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jOO M MER CÍAL KEW V'Mv, April '_aü. The floaueial couditiou Is a very peculiar oae. old aud cuncncy have b"th showii extraordiuary uctuatlons within a wiek. Gold tuuelud to day .i.i.aiii'. the euaplcloii ts feit that a M lock-up" r'curiK;r," or sorue otlier trick U at the bultcm f iliis state of tliiuii, rathei than a new war beween Prauce &ndQermany Cuircucy witbin a few I Loaned i.s low as '2 per cent per unnum on il. Ten orflf teen day ago 100 per cent. Interest aa pald ou bneineas paper. So we go, and there ppcare to bc uo one who cuii saggeat ■ remedj for .c u i gularltics, damaglng aa ihej are to the com. Into reets uf ihe country, . which deelloed 8@4c lust weck, ie 6treïrgth. ui tbc bottom [fl Dot "ing ot of tbe mai et by my xneans. POOTlbly Bome western grOwers ave s-ld the woo] on the aseeps1 backs alHtle Leaper becanse of iíe late decline; If bo, thoj mav thelrhastQ before oext Sptembcr. The live Btock market is a trfleweab. rnttle - &Uc; ibeep, -c lower ; ranje 7llc. . heavy, öjtf tor me Hom, oud l Hfiht. Breadetnffa aré boor aut. Flour, beft gradi and tindiog upwaid. Mili, white wheat, ; fur line1 BMsplea : iitmand itrongly Bpeculfttive. Cum, advouced 1 1 T4c. ots, íii m at ■' So, Mesa pork 81B.50; KelUe lurd, (, ChecBO, )Öj;8. Detsoit, April -4. Ucleea In broadetaffa, thero lius been lew flactuatiouBíii oor markets for a The most remarl - able eveut frum a con jidpoint, ib the low pricc to which tugar boa falK'ii. lt has nut been bo low uince before the war, aud it Ís doubtful if lernib o favorahk' to buycrsretnalD open many days Standard A. coffeu Ie ofEerlng at H7íí. and it muy be that cloae bnyere bave got Itatll TMsmoininy'ii dUpatch from New York annouucs a ñnn market. Coffue is 1 o 2c lower ou all but prime Blo Home braiiils of u 'ap are ,'ic lower. Sulerutus, büI■ i other product' oí aahi h are c per Ib liih er. Hardware is about the name as last weck. Flour ii about üOc por Ubl. hiher iban a week ogo on the beat gradee oí white. Luw grados aredull. Spilog b unchmijjed- b t Miuneeota $7.7ö. Pa-try white is reponed t SS.7.V3&S.S3- t&e atock ia light aud holdera aro uot anzlooa tosoll. Wheat has steudily iidvanced all the week, butjudgfri; from the 8icknc8s which aühcted the tatirkct to-day, and a decline of about Ie wliicb. followed. the bulls have i en too íat. Il wooJd ijo ooeafe to pr diot, how ever, for there - do reaeon for preient pri do telllog wbat bold ipeca lat o ra wlth abandaoce oí umI-, and a ahort Btck to manipúlate can do Beid have heen offered that No. 1 white wouldto to i2 oo before barvost. Ulostng rate : Exua, i.8ü ; No. 1 white, 1.74 ; Treaüwell, 1.73 ; Ámbar, I. 0J. i ■■.in, fiStC) a decline ui' caince yetterday. Oats are very nnpTOIQ4atnff. HoldetB u'Ver No 1 ;,t 41c ; DO bid. A