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J Q. A, SESSIOftS' INSURANCE AGENCY. Mis Companies Are Sonud. piKENIX INSURANCE CO., HABTFOIïD, CONN. CAPITA T, AND ASETS, Joiy 1, 18T1 .... Í1.TS1 ,000 CHICAGO LOSSES 75U,OOQ THE PH(E!VIX i thclK'Kt condncted Fi re Insurance Compnny in the I niliil Ntïilew, Alf :i}m prudent anti onnd4 nnd nlwayji prompt in payiueui of loéMOS INTERNATIONAL . INURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. Th f! rit Compilo? to pass the of th? N'rw York Insurance Commlenloner eince the Chicago Firc, comiug out from thesevere test TBIUMPHANT ! Associnted Press Dispstch, Norcmber 2.1S7I, THE IMTIIBATIOHAL IB8ÜBÍÍCI! COMPANT. The Snpcrlníendent of th; New Tork State Tonarsnee Rrparimeat, whols maklnft ncarefnl official examin ition of tbe New York City Companie to-rtay, certiflee.thnt the International Company's aMcts of $1,50',000 re ecnrely inTeited, and is capital of $500,0011, „fier proTitflnp fhr all Uabllltleg, Indadingtba Chicago Sr, iswholly uninpairedThi Comp.iny ia pajlag alit9 Chicago lussen and i loaod aud reíUblCí Pi!i.!os ssurUat fair ratea at my oíSce, No, 11 East Iluroa street, Ann Arhor, J. Q. A. SES8I0NS, Agent. IMTtf, fUBNITUBE ! 1872. PRISON FURNITURË 8ALBSR001 241 AND 243 MAIN STREET, JACKSON, M9CH. Our Static i 1'niiMinliy l.iircc unil ('oinplctr? uïsïI KiubraceM erery Varicty of FURNITUEE ! ESPECIAL BMCEBEITO ARE OFFERED. Inspect Our Goods and learn the Prices before Purchasing. Vígarar B.IBY CARR1AUES A 8PECgfflj IALTÏ-A LARE ASS'ORT.HEiT lt0T ASD SEVERAL X OTELTIES. Joods Delivkred to R. R. Depots AN'D PaCKED BY OüRSELVES Free ov Ciiaroe. BANSOM & KNAPP. 13S3mS T í' 'tifié j FALSK HEPOllT 1 THAT A. TERRY HASOONEOÜTOF TRADK HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAROE AND OOM PLETE STOCK OP HATS & OAPS ! JUST THE STYLB, AND AT PRICKS ÏO SÜIT TnK TIMES. AI.SO AFDLLLIRSOF ÜENTS' FURMSHING (JOODS! DONT PURCUASS ÏOÜRJ SPRING ANDSÜMMER OÜTPITS U.NTIL TOU &IVE I-ÍI3VE ACALIj. 15 South Main 3t., Ami Arbor. latutd ]yj o n e y. The subscriben aro at most uil tunes in a sltuntion tofiirnish partles withmoneyinsams of t'iv Uuudrcd to Flve Thousaud Dollars on nuincnmbered farms. COLMAN, KOOT & KINNE. Ann Arbor, Jan. Ut . 18T2. 1355tf LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Fipes, fec, AT XO. 7 EAST IIUItON STREET, Next to the Express Office, ] ANN ARBOR, TIIC1I. 1315tf ( ___ 1 HURRY UP ! I AHTirs wlahing Wall Paper, 8hadei 1 Hollands, Wlndow Ctxtnrea, Cordsi Tanelk, &c , nll New Btylea, at Satlsfactor Prlccu, bj J. R. Webster & Co., Book st. .iv, uwir ihe Bipiess Offlcc. - ' ■' ' i a S í S 5 .o E 'S 2c Im Bí j W ( rf) g e . la s i % 1 5 1 ? 2 cío i : Ï ; í yyrwi. wacier IS N V BEADY FOB THE MM TBADE H&Tlng Ilccelvod aLargo S ock of SPR1JVG JU SU11R aooDs, ÏN'CLUDIKG OLOTES, OA8SIME11E8, VBSTINQ8, &C. o! the BEST STYLE3 and GÜALÍTIIS, WHICH HE W1LI. MMUFA CÏU RE ou tcrms to suit. Also a full line of READY-MADE ÜLOTHING AND Sents' FÜRNISÏÏÏKG Goods. BBST STYLBi: AI.SO LADIE8' AND OBNTS MOROCCO SATOHELS No.21 Soath Main Street,- EaetSldo: OALL AND SEE THEM. WILMAM WAQNER. Ann Arbor, April let, ISli. - ■ To auy puraon prodDGlng any Medicine able to Bhowoiic-thirdas many living, permanent CQrei as Dr.PiTi.i:"t's Vküktahlk IiiiKUUATK: Rwbdt; mul a furtíun ntDird of $100 for any caso of vhnmic or iij)l;unni:.try Kheuniatim, neuralgia, Jtluíiimulw: Aiuí, Kciatica, and Rheomatlsm of the Kldneyfl it will nut cure. Thls Jiiu-umatic Syrnp is u d fnwordly only . pleasaot (o tlifl taste, and flHiaranteod i'rce froin injnrlóua Drngt, itís nol Quack ttedioInQ hut Un cienUn"c prescriptitm of Jo. 1. ITUler, BC. I)., Professor ui Toxlcology aud Chemlstry, rrailate of ihe cclebnited Univcrsity of Iennt--ylvjii)ia, A. D. i 368, whoae entlre professional 11 fe has bees devoii-d HK'cial]y to ttua dUwtfl. Thls preparatton undorRolcmu oathls cODScIentioaely beltevd to bc the only jpoaitlrei ruliablc, infalllDlo speciQc over dlscovered. Tho proof thut do other spi-itic ex iattt iw fouud in övery eommuiüt In persons aflliotud fcji manyyears past and itllUnfforlos. (fphuHciant Coiild cure lY, if a spt cijee did csitt, ('.■-■ WOtíld ii"t b-. to. ; fact that mupt bo nulvcrsallv admittcd. The uil ii '■i-ivi'd siuTiTiT in:iy wit-i ly awk, wh&t sticurity ur el [deoce Iihh hu that ut. Fltlcr'n Hlnniman'c Syrnp wlïlcore hls case. Tho protecttoo offereU to potlente agalost ImpositloQ ib in a gally signed con. tract wïijch win Be forwarded without charge tonny Bufférer lendlog by letter a descrïptlon of affll tionj I ..tutee will Htatc tho exact nambr of botranted to care, and In case of fallo re the uiuiicv pald will be retornad to tho patiënt, No o1 in1 ■ V'-medy has ever been offerod on sQcb llbernl and honorable terms. Medical advice, wiih certlflcates from promlnsnt li elclsnsi Olerisynen, otc. . who have Been cnred after tul othor trei tn have t'aik-i!, sent 'v l;t,HT. grdttt A(Ilif:titl coratally Invlted to wrlte fot advlce to the pilndpal oiïtce, [5 South Pourth Street Philadelphlo, Pa. Dr. Fitter'a Rheamatlefiyrop ta aiui bj DraggistaR. W. EUis &Co„ aole-AgOlM) Ann vrbor, Mich GotoE.W.ELLIS & CO's i for choiceWines and Liqunrs for Medical Purposes . Rail Road Stock Asscssment. Office of Toledo, Aun Arbur & Northern R. Tl. Co. b I :. A. 1). 