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Local And Other Brevities

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H last the weatlier Is souaowbat SumI ƒ Work on the railroad Is progrese! ug I " the commlttee on the now railroad ectdíad or whatí 0n Je1S(" Öt., J. J. r-AiwiiALi. is ing h flue resldence. '"'_ a monument to Washtenaw enterprtae Jpride : Uie rence oroünd the " Park " 'I L. C. Kisdon h:is bruken round on corner or Hnron umi División sts, u, nev' feslUeuce. .)irs. Dr. Lathrop wül address the ptooD'8 ForelgD Mlsalonary Society at M E. Church next Sabbatb eTenlng. J.Bcv. II. Cttttimo.oí Meadvllle, Pa., .I pieacii in the unitaria n Ohunh on the . -lu-ce Snndays, morning and evenlDg. '„Cook's Hotel has been rented to Johh .vkhY. of Búllalo, N. Y. We miRht i JoiiN Q. and Jas. F. are nol rela, Quite a nicc frame d welling is belna -tttl on Noith Main street, by Johs -Mc iyS, of the flrm of IIasdy, Wubstsk & ,TI6 photographlc shanty erected by ,y senior class "Qnceu" photORraphers p(),ite the Presbytcrian Cliurch, has bceu ;e, KWaV. ttlutcr i-Upperl Spring In the face rtJtondaj ; tor which ungallaDt conduct ,o!d fellow recelvcd the anathemas of , '(erv llvlug thlng. ,'Revs. L. R. Fisk, and S. Clments, -.ijs city, are to atteud the M. E. GeueI Conference which beglps Hs session , Brwklyn, N. Y., ncxt Wednesday. i „ PlOkkett's (Jonstellatlon, consistí ug ( [ftmembers, are advertlsed for May 6th, . haini 8ih, at the Opera House. See i Krssiid small billa. __ xhe house cleauing seasou lias arrlved, „,1 Cougresslonal commltteei wou't be jbletu monopolizo the whltewash buslne:s ijrtlie comiiiK few weeks. „Dolly Vardeu is jnst notv running all tiids of business, frora dresses to ícoq,i.jbovels, and the man, woman or cliiUI who R'ases to be " Dolly Vardened " must exJeC( t0 he " cut " by Madam FashlOD. -Mack & Schmid liave bien too busy ge t .innuw goods and wattlng 00 their sjtwn.Ts to revise their advertlsement tis week, but will let the Argus readers jarfrom them la our next issue. -The dirt and liltli urouud the C. H. iquare is belng removed- which isn't i !tij bad de, as we m ly hsve soine warm ittther soinetime áurlug the summer, and itbateycnt the odor which would arlse omsaid Üith wouldu't be p!easin{ to tlie iistrils. _Ye local was requested to Insert a lit:{paragra;)h to the efifeM that a new sul. - nik and some naw funcos would be u ptit injprevement to some portio;is of the ottocru end of State Street, but as the ec'm of tliis jourual mlght coi;si.!cr it a, lome thrnst," Me forbears. - Thure is cousiííerabie excitemeot bcjmaniiested over tlie posuua tt-ship iu iscin, mauy of the " trooly loil " being Inatisöed willi tiie present iiicttn icüt, 'ol. Deax. S Nbwicll IIexion isthe in uu toposed lor the position. Go iu ou your usele, it'8 all iu the famlly. - Wïtii this Duinber of the A.BGTS we fíttteh ubscrlber a " Bupplemeüt," by Mili} readhig which tlu-y. will Üud out Hl 'as iloue at the recent extra Besslou flhe Lcgislature. Lawyers should pttl it to correct the ncw voifline o: com ill iaws bv, - when they buy tliem. - We understond üiai the " Cuy"are iulending to inake and pave üutmiirouud the square and put our baal ssscetiter in a belter condilion. A gooil ibcannot be done without ordcriug a )uiplet:on of the gntterou Main and Eiurlltreets, adjuinhig ihe Qrefiory Hsuse Uk. - AJackson lirm. Babim Co., (this is frte notice) cliarlered our coaches on ihu raud Rlver Valley road, and gave the laes of Baetiogs, Charlotte, and K.aon pids a free ride on Thursday lust, " for e purposu of attt-udiug their grand spring peuing." Gentlemen were offred half re. How's that for advwtlbiuj; ? Tlie lere thouirht of it will, we fear, (liivu )me of our Aim Arbor merchauts who Ide their light uader a vcry small liull' oshel to the insane asylum, or at least uke them see visiooa oí the poor house ülie vcry near 1'oreKVound


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