Cr of sold to-dy ;tt 85c. Green Appi ■ öull at ■ per bbl- dried, flrm ut i c trio. Botter, qnlel al 24í25c. Kgm active ai I8J - offer Imc for tinlimitcd Quantltlee. . oauide rate fer riiv ptcked. Maule engar pleuty at U@lflc Onlota dull at iü 50 t bbl., and at íes, Brm at Ou centa ín car load s and in sacks. MiUlou tyllow.7'3,7 ; buef, 7%@S. Affll AbBOBi 'Jhuhhdiy, Aryil 25th, '72. Apples- tirtíon, 8ü@J0e per bu. Dried, i.idjc per lb IJEKf- J'-' ÜOLL W.00. Buttkiï- Pxieea roumia at lb@2Uc. ÜKAMi- ft.78 per bu. iapaid íorgood quality. Coks- líringa 5U.'5c pet bu. (íin.'Ki.Nh -Dreased LSo. EfOGfl -(' tOfi lie. Flour- xxi. $4.2ó per owti li v " ■■■ 1 ■■ M i too, acconling to (juíilily, IÍoney- lu cap, 1ÖO-2ÜCIjAüd- Tho mar kot atan s at 7@8c. Maflk Suiíar- 15j17c. Gato- 33 : IV. 05c. liC. W'tn.M -The market bqmet. White irequotcat 1.60I.;0j amber, 1.501.60; reJ f 1.40ftl.49. DETROIT ADVERTISEMENTS 4 B. Sk "W. F. LIXJV, Manufacturera of (round Coffces, Spices, TOustard, ote. and wbolesale dealers iu THAS AMD GKOUEKS1 ÖUNDRIE8, 120 JetFcreou Avenue. Detroit. rBllf, CaÑnÍí CüOBS, Etc., 1 buve now 1 ii store a larye stock of Foroign and Uomestic Fruits, ('ai;n'-d (iootls of ull grades. Pickles, etc, te, whicli I iim offerii; at lo Drices to the trade, JOHN HEPPBON, W boleante I'ruit House, .18 Jeíforsou tve. "L"1 UMI., XLU1,AMI &CO., Manufacturera, Importers, aud wholesalo dealers In Hats, Caps aud Straw Goods, 146 and 148 JafltoraOD iivctiue, Detroit, iieb. Also hippers of unJresaod Fura. íj P. BALDWIN & CO., Manufacturera and wnolesale dealers in All Hand Made Custoui Boots and Simes. 43 Woudwurd Avenue, Dlil'KülT, KUCH. JO IN PA1TOK SO, Manufacturera and Dealer in Carriages, Buggics, bleighs. Etc., fau ilnest t.ssortnient iu Michigan. EotablUbed in 1SJ2. Factory, córner Woodbridge ana Briish Streeta. Kcpu.iltory, 220 Jeffersor. Avei:ue, Detroit. HARUIAOliS, I always keepon band a very uice aísortment Open and Top Carriagea, which I wlll -sell At low flgure-. Buyeis will do well 0 cali fiui! examine ■ toek anj prlcea bofore piüc'iaa ug. l-loale ean buy of me tu _roori advar.tHie. JOSEril KINOEL, Í5 Gratiot Street, córner Parrar, Detroit. Mlch. ' p OOKS ! J. M AUNOLD&UO snpply Public Librarles, , ibbuih Bohoole and Book Boyera jeuerally, at low ;L' í. Our btuck i" cholea and l&rg% ISO Woodward Avenue, I-etroit. Cflfl AHA GALLON-I OUIO STOXKWAKK JUU,UUU at tiulesalo. Alsu au entirely ew BtOCk of Wliito CruniCc and C. C. Gooda, 'laiu an t Decorativo China Dinner anti Ten Sets, Cut Gl.'its. hilver Pintad (iooris. Lampa. Ciulery, Japan Ware. etc , t No. lü llicljigan áveuue. opiHinitü Dew City Hall. DAVID MoOORMICK. , j IGIIIbAX fflACIII.i:itï MtüVO'I. G. 8. AVorraer & Son. Deill 1p in ;:I1 kinds of Vood and Iran Werking IHacUincry, I 59, 101 and 103 Jefforson Avtuue, t DETROIT, JUCH )OBTABLE UIVGINES For lechanieal flnd Farm use?. D. E. B10B, Manufactu'er, 1S1 Al water Sireet, Detroit. rOIIX II, WKXOELL & CO,, Comininuion Mercbants iu ■ Flour and Grrain. Oíücü :;ud VVarehouÊe, Nos. 50, 52, L4 aDd öü Wooübridge streel, west, DETROIT, MIC1I. l JFOXiZ WAKE, DBallard & Starrat ] !anufacturerd uik! wliolesale dealers iu títone and cklDKhtm Wre, Pira v'Iay Vire Bnck und Draiu lie, j JC..