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WHAT THE LADIES ARE LOOKIN'fi FOB. Tt ís aonewary to remind our Ifirty readers thal EvorythinKlsirïibÏp in the line of Dry Goods is sold t i'. H. rilii-M1, bul vrewould direct special nttenion to their stock of tltffant nml fa$htondbU PartuoU ind Shawls, Niirli ;is I'aik-y, Ottoman, rmd Long; Shawls, wbiah ilu'y ore nowafleiing atprioei that must nttroot buyers. Tf uny lady wiahes to malie a aeleotion of an art iele ïfthia kind thfl must go to C. H. MUlen'8, where such gooiJs can be fouod in --il! att nu and stylea. - ■ '■ A lino lot of fruit, trees is just being opened by J. h. Bh] lu in, wbo ofli i - them at the very lowtst pnces, at bis pluce near the Füil Gioi:nds. DOVT BE FOOLED Abont ImcIi Prlcch Comiit. Son!tifim ïi;ts Just rvturiicrt witlk ft lnrsrc tock of Kcudy-iladc Clotliiis suiiilïciat to clotlic you all, mid lust imtil the ïiir-rïk prire come clown, wliirli tic wlll cll at I-flW PICES. 18Tlw4 Castorïn.- a substituto fir Castor Oil- a vepetn}■'.! prep trationcontftininneitht r MinraU, fitoi pbiiw nor Alcoliol. ii ís pli isn( totako, 3oea nol naDseate. und OpQrateo woen all othor rt?meclies failcl. I-'r. l'itchor hos experimente ■- 'um moro cffioienl tbau Cafttoi Oil, wit:. horrid tast. ' ■ regulatoa the ■ onros constipa tíos, etomacb ndflcM ulency, and Icillftworms. li doa not distreu or gripe, By its nicfin. stmtliiiijr effent it produces natural sic p, and ti purtloalariy adnpted t srying andteetbing children. We 1 ire Physicioiw 1 tesi thla articie, mul v. ill forwurd I obatw to the addrew of any one eo aathentioated. Insist thnl your druggisi qraeril for yOU. It nofi?i but bt cents, and onr bottle will save mai'iy doctor's bflla. 1 :: 'v. 1 J. lï. Rose & Co., 03 Broadway, X. Y. . .H4Ci lowa Nebrftska, Kansas, CalifofftlA. AdvertUinc: alona does DOt prodnofl saccess. Tbc thiï g whi 'ü la ftdvertUcd must have tntrintic nwrii, or elííO large advertUipg w;ll eventnally lí it more harm thun good. If you hnv anytbins whleb you kürt-v to bc good, adverlipc it ihorfughly and yon will bciMire to aveceed i ïf U li poor, don't pralse it, for peoplfl wlll ïooo discover yon wa lylojf. Such is tho policy of the Bur inton lioulc. which rnns to tbree great rgiona in the Wrt: ïst. to Om.iliit . conncctlns wlth the great Pacific Roar1. .'i, To ï.inroln, the capital "f Nebraaka, and all thal ui'-r-i! wj Ion fronth of the Platte; filled wlth R. II. l.viids muí homesteada. 3d, To St Joaepb Sai soa CUy and all KftDea pointe. The roads are splondidly bt.üt, have t!io bpgt I I cars. the Mlller platform and coupler, and the eafety :iir brake rto prevent the loas ff life that la ever where elaa happening); I'ullman'8 n Pullman dlclngcars, large and po werf al puck time und good connectlons), iind fiicin il word tho best eqalpped roadi in the 'c-t. Bo thal ii' yon dedre to go safely, snrely, qalckly and comfort ablytoany p Lot in Boathern low:;, Nebraaka Kanaasi öron the Pacific Koads, bo ore that yon go" Bj Way of Barllngton " A) who wish particular Information, and n iarne mnp. afaowing comeUjf tho great Weat and all is raüroad connectiona, can outnin thom, and any other knowledge by addresbiug General Taseensor Agent, B. A Mo. KR. R., Burlington, lowa. