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Uta JUmfenmits. ■'ÖTiCÜi." " The nnnunl meeting of the stockholdera of t Ar uur i liníion, for the electíOD of oiiicer and fox the trn ach othei biuinesifw may ■ ■ brought befoni the meeting, will bd beid at thé , -.-.ii.-Í:íííoii, No 18 M.iin Stircí, un' .nnLoy Sffay th, at ten o'clook Ín the forenoov. B. W. W Al 1, tUXEE, President Becretary. Ann Arbor, April 21, 1872. 137 Iw2 QLORIOLS NEWS FOR ALL CREATION! E. J. JOHNSON, HATTER ! HAS E13CEIVED HIS SPRING STOER AND STYLES Hats, Caps & Straw Goods, CEYTS' FVfiBBBIIti ÍOOüS, ETC., WHICH BIB PUOPOSES TO SELL AT PRICES ttlilCU DE F Y COAU'KTITIOX. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor Real Estáte for Sale. STATE Off MICHIGAN, county of Waehtenft-w, ss, in th m i' ■ r " . of an order granted to tb ï, Ëxeoator oi Hun. Judseof Probate tor theoountyaf Woshtenaw. on tho 'd dity ot April, A, 1) U72, bhere will le sold fj at the south it v of Ann Aibor, in the eounty of Washtooaw, is said State, on :, day of June, A. D. 1872, at teil o'eloek in the foi"enoon of that : a deatb "i Boid d ased] the following described o wil : Being a part of sectioii twentyu township trwo sotttb k ca l r of land heictofore deedod by CalebOnnsb] a John i : 'i' of tli1 Adrián nnd Ponti ■ south Une "i1 sai 1 land sold iu sai looi in rly al line and paraUel with eaid roaa foui rwds olie] with the Öi il line eighl ilie easl Une o , ■ aorthei i iloníf the i Baid rood lo tin: place of i . ni o a i i ce or fiunwi of Lm 1 ii ijoiniu ad . oei, ocmincoQiDg ai ho uortb ■ of the said G ■ ii'-. il lol ol Pontiao streel or rosd, thoooe runniDK eoirtexiy on ilie ■ -. ly lino oí the firal ■ northerly at riglit anlea ud pai v -,t.i -in i ui '-, Utence wcslcrly and piu alloJ with tiio iirat line to Poutia Boatherly ulong thi east Une of iid t'ontino Btreet si rod ■ tbe oity of Ann Arl ! State aforeeuidhi Dated, Apiil22d, A. D. 1872. Ï1ARCU8 J, BIATTHEWB, 1371 utor. Estáte of Lowis Moore, Son. QTATB OF -y ofWoshtenaw, kb. 0 Notio ishereby ■■ I theProourt fbi the County of Waehtcnaw, eq the ninoteenth diiy of April, A. D. 1872, sis months iVom t'iiii date 'were aUowed fbr creditora t prese&i thoir elaiiBA against the estateof Leu Late of Baid eounty i deccu said '1 :;-ir ekdnifl u - ■ e, in the City of Ann Arbar for exAzninntion and aUowimce.oikOT before the ninetecnth duy oi ' ' tober nextj and that such olnitufl will be heaxd beton said Probate CoartLou Baturday, be ftftfeentb day of June, and on Öat"ly, (hf uiueter-níh day of Oetoboac next, at ten . in the forenoon of each of those dnys. Dated, Aun Arbox, Apiil 9tM, A, K is;-.'.' HLRAM -i REAKES, 1371 w4 Judgeoi Probate. Commiesioners' Notioe. OTATE Oï MICHIGAN, County of Wftahteimw,w. ■ Th'-1 undersimed, hari pDointed bythe Probate Coral Êor ti i oounty, Commisaio&ereto wceive, examine aod adiust hJI oluims and demaodfl ui all persone agaixurt tbe ostuj of Ana ! A. B late of said oonnty, di I e aoticethat -ix monthv fnm dntë are allowed, by order of said ProI iunt, lor creditoi - I their olaimf ;i:r,iiiis( the eBtqfto of s:iii deoeasedj and that th ■ wUl aieel al the