1K72. i N'iti'-t.: Is hereby giren, that the Directora of the Toledo, Aun Arbor & Northern Railroud Company, lüiviiur heretofore d ; ü parí uf sald ComRailroad Une íying in the oounty of M onroe, and In that part of the county of Wuehtenaw noath of the river limón, in the city of Aun Arboi fcion : Al a meeting of the Board of Directora of sald Company tbta day held, said Board did, by ■ holding or interested in the Capital Btock ofsaid Comptmy. who, by residing along tltosuchdi división, or wilhin two miles of eithor of the I thtTuof, or by special ngreemonf oí ol herwiso are" liuble landmadeto p-y towards the coi lion of such desígnate i división, to pay tothi uror of said Company, ;t1 hi - ottíce, m Arm Arbor, the fbllowing instaJlments apon buqJi stock liflii by them respectively to vit: One installmont of te dollars per abare, 011 or before tliu lirst day of AprUnext; one installment of ion doUars,pei shj re on or before the ttrst day of 5Lay oext ; onc installment of ten dolían per abare on or tn.forethe of Junonoxi onein tallmentof ten dollars ]T Bhare on ov bfoi-e (he ttrst day of July ni tho oonstruotion of suoh dii I i oad líy ord-r of the Board of Direotora, E. W. Uní. Secretary f tho T., A. A. & K. U. Co. 13ü3 Draín Commissioiier's Notioe. NOTICE te hereby given Iho4 the lnun i'omnHv fiioner of Waahtenaw County Tiill beat thi of Ghaunoey Howell) In the tovn ;i:' ■ Dexter,in Baidoounty. on tho (tífch) Dinthdayof Uayt1972,at one o'olook in the afternoon, to rneet parties to contruot fbr tbe excuTatíon Eind oonsí rud fon of a drnin, known :is Duxit-r l -. i r i No. i, oommenclng oeai Uie 8. W. comer of s&ction No. 21 n iho tOTnsuipof IJüx(er, being town Ño. 1 aoath rangQ í eaeti and running tht'uce iu a Boutheasterly din ctkn and Onding an outlet on ieotion Xo, 3insaid town, on the hinÚH of l arpantes. ï vill abo bo at the house of Ohauncey Ilowell on lay, the (4th) fumili day Hay afort which tinie .ind jiíace I will exhibit mipH of 1 b i draia und descxlptionB of tiieeereca] pareéis ot laad deenied by ma beneflted thereby, and the amount snd deecriptioo by división and suban i ion of tho abovu iroposecl dr;ün by me apportioned ío the dwnet of eacfi deuription oi land 1o construct, ml to the townahip of Dexter to construct on account of mioli 'iniin beneflting the bighway, and to h';ir vea ons, if any ar oflered, wny sueh apiorc ion ment nliould bc reviewed nd corrected. Ann Albor, Aiirit HiUi, 187Ï. DAVTI) M. FINT.KY, 1370 Drain Commissioiuv of Wouhtenuw County. Chfinccry Notice. STATE OP MICHIGAK, county of W;bten;iw, as. The Circuit Court for the county of Waohtenaw: In ohancery. JACOB T. WISK, ) JBANNETT A. WI8E. ) Isfaotorily appearinff , npon due proof byaffl(Uvu, that the ton lant. Jeannett A. Vrise is not r resid) ut of tho Stevts of MtoMgan, bvt thatshe ■ nt Banta Qiïra, ('nhioiniu, on motion of J. F. Laironce, BoUcftox foTOompfaliiant, tt ordesed that the defénoant, Jeannett A. Wise, oanea hia appear anoo bo hu entered in tilín cause ■witliin three montha from the date of this ordet and tlmt in onsa of her appearonoe lie canse her mswer to the complnínmt'a tiill of comnlaint to c íiled, and a copy tht-rcuf to be eerved on tiie cumpljununt's ÖoUdtor wüliin twenty day after servios of a copy of said hill nnd notice of tln order, mi'l on default thereoi tbat the said iül be taken aa oonfessed by the said defendant, Jeannett A. Wise; Hitd it id forther ordeiel that within twenty tluyri the said Gompluinunt cause a copy of this order i.j be publiflhed in th4 Stichiaan Argttê, r public newspapei . printed and puhlishea in tbe city of Aun Arbor, waahtenaw coonty, Mioblgaa, and that rooh publioatiou be ooni izined in aaid iiper once in eaoh week for siz suooessive week) or Shat he eaoae ft oopy of tbis ordor to be personally aerved on the said asi Jeannett Ax e, ai least twenty daya befbñ the time ubovu proeoribed Cos her appeaianoe liiited, Aun Arbor, Marob 18th, 1872. E. BEAHAN, Cücuil Couil Commisssionw, 13G6w6 Washtenaw Coualy, Michigan. Notico of Attiichmcut. rpnii CIRCUIT COUETforÜM county of AVasL. JL tenaw. 3J0ONAKI) S. NOUTHKUP and 1 JOHN N. aiOHAEüB In Attachment. KAM)OLi'ií K. FELLOWS. J Notice ia bereby iriveu, that on the lMh day of Marcl, 1872, a wrít of attaehment was duly Issned out of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw. at the suit of LconarJ 8. STortbrup and John lí. Richards, ihv above iiumed plaiDiun, agaJnst tl; banda, tenemftntagooda and ohatüea, moneys and efleots of Randolpli K. Fellowe, the d íendant above nami 1. fox the uup.i of tliroc huadred and eighty-eeven dollars and forty-nine oents, whioh said writ vas nturnable on the 2d day ut' April, 1872. Datcd, thi.s 8th day oí April, 1872. II. J. r.KAKKK, tiOOwG Attomey tor I'laiutilTa. Commissioners' No1 DTATB OF MICHIGAN, ooanty of Waehtenaw, m. ö The ■ ' ■ 'i ■■'ii! ointed by tbe Probate Court for said county, Comnu onere torcceive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda ot all persons againat the estáte of Ohnrlee 13 urden, late of é i deceased, herebj gire notice that six mouths Erom date are allov ■■ By ordei of said Probate Court: for oreditora to present theirolaimi aainst the estute of sa ' meet at the reeidence of ■ Lyndon, in said oounty, on Saturday, . ! of July.and on Tueed&y, the dghth day of Oct ber, next, at ten oVlock a. sr. of each of said day, to ruiuivc, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated. April 8th, A. Ü. 1872. W'LLLA.I E. WESSELLS, JO11X U. 13C9w4 OommissioneatB, Cömmissioiiers' Ntttice. STATE OF ■ Í, County of Waahtt i O' the ■ . ui y, i.i xtui demanda of all ;;: oinst the eatate of Wüliam C. Churcb. laiu of said county deceased, hereby give ootioe tbai six montos tn :illowed, by order ofsaid Probate Court, for orediton to present their claims L and tbat tbey will meet at tho office of Butherland & Whedon, in thocity of Ann Arbor, in said ooonty, on Satuïtlay, th day of July, and on Monday, thesovonthdayof Octolfi:i:x(. attei . of each of said days, to ,-e, examine, and adjnst said claims. Dated, AprU 6th, A.V. 187Í. A. J. riUTIÍEULAND, W. W. ■■■ : KDON, l3G!twi' ( lommisBioners. . I I L - w - m - - - w - - - - - - - Estáte ot' Prederiok .íolm Wanzeok. STATE Ol' ÜJ CCIIIGAN, Couuty of V. ' Xotice i.s herebygiven, I bate C'uui-t íor tho i '■■' madeonthe ninth day oí' April, -. 1. 1812, six that date were ulíowod for ereditora t pw i ; Froderick Jo luto ot s;uit nouii' -, -;■. ised, an ditorsoj s:ud . . . ' ' olaimí Probate Court, at the Probate Office, A na Albor, or befo the nmtli flny of Octubor ni ! beforesaid Probati Ihe thirteentb day uf July, and or Uie nintb diiy ol October nest. ni ton ktntbfl foronoon I enoh of thm days. Dated, Ann Arbor, April Uth, A. l, 1872. lilu.ijl I. ü.