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, oonnty oí Waehtenaw, u. In the matter of tbc Btate of ï torneUiu Laughlüi, leccuscd : Notice is hcreby given. that in pursnance of an order granted to tlie underaigned, Adininisir.-iorof thoe&tateof said deceased, by the llon. Jude ,1 ProbaW, for thccuuní y of WftshtenttW, on the clevent.h dy of Uaxoh .. i. 1872, there wil! bo ROld At mblio vendue, t the hlgbest bidder, at the dwelling toom on the premieea hereinafter aeecribed, Ln tbe oo'juty of Washtenaw, in sald State, on Tuesday, tl-e .he tmrtieth day of April a. d. 1872, a1 leu o'cloclc in die forenoon of that day, (subject to oU encumbrnnces by mortsrnge or otbearmm existing ;it the time of the de-ith of sak! doccosedj th fotlovrinir dosci bed roftl cMt.-ite to-wit : The west half oi the aoutkweet qnartei of sec ion vrentyH hreo, in towusbip one i-oiith of X oast, containiüg tijflity ucica moit or lo-sa, in -■ ii i M;ite. :, March ïlth, A. D. 1872. 1363 WILL1AM BURKE. AdndnistratoT. The abovo sale is postiwned to Tliurwlay, the tbirtietli day of May uext, at the saine iluce and time of day. Dated, April SOth, 1872. 137Í W1LLIAM BUEKE, Adminisfrator. ! ÜTÍGE. 't bc nnnnal meetinff of tho stockholdeni of tin Ann Arbor Trading Asaomation, fot the eleotion of otücers and for the transnetion of Biioh othcr business Rl may be broaght beforn tíie meetinfr, wiU be held at the ottkc of the Aatociation Cío 16 .Main Street, on Monday .Muy 6th, ai, ten o'clock in the forenoon. ii. W. W m r. L. Gbüxb, President Beoretary. Ann Arbur, April 21, 1872. 137 Iw2 PilVSICIAKS PBESCBIPTIöis" VGCURAELY ANII CARBFÜLLY PHEPAFBD BY Í2. W.SLLJ8 & C0.,DIiUaaiS28. DON'T FORCET Tvü tbr Fairest, Sqnareat, tin cl best plncc in Ann Arbir to b:iy Pure l)ni:'s nul Medicine ( Wines aud Liquors, lor Mediclnul Purposcs, PA1NTS, OILSj VARNISHES, :BRUSHES, &C, 11. w. eiTlIs & ces. Corner Oppcwitfl tho BAvtnjts liank. CALL -A-ÏSTID E2CA.IVtX]SrE Oor Permanent Col' rs. for oatitdeor insirió paintlng iminut'üciur it rom Pare White Lead zinc, and Lit)8oed t l . Oheaper aiui botter than nvy other Pitlnt mfitlc Sohl iv the irnilon, ki-t;, or bftrrei. AloPnro Whlt Load, Zinc. Ac., at s-itisfactory l'ricoa. KliilEMUEK MA IB AN'li PI, (!■:. il. V. EliEiia A CO. TüYlCE. The notes and book aooounti of Mr. Benj. F. Riep aronowinmy humts for collection, mui immediate jkiyiii' ii' -i bhesnm&ia ttemanded. Ef not paid toon oosta wilï be mode tht-roon. An i Arbor, Januaï 3öLh, '2. Í350U TRACY W. ROOT, Asaigneo. nKOPLE'S DRUG 8T0xx.! R, W.ELÜS& CO. T AM NOW RECEIVINd A LARGE AND SELECT ASSORTMENT OF COATINGS, VESTINGS and TROWSEBIHGS AND EVERYTHING IN MT LINE FOR THE SPRING TRADE Cali and Examine Our work in tlic Field Speaks for Isclf. Also a Line of Gents' Furn' ishing Goods, at 24 South Main Street. JAMES BOYD. L B. GIDLEY, Succeiwor to COLGROVE 4 SON. DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STREET, DEALER IN DRifcS, iirnir 'm:s, SI UW AL nSTRlHEXTS, ri ui: hii:s a liqeors, {FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Perfumcry, PA1NTS, Olf.S, VAltMISXIES, GIASS, AN1 PÜTTÏ, PBYSICIASS' PBESCRIPTIOJVS Carefallycompoumiecl at all honrs. I PBOPO-E NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS G00D AN ARTICLE E. lt. fcilliLEY. 