resideooe of sai Lowqship ot' York, in nald oounty, ■ ■-. the hrenty seooñd ■ I . and Friday, the eighteenth day ber next, al tenoolock k.u. of eoehofsoid Uh ! ■ ■ Bttid claiins. Dated, April 18ih, A. ) 1872. I,ov.: : ■ ■ i. JOSIAB HA VB v W.Y, 1371 1 Commist i i Estáte of Matthow Schaible. ST UPB f v M CCHIGAN, Conntyoi Washtenawss. Noti . tbal by an order of the ■:■ v . made on the twratietb day of April. A. J'. ls. , monlha froxu Öiat date were nllowed fr cn.'ditors to I thuir claims agafnst the estáte i:' .M at i hew Bchoible, tate of sdíd ooonty, ñ ■ that all ■ ore n quired to present their daüna to :ii'l Probate Court, af the Probate Office iu he City of Ann Arbortfor exasainatíon and allowanoe, on or before the twenty-flraC day of Octob r next, and thui suoh clainta will m hoord befi Probate ourt, on Batarday, the Bxst day of Juno, and on Mooday, thetv.-nty-iii( dtty f Oü tober next, at 10 o'clook in the forcuoon oí each of thoM days. Datcd, Ann Arbor, April 2Oth, A. !. 1872. HIRAM J. BEA1 1371wJ JudKüol" Trobate. Estáte ot' Joshua Downer. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wttahtena-w, r? Al i Hesionof the Probate Court fortheCotinty of Wasbtonaw, bolden al the Probate Offioe, In the City LrbortQn Wednesdtty, twenty-tonith day of Vj'jil, ui the yeax one thousund eiylit hiiiiilicd and en eni -t w. ,. Prea mf iüi-.un J. Beokee, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the etute of Joslnm Jbwner, ■ ■ .d. On readingr and flling the pe.tition, duy rerifled, of Ucauafa l'. Downer, Ëxeouwr, praying that hexnay ioensed to sell oertoin peal catate wnereof said de1 aai á 'lii 'i - Thi reupon it is ordered, tlml fonday, thetwentyventhdayof BCay next, at ten oolock in the fortfnoon, -Ju bearisgof aoid petition, and that the .. de iaeea and beira at law of saidaeoi ased, and lUoihei persona interestedt in said state, are required i ,a soid i'imi!. tbeo (n i'f hoUeu, itthe i ■■. in the City of Ann Arbor, nnd liow oaoao, if Jiny tlicre be, Why the praycr of the letitíoner should no i And it u furthcr be parons interested in said estáte, ■ ocy of nid petition, and the hearing thereof, by ■ ■ opy of tbifl ordor i' be publianed in H ■■ Michigan i-viuti'l and oiroulatinfr in said . tour suocessivQ weeks previousto sai - ïcaniif.';. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKEH, 187) Judgeof l'robate. rvu. c. a. leiteu CONTINÚES TO PÜT ÜP AND FIIJ, Physicians Prescrlptions, At all hourp, at No. 1 Greory Iilock. C. A.LEJTKH & CO. Ann Arbor, Doe. 2211S71. 1351 [?OH SALE ! The reaideot ■■ oi the Bubsoribar, Hoose No. fii1 and 011 Suxon Strekt 1 East, PossesHÍoj] givtm the Bi ii May 'J' dleeired; Inquiie ut the Auuus Oi rui:, rof C 11. Deted, Aun Av'uov, Morch ÏOth, L872. 136BmS Bátate of Patiïok McCarty. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, ss. # At a sesión of the rrobatc ( lourt ior the coumy of W;tbliti,Mi:iv, holden al he Prol il office, in the city I of Ann Aroor, oo Priday, the aii ofApnl, in tbc yoar unu thouaaad ejght huudivd und advent -' nt.HiramJ. B '-of I'robate. , lu tlic matter of tiic estáte oí l'utiick McCarly, deeea ■ - Onreadingand liïinpr tl ■ uly d.ut kloCarty, praying that Timofchy MtCart} 01 :lici'suiullc pi:rion muy be appointcd istrator r' : i ■ ■ Tlidvupon it is ordeU' . lay, the twenti.