--S Fruit Jara unit Plastas. Hanalactnrers Agente tor th Ohto Stone Socket und Water i'ipo. OrHceaiul waruhcU!i N'o. M Woodbridgo Struct, pposite Board uf Trade, Detroit, Mlch. A. TY&ZLL & C F. SWAIN, Whalesjile aud retall dealers lo all kinds of ''arm Implemento, Mjtcl'.iuea State AulIs ior tbe hiladoluhla LAWN MOWEKS varrantcd to bc the best iu the market. Prlces om (IS to :t:. Liberal discoant ' dealera Cij?" Soijd lui" circular. No. 21 Jellerson avtnuo. etrolt ! v'Iiï?i. Detroit Steunt Fnnc-y Syeing Ustabliïunient, 2 Congree atreet, east, botween Dates and Kan o:ph streets. Paucy Dy-lngonSHt. Wooleu aud lixed Qouda f every descrlpttoD done in the bett uofiible mauner. Bveryklodoi Boaw]0,biUu etc. eüned ui.U ro-piewed. Kld Ulovee cleaned aud yed. AfiCHlBALD QHÁ.H1. ( i .SCIIlimNlíUlíJ, UUliurd Tublc . nanufucturer, ritb Oelaney Patent Steel WireCu-bions, univer■il .v acknowlttdged lo be thu best in use, bS, lüJ aud . i Sandolpb BUcet, Detroit, i!ii;h. VOlOI.i'r'S FAMOD8 MlLWAUKEE LAGER BEKK the best brewcd in Ihe State AddreM Si. W. (iIiiHT. Jillwatlkea ürewery, Detroit, Mich. 'eriu.-! (Ja&b. Í 1 JLO. ö. FBOSÏ c CO.. IJ troit, ilicli. Aents and doalen in Pin and liiiaiíííí; Lands, 1 Michigan, and In neaily II the otber States, oi i loe Land bonht ur nold ou Comoiitt'ion. 1 oe bubt oí lauda in the tioiuhcrn States ut uw rate .'ha. Nuble. Gco. S. ïroet. Chas. W. Noblo JEKDS. t'rosh und Reliublc Garden, ï'loii ;, und 1 arm Seedn, Wholesale aud Ketall. 1 M FER1ÍY & CO , Becdaxnen, 203 Woodward nveuye. P. . Onr illustrated and descriptivo priced Sucd Jatulogue oí 162 pafftia free to ull applicants. KKDS ! SJEKDÖ ! Fii'sli and Keliitble Garde, Field and Hower Seed, wholesale anJ ret.-ii!, at thti lu'.rcv, latea. Alsi Friiit aml Ornanentaj Trees Grap: Vme-, Sbrabfl, Kowos and l'luuia ol all kids. ïen;l ior a catalone. WM, . DAIR &CO .Detroit. loiriiV ld. IJOUGrüIüii'J.'Y. Mun:ifacturer f fiirrur und Picture Frames, Ckromo, Iiiravinet niid l'hotow. Dealera &nd Agenta suppireJ. 227 Jeflerssn aveuue. Detroit. tur Qemian ;■ atea at loweat uiarkct ratcs. " seud fot catalogue. ' -■ vs. f,A. CAD'WEI.L., RI. D. Oe( tk alict and Aurisi, permanent); locaied in Detroit for Twcoty-Five '-. . -. ..:.-. spv'vially tieatiu üUeasefl ' ,j - 'ui the tii_- RYK NO KAE, aad Catarrhal anectiiia of the IIIÜA.T.'