-.A'. 13C9wl Jndgoof ProbBÍei CoTiiiuissioners' Notice. STATE Oï1 MICHIOAN, county ot Wiwhtenaw, b. The underagned.Jiavü: linted by che Probate Oonrt íor said oounty, Oomminsionura to receivf, examine, nnd iidjust all claim umi demanda oí all persona agamst the estáte of Jacob ! Baid HMiiy, deceased, hereby give nol Bix mouthe trom tlmt date iiru ivllowitl, by ordi i ol nanl Probate Coortf íororeditowtffpn ncni tlieir claims ngninnt tliu Mtate of Miic! deceaaed, and that tbey wü] ! the residenee of John Ja'job Breining, in íiiiil eoiinty, on Haturduy, tlio thirtoentb day ül July, nd un Batorday, the twelfth day 't Octaber next, ut 10 o'clock a. m. c' ■ h of said day, (ve, examine, antl nüjusl suid claims. CHRISTIAN EEIBLER, 17(iw i ( íommiMlonexi. HhiTiír's Sulo. STATE 0FM1CB [QAN, county of S l;y rij i ! onl ol and urnltr theeealof ibeCirouil Oonrl for tho county ol' Waahnnd State ol Michigan, datad he tlilrteenth dayof February, A. D. 1872, mi tomi delivered agaiuBt the goods, cbattels, tanda and teñemi nta of Tbomsa Qlenan and Williom s. Barry, nnd for want thorBOl did, on the fourteenth day oi ruary, A. 1. ■ levy upon all thi litio and inten Qlenan and Wfllam B. Barry h tve in the followiug deseribed real estáte, to wit: The northeaat quarter of tne northwest quorter, and soutbeast quarterof BOrthwest quai i r, ís a o Ion No. 27, and aouth end of east Ude and ■ I I northeaat quarter and oortbeast corner, in section number !8; makingin :-.ll two hun ■ I land bethe moreor leas, he above doacribed lauda being and lyingin tho towiwbipol Northfleld, coumyof Washtenav.and State of Michigan, wlilch above de i.l iall oxj" at. publio auction, to tin.' highest bidder, it ti' south iloor of the Courl Sonae,in the my of Ann Arbor, on the 14th day of M-iv . Ií. 17, at teno'olock a. of sala day. p,-,i. ,1, Uaroh !6th, A. O. 1878. MYlioX WEBB, Bherifl. 1367 By Joktin Foboís, Under-Sherm. Sheriff 's Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WssW Bj virtw of one exeoution iaau 4ou( of the ('irurt lor Uu: connty of Waahtenaw, to m ,,, red, -.. mi lat 1 lattle, lando and lenemeni Ml ;l''1 tor want of ad ohuttle, I dld, on !. tourtee i h Fi bruiuy, A. D. 1872, aeizo and levy apon all the nght, titleoncl intereal Oeoxge D. Hill has in the following i real i Btate to wit: the east half of the northlarter of seotlon ninetoen, and tho wsat hall oí eswl huif of west half of northwest quart i in twenty, town two south range ix eastt making one wo aeres of land, being Mtuated Do the luwnsliip of Aun Arbor, ooonty ut washtenaw, and Btate of Michigan ; also all the lnteieit Heorga D. Hill has in loti numbei 5, Band ", blooi one north, range thie eaat, aaid lot being sitnaled tho city of Aun Arl or, oounty of Waahteñaw and Btate of Michiííun, whioh above dosoribed i-''ul cst;iti I ah il] toraale, al juiblicauotion, to tlie hiijliest. lillr, at the sonthdoor of the Court BQoae, iu the oity of Ann Arbor, on the third d:iy of June, A. 1). 1872, at ten o'cla b - ( of ïaid day. Di.tisl, A]ir;l Ulli.A. IX IÍ7Í. MYEOM WEBB. SherifF, 1370 By Jobtim Pobbes, Under-She(rlff. TAÍKSON WAGONÖ ! A Car I,cad of JACKSON WAGONS just reo(tvcd at Rogers' Agricuitural Warehoiise. Thoae who want Jackon Wagon, had bctterjjo for thom now ut the present LOWPRICE8! te tnere is soon to be added to mt prlce uu acconut ot the advance la pnce of NViiou stocks. M. EO GEKS. ' ■.mS OËOPLE'S DRUG STOKti R. W.ELLIS& CO. Mortgíige Halo. DEFATJLT httving bsen mude in the condiüons ol amortan [i i euted bj Dani -: Keni Ki ti t tu Bilaa H. Dougloas, Admití i.i!. of Honrj w. v. ,;■..■; , . ; . bcaring ■] . iwti ty-flfth day of April, A. D. lsi;:;, and recon the oí the Renata o) i -■ County, Michigan, on tbe twenty Itfth day of pril, A. !. 1863, :i lib-T .'io oí mortgagea, on poge 71ti, }ƒ which 1 íauit the iovi r oontfl mortgagehaabeoome operatire, on which moi daimed i be due at thi dato I lie som f two i: uriii il aiii forty-seren ch] ■ twenty-flre dolían as an Aitorney fee aa pro. said mortgnge, and no Miit or proceeding it law or lo mt the di-it ■ by unid :uiu t - ; :■' or anv pari ' I ■ Notloe hercby giren, that byrlrtue'of powerol tale contained in said morí fche 'a: u -. ni suohoose made and prorided, r-aúi mort i' riU bi i m olo i i mi Saturdai ni May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that doy. at thewutb doorof the Court House, in the r:iy of Aun Albor, in nid oounty ol W btenuw [said Oourt Hi he pi 10e oí boldii ; the Circuit Court for said Countyof Waahtenaw), by rale at pnhídder, oí the premi ■ ■ : prem3 eril i ni i ild n an aa followa, viz: All thoso certain pieces or pnroels oí land situnted in tbe countyof Wtwhtenaw, in the State of Michigan, deserfbed na foUows, viz: The wtt twentyíorty-six hundredthn aerea of thc northwest nuart-r "t thenorthweat fraotional auarter ol aeotton numbex four, and two arre of laúd Ín tbe northeast corner ni icctian nnmbei Sve, lyirikr between í.he mili pond ;iud tho scctioT line, uil líeing in lowmhii) d outb of range naoiber time en ■iiich of tht: northon numbèr ftve aforaaaid aa may beorí rflowed by rateing the wata at fl: lim m the iii' 1 purcel tmrteen feet ; nlco tht? eastpart ni 1.; aumbei four (4 íd blnck nunilxT tliirlcen (13), in thevtUugeof B vivan in theeounty of Washteunw, and Jtatooí Miclilgan, aocordiiM to thc recordad plat "i wia Tillage, bounaed and deaorlbed aa follown: boanded on tbe east by the eaat lineof said lot. runntng thence west on iln' northlJne ofanid lot flítynine fert, thence south toa polnton the aonth ald lo fifty-ais feet wi-t (rom i" imthit rurncr of said lot, thence east to the aoutbeaet eornev of .lid lit, vid last dcacribed parcel being Use same land Eonreyedto anid Daniel Kent by Beeker Viact and wiL by deed, dated Mareh ftth, A. I). lx&j. Aun Arbur, Mich. Feb. 12th. 171 S1LAS II. DOUGLA88, Uminbtmtoi oí' th Khtute oí Uti.ry S". Wellm Felch & Ghant, dud, Morí ngae. Attorney for MortgKgee. ii Mortgagc Sa.lo. EFAT7LT haring been m.ide in thc conditlon of a ' Buntgagaezaeated !y David UnForeatand MariannDei'orrt to Philip Bach, liarintt datetheJOtt dny of November, A. I). 