-ili day of May next, at ten o'cluek in tl.c lore. tor tía' h '.id pet . at láw of tutid ■ .. i. . ., .■ ■ tnterested in Baid estáte, uireel to :ipiHr;ir at i Bfisñon of said 'ouit, tlien -■ uti:. e, in the city ui &m ■ K-, wby tlit , ■ .i'thc-r oraered, that said petitiom i giv i Un: peí ate, i oí bai'! lu:ixoí ty causing a cupy of tina oidei1 lo be publishd in the JiW. yus, ii oevspapex irmtt;d and eiren Uiting in u ty, 1 h; ■; wooks peevioua ío stiid duy ol heal : (Atriu'copy.) UliiAM J. BEAKE8, Io71 Judffeof Proba te. Estáte of Catharine Kcciian. STA ; ■ I [GAN, county of Washtenaw, sa. aol the Probate Court for the countj oí Washtenaw, holden ;it the Probate Oíiice, iu the Aun Arbor, on t'riday. the uiaeteentli day oí , ín the year onethousand t-iht huudred uml seventy-two .. ETiram J. B I róbate. In thematiek of the estaU uí Catharine Keenan, d:c ai Dulce Coyle, administrator of sala estáte, come turt and reprebents tfaat he i now prepaxtjdto bis final ai oount na sucb odministrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Afonduy, the twentieth day Of May :it;Xtp rit ten Ó'dOCk ir; thefon i.n;ii. I e 86f ot examinin tbat tlie hfiira ut I . and allothei pernos interested in Baid estáte, are réquir pear h1 a potmion ol oWen at róbate oíttces w ■■ Mbor,inaid oo m y, iu ■' - :- anytherebo, whj al should not be aílowed : And it ik fufther oriid adxninistrator give notice lo I sons intereeb 'i in - Uw pendenoj account, and the hearing thereof, bj oauwog a oopy oí thi ocíicr to be pabli hpd in the Mtchiffan I d a-! I and cireotating in eaid previoasto seid day oí' hearU.traeoopy.) HIEAM -r. BEAKE8, í.i. i Judgu oí Probate. Estáte of Kichard L. Alien. OTATE OF MICHIÖAÏT, oooi] ■ O At ii aession oí' the Probate Court tor the oounty oí Wusbtenaw bolden at tlie Probate office, in tli1 -■;■ (t Aun Axbor, in ÉViday, the nineteenth day of m tlie year ono thouaand eighi ■ , üiiam.T. Beakee, Judgeof I'; Ju tl;'; matter oí üu estáte of Richard L. Alien . sed ii.ti.k Josliti, adtnmistaratoi of said ■ in'io ( i paied lo rendcr hi ...i.. . i be twi n:iof May iH'xt, at ten o'dock in tbe fon I lor oxaxnining und allowmg tt the heirs at ïaw oj sdd deceaued, and si ate, ii' icquiied to app ' i Oouït, lUcn to be ■ e oiflee, in city of Am; Arb i, . . . . ■ .:■'. ii i'iiy Lhere f e, why the duid account h al.owed: Anditii furtht i sdminiatrator give notiee to ons iuterest d in a of büJ Li ' -y cauaing :i copy of thia order Im publühed ;.. i newpaper pziutcd and circulating ii íuld i 1 day of (Atrueoopy.