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J. E. Warner & Co's

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Ann Arbor, Saturday, May llth, Ypsilanti, Friday, May lOth, TÏ2e Biggest on Wheèls ! Nine Times Larger than any other Show. Grcat Pacific Consolidatioii THREE EJEHT SUS CJOTVTEH3NTI3WC MUSEUM, AQUARIUM, AVIARY, MENAGERIE AND CIRCUS Together, for the Season of 1872, with PROF. J. J. FOREPAUGH'S ORIGINAL COLLECTION OP NÜMIDIAN & KAFFP.E LIONS AND ROYAL BENGAL TIGERS. The moet complete, extensive and ccmprchonsive travellnjj Cataran o a the Western nemhpbm. 3 ÏENTS! 3 DISÏI3CT SHOWS! FOR ONE PBICE OF ADMISSION. A Museum of Wonder, Menagerie of Wild Animáis, And a Mngnificent Circus. Over 1,000 Men, Horcoe, Bcasts, Birds, Reptiles & Cidcsitk Prepare yourselves to ece the Lurgeat Animul iu t'aptivity, the Asiattc Mastodon andPemaleElephtiil Ei UVE ÏR-ESS, 131 years or age; 11 fet 4 inches high ; 6 toiiB and 480 lbsin wclght valued at $3000 in gold. Jast Addcd, a CNICORN OF IIOLY WMT, A TWOIIORNFD INDIAÑ RHINOCEROS ! Th? flrst and onlv specimen of this kind exhibitcd in America tince 1S39, and conceded one oflli greatestJiving curios! tlea. A ddcd to this colleciion in tbe Spring of 1872, at a cost to the Uutaioi : of Tweniy-Seven Tbousand l'ive Hundred and Sixty iwo du lars. 4 lïBAND F..EÉXHItíITI0ÑÍ! AND GRKA'F PUBLIC PEOCEgSIONS Which tho ontirp commuuit y trithin radius of flfly miles are coidialli and muft ropectfollr kttta ■ witnefs nd which will takc place promptl; every morning, at ;o o'clock, iu eucli ei mlumiïi íuriiiidable cousulitl.-mnn lu.s the honor oí nppcaring lo this Mtton. IT WILL PAY TO SEE ITi The new, Massivo and Manificcnt MYTHOLOGÍCAL CAR OF THE PAGANS!, Not one of the so culled Chariots bnt cntirely unlike any thiDj ever hefore tised in tbis coiratn.ullMi i tlie faril"U8 manufactory of Stephenson & Co , New Yurk City ; coating $7,5(.'O and preemed 'lollii!' ' tabhshm.nt by Mr. (i. 1!. ppldln{ of Albiiny, and Chas. J. HoiiTí . Esq, ol' i'hiladelphia-dmlll Lwelre honea rtchlj capsrtsoned- leada the van. whüe from the broad snmmit of Uiis '■ Thing of Bei:i; and Joy Forevcr emcuate thv soul stirnng and iuspiring muiiic of Neptunt-'e Trumpctcrg CAPÏ. JOE NO8HER'8 Great Pacific Cornet Band, FoUuwcd by the hoe ELEPHANT EIVXiIi,ESS, AUoa herd of BROMEDARIES AIVTD CAMELSI AcoompanyiLK these is tlie open Steel l'alace Cagc, contaiuiug THREE MONARCHS QF THE JUaGLES, AND ' PROF. A. J. FOREPAUCH The micccfiil and ïnirrjnd Animal Trainer, who will, in full view of thnaomblfdninltitudn uH! e throutili tlu Rneto, Bxhibit bis dulBg, courage, skill lln(i ,)ower „ thaontoMM M'LLE. LEONA DARÉ ! The Boíutlfal ftuocn ol the Antüles. loitilv elerated on the platform of TRITON'S TABLE.lü wlth a laro Alnc:iu Lion loi se aud crouchiugat her feot. iun a j SPKOIAL NOTICB -The Ticket Wagon is o,eued every"m7rnlnR at 9 o'clock and rññívíi NO EXAGGERATEDOMBASÏ Tlio IPinojst Museuin "JiJtto Best Moangerio -Lu d Etissest Oircu Ever seen in Sarape or Amcrict : more rare animáis, greatcr carloililes, and b. tter at-rroimtn-oi" of them. tlmn aoy anow tnvellng thla Mason, It la the drewed Clrcm C n.panv iu ani "" " S;)uoíipeV?errí1fop..D ' DCt"r """ ' p10)le "nd HÏ2Ü Mtei It from Ihi time tt Agente, vrlth thcir Mlrrored Caí of Oranje and Gold, arrire l twowecksahead 8tn4j tbe bUla on the bnge bnlleiin boards onc quïrter of e in te ! ■bont it to your neijhbors. Arrange jour affiiira to enjoy a grand hollday. Oie Intcw" r "" the how arnve, and w.tness the Grandest Proeeselon of Mu.eni times, and satisfy yourselTesíbH WE HAVE THE BEST SHOW Ia very particular, that mores on wheele. SlYB532Ia[22 B Altentlon ol tho Public Is Invited to lï ï BSjBJPjBnmrPBB 213 WTTBiffl I ratll-y lecorated hamen', manuiactarfiiiw11,; WMBÜSPxS SBKMMi fr t):ese tbree Shows, during the pa-t ""''„ RyW SSSéWBB ' V ■' lXJ ' I'OVI. "f All.any. X" York:"'; WHnËïnB&i TsfSSSOtSSÊÊÊÊL "'"'KhlydrnrimditotlCafei, II:i--_'-l-'i' " „l tKOBfSaSBiiB&ESSSfËnBM !'"! ■v:"-i-ii'-' Wasou, which are from I ", WmÊSaSSSSiJvmjtËSM " 'il "tal)l:Rhiiirniti of H'I.TOX A W-JÍ;'.. mJtt3fH0&mSxAXniWmB ■■n'wciphiu , w n im.att. ui.-iru.i-a;11"; LKlfflKiiSnElllMH B ON H.iVICKOTTB, "f Cincin.ii.itt, Oh,'" Kllllllfr iJllfgillBK! I m!kelhii styleofworkaspociaiity. J3ear it in Mind HnEÖTTHp Bfi li'1?! W ' -; Tiuit we uso JBMMgÜÜlB j 3 MASSIVE TENTS Í' WH Ki 3 SrPAEATE TENTS r BCSfyl Tvvo Exhibiiions Dailj'kf""3HB ' Donr9 Pcn rit ' i"i't " 1'. M. I'6rt)rmCCCI SBbuwSb BLHdV mc:1cv ' '-' '"' ovlock prcffiecly. WÊSrriwmn r .Sffftbi i i i I Admlssiou to all ; Sliows,. Lmi B fCmSÉw SSHuH Cliililrcn under 10 years, - ' BfcWifeiS I SE( ' Til E CIIIBFSOrTHB M mÈsSÈtÊ Aiivertisiiisr Brigade, NP P"jGj I OUVER P. MYKKS, Oen'l Director. HMUMMPHHBB HARKY l. V'Al;Nlli, Agent: ,,.


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Michigan Argus