180", and rvcorded in the ofltce ut the Regí itcrof Deeda dr Wiulitnnw oonnty, Michigan, on thc SJd1 Cay oí Ñorembñ, A. D, li7, Ín Líber 30 of mortugva, on raxc 699, anddnlyasi{ned by siiid Philip H.ich to Ruta H. Donglasa, by B-i;miiieiit bearin;; date the third day of í?ay. A. 1. 1870. nud recoidud in the office of theaaid Registet of Deeda for ■ athtenaw coonty, on the 7tl dny of 3Iay, A. i), 1870, in líber 2 oj asaiñimonts of mortga page MI, by which defanlt the powerol ia ö.iifl mortgoge )i beootne operative. on which ffethere ík daimed to be dne at tni date tíie Bsm of three thonmnd Bve htimlml and thirty-flve dolían, and Hl'ty dojlaraasan Attorney fee asprorided in said snoítgage, and no snit or prooeeding at law or in ohancery Baring been inetituted ío the debt anoured by said mortgage, or any part thereoi; Notice is therefore herebT giren, that by rirtue of the iowor of sale coutaim-ii i-a aaid mortenge, and of the statute in suoh oase made and providod, aaid mortgnge ivill be fureclued on Baturdaf, tlio twentvneventh day of April nest, at ten o'dock in Che forenoíjn of that day, at the eouih door of the f'ourt House, in tbe city of Ann Arhor, in saicï county of oaw, [aaid Court Hou.-,' being tbe p holding Ihe Circuit Court fox aaid rounty of Washtebaw), tiy saín at pnblic auction, to the mithest biddl -. iiltïi.! premisee described in aaid mortgage, which Bftid mortfraged prerüiaee are deecribed in sai.l mortgage as [ollows, viz: AU tho followina desorlbed of land, sitnated in the oity of Ann Arbor, waahtenaw connty, '"Mgan, viz: commeneing t the int-]- clii.n of the south line of N'onh srrtt with tbeeostline of Dirisfon street, in said i-ityof Ann Albor, and running essl on the ou'b line of Noih etreotabmit two bnndred feet to the i fttholic ('hurch lot, thenoe outli rod. thenoe west parallel to North atreet to División i-trtct, thcuce nortb to thu ])!;!-''■ oi Li ■ inninjr. Anu Arbor, Mich. Jan. SOtb, 1?4. SiLAS H. DOUOLASS, Assignec. Feick & Obant, Attorncrs for Assignee. 1359 Mortgago Foreclosure Notice. DEFAULT buvingbeen made in the condition of a mortgage ina'ie and executed by Jo)m öaestel to t :iaik Sutu.ii. beorisg (late the Jourth day of -May, A. I BB bundred and sixtyn i) Ut, ai tlie uihee ot'' Woshtenow County, Slichigan, in iiber thirty-eight of moi on page four hnndrod and twenty-six, on the eishteentn day of .1 nne, A. 1. eiffhtecn bundred and ixtyeteht. at eloren and a half oxl ■■ k . -r., nn-i the power oontained m ssid mottsage h operalire by reason of sueh defaiüt, and the hum of tnr ehundredand eighty-one dollars and !..'n cents I timed to be duo on :.ii'l mortgage --it the duto of this notice fox principal and inti . a rea sonable Attotnej fee tbr tlic foreolosure of said mortgoge, and no aai) ■■] prooeedinga at law hurini reábysaid mortgage or any part thereof; Notice is tü : : giren, raid mortgage wjll le toreólo of the i : - - t).t n'in described and hereinafter mennoned ai forth, or aome pari thereof, on Baiurday the titteenth day of June nest, at eieren o'cluck in the forenoon, uth door of the Court, iu the city of .Vnn.u: [ the place of holding the Circuit Courl for the oounty of Waahtenaw. The said mortbeaold, by rirtneof the po irtgnge, are 1 nsfollows: " .vil thut tract or paicel of land in the township óf Bridgewtkter iu the county of d . ■ .ii, bound á tho northeast Quartex üt' the northwi -t quarter of section numbBr tLirtysii township number tour (i) soutb of range nnmbwf four (IJ, íuiítainiu-í t'orty acres of lund bo tho ■ Dated, Aun Arbor, March Hth. l;i. ÓLAEK BUTTON, Itortgagee. HiiumJ. Bbasxs, Attorney lor Mortgagce. 1366 Mortgago Salo. DEFATTLT haring been made in Ihe condition of n mortg ' . ;:iiiDcth M. Shepherd, bia wiie, (o the undendgned, Al. ot Janaary, A. 1. eighteen ad rooorded in 1 Uoumy, in th . i;i liber -i.'i of mort . the fourteenth day of January, hi''h defuult t.h Ie coiithere ischUmed by mu to be due.on . i. u ol fuurb vu hundred and Beveni y-uiic dollars and aixtypal and interest, au.! . il ;:'.;. ' fee i o triUinj; thor-e i foredoM .íúd moi or prooecding at law or in chañe iry b ., sr the orcd by aaid inoitrüge, or any port th. reforo horeby given, thal by virtueof 1U'1 m : ti'l liiol f'-r:i ;'■, ;n:il oi i. Bal I [tiidlcdo 'i by a mie of ':■ ■,a' publio auction, to the Ier, on it, ut ten of the clock Oourt Honse, in the oity of Ann Arbor, in aaid ui' Woali ■ ■ holding the Circuit Court lor the said county pi , ■ lllows, to wit. : " Tlie north half of tho northwent quarter of section twentj'-ono, [21), in Uwn four [4] south of-range uix ':. east, in the connty of naw aud s;:[c t,;' Miohigan, oontainiog eighty .u iv i;t bind more or lena.1 Usted, Aun Arbor, Michigan, April s, 1872. ALPHEUS FBLCH, ilortgaace. (;. 1!. Gsant, Attorney tor Miirtgugov. i;no BheiifTa Sale. TATE OP MICHIGAN, County of ffaahtenBir, sa kJ Jv virtue ui' i writ tf exeoutwo b nued out of an ander th settlol the Circuit Oourt lor the oountyo WaehlenuWj and io me direoted ■ l, agaína the goods, ohai ilvs, tonde and tenvmenta of Geo I hdayof March. A. D. I and tov] ■ ■■ riht, title and interest i i). Hill hits in tiiu followinq described londa, situaf hl the lownfhip of Ann A. i I Washtentw Michigan, begiuningal a poixtt in tbc west Ua üoq i):ii.y-ti. i aouta in r. , ■ otton. tbenoe soutb on Baid Beotlon lin twelvi i ■ iuii. i, :it :;ci; aast paralle to the nortb line of ■ -.d foj ty-one links, thence nortb parallel to the west line o i . ■■ taina and ÜXty-lwo links, f.