ï HlliAM J. BEAKE8, 1371 Judge ot l'robiite. Eatate of David Lcwick. STATE OF MI IHIGAN, CountyofWa&hteaaw.M At a BessloD of the Probate Cour) forthe Coonty of Washtenaw, holden fit the Probat Cltj "f Ann Arbor, uu Batarday tiie iwmtiatli fUy of Apri?, In the yeac one thouhanii eijfht hoadred and Revcntytwo. Present, Hlntm -!. Beake, Jnde of Probate. In ttie muiter of the csttite of D&vld l.iuiik. deceai :: i-1. Une and flUogthepetltlon, duly rerifiedof -) ici b Lewick, prayTne thnt o ceriniu Instrument non i n liie in ihis Conri, pntporiiSM tu be the laet nrtll and tostument oi sold d easod, may be admittedto Probate, and that Jacob Btck niay ïc appolotod sole Exècator thereof Thereüponlt Isorderod, that Monday, the twuntleth dttj of May uext, at ten o'clock imthe forened for thehenriiiffofsaidpi ütfonisud thai tbc l o ?a tees deviseeeana hef re nt luw ol said :■ ; all oeher persoss lnteretted tn r appear ataessloo ol said Coart, tbeo to be bolden, at the Probate Office, In the City of Aun Arbor, and show i thcrebe, why the prayer of the petlllonerafaonla nol be grantcd: And ii i- farthar ordored that raid petltionergtre notlco to the persona Interested in ite, of the pendency ofeald petltton and theheariuii thereof. by cansfng a oopy of thla order to be po 1 1 ■■'■ . r newspaper tnd circntatlng In sald i'onnty.three successV!' weeksprevioas to sald day ol hearing. CAtrurcopyO HIRAM J. BISASES, ISTl1 Jadjze of Probate. Estato of Allen W. Bordine. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty oí Washteiww,aa A i ;■ seaaion of the Probate Couri forthei '.uintjoi al Etobato Offioe, tn I oí Aun Albor, on Baturday, the twentieth day oí Ajim!, in the year oue thousand eight hnndreóf and sevênt} ' Preaent, lliiaia J. Beakea, Jndge of Pp In the matter of the catate of Allen V. Bordine, dea asfcU. On reading and B ■ lon,duly verifiedof Latm Bordine, prayinu that h r d wi r ba t] ■ I cm ia d mai aigned to her, und the netltion ot George S'. Bordüie, praying that the remainder of sai : may be partil ionod ninitg the heil - iid deoea&ed. Thorcuiwn it ia ordeied, i Ji;tt Monday, Uk twentieth day of May next, al ten o'clock in th forenoon, bu assigned for the hearing of saidpt-tiiio b and t aal the heirs al i.. oi d, and all oth■ to op- pear at a aeesion o' said ('oun, Úusx to bc holden, at the Probate QfBab, in the City of Ann Arbor, and kuae.if any thcre be, why the prayer ol tl petitioner anould not be granted: And il ia funther ordered. that Baid petitioner give i tntereati d in aald estato, ol tin pendenoj of aaid petitiini, and the hi orino 1 tv ceof, y oaunng a copj t tlus order to be publiaheo in the Wicht . newapapev i airculating in said county, thiree anooajaive 'weeks parevious to aaid da} of hanug. IA troe HIBAM J. l 1 Judge af Probate. Estáte of Eebecoa Wi de. STATE OF MICHIGAN, i . aahtenaWjBB. .i : peesion of t!. of WaahtenaWi holden at the Probate Offioe, in tbe city of Ann Ai bor. on Wednesday, the i m nty-foorth day of April, In the year one thotuand eight hundred and si'vciilv-two. in ,ï. Beakes, Jndge of Pi in t!ic matter of the estáte of Bebeooa W Ie, deoeaaedi John 8. Waller, Bxeott4 I ' wül and ■nt of Baid da Into Court and representa tti it he ïa ïiow prepared to ceiidei h account aa uuoh tj ' cutor. Therenponit is ordered, that Tneaday, the twentyfiratday of May nest, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon, -ued for cxamining and allowing suoh . and that the legatees, deviseee, and heira at law of said deceaaod, and all other persons intoroeted in Bnid oatatOi ara reQuired ■ in nt - li.i Couxt, then to holden at tlio Probate (.Jölcc, in tb ! ■ □ Arbor, ba County, and shi account ahould oot 1 further ordered, that said Bxeoutor give notice to the Inteteati d ín said ■ ■■ penden j t' s:iid liccotmt, und the hearing tin xpyofthis ordei to be published in the M rgu$i a newapnper piinted and oircnlating In said ..'oniiiy. 