.' A.ND 'i'1-IIi.CJAT, Office and ivyidrnce, No. .1 Lufayelte avenue. Offico boore from 9 a. jj. to s v M. Hcferensi B by Nathantel W. Bro kp, Hou. [ra Uayhew. Geo. Pr ntlaa.Kaq., Win. l. Wortou, li.iijker", 1). V. ilortou, Ktq , Win. I. Poltier, Ebq, 13"Sui3 Q'Q 'QQ IWUTWH Zü,2d!lTllfiAil! Tbl question bas been neked many times lately aud ono of KrinV hhib aaid, " It would take an educated mon l (11 that." lint t nians tllat L. tol, IJ y , who bas for the last thieu jears boen a partner in a laru vtholesalo house In Oblcago, and altbODgb the terrible lire oi' fast fall ha left that city in ruins, he etili live, and üku BARNABY'S CROW, Never says die, bul has opened a line stock of new cleau QBOCEBIES, at No. 29 SOUTH MAIN ST. beiween the foflhtonabio Dry Ooodf Store of Hen ion & (-'tl, and tlio Mtimmoth Hardware Stote o Lewitf C. Hiiidttu. I will say to cilizciu ui Am An-or and garroanding country, th&t I wlll Bel Grocerle4 l"i-uvibiou9 trotkery, Glat& ware, at a low figaro for Cash or reïuly pay only I alwaya i v Uasb Down (or Gooüd, and must hav p iy for them whou delivcrcd. Do net ask mo t trust yon. even if you tire wortïi a milliou. Bil I WILL SKLL dOOLS THAI UI MAK CAI WUO TULES CREDIT 1'Oli TAV. All kinds of Produce takoo In Good dclivered iu tbe City frec of ctuirgo. Come i READY PAY CUSI0MERS, ' and examine hiy í;ooí1)í, I vill SliOW YOU AK0IM, with the greaiest of plemure, and if you do no buy, I promipe jou l will not look crons. Specia iuducemiiit lo Iipardiuy Houhcs and Clubs. Loo! for the algn'of the C. 0. D. Grocery and the Big 20. [Lewis Colby. March Htb, l'TJ. ïiuo " OPEING SEASON, MILLÏNÈRY NOW READY M1LLINERY NOW EEADY MILLINEKY NOW READÏ AT ÏHE iiniffliTJi 33 SOUTH MAIN ST. LADIES ! YOÜ CAN NOW FIND AT THE METROPOLITAN A Full and Completo Assortnicnt of all tho LEADIXG SPRIXG STYLES OF HATS & BONNETS, FliOWEKS AND EIBBONS LAOES Idtoo We also keop tho L4.RQK3 .' ASSORTJIEXT, at the LOVVKST PlUCIiá, uf HOSIKKY, Handkekchiefs, Olotes, Oollaes, And Cuots, DkESS ÏEllIMINQS, Dkess Bun ons, C-. &c , &c, &c. O.M: IIIW'DRED DOZES TOUtLS FÍÍO.T1 11Xnof. One Hundred Picccs Nottinghain Lace, lor Curtains, from 16c Per Yard Upwards. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWEL1NGS, TABLE SPREADS, COUINTERPANES, TOILET QUILTS, BW1SS MUSLIX, JACONETS, BRILLIAKTS, NAINSOOKS, CAMBRICS, PIQUAS, VICTORIA LAWNS, EMBROIDER1ES, And INSERTION. LABIES' MADE UP DRESSES, UXDEB GAKMEXTS, Our öombioation Hip Gore Corset, Made Expressly for the munuTii Hoop Skirts, from tho Cheapes to the Best. The Best Dollar Kid Glort in the City. THE tAUtiKST Al CHEAPESX STUUK OF I'AUASOl.S AM Sl.V I TIUKULLAS JN THE CITY. PERFÜMERY, 80 APS, L RUSHES, COMBS, GENTS' irDK'S., TIES, COLLARS, EO SIERT, èc„ dbc',, Éc H. COHEN. 