skin, whicli will prevent kakage, and is oasily removed before milking. It may be liad at tho druggists.-


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Michigan Argus