1307tf yym. wacner IS NCW BEADY FOR TUE SPRIRG TRADE Ilavtiu! Heceivcd a.Large Stock of Sl'RIM Al 8UHHER GOODS, 1NCLUDING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING8, &C. of the BE3T STYLES and QUALITIES, WHICH BI WlLI. MüNUPAOTUHE on terms to snit. Also a full line of READY-MADE CLOTHÏNG AND Gents' FÜRNI8HING Goods. :b3t stylbi ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS1 MOROCCO SATCHELS No.31 South Main Street,- EastSide: CALI. AND SEE THEM. WiMIA.n U'AGJIER. Anti Arbor, April let, 1672. T" CARD. Mrí. CLARA C. DASROW would respcctrnlly announcc to her former patrone, aud othcrs interested that öhc will resume her instruction in Yocal and Instrumental Musí-:. She will altoform a claas for Instructidn of cMldrcn In the elements of Vocal Mupiu and litading and Stnging by nole, Addrees her at residence No. -8 Fourth Street, Ann Arbor. Marr.h7th, 1872. 1864mB TyANÏED Tb RKNT. For two j-enr. ■ trood houw in a good locatioo. Annlv to % ' ' CRANE & THOMSON, itoom No. fl Opura Houso. Ann Arbor, April lltll, 1873. 136a ?OR 'SALET i Tlio rosi.loncG of the nubscriber. HouRe Xo. 62 ftnd i fcwolotéon lL:iroa Stvoet, Kfist. Poaawion givtn tht Ist oï BCay i f dosi red. Inquiru at tho Ahqus Office, orof . II. RIEIIJIOM. Dated, Anu Arbor, March Ü6th, Ib72. 12Otira2 Go to R. W.ELLIS & CO'e for choice Wines and Liqunrt for Medical Purposes . QLOltlOUS NEWS FöR ALL CREAT10N ! E. J. JOHNSON, HATTER ! , HAS ECEIVED HI9 SPRING STOCK AND STYLES Hats, Caps & Straw Goods, i VBTS FIRSISHISG GOODS, ETC, WHICII HE PROPOSES TO BELL AT PRICES j WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. 7 South Main St„ Ann Arboi. . (IQ OQ IWHAT DOES ZJ,2d llTMBAN! Thls questlon has been aeked many times lately and one of Erin's eons said, " It wonld takc an edncatod mon to teil that." But it mcans that L. COLBÏi who has for the last three years been a partner 1U a large Wholesale house in Chicago, and although the terrible flro of hut fall has leit that city in ruine, he stili Uves, and liko BARNABY'S CROW, Ncver says die, bnt has opened a flue stock of new clean OKOCER1ES, at No. 29 SOTJTH MAIN ST.f belwceu the fashlonnble Dry Guods Store of Öenion & G"tt, and the Mammoth Hardware Stoie ot Lewis C. Kisdon. I will say to citizens of Ann Arlor and surroundins country, that 1 will scll Uroccric, Provisions, Crockcry, Glasswure, at a low figure for Cash or reaiiy pay only 1 alwaya pav Cash Down for Qoods, and mnet have piy for them when delivered. Do net ask me to trust you, even if yon are worth a million. BIT I WIIX fiOOES LOWER TDA MH CA WHO T.lfcES CREDIT FOK PAY. All kinds of Produce taken In Exchango. Goode dellrered in the City free of charge. Come In EEADY PAY CUSTOMERS, nml examine my goods. I will SHOW YOU AROUND, wlth the greatest of pleaíi'.rc, and if you do not buy.I promise jni I will not look cross. Specia iuduecmentslo Boarding House and Clubs. Look for the sign of the C. O. D. Grooery and the Big 29. ILewis Colby. MnrchlHh, I8T9. HM NATURE'S REMEDY."V JE G.REAT BlOODPURmER VmükH.