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The May Magazines

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If Dame Nature was ouly as prompt a are the pubiisliers of m.iiiy of our monthl pcriodicals, the -May flowers wonld now b in tlu'ir full glory ; tot, oue after anotbe liave the magazines1 for the coming moni made thcir appuiranccr aud the list is ao uearly completed : - To say that Scrilmcr'a for this ir.ont is a capital, A Xu. 1 issue, is but to reilt rate wc have sald and what Ik trae o mostevery namber. " Travellni by Tele gra)li : Northward to Niágara," is the tille of the leadlng article, by James Richard son, and is proluse'.y iinl well Illustrated and ao entertainlug paper, whtcn is lol loned by a briglit little Illustrated stor} by M s. E. A. Walker, " Fauny Winthrbp's Treat." Mr. John H. Treadweli describes "Vasa Ficliiia iu Ilistory," wllh the ald ol ivoud cuts, (belading a portrait of the rast given to Gen. Dlx by Napoleon IU. ; and Prof. Wells has a pictorical paper ou thu i)iiüer liltle Democratie 8wlSS Cailton ol Appeozell. " Draxy Aliller's Dowry" is the titie ol' a new novelette ; whlle " At llis G.acs," IscontinueO, and is (ollowed by "The Waif of Nautilus Island.' Warner'd " Back-Log Studies" are as juicy as ever, witli a liltle more serious thought thig time. For solid articles we have a paper on " Oor Bducatlonal Outlook," and a paper on " Mr. Lowell's Prose." Cousiderable poetry is siindwiclied into the Quniber, a;d numeróos readable and Interestingar tifies are to be round i the " Topics of the Times." This nuoaber btgins the fourth volume, and stiil farther improvement Is programmed. $4 a year. Sckie.ek& Co., ii34 Broadway, X. V. - '1 he May uumber of the Eckclic Magaline is at hand, aml presenta th usual valaable selectlotw irom the leadlog forelgn perlodlcals. It is embellished with a fine steel portrait ol' IlauiiUon Fisli, Secretary jf State, aud the more Important papers irc : Kobert Uurns ; Science aud [mmoralily ; Nafooea, a story of Grand C.iiio; A VoyagS to the Sun ; Au Ellgllsh Jisii u:ite of Geutral Lee; The Vintage In tugalj A Frenen Anarchist; A Spuuish Orator; Tlie Luw uud tlie Lyre; Murle; Modern Mannen ; Tlie Short; and the GHacier ; and The Constltutional Prospect! of Gerinauy. Another Installmeat of The Strange Adventures of a Piia to . is f;!i and tlie editorial departments aro coplous aud entertalnlug. Pablished by E. H. Pjslton, ïüö Fultou Street, Xew York. Terms, $5 a year. - Cleurly and Deatly prlnted, comes the (Jalholio World, wlth it standard ;able of coutents fully iiiam'.aiued. Tho anieles in the cnrrent uumber are : Duties of the Rica In Uhrlstian Society - No. tv. ; Anuiersary of a Baptlsin; Tiio House of Yorke- Chaps xxvm.-xxix ; Super üpeclosa; The Motbsr of Lamartine; a Quarter oi uu llour m ihe üld Roman L- rum daring a Speech of Cicero's; A Salon iu Paris before the War - i.