-Lsi paruUcl to the aorth line of said neotiou to tb Dorthand soutb uartez linu jí' s:titl aoction, theoc nor li to thequartei post of aaidseotion upontb line of unid Bection to iii northwest corner tt' Boid sac iioii, thuntü soutb on the west line of ;iiil seotioni Mie pliico oi !),-_ ;m :. i ny, oo&taining nincty-llvü i ■ coepting thcret'rom the landis t ■v (Jounty Agricultura] mul llorticultui';il Society ; alao theaouljb pari ut' the eaat huif of the Dortheast quarter of said 'tection ;is above deaeribed, beingalloi Baid tialf quarter seotion trbich lies 8üuth oj the Ann Arboroad ïpailanü roadt i-o oalledhexoeptfnfften aores t l.i(f aold by Oeorge Prurni to ïacob weavop, and oontaining tbirtv acres of land, more or lesa ; :il--() ttie foUon I tanda to wit : The east half of the i arterof sectionaine u en, and the weai half oï the wet half ot the ñorthuiv.! qnartèr Bection twenty, in towuship two sonth -i oasti in said county illil Btate ; alao all the foUovmg deecribed lands, aituated in the city ot' Ann Aihur, MK'hiLun, to wit: Lot nxundez flve, ix and seven, in blooE one north( in raujft thrw wat, b v.-iiii the Opera House nnd other buüdinga thereon; which realestAte aboye doacribed I. shall ezpoao f oi 3le to the hisheat bidder, at publJo auction, at the BOQth door oftbeCourf Eunuo, la the city of Ann Arbor.QD the 28th day of May, A. 1). 18:2, utlOo.clock a. m. uf s.m f ay. Dated. April :'iJ, A. 1. I8Ï2. WEUB, Sheriff, 1368 üy Jobtin 1'oEBEtí, ünder-Sheriflf. Sheriff 'a Salo. STATE OF MICHIGA X, county of WMhten lïy viruif of b v. t it of execation beued out f and umlcr the aval of the Circuit Court f ox the couiity of aaw, and to me direoted and deïivered, agalnsï iliü goods. onattlea, landa and tenementa of ;■ llill, I dia, on the Öth dav ui April, A. D. 1872, eize and levy apan uil the riyM, title and i?; lt. Etttl na in the folio win j? desoribed I in the town.slup of Ann Arbor, county of Waahtenaw, Btiobigan, boguuüng at u point ia the west line of twcum tin bownshlp two soxitb iu raí easti M-'vt.'iity-iivi1 rodo Booth hom fehc aorthw [d seotion thenoe Bouth on said sed ios Une ;v,iii ohains and flfiy-two Hnka, thwsoe east parallel to the noriii lim baiiu and for tyn as Unks, thfinoo north parallel tu the weet Une of raid section twelve ohoJxu and fifty-two links, t heneo gast pamllel to the north Une "í Baid Bootion it the nortfi tind bouÜi ouartei linie of said seotion, thenoe nurth to the quarter jost of ;iid BCCtion upon the north Une of aid Bootion tothe north west corner of mud Böotion, ■ ■ on tho vest Uno of Baid Beotion to the place oí' bezinning1, oontnining □ ■ of tand more or i ig (heroftom tho Landaof tlie Washtenaw County Agrit ultui ■ i he Bouth pari of tl ■ half oí i above describí ■■ aaid half auarter section ■ ' in Arbor una Ypailanti road tu n acres tt" lana sold 1 ■ l1] uu .11 ii' Jai o oinüig thin .. of land more ar lesa ni ■■ f he timds, to wil : Tho east half of the nortbeast ium-tcr of Bection aineti i a, and i Ih west halj of the wost half of the northwest qn i ■'' j . In ' o Lwo aonth In raage ix eaitj tn ii'i oonnty and State ; ;il-..j :i!i the following desonbed lauda Bituated in Üie city of Aun Arbor, Michigan, to wit : Iots nnmber ih e, mx. and li one north In c:ist, topHlifi' wiih i ;. Opera Sou s and othex buildeon, whii h i críbod I shall exposé for sale to tne highi bidder, al publioauotion :ith dooi oí' the 6url Souae, in the city of Ann Arbor, on tliu SStll Uuy oí Muy, A 1. l12, at 1 1 o'ol ■ b a. bc. of aaid day. Datcd, April btl, A. D. 1 . 1ÍTRON WEBB, Sheriff, lflflQ TW TniiTiv TTnunr.H. MnAiïr Mhnriff. i-. al Esta i' STATK OF MICHIGAN, county oí Warfhtená#, s. ín íhti matter oí tho Estáte oí Etufru Knitfht, dt eby given, that in pursimnce of an order gran ted lo tbe undersisrned, Bxeeutxxx ot tho estáte f said deeeaaed, by the Hon. Judge oí Pitábate for tho oounty of Waehtenaw, on tho íghteeeni h day of Mareh, A. 1. 1872, there will be soM at public ven. at the lonUi door of tlie Court House, in tho city of Arm Arbor, in the nomitv of Wütthff n;iv, in sni'l Btate, cn Tuosday, tïit! sfiventh doy of May A. 1). 1K72, at one o'clock in the afterthat iliiy (subjeot to uil enonmbranees by TnorhiufTo or ■''i;r ;it the tint I ■ ed] Ki: foffowing estáte, to-wit : Tbe-southfortyrodsui widtfa of the ilf of the souti t of Bcction thirtyfoitr, in townnhip two SOUtO of ran In s;ii-l 8tnte, oontajning tvrei ro oí lesa; the west hall of the northea i 'marter of seotion ■ 'ít.iiiiiiiií üix' I mare or Ie eai r half oí' th Craotional quartex of said ■ i ng mxty-three acres more 1 1 i ilf t,t the southeast quarter of buíü eotíf'ii three (exospting tho twelve acres heretofbre sold to James Parto r oontaining síxty1 more ot i ownship thxee soutlí of range live euat in said State. Dated, Mnrch 18th, A. D. 187Ï. LAMIRA KN1GHT, HABEIET KNÏOHT, 13CÍÍ Executrix. -1 Estáte for Sale. QTATKOF MICHIGAN. fo-mty of Wnshtenitw, bb. O In the matter of the Esvatt of Cornelius Laughlin, ■ lurony given, that in ptü t' m order granted to the undera tor of the es;;1 :. by tho Hon. Judge of Probate, íor the co tint y of Washtenaw, on tl enth day of Match . n. 1872. there wiU b '■■■nLlue, to the húh( bidder, Bt the dwellinp? doom on the premiMB hereinafter aescribed, in the coukty of ÏVaihttnaw, in btáñ BtaU, on Tnday. the the thirtieth day of April. a. n. 1872, at ten o'cloo.k in the forenoon of ihnt day, [subject to ill encumbratioea by mortgite or othrwie exintiiiji at the time of the deuth oi ■'!] the followtng descril ewtitte (o-wit : Th west hult of the urathweet quarrtion iwLiity-three, in township one BOUtfa of lx cast, ooataining eighty acres mon in aaid State. Dated, Maroh lïïh, A. T. 1H7-2. WILLIAM BUBEB, Administrator. Bcaï Estiittí for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, connty of WashteB lu the matter of the estáte ol BÖecta Munson, minor: Notice is hereby given. that in puxsuance of an orflcr ra&tttd to the uiidcrsined, Oaazdian nf the estáte of ssid ntinor, by the Hun. Judge of Probate lor the connty of Waehti aaw, on I he twenty-filth day of Murch, A p. 1872, therewillbe soldocpublio vmi 'ue, totlie Mghest bidder, at the uouth door of the Court Hoine. in the city of Ann Arbor, in the oounty of Witshte&aw, intmid ütate, on Weaneeday, the twenty-nintli tluy of May, A. D. 18ii, at ten o'clock in thti foresoon of fchat 'iay, [bubject, to uil eooumbrancee by mortaae or otherwise existina