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- Tho N. Y. Eeening Post thinks thfit ;ho candidato of tho Cincinnati Convention for President wil] be oither Charlea BVaneis Adums, Lyman Trumbull or Gen. John M. Palmer ; and that the soicotion tor Vico-Presidont wiU lo oither ex Socretary Cox, of Ohio, Gov. B. Oratz Brown, of Mo., or Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain,of He., " though it is not, indeed, imposible that oue of the chiof candidatos for President may consent to bo sccond on the tioket." - Sonator TrumbuH's Cooj)er Instituto rcmark that " Grant is as dead politically as Andrew Jaekson is physically " don't set well on tho stomach of our oontemporary of the Battlo Creek Journul. By the way, our friend of the Journal has evidently forsaken his revenue reform notions, and concludes to link his fortunes with tho regulars and go down with tho rotten huik. - On Monday ovening, in Chicago, a meeting of Gormans was held and delogatea elected to the Reunión and Reform Convention, to bo held at Cincinnnti tho same day as the Liberal Ropublican Convention - Wednesday next, May lst. ïhis Reunión and Reform inovemont is not oonfined to one party, and has objocts similar to those put forth in tho Liberal Uopublican cali. - The Adrián Times locates Goorgo H. House, who says he didn't sign the Liberal Ropublican circular, in Ann Arbür. House has nary house in Ann Arbor. His houso is at Lansing, and not in our city. Geo. P. Sanford, another dissenting disBenter, is his partner. Ann Arborites nover go back ou their signaturee. T hc spivits must havo signed for Houso and Sanford. - Col. and Senator McClure, of Pennsylvania, is reported as saying : " I ghall go to the Cincinnati Convention and burn all tho bridgos bohind." Equally significant and positive is tho Coopor Instituto declaration of Horace Greeley : " ] shall go forward with the non-officc-holding Republicana to the Cincinnati Convention and its conscquencos."' - The Supreme Court at Washington has again decided that the " late war ' was only a rebellion, that tho so-called seceding States " wère never out of tho Union and absolved from their duties, liabilitics and restrictions incuiubcnt upon them." Don't that knock tho bottom out of all the " reconstruetion acts ? " - T. T. - which is brief for Thoodoro Tilton - says that if Grant will not withdraw trom tho Prcsidential course, and that immediately, " nothing reraains save what Mr. Greeley styles ' the Cincinnati Oonventiou and its conseqnences ' .' Well, Graut won't withdraw, and so T. T.'s admiren know what is what. - The Flint peoplo couldn't agroo 011 a location for a High School building and so called on President Angelí, of tho University ; Principal Estabrook, of tho Normal School ; and Hon. M. E. Crofoot, of Pontiac, to select for them. Thc accopted tho cali and scttlcd the muddie. " Arbitration " is a big thing. - The New York Eceniiig Post says that tho nam es of a number of tho mosl prominent Vice-Prosidents of tho lato (ir.i.'it Cooper Instituto meeting wero used without their knowledgo or consent, and that they are neither in sympathy with tiie meeting nor its object. - There is moro " cumulativo " hunibug in tho now charter enaetod for New STojl ; 'il ■' than i; ny oth t tcindred law extant : and that is saying a good deal i ring the rucent vast amonnt of abjurd legislntion by Congress an-.l sundry State Legialatures. - The Jaekson Citizen is authorized to st.Vu that tho "Hon. Austin Biair does not proposo toattend tho Ciueinnati Conn, and never has proposed any such ■:" whioh will make tle Allegan Journal feel very indignnnt. - Gov. Blair of this Stato refused to sign tho Congressional indorsement oi President Grant and his administration, which was, "by authority," oirculated ín tho Houso tho day of the late Grant Ccoper Instituto meeting. - $8.80 : that's tho faro from Jaekson to Cincinnati and return for tho Libera] Ropubliean Con vent ion. Through coaches will leavo Jaekson at 7:15 a. M. and arrive at Ciueinnati the same evening. - "Liberal Grant-haters " : (that's the epithet applied to tho Republican indorsers of