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A Winter Experience On Lake Huron

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The Port Hurón Commercial contaius 1 the following interesting account : After a four niouths' battle with the elementa, drifting about upon Lake Iluron, buffotcd by the ico almost as rudely and eontinuoualy as she were sailing upon an Arctie sua ; aftel adventures and experienoea wild enough and strange onough to furnish thü materials i'or a romance, the schoonor Globe, with her gallunt littlo crew of two men, drifted down tho laico before a favoring breeze, and about noon on Friday hove to just "outside," witJi lier tattered old flag tijing gullantly from the mattrhead, and lay there waiting tor a tow with as much apparent unoonoern a3 though she nul only just arri ved f rom Chicago after an ördinary voyage. ïho tug Martin, which had boen cut out of the ice in Black Iiivor in Jauuary, with the hope that she might bo able to do something tor the relief of the cabtaway - a hope thut was long doferred - was soon at her sido, and within a short time tho weatherbeaten erni't was lying at a dock in this city, out of harm's way, and only requirIng a moderate amount of repairing to nake har ready tor bunnen. The two men wlio coinposed the crew were the captain and mato, and thiy went with the vessel wherovor she went, tkroughout all tho winter. Sometimos tley would lie quielly, homined iu by the ico, only two or three miles froiu tho store, tor days at a time, and then would orno a wind which would break up tho ice and send it and tho vessol drifting away, until all piled up somewhere else, tie vessel being provontcd from strandir.g by the banier of ice which had form ed along the shoro, cxti'nding hito deop whter. Doring the early part f their imprisonincnt those on the vf-sscl sufFcred mir-h trom oold, their stOTe bcing broken so they could not build mach nre; but wh(u the ice formed o thut they could reath the shore they obtained another stOTe, a good supply of wood and plenty of provisions, so they could get along very comfortably. Fheir means of communication with the shore wero nncertain and variable. A fev times only tbey were able to venture, an I with a rudi; haad-sled they would brsig liacic whatever articles they obtained. Tho vosscl lay most of the time within two or three miles of the Canada sljore, twenty-two miles from the river. The ice floating in immense cake3 and fields about the lake kepf thom thero until a few diiys :!go, wlien it broko away and the glad saiiofa set s:iil for the rivor. They ariived only in the nick of time, for tin y got here about noon on Friday, and a few nours later tho gale from the west which taged so flercely all day Baturday dame or. whioh, had she boen exposed to it, Would have probably left her a wreek on the br-ach, a viotim to the perils she had ko long escaped. Bhe is a fine, staunch schoonor of about 20,000 capacity, and d;os not look much the worse for wear, althongh it is thought her bottom is considerftbïy damaged. She will go in., 1.1 - J-r .J..1. „ sooil P } 3uvfTO of corn is ; rerboara. This jorn havinglaidin t!ie hold so long, it has become :i terribly oiiensive niass of lecomposition, the odor from wliich perpades the air i'or a long distance. The two men who remaini '1 aboard of her all winter were Captain Meyers, who is half wner of tho vei-s '1, and a young man lamed Huines. They both deserve praise for tho courage and peneveranoe they ligplayed, but the captain said that for two suoh schooncis ho would not again %o through sucli an experionce as that of Lho past four uionths.


Old News
Michigan Argus