at the time of the miie), the followtng doMcribed reslestaie, to wil : The andiTided one-serenth oi tho wt half of tbe aortheast quarter of aeeifon thirty, Intownship' three sonth ox range six east( containing eighty l ,-ai.l State. Dated, March 2öth, A. l. 1872. L368 UKBliUN HUED, Ouardian. Efitate of Frederick Tungfar. QTATE OF MICHIGAJf , County of Wahtenaw,ss O At ft seasion oi the Probate Court lor the ponntv oi uw, holden at the Probate Office, ni of Aun Artxr, on Monduy, th SftMSth day of April, iu the year oue thousaiul uight hundred and seventytwo. i'n ■ -i nr HiuiniJ. Beake, Jndg of Probate. In thy inatttr of the eatate oi JTredeiick Yungfar, deoeased. Onreadins nnd flling the petition, dnly ToriitaL of evens, prayinti that he or soxoe othes uitable pereoBj muy l apiointed iwlmmiötrator of s of mud d. ■: ■■ TberenpoB it U ordered, that Monday, the thirteenth day of May next, at ten o'clork in the forenooL, be aoipned tor thehtaring ofaaid petition, and tiiat ihe beifu at law of said deceawjtl, and all othtr persons inten rted ïd boj re requixed to appear at a bsssíoo of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Oüiw, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why tiit prayear of the petitioner should uot ritñted : And il Is urther ordered, that sakl peiiiiont'r give notice to theperaons ited In said estáte, of the pendency of iwid petition, and tbe hearing thereof, by Cíiusing u copy of thia order to be published in the Mirhigan Argtts, a nows; Lnted and oironloting Ia said County, three suocessive weeks previouy to said day of hearing. (A trut' copy.) HUtAM J. BEAKES, 1370 Judse of I'robate. Estáte of Ruby A. Iloskins. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, 83. O At u iwaion of the Probate Court for the oounty of Waahtextaw, holden wt the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on WednesdAy, the rteTenteenth daj i f April, in the yeax one (housond eight hundxed and scventy two. It-j.m:i!, Hirum J. Beakea, Judpeof Probate. f ti rlie laattui of the eatota OÏ Jtuby A. Hoskins, decoased. iding and filing the petition, duly veritted, of 'jing thiit a ffrtain instrument now on file in tbia Courtj purportin;; to be the lmt will aiul testament of said deceased mtty be admittefl to probate and that 1ij muy be aniiointed solé execu'füf. Therenpón if i ordered, that Hondny, the thirteentfa day of May next, at ten o'clock in ft igned for the hi dd petition, and thixi - nnd hei at law of said l Ukterested In asid estatej are reQuired to appear al a session of sakt oourt, thn tobo e Probate Office, in toe city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be. wnytbe] of the petitioner should not be granted: And iti further ordered that said petitioner gire notice to the ftaJa estáte, of the pendency of and the hearing Uiereof, by aan I ed in the Michigan printi 1 and circnJUitinfl! ba said oounty, three Buooeesive weeks previous to mud day of hearing. (A trueoopy.) HIIUM J. BEAKES, 1370 J atiixt: oi I'robate. Estáte of Charles D. Btitt. QTATEOI'1 M itüKiAN. County of Washtenaw, s. O At aseasion of Probate Court for the Connty of "a."ht('nw, holden at the Probate Office, in the Oity of Ann Artjor.on Wednciay, the seveMtviilii daj of April, In the year oue tho'inuiitl BÏghX hundred audsoventy-two. Prese ut, líirum J. Beakes(Jadge of Probate. Iu the matter of the EulaU oí Cuarles 1. titt, deceaseda OareadlDgaoddllñfftbepetUlontdnlyTerlfled,of Bllon E. Htitt, ïrayiti thal David A. líonier or soine other saitaóle person, muy be appuicted irator of the eHUte of said deceaaed. Thoreupos H ie ordered, thal M nday, tlie tbirtecuth day of May iiyxt. at ten oclocíí in the ASBigtted for tbc hearing ol said petiü"ii . and thf.' tho heirs jí law of said doccased. and :ill other DersonsizrterestediDsaidestfttei arereqalred tu appear ar a eesslon ofsaidCourt, then to be hulden at the Probate Office, in the City ol Anti Arhor, and show cftuseif Any there be, why the prayer of the petitlonr shor.ld uot be granted : Auditie further ordered ttmt sailp;tilve notice to the persons lntereted In :üú B4tafcEtOfthe pendency of said petition. and the hearinffthereoftbycauslnff a copy of thi order o bc publishctl In the Michiga Arffut.s newpaper, prlnted and circulatlng iu said C'ouuty.thrt-e sucirevtous to sniddoj oí hearlnp. CAtruecopy.j HIBAU J. BKAKE8, lülO Jadee of Probate. Estáte of Polly Qould. STATBOFVIOHCQAN.Count} orWiiFhtenaw.s At M sessIoQ or th(i Probate Oourt for the Countj of Wiinhtcnaw, holden at the Probate Ütllce, in th City of Aun Arbor. ou Momlay. the flftccnth diy oi April) in the year uno thoasíiud eight hundred nitd sevunty tw. Present Hïram J. Beakes,?adgeof Prohnte In the matter of the caíate of I'olly Gould, deoeased John J. Rohison, AfiminiBtrat'T of said ewtate, comes iuto Court and represent that he Is now pre pared to render hia ÜohI account as auch Administrator Thereupon itis Ordered, that Monday, the thirteenth day of My neit at ten o'd 'k Ju the Poreqoou, be aesigned foï e xa minina aud allowing such account, and ihaL the neirs at law of suid deceased) andall other persons Interested In said ostste, aro requirfd touppcar at a fcesMon of said Court, (ben to be Dolden at tbe Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, in sakt County. and show cause, if a'ny there be.why the sald account phoukl not beallowed And it ia further ordered that t?