-iiiimade ïclutivêij iicm the jnices of carelully se.ected bavks. icot-i and Uerb?, and so stronplyconcoutmted that it will effectttally stadl cate Ircmi thn System cvery taiut of birofuln, Scrofulous Humor, Tumors, Cáncer Oanrercus Humori Eryfiipelas, Salt Rhenm. Syph'litic .Disenf ea. Cank er. ï.intness at the Stoniach. ani iilidisoaacs tnut arise fr m Lmpore blood Sciatica Infiammatory and Chronic Rheum:ttism. Neuralgia, Gout aaa Spinnl CrmpUints, can only bc cflvciually cured tlirdiih the blood. F"r Ulcer8 and Fruptive Difenscs of tho ski", Pustules, Pimp'es, Blotnhea. Boite Tetter, Scaldhead and Rinsjwirm. VKOETINE has ucver la-led lo tíflVct a permnui-nt euro. For Pains in the Back, Kidncy CompUints, Bropsy, Feraalo Weakness, Leucoirhcea. arlslng from inteToalulceratlon, Dd aiartne dlesee and Orneral Debility. VEQBTINK ucis dircctly upon the canee of thooe eomptalnt It invlKorates and strenuthens the whole s}:cni. actn apon theseeretive organa, allaya Information, tures u'.cxruüonaud reffnlates the bowelsWmCATARBB, DTSPSPSIA, HABITUAL COSJIVBNB3S,PalpilUionoftlit B "', Htmlacke, Puit, Xmwisvess and ÖcMral prostvation of tho Ncrvou sift.-m, no medicine baa ever irWen such perfect i-atisfacton as the V3GETINK. It puriflc tho blood, cleaneeaaU of th orans.and possesKea a coutrollnf power over the Ncrvous System. The remarkabta cures effëcted hy VBQETINB havo Indnoed many physicians and apothi-caries wbom we know lo prescribe and use it in thelr own families. In fact. VKGBTINK is the best remedy yet dliCOT. ered fttt tho abne dlseaea and iw tbe only reiiabli llluoil lurificr yet placed before the public. Preparad by II. It". steven, lioston Mass. Mee S I .'S. Sold by all üruggitts. 1801m8 LIVË(ÏSiSSE FEATHERB FIKST QTJALITTT , 1 ftonstantlyon hand and forsali by BACHSr ABEL, GotoR.W.ELLIS CO'b forstrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,OiÍ6,&c. .i NEW SPRING GOODS FEE! I LEWIS, Are now receiving tho most complete and mm stock of üb GOODS 1X THE LINE OF BOOTS and SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO TH IS CITY. " IAVIXC THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE WORR OF ALL THE FIRSTCLASS HIJ. J IFAfTTRERS l.Y TUE COOTRÏ, WE CAI OFFER TO CASH CISTOUEKS GREATER INDUCEMENTS THAIST ANY OTHER ïOUSE IN THIS CITY. We carry complete linea of work from 5. C. BVRT, KAÏ BROTHERS, sil IW i;i.L BROS. In "CHILDREVS FINE SHOES, of which we ;ave by fnr the larcest and finest assortment erer rought to Ann Arbor. Jas. ld. Burt't Oent'i ( pINE HANDMADE Boots and Shoes, nneqnaled TStyle.Darability and finish. J oliu W. IIurt'M 5oys Fine Shoes, and in fact a Complete Stock of ■INEaud PLAINGoods, suitablefor thi market. ( PIAIMOS Eïave taken the First Premium OVER ALL fOMPETITIOÏ AMÉRICA, ENGLAïtfD, AND FRANCE. These Standard Instruments, Are now offcred at Rednced Rutes on the ONE-PR1CE SYSTEM. C" 4 o , o o o -sgg ' OF TI1KSE Stand a r d Pi a n o-For tes Have been made and eold since 1923, and EIGHTY-ONE FIKST PBEMIÜMS Have been awurded to otir FIrm OVER ALL COMPETITION These PianoB are still