tho Cincinnati movement by the partisan and serviie organs as fail to discern the signs of tho times. - Tho Allegan Jmirnal pronounces Gov. Blair's monument unvoiling oration "a political stump Bpeech." And, if suoh, one of hia best, we will say with tho JournaTs kind permission. - Judgo Sturgis, the first sottler upon Sturgis Prairie, St. Josejih county, and whoso name was given to tho thriving village thereon located, dicd on the 16th inst., aged 85 years. ' - Tho attorney of Gen. Sickles has called on tho N. Y. World to apologize for and retraf t certain remarks, on pain of a libel snit : but the World don't scare worth a continental. . - The Republican Bourbons of Maryland mot in convention on the 24th inst., elected delegates to the Philadulphia Convention, and instructed them to vote lor (rant. - A largo and onthusiastic Liberal Republican Convontion was held at Davonporfc, Iowa, on Tuesday, and 130 dolegates appointod to tho Cincinnati Convention. - The Battlo Creek Journal pitches into Henry Ward Beechor for not damning Seliurz, Trumbull & Co. at tho lato Brooklyn Instituto mooting, - Anna Dickinson, tho gentío, loving, lamb-like Anna, iirod hot shot into tho Grant camp, at Cooper Instituto on Friday ovening last. - Hon. Mark Howard, formerly of this city, is ono of tho Connectieut Ivilieral Bepublioans signiug the Cincinnati Convention cali. - Gen. Sherman, Lieut. Graut, and Hon. A. G. Curtin, Ministor to Russia, mivi'd at iSevastapol on or about tho 23d. - And now Senator Thos. Scott, of Pennsylvania, is said to bo Grant's candidate for Vico-President. - Tho Michigan Senate convenes ácais as a Court of Impeachmont on Tuesday next, April 30th. - The official voto of Connectieut gives Jewell 2,001 majority ovor Hubbard, and 28 majority over all. Aftcr the Board of Supervisors had oompletod its business on Tuesday- ■ or rathor bad determinad to take 1U :iution on the speoial business Lor -whieh it was con vened- Mayor DotTÖliSfl and Aid. S i, in behalf of the city and by pormissiou of the Board, pxesented the xmdition of tho feuco around the Court House squaro to the considoration of the oembers. A free diseussion. foliowed, with a motion euipoworing the Clerk to mild ;i fenoe, whioh was amendedto próvido tlmt tho city shouldpay half tho exionso, iuid then aa adjoui-nment taken without action. Some of the moinbers clairuod to think that the Board had Deen oonvened for a special purpoee and could act upoa no othor. These are re! to vol. 1 of the Compilad Laws, pages 1S8-9. Others were uuwilling to givo any disorotion to the Clerk, fearing that living temporarily in Ann Arbor ho wouldbuild or order too good a fonce ; and others soomod to think the present tuinble down fenco could be put in good condition. - About this f onco business: we hope it will bo a long time beforo the city will offer or consent to pay half er a quarter the cost of a now fenco around tho square. Tho amouut would bo a moro pittanco, not worth ruaking words about, but the principio is all wrong. Tho eounty owns the square, let the eounty build just such a fence as it can afford,' and as tho taste and pride of the Board of Supervisors inay dictate, picket, post and rail, or rail and rider, we don't aire which. The principio of requiring Ann Arbor to fonco the eounty grounds is the same that prevents other counties gotting Court HoUBos, and compols tho Courts to bo held in old churches and halls, and tho eounty offices kept in barns or offices but little botter. The samo principie would re-, quire Lansing to build tho new capito' and keop tho capítol grounds in order and is all wrong. "We favor no extravagant outlay in buildings ör grounds or felices to beautify Ann Arbor. What i.