(iid Adniini-trator givtf notice to the persons iruurested in saicl ustatc, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by canslne a oopy of this order to be pubilshedlnthe Michigan Argut% i newspnper prinït-d ind Clrcnlatlng la sald County. three succeesive nreelu prerlotts to saidüay "f hearlns. CA tiuecopy.) IÏ1KAM.I. BEAKES, 1370 Jude of Probate. Estáte of Jacob Maehrlt. STATEOFMICn[GAN,CouiityofVashtenaw, ífj Alasobsiouof the Probate Cour t íorthe County ofW&ahtenaw, holden at the Probate oíllce tn t he city of Anu Arbor, ou Weduesduy, the teuth day of April, in the yoar ono thousaud cight hundrt'tl and aeventy-two, Present, Iliram J. Beakee,Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi" Jacob Maehrlc, dcceaM'tl. Jacub Itaucr, AdminiBtrator rite fronte non wlth the wili annexed of said daceaéed, comea loto court tnd representa that he is uowprepared to rcnilcr hls final account u Blich Admïnistralor. Thcreupon it Is Ordered( that Wednesday, the elghtb day of May, neit, at iep oclock in the "oreiïoou, be assigiitíd for examlnlng in aUow Dgsncb accouni, and that tlie legatee, devieens and helra at luw oí Raid deccased, and all other pcrijons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a gession of aniú Court. then 0 holden at the the Cttjoi Aun Arbor lnaaidOonnty,andehowcaueeifanythefe bet vhy the saidaccountshould iitt b allowed: Audit is iwiluT urdí-red, that auiil Ailmiuistratorivc Dütice o the persons intcrested in said estaVe, of the pewdency of saídaccouut, aud the hearing tliercor, hy aasing a copy of this order tobe pDDlishedln the Michigan Argv$%a ndwepaperprlnted&iidctrcQlattaig uaaulCounty, thrce successlvc weeks previous to al'i i:y of hearing. fAtruc copy.J II11IAM J. BEAKES, 1300 Judtie of Probate. Estáte of Jumes ü'Brien. 3TATB Oï MICHIGAN, Countyof Waahtenaw.M. At h aeasios of the Probato ' ouri P th onnty f AVashtunuw, holden at the Probate Offloein the City f Aun Arbor, on Taeaday, the ninth day of April, ri the year oue thouuud eight hundicu and aer; wo. i, iii:.;m.). BeaJees, Judge of Probate. In ihe matter Qftheeatat 01 JazgesCBrien, det'itded. Belden W. 8htartleff, administrator of gaid estáte, umi s üito ■'■-: ■ . .w pre; uní to rendfirhifl Unul wüunt assuoh administraor. apon it i.n ordered, th.ut Taeadav, tluth day of May v.ext, at ten o'clock in the )renoon, be oasigned far uxamiTiinjir and aüowtg such account, and that tin; hsura at lav "i ud deoeusedi and ;:ii otib Uiterasted in dred in appeai &i u sessian oí b d to b ■ holden al r, .:■ oí' Aun á cl ox, and : any lid account ühould not be ftln l: .iLtl it is further ordered, thatsaid Adminia( e notiee tu t1. aid eant, and the heaxinR i ing ; i'opy oi" thia order to be pul printed and ciroutinyin Bauf Counly, thtee - Btud day of )-■ IIIÜAM J. BEAKES, 136!) Jfadgeof Probate. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c. Esteta of Narissa difoi STATEOF MICHIGAN, CotintyofW -1 At na on of l'iol,:iu. (.min ♦ of Wnshtenaw, h„ld,,, at the 1 KlU , ' City ol ■ Aun Albor, on Siuun' ,v ,, " iV of April in IM , tl'! I Jfft dred and aevcsty-twtf, a "tflit C ' Present, Htnun .1. Beates,,fadM (,iPm w" he matter of theestate of Nart On readingand ffllng the nettUim ,i, i '"' William II. Crittendc.., i,n,u„iu,?,t c?ly.rM,, tonden her niuul MMffi pointed odmiuistrauix of said tate """' b Thereupon it ia ordered, thut V„i o'clook i'iftwT0 iring ol Biiid tetihSf í"fÍS ■ quiredt?Í2"l to I' ■ h„i , ''''Mij in tbeCity ... Arm A,l 3' ny Uure be, why tho prayer of t , ,i, w a petitioner a-ive notice to tho persons intü2n2klï3 ■-"■- " com of t'u JC publiahi d in t he Michigan .1,,,,! „ „,l L? Estáte of Mary Ann TuayeT STATE OP MICHIGAN, kmnty of wLk Atascssionof the Probate Court fnVi1,' of Woshteimw, holden at the Prob : rJ? City of Ann Arbor, on Momky ti. t5?.ií of April, ,n tho year one thousC S dml.-.n.l .-iiiilv-liïi). " "ík! k Present, Hirai.i .1. Beukes, Judireof p„a_. In 1 MarjAnlV Kdin and flling the petition, .„,-, Thayer, pruyihi; that :ulmnitrii? estáte may bo gTanted to him, U,naS 1? "i Walterl. Hayea, who are iminediis i-.xuS!.ïe?( il and testament of said d 1 1 m-cü "' Thercupon it is ordored, tliut „i ixtli day of May next, at u-iï u'cluck iÍT1 noon, be. assigned for the lu.-i.rinR ,f Ju1' and tliat the legatees, deviwes uud Sr.Ws, ofeaid ..I oilier pcrwn cil ' uued to fü? lion of said Court, then to be ÍJ? " the Probate Dlhtv, in the City of Ara i3? show cause, it any there 1, wby theirní1"11 petitioner shonld not b.s (frantedj Andir i"'4! ord ed, that snid petitioner give uutictto lT11 lnterestwl in said estáte, of the penden r f" tin, and tho hearing thereof, by osuii "" this order to bo pubüxhed in the MiMm i" pei piint. 1 nnd in uf''' Estato of Richard C. Dillon STATE OF MK 'UU AN,Conntyoi WwiL At ü sussiun of ihu Probate Court for tlr ' of Washtenaw, holden at the I'rolwte oS,"' City of Ann Arbor, oil Stonday, the Si!" of A pril, in the year one thuuund ticht hnïi i j soventy-tMi. '"UM Presen! BiramJ. H.;ik'.-, Jmljre oí Prohat In the runtter of tho Estáte of Ricluid e' il. deceiiawl. f v "w, Onreadingftnd fllingthe pttition, duh ipu Buaan F. ImIí.iii, shf orovlC' able prjn, muy bu apiinted ii(lministtlai,w' 'fhfreupon it is orderwl, thnt Tnctdur tl day ol Must next, at ten o'dodi n, '(J? be a -..■■■ . for the hearing of said mm-w' ; thattheheirsat Uw of Si:id decessed, da? perwjns intereatea in snirl estotc, ure miuinjr "" mii n ui said Court, then tob Probate Utihx, in the City of Ann v be, why tuopruyerofthnSE shoulil not be granted : And it is furthaotóS said petitioner give notice to the jjersune ntirJ f.ud estáte, of the pendency of stüd iKtition, ,,j hearing thereof, by oauainK :i copy of tku ciial" puuk!.hed ui the Michigan Injut, a,.' and ciroulnünK in wii.l ivmiity, thrwsuóaii,,!1 preuun to üiiiil day oí heirin. " : (A true ciipy.) 1 1 i. RAM J. BEARrs 13li'J Judie oí Pml Estáte ot' Hannuh Phelj VTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Tmii-,, k.p At a sesaion of the Probate ('otirt tmütum of TV ushtennw, holden at the J'robate OH Jí, City of Aun Arbor, on Wednesdny, the rtati enth d:iy of March, in the year one thouanj nr hundredunil ncventy-two. Present, Himm J. Benkea, Ju&rc of Probate In th matter of the estáte of Haanah fu. deoeased. A MercyC. Britten, Kxecurrix of the last nfll u; testament of said deceaaed, comt-H into eoert koe m resents thut she ia now prepjired to rtniiei ha account na auch Jixccutrix. Thereiipon it in ordered, tb:it Mondaj, tbtir daj (f M;ty next, at ten o'dock in the tomm,it adi-ined for examinin ;ind iillowingaudi utontai tb.a the le!ritfce, (i-vie''í and heira at Ut 'f said deceased and all other persons intentó in sai! estáte, aro required toappearati sii.n of said Court, then to be holdtn 3t the h bate Office, in the City of Ann Artor, km v, and show cause, if any theie be, rtj i said account -hnuM nor be aUowed: Anditgfr order'1 that said Executrix iive notice to the pccn interesled in :id estáte, of the pendewy rfml ■.;. and i !m hearinj? thereof, by eaiHÍ&riiin of this in dr t" be published in thcMekijm ifi, a in w&paper pinte! nnd cii-culating insakJCeotj three 3 weef Ue vreek9previoustnsaiddtT{)Mii; (Atraecaj.;.) UiitaMJ.