regarcled fand universaliy conctided to be The Standard Instruments of the Morid &od are so pronounced'bj all the jjrerit nrtisttt. Ur. Fkanz LiBKTsays: uIoona!der the Chickoring Piano suj-ericr (o anjf VUtdé in Stropt or America, and am fully convinccd tha that they were justly eutitled to the ïrd l'rize' Chlckerlng & Sons' ttansmofh .Tlanufactory Í8 more than nne-third larger than nny other PianoForte .Mftuufactory tn the worW, and i's in overy respect the most complete as regarda machinerv mtd the fncJIities for doinf; the verf bat etaa ffu-uik-, Sieurs. Q, ft Sons have, ftlncfl the csiiibliahinent of their business in 18'Jo, inudt' ajad BOld 40.0 o Piano, íiiiil ttifse Standard ínttrimenst are now olTered t liedneed liatew upon the ''Owr-Peioi St-itkm," frec from Alldiacouute and comminslons; an 1 thoy are bí-yoml all refotatlon the vk&y Butano v'lrv Chzapi Ka-r Flrat-OlaM i'iiiuo now offered. Sc CSL3F5.:D. We cail eipcdal ttitntion to onr ÜPRSCHT PÍALOS whiih are in every pnrticnlar the finest Instruments )f tlp(-irclasKm!iiiif;iiliircd,aud seconrl only ti) tlie Grand Piano, l-v whlob thev are n (jood substituto. Kvery Piano wamatad for Fivc reara. CHICKERIxíG & SONS, 1 1 E. 14tH St., Bier Vorfc. ?51 TfasUinton St., Itoston. TUMBER YARD. C. KRAPF, Iln n Uree and well stocked Lnmber Tanior li'flVraon Street, in thecimth part of tin1 City, nnc will keepconataiitly on hand an eicellen tvariciy n LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C which willbesold aslowascar bo atïordod ínjthií marketi Quality and prlcesi acht hut NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROIT'. KBAPP. Ann Arbor Jnnnarj20th, 18T1 986 X X HURRY UP ! pAWTIKS ffUbtng Wall lVipf-r. Cloth -- mul Paper Nha'it's. ilr:!;iius, Wiiulow Fixtnrcs, ('unís. Taeaols. &c, 11 New Btyle, t Sali-füctiin Prin-s.byJ. K. Vi-bttT & Co., B.)ok ftorc, nearthc Bxpres! Ollict'. X ■■ X Finost Aasortmeii t of Toilet Goods in tho City,by H.3D.D)ií5&eC).,,mgLjÍ9fí. I L m - 3PRING SEASON, UILLINERY NOW READY M1LLINERY NOW READY MILLINERY NOW READY t iETROPOLITAB 33 SOTJTH MAIN ST. LADIES ! TOU CAX NOW FIND AT THE HETROP0UT4IÍ A Full and Completo Assortment f all tho LEADIXfi SPIINfi STYLES OW HATS & BONNETS, FLOWERS AND RIBBONS, We alao keep the LARQE3 T ASSORTMENT, at he LOWKST PR1CES, of 3OSIEKT, Handkekchiefs, Glotes, C0LLAE8, And Cuffs, Dress Teimmings, Dress Bdttons, &C. &C , &O., &0. OVE Hl BRi:i) DOZE TOWELS FROH ilC ma. One Huudred Pieces Nottingham Lace, íbr Curtains, from 16c Per Yard Upwards. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWEL1NGS, TABLE SPREADS, COUJNTERPAKES, TOILET QUILTS, SWISS MUSLIN, JACONETS, BRILLIANTS, NAINSOOKS, CAMBRICS, PIQUAS, VICTORIA LAWNS, EMBROIDERIES, And INSERTION. LADIES' MADE UP DRESSES, AND UNDER OARMENTS, Our Combiaation Hip Gore Oorset, Made Expressly for the HETROPOUTAN Hoop Skirts, from the Cheapèst to the Best. The Best Dollar Kid Glovü in tlie City, IIK IiABfiEST Áyn CIIKAÍPEST STOOK OF PARASOLS ASD StN CHBBELLA8 IN THU CITVi PEBFüMEBYi SOAPS, BR U SITES, COMBS, GENTS' H'DKS.t TIES, COZZAJRSi HO SIERT, &&, &c'., dcc. H. OOHESV. 33 SOUTH MAIN STREET. I 13M


Old News
Michigan Argus