-s good enough for the wealthy eounty o; Washtenaw is good onough for Ann Arbor, and we shall ad vise Ann Arbor to accept the situation cheorfully. If wo want better buildings ihan the eounty let us build thom and own theni ; if wc want better parks or squares lot us buy tho ground in a suitable location - which the Court House square is not - and fonce improve, and keep in order. That is tho truc dootrino, and the sooner ifc is 80 accopted by all partios tho bettor. Any oue however, who chooses to differ with us is under no compulsión to accept our views Wo givo them as only our own, and for what they may be worth. TuE Allegan Journal having hean tho Washington rumor that " Our Blaiu ' hnd deolared in favor of tho Cincinnat Con vention, procoods to " raiso bis har ' in this wiso : " This new political doparture by Gov Blair does not Burprise us from reeen speeches made by liim in Congress. The )vernor's recent oratiou at (lio unveiling ceremonies in Detroit, wheu sunmied up is but a specious argumeni in fevoi of tlie cxplodcd State Kights theory of the. "Democratie" party, while his plea for Universal Amnesty for the Kbels was au insult to the fallen Union heroes whoso doods tho monument at 1 etroit was erected to honor. Austin Blaii has abandoned tho party which has so frequently Jionored him and has now made his bed with tlie mongrel politica' crew who will assemble at Cinoinuati on the lst of May to vent tiuir spleen and maliee at the Republioan party. Lel him go. Hundreds and thousai War Demócrata will mom than fill the vacancies oocafiioned by lh: bult ing oi sui'ii "oonfidenoo politioians" as Schurz Trumbull, Greeley, the Blairs, et id vmm " Wo wero told at Ditroit that the ExGovernor was promised the next Democratie uomination for Qovernor and 'Ik Senatorial succossion to Mr. Chandler foi making this bolt. But thuso "confidenci politioians" ore reokoning without theii husts. Tha pcoplo will have something to say about these bargains. There may be a failore in the deÜvery of the oiKces by tho high OOntraoting p:utie3." Nov, dou't, Dox ! don't!! Didn't Blaiu ofiioiate as god-fathi-r or godmotheror "sumthin' elso" whnn the Eopublican party was boru at Jacksou ? hasn't he won tho right through j'ears ot "loyal" service to think for himself ? and is ho to be thus unoeremoniously turned out to grass for presuming - an unusual thing, we will concede, for Republic.ans - to think independently ? Has the old chieftain no following thdt anybody may venturo to kick him thusly? Look out, Don! Tiie following paragraph concerning i.lii' recent earthqualtee in Inyo County, California, we tako from a letter just received trom our friend Cuas. N, Fox, of San Francisco : " Don't spend too niuch sympathy over us account of the great oarthquake the New York papers aro getting up such i sensation over. It was andoubtedly the niost severo one ever feit by white men on this continent, but it spent its foreo in the least sottled portion of thi Union. Here it was scarcely feit, and tho only dainage dono was ia Inyo Connty, 2S0 miles from hero in au air line, and on the eastern slope of the Sierras; so that, though politically in this State, geogrsphioally it is cut oif from us. Thu wholo country thert'abouls is volcanic, and has but a sparee populatioa. About ;jl) were killed, and considerable dainage was done to the choap houses in which they lived. However, no houses uxcopt wooden ones could have withstood that shock, and it is to be hopod that it may not be often repeated, even thoro." " CiiAliLlE " pxomises the Ako fs a letter soon. It is a favorito saying of the fsithftü, and Fred Douolaks gave it his sanotion at New Orleans, that " all roads loading out of the Eepublicim party (meaning tho Grant wingj lead into tho Democratie party." Senator Edmu.vds took the sanie roseate view, on Tuesday, when lie said, discussing a defioiouey bill that tho Cinoinnati Convenlion "isdesigned to be the nueleus of a party which shall bo the same as the Democratie pavty in everything bnt name." How terrible to contomplato. Ex-Membkrs of Congress " ply theii vociition " as lobbyists to such an oxtent that the House proposes to adopt a rulo excluding thom from " the floor," unless " they declaro on honor that they have no personal or private iutorest in any legisativo njeasure bofore tho Houso or its committces." It will bo neoessary to excludo them from the Capítol, or even the capital, to relievo memben from bong button-holod, bored, perhaps bribod.


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