33 SOUTH MAIN STREET DOIMT FORCET That the Falrest, Stjunrest. niicj best placo in Ann Arbur to boy Pure Drom mid Medicines, Wlues and Liquors, lor Medicinal l'urpocü, PAINTS, OILS, VARN1SHES, "BRUSHES, &C, IS AT R. W. ELLIS & CO'S. Corner Opposlte the Saviugs Bankt CALL 1JT E2S:-ls:XlTE Our Pertbanent Colon, for uut.-ldoor Indde pulntdc. ttanofttctared rom Ture tt hite Le ad, itic, and Luiseed oil. Oheaper nnd botter tban ai. y other Pnint made. Öuld by thi (ïtillon, tbg, or barrel. Alfo Pure Wliittt Lead, ZlnCi Ac, :it aa t ia factor y Prlcea. REMEMBEH WYM EE AND PLACB. U. W. KLUS & VAK XTOTICE. Th notes nn1 book accounts of Mr. Bcnj. F. Eioe nro now in my haadfl tas ooUootios, mh! lumedliite paymentol thoiamelf demandad. Ii'not paidboon OOAtftwiU li' ni:ule thercon. Ann Albor, January 30th. 1872. Utnt 'ÍHACY W. P.OOT, Ani DfiOPLE'S DRUG STOxvx.i R. W. ELLIS & CO. A.lSrjJ ABEOR '"" ' aïl'ijJl ' ] A OARD. Jírf. CLARA B.DARUOWwouldrespectmüy ncuouncc to her forraor patrone, nucí othcrsintercstcd ihat ehe uill resumo her instructiou in Vocil ná instrumental Musió. She will alsofüini a claas íor Instiuction of chlldren in the clcuonts cí Vocal Musió and Keadinif und Singina bj Addrces hcr al residcncf No. ÍS Pourtii Stnct, Ann Arbor. March7th, ÍST2, ifiGmS TUfONET WANTED. FtVi úr six Uiousacd dollars, ot muro, cin a mortgagc oí djincumrjored rcnl eatatc '.voilh tír.-eo times tho nu;ouut. Bnquiro o( 13CG E. W. MOEGAJí. WANTED TÓ KKNT. Fur two yenrs, a koüJ house in a gooil lócation. A'iyly to CfiANE .v lil'iMSOX, líoom Xo. 0 Opera Hn" Aun Arbor, April lllh, 1S72, 13C9 GotoR.W.ELLlS & CO'b for ehoice Wines and Liqunrf ' for Medical Purposos . , - ■ AM NOW RECEIVINQ A LARGE AND SELECT ASSOftTMENT Oí COATINGS, VESTINGS and TROWSERINGS AND EVERYTH1NU ÏN Mï LINE FOR THE SPRING TRABE Cali and Examine Our work in the Field Speaks for Iself. Also a Lire of Gents' Fuma ishing Goods, at 24 South Main Streek JAMES BOYD, g B. GIDLEY, SuccessOf to COLÖHOVB 4 SON; DRÜGG1ST Al CHU1ST IN COOIi'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STEEETj DEALER IIÍ DRlfcS, EDICIXES, StRCICAL HSTttiaEXTS, PIRE VIES n LK'IORS, (FOIi ÜDDICAL PUEPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Perfuraery, PAISiTS, CII.S, VAiïMSHtli, GL.ASS, AXD PUX'JTl'i PDYSICIMS1 PBESGBIPTIOHS Carcfully compounded at ali lioura. I PB0P05E NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY AKY FIRM IN THE CITY WEOFÜKNISH AS G00D AN ABTICLE. E. It. I.JDLE1. ISGTtf I '„,, Prasitowr. 11 il. McDoMU Co., Dragt-ju 4 MILMONS Ttiiiiiiouy to ilielt Wonderfnl Curativo EflbcU, They aro not n vilc Fnncy lri lili, ilude of Poor Rum, WhlBkeji Prooi Spirits :un! HïIiiso I.iquor doctorod, Bpioed nnü swcctoiiéd to pleaso tho tastccaUed "Tonlos," "Appettoars," "Kostorers,"iic, thatlead the tipplcr on todrniikcnv.tsuinii i .lintara atruc MedWni.inado from tho Kativo Knots and llcrb of California, froo lï-om nll Aleohollfl SilmuInnis. ThcyarothoGREAT Itl.OOl) l'IRIFIEUand A LIFE