1 -ks previuus to .said duy f hearing', tpy.) niL'AM .f. BBM R ES, 1371 Judg$oi l'robatí". GotoR.W.ELIIS& CO'b for btrictly Pure Drugs aad Modicinee,Paints,OilB,&c. NEW SFBINO GQOO FINLEY.4 LEI, 1 Are iiow receivirc the most comp]etuj ElIGANTSTGÜfJI liOÖDS PN THE UNE OP BOOTS and SHOE BVBB BïiOUQUT TO TUIS CITT. HATH6 THE EXCLUSIVE SilE Or Tl WORK OF ALL THE FIRST-CUSSI1J. UFlCTlKEaS IX TUE COUTKt, WE C.l OFPER TO CASH CISTOMEKS GRKATER INDÜCEMENT8 THAN ANY OTIIER HOUSE IN TUIS CITI We :irry complete linee of work fro r.. C. Bi: kt, CBAÏ JUISOTIIERS, STl'DWEIX BB In CHILDREN'3 FINE S1IOE9, o( wtrt i have by Pur the largest and fliiost anortmem wi bronght to Asn Irbor. J;ts. 7!. flurt'i Sn FINS HAND-MADE Iioot-s ui. ui I finish. Jolin U'.Iiurl Boya Vine Shot-, mil in faet n Completó Stock b NE aud PLAIN (oods, suitablelortM muit 13C2 ílÉipSi PIADOS Have taken the Fiist Prsmics OVEB AL!. CO.UPEÏ1TI0.Y AMSRICA, BNGLAND, AND FHANCI Tbese Standard Instrument, Are now offored at ReducedRateiontl ON FR ICE 8YMTE tW 4O, OOO 1} OP THESE Standard Piano-Forte Have b-en made and sold sina EIGHTY-ONE FIRST PREJUl Hare been awardt'd io o:ir Flrm OYE11ALLCOMFETITIÖ) These Pao04 are still cnrdcd.and ujiitku-J coucodtil to be The Standard Instruments of tbc W' aud are ao prouounerd bj uil the grtal Dr. 1KAz Liszt sityr : " I considat the C-W iuix Plauo tupcriur t om matr in l ;mi im full.v convihced tlm that tbejriwJ1' titlcd to llië ttrsi fruí," Cíikiriias: &. Sous' HaHiiBOtli Banifti la more thail one-thlrd larsertban njotb' l'orte .Manuractory iu the world, and í n .'"',. ■peet the most complete rcï macluity tbe ïiicilitius for dolng the vr-i itt '''""' j t. V. i Sons have, time the wieMW' ' ;, their hosinos in 1823, made andeold40 0"jj illld thff-c St tri hrrd lnlr UmelU l'.rv M dneed I(at'8 upon the "Onh-Pi:ioi; f'"J'lt, t'nmi all disconutó and comtnbwlona; ■ "L,,, I all rermation the vbï BraiannI Lvr Frst-Clau Pmos n v ffsrtdi Wo cal] especial attentlon to "' ÜPRIGHT PIANOS which aro in rvcr.v particular tke floest ""fS ' of thelrclii! iuiiufnrtured.aud feconá Grand PImdo, for whicb thi-y arcaEiwo"1 cverj Piano varranled for Piwyetf CHICKERIrTG & SORS. 11 E. lHlSl-.eff1"' 3Ö4 V:iNhiii;tuuS., !tou T UMBER YARD. C. IÍRÁPF, Ii.i= ■ largo und well ioeked Lnite'lil[ Jeflerson Süwt, ii the Bouth part of '■" rt: ( will keepcoustanily au hand an cxcelli" LUMBER, SH1NGLES,LATH4 whlchwlllbeioldaalowaecarb affrlJei ' market. (iiality and pricesanch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DEI# Anu Arbor.JaanarjMih, IS11 HURRYUP! AKXIi:Swi,l,M,?W,,l!l'Jp.; - and Papor 8haies llnilanr, ' Sti Pixtnres, COids. Taiscl. :. BStyles, at Sntisfactorj Vriw' "-'K Bxpreaa (jflice. W Finest Assortment of Tllel , Goodsinthe City, o? ,


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Michigan Argus