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jSoLEDO, Ann Aliliouifc Ninuiiiiii RoAD. -Prfskli'ui Douglass and ollier officials ol UiRoad rere In thls city on Satimlay, in Hference with the. Toledo Rallroad Trus Ml In regard to the depot Ms for t'ieir lload, now .ander constrnction. Il is underotood t hut tliis roarl wiü ttich the city over the Noitlicrn portion of ihe Tulol & Woixlville linp. Wliüc 110 Étaite arrangements wen: concinded with iricn-ncc to depot faclllllef, .t is underetood 'iittiie canses which huw prevent sacli ttlDot mucli longer exist. 'i'ho peopie ol Uedo expect to see tliis important road Renlly provtded for. Tliure is a littic uneasiness among gome rfoui citizens foecause tlie ofllcers of tho T,A.A. & N. H. have uot already conincUd for irouins and operatina tlieir imiI, aini fears are expressed th:it the inon7 being pirt into the roadbed will be nvn away. There is no occasion for &. The roa1 cun get into Toledo With ictommoiiatlous and good connectlons. I5ii il auured, BeUer oflers can also bc cil)Uinetl to-drty th'in eoer bef ore for ironing bdvperatinr, anti there is 110 sucli word as lllme. Satistied of tliis, we advlge and Itgeall subscribers to promptly pay the ■Mmeota on tbeir stock. This adrice ttvjouUl notg'ive i( we thoaght tiieir inoiJiras to be squamlereil, and had not tlie !tof reusom to belicve tliut the DirectW can see tlieir w.iy out of tlie woods. Tlie (oUowíng jurors have been drawn bthcMav tcnn oí the Circuit Uo urt, to avene 011 Mouduy, tüe 27th : Lfmao Baklwin, Manchejtec uilel B.irton, Lyiulon. Oírles p. Hales, Beto. ftii'ip Blum, Jr., Bridgewater. Tilliam Brainard, Ö.illne foniel B. Brown, Aun Arbor City. Iverill Bnrnett, Webster. Mward Rurns, Lorll Horton F. Case, Plttsfield. "lliam Dexter, York. ren P. Glovcr, Sylvan. wolel His2ock, Ann Arbor City. ■M Johnson, Dexter. Wcl Laraway, Nortlifleld. tislia Koonr.s, Ypsilttntl C'ty. Joh.M. MarttD, Ypsllantl Cfty. j. T. Mclntyie, YpsllftOtl City. JilionO. Millpaugh, Bylvan. cliael .1. Noyes, Sylvan. ■Vinm Redner, Anstista. m Reíd, Dexter. jtider Sanford, Superior. mSehlicht, Sluu-on. iijumín Smltb, Plttsüeld. lltnry Spcdlcburs, Dexter. fwitrick Vogel, Freedom. J"se V.-i--„fcri York, wnnis Wurncr, Solo. J'mrn G. Warren, Sak-m. pter Youug. Sylvan. TheOrnnd Ilapids Buly Mnrtuna T)em- nihas been put Into a new Irrs and enWed to a 32 column paper. The enter P'iw thus shown by the p-ibllshcrs entltle ""i to a liberal supp-jrt at the hands of "Democracy aml the business public (renHyof the Grand River Valley. We wel""le the dally to oor exchange li't. ■ We ought, also, just here, exprasM oor llnl!s to our frlendfl of the Adrián Timen putting the Akous on tlicir daHy ex'"lï'list. Bel iis now ín the saine Cou?rsional district .vitli Adrián, e shall lm to keep an eye open (or the 'limes. P-T. Baiixum writes us that he can'I "'nR hls big show to Ann Arbor, bnt that "'8ha!l " visit cvery lare town and ciiy '"'scason from New York to Omaha,' 'd that we must come and sec hlm (!i:s wow, we mem) at tlie nearest point - which 'Ypsiiunti sometimc In July. Wi'.l P 'tellus how much largor Ypsüanti is n Ann Arbor? The Htrald of Health for May contains Hartic'e on Health, w ritten by John Wesv in 1735, vvhlch is quite Instraetlve ij"0! an interestins article on tlic New Jiterinti Place of the F:ir West; one on wrts and Corns, and How to Tic it Themj JJton Hercdlury Genluü : om on Health ysons for Chlldren ; ore on How to Mak) 5"ne Happy; and the Editor's Studies in TK'eno, and many other artlcles. 1.25 a Wk)d Hoi.nuooK, 15 Laight SU " York,


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