UIVIKÖ l'ItlNCHM.E. apefteMItinÓTatoi aU ïftvigorator ot tho Sj-Mtcm. carry ing off all poisonous matter and restorinK tlieblood tu thealtby condltlon. Ko porspn can take these Blttovs according to lirections and renioln long nnwoll. providod thplr bonea ave not dotroycd by ■ poUonor othcr mean, and tlie vital oreana waatcd bcyoml llic polnt ol Tlicy ure -. Gentlp Pral ■ wcll ■) a. Tonic, püwuins, ", the peculiar marlt of nctinc us ; pomrful agent i:i n lleving Uungestlon or Inllammation of tho I.lvcr, and all tlieVlsceral Orsans. VOll FBHAIjB COSIPLAIMI81 nyomiKor oUI, mnrrieil or Bingle, nt Llic dawn ot woiiKinhouJ orat U10 turn of Ufo. these Tonlo Bitters havo 110 iiml. FarlnBammatery and t.hrouio lllii-uinntUm oud (ïaut, Dyiipipsla IniüuL'stiou, Illlioua, RenüUi riiierinlMeiit l'i- viis, lis!ises of ihiï Blood, l.iver, KId. ut-y n.l Bladder, tho Blttera liaye moat tuLBatkJHw-,W.,lnu-.t Blod,.whi1 aocdbj dBWBmt rif iini i)i!Miiivc Oraausi WYSPEI'.SIA OK INDIGESTIÓN, ndache. Pain In tl Comrlw, Tlgutnes of tho 01,4, j) om of ilie Stoniach, mllouth. isilious Attucks, l'aljination ot the Heort, InBaismatloo of tlie Lauca, l'ain in the rocióos of tho RMncys, and a hundrcd othor pamful symptoms, aro tlic oíh ;tr::i;. of Pyspepsiil. Tlicy loViiorate the StomáchandatlmolaUthstoiTlí Liver and Bowcls, whkh renner tlicra of unequalloJ Beacy in cleansinc iho liloud cf all impuritics. and imparïius MW lifo.mJ visor to tho vholu syütonj. FORSKIN II SEA SEïS, Ernptlons. Totier. Salt Kbeum, Blotbs, Bpota, l'nm.Ies, i'usiuics, Uoil, Carbunclps, Rinj . Brrip ilt. M.rationsof the .slnu llui.ujrs ;íii.1 . , of 11") 8klu;df wnatvr or tinture, aio litorallv dilff up umi carrled out ol the systcio In a shurt tifnP by the ut ' s'"''1 .. .11 couviuco lbo uioat lucfcdulous of their curalivo effscta. . i OleaDM '-lo TitiotcJ Blood wlicncvcr yon fincl lts lmpurities burstius throush tho skin in Pimple. Eruptiousor Sores; clMDM il wlicn yim IhiJ it ob-structcj and sluecisb in tlio veins; cloanM itwhcn it sfoul. and your fccliuïs will Pa K-'W llll W""! pure, and tho Ueallb of liio svstcm will follow, Pin, Tape, and atber Worins, luikiiisiniba eystem of so many thousar.'is, nro f dostroycd aml nraov,.l. Bayf a di;tlnïuis!icl libyaioloiist. tïiere is BCftroly an iiniividual i ■ uftho cnrih . nnnt froin tne prosenojs of (om. It la not opou hralthy element of tb i bat wontw exiRt, but uDon.thpdiaeasea oumon and slfmy depoettotbat broei ihpe monstors of of Medicino, oo rermlnwea, no a'ntlicii ' worms ükb 3. WALKUK, Proprictor. K. II. McDOXAI.D i CO.. Druristaand (on. A;r:i. San l'i., ■■■ . Oaltfnrnia, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, ftoff iork. BSTSOLD JJÏ ALL. BUUUCilSTS AM) 1EAL1:R3. lïïfiCÏAfiS1 P'RESÜRIPTIÖSS í KLY AND qÁHBÍ jIiIiVPaBPABEO ;e. i ;gis2s.


Old News
Michigan Argus