ÏKiïH v JudgeofPirttó. Estato of Jeroiue Gooding. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wuhtan.ii. At i session of the i'robate Court for thsmiij of Waahtenaw, holden ut the I'rolniie othet, in lit city of Ann Arbor, on Ihuraday, tbefounki; of April, in the year one thousand eigbt hukid and seventy-two. h ui türam J. Beakcs, .ludfof Piobate. En the matter oï theestate of Jerome Gxiin, ét. Onrending and füingthe neütion, MyraiapU i onnthaM. Qooding, Adnunistratru, pnui ik sbe may be licensed to sell the real esliitewlieiwíiiJE lece;tsed ilied seized lor the purpoac of üitóibalil I of bucli 3:ile ninonf tl in 'aiil i Thereupon il is ordered, that Jlomlsy, tbe rl of ""r.-iy next, at ! n o'clork in the fomM be assigned for the hearinK ot said jiitn. ui thaf tiic heirs at law of said 'I 1 1 ased, and all át persone . ure requireá %i} pe-;r at a session of said Conrt, then to be öoübc ■ róbate iitüo', in the city of Atn iik iw cause, if any there be, why theiaji the petitioner shuuld not be 1 : . ther ordered, that said petitioner ?ive noli t k persons intoreateU in said i nluli , nf Miu imldnj said potition, and tl bereof, tyouafi copy of this order to be nubiisbed in ihe &#ft Anua, a newspaper printed and circulntiiy ii i oounty, four Buoce&sive weeks previoua to siüii jy .: hearing. (A true copy.) niRA3I J. BEAKE8, 1SC8 Judge uf rnbad Éstate of Samuel W. Wells. STATEOÏ M !i II N .AN.CuimtyofWiisbtfMi, Ata stssionot' the Probate t'ourl d of Wasliteuaw, holden .it tliefivl of Ann Arbor, on Fridtty, the twenty-ninth :ii ' i, in ti'.e year one thousand eight bnniwi .' -two. Present Jliram J. lïenkes, Jiidge of Frobaft. In the matter of the estáte of t-amucl W. IVA t ho n ading and üIíiíl' tho petition, iluly vtnfiei i Nancy A. (' Wells, pruyingthat rtain iintn" Ule in Jlii Court, purpurtini.' to bè theW wiU niid testament of said d w ssed, ni:iy LeadtaiSfi to probate, and that aluj uiny be uppointi I trix th' i Thereupon it ík urdercd, that, Mondiy, thrmi uinth duy of April next, at ten o'eluck in thetow be assigned for the hearing of said petition, ""■J leñateen, deTisees and heirs at law of saiddeaatwi all other persons interesteil in said estáte, are reqonw to appear a( a session of said court, tlirntobew at tho Probate Offiiv, in tho city of Ann Arte show CAuse, if any there be, why the praysi i petitioner should not be granted: Aml it i! W I, tliai said nettttoner give notice to tbt W sons intereáted in Baid sstate, of tho pewtstf said petitian, and tho hearing thmf, by tl copy oí' this order to bo published in tMJwjff Arfftu, u newBpapcr printfd and nioulutii nJ county, thxee biiccesöive weeks pitvious to saud T hearing. (A true copy.) IIIEAJI J. BEiKK. 1368 Judgeotl1. Estáte of Emmii Mallory. OTATE Oï' sr 1 I ' (' ' V N, i ■m.ty oi VMb!5 ii At a session of the Probate Court for ttaMJ"r Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, ijl of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tlie twenly-nioti W Manh, in tho year one thousand eiifhthiu1"1 si-venty-two. ut, lliraro ,T. Beakes, Judge of rrobuiiIn the matter of the cetate of Enm "m' On reading nnd flling the petition.iiu'r'"??, 11. MaUory, praying tliatothmelti. W,; her suitable personj may be ipiKinM w istiatur of the estáte of said deceasw. ,. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Monday, "j, uinth day of Apiil next, at ten o'clock nj Wjg! uoon, be assigned for the hearinf: of M" rS, and that the heirs at law of snid decoaKl, M, ■ er iieraim.s interested in said estáte, !' re1)"!?,' j pear at a session of said Court, then t "Sürj tho Probate Office, in the City of Ann Ar L show oauae, it any there be, why the lïI(otjj petitioner should not bc granted: And ' "ji ordered, that said petitioner privo notice ui V ed in said estáte, of the pendency 0ls5, tiun, and the hearing thereof, bjr caoaiiig i'", order to be published in the Midtiyan ,'irut'l $ft paper printed and cireulating in (Uiid aal successive weeks previous to said dny of heiMfc. (Atruepy, HIEAli Estáte of Calvin K. Beckcr. SÍTATE OFMICHIGAN, Countyof Ttí At ;i radon oí th Probate Conrt for " „tú uf Washtenaw, holden at the Probate 0B u city of Aun Arlor, un v. ■''. '. 7M oí' April, in the rcar one thousand eigt"" And .-ii'venty-two. .1 ■ Present, Himm J. Bcnkes, Judgc of Ww ft In the matter of the estáte ofCalvto; ilüLvasod. al l Wenley BuRhard, Executor of the )■''■ Jjnteetament of Baid decensed comes into ( 'inrt L í I r. milis tli;it he is now preparod to rcuiW uicouiLi as ach Ezecutor. i 0 1 dered, thal ííonday, t ""! ninthduyof Apiilinst., at ti o o'clock '".' Ji be aasigned ror examining and allowiFj account, and that the legutees, ll'vl'"'''s' .ñus' at law oí siii.l deceased, and 11 oiltr Lxt . ni s:ii.l estáte, are r. iiíkü '!', ,í 3:'' n of sai'l Court, tl'.iu to be n'1 . Probate Üülce, in the city of Ami Art; County, iind show canse, ii iiiiv thero bc, account sliould not tus .-illinvcd : -n1 " u # er ordered, that wúd Executoi y.w .„„fiir! ft , persons Interested insaid estáte, M "r!ÍU' Baid account, and the hcariug thfivyf, bí tfícW't sopyofthiü order t.. be published i W '(( .■(n;n. ■ newBpaper priutrd nil circuí' County, tlnee 8ucoeasiv wei ka i ifvioW Io 1303 JüiS'otíre T IVE GEESE FtíATHiíBs PIRST GiXTAIilT"5' Sonscantlyonhnnd and for salt by - PUVSICIARS'Tisí'KlPT8 ACCURA1.ELÏ AHÍ CAHEFULL Y PRBP-&FEP i?, w.slljs d"o.,DBuee


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