-ii.; The Legends of Ui sin, Bard of Erin - v.; A Jewlsh Conven ; Affirmatlonoj Flenrange - xn., xui., xiv., Part ii; Tunnysou : Artist and Moralist; Ilow the Church Understauda and Upho'.da the Rights of Women ; Devota; Tlie Careases of Provldence. $0 pet yei r. Pabllslied by " The Cathollo Publication Society," Lawuence KkHOK, General Agent, 'J Warren Street, New York. - Well, hcre we coiue to the Xursery, the magazine whicn the yoangest readers are always eager to receive. Filled wiih plclures and stoflea whlch the little ones eau coinpreheud it iustructs as well as amuses. $1.53 a year places it ivithin reaeli of all. Jou. L. Suolsuy, publisher, óti Biooinliold St., Uuswu. - Wlth its usuul good table of coutents comea the Owrland Montliiy, tot May. ïhc uilowin;; anieles niake their appearance on its pages: Wlne Mafclug Iu Caliioruia, No. IV. - C'oneiusioii ; The Socood Buil Uu il ; Carmen líoratii, poetry ; A Náutica) Career; Cíluese Iuterioraj TUe tío. tUern Callfurulft ludia ud, Io. n.j ThePartlug; Abigall Ray's Visión, Part u. Forster'a Li.e oí Charles D.cUeus; A W'oukl be ienedíct; Pioneer Duys of California ; Apoihegmtt; A Ecding; WbatThey Told uie at WUbou's Bar ; Ele. yi per year. Addrets Jon.N H. Caümany c Co., b.ui Franü íco, i !al. - Tiie .Muy namber o? Bodey'í Lady' Buuk contains a steel engravlng " Oíd Mure Maggle," a steel ia-shioa piale, nunierous wcod euts, a piece of musió eutitled " Our Twlllght Meeting," íuuí a varlety of anieles buth in poetry and wiilcll ivill be found readable. For the fasliious take Ch iLy's. fSayear. L. A. Uuuiíy, Phlladel piiia, Pa - Wí'od's Household Miijaziiu for May has, amoilg anieles: Mlgratlon, Colonisjktion, Homes, by Uorace üreeley ; Deacon llcv.vorur.s Dreain, by F. H.Seward; -I.- Hauiiah Adams, by James Parlón; llouseaold DIscoverie8,by Gail UainlUou BrotUer Audersou, by Thos. K. Beecher ; Lougevlly, by Dio Levvis; Iieminiscenees ol Dr. Bethune, by Rev. A. a WUllts; &c. A j;ood display for a 1 a j'ear. Publlshed .,y 8. 8. Wood & Co., Cíewburgh, N. Y. - Arthur'i) Lady's Home Magazine for Miiy is received. It contains aniouj; other Lhings un luteresting cbapter from " Türee Ycais in a Mau-Trap," by tiie author ol' " Ten Nights In a Bar Boom," a temperauce story whlch is attractlng eonsiil attentlon. The nuniber is a good one. (S a year. T. S. Arthor tíox, Pailadelpliia, Pa. From the saine flrm we have the Children's llour, vvhieh is rich iu its pictorial depurtment, and jood and aitractlee as ever in the meutal lood it offers to the little Diies. It is just wiiat the yoQUgstera need. i .25 a ye:ir. Address aá above. Tlie followlng paragrapb, ooiupllruentarv to onu of our citizuns, is froin the Battle Creek Journal : Ainong western wrlters, Mr. Charles IC. Ailmns, the ludustrloua Had scholarly Professor of History i:i tlie Mlcblgau Unlverutty, i rapkliy aoqolrlng a place oi promliiL'iit dlstlnctiou, aiul vo notico t Iiut tlie cai'öftilly prepared and trolj eradlte prodactloo o!' lus pen uiu attractlog ntarked attciit.oii irom the most thooghtfnl mul experieaced critica In the country. The North Anwrican Bevieu for A.prll opens wltli nn article prepared by hlra upon the ' Uuiniau -Miisioii of Corait BeDedettl " - nu article whlch for thoroughness of n-. , olearueM oí statement, and (or tbe tact aiiil argumeut wllh wbich tiie conclusions uf tlie wrlter are preseated und cu forced, appears to be winning an uusual ainouut o! coiiinu ndiition in literary and politica) clroles. The Unlversity can ver] properl; be coagratnlated i pun Lhe tavora ble reception vhlch lius been awarded u the occaeloual efforts i' varioan member af lier Faculty In the üekl of aiitlioriblp.


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