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TjjjJÍÑESS DIRECTORY. ""vtBBOa HnilBAI. BPRING8. l orris Hslft, M 1.. Superintendent Office j'abuiklitis.', corner M:nm and West Huron Btreet. ' nVrS iV WOBBF', 'JO outh Main Ptrcct, H ,m'ror,Mich., wholwolc nnd retail dealVin Drv Goods. Carpeta and Groceries. P-H ' 135Uf rrnïnÓWS, Atfuntfor the Finkle & Lyon ï rvinur-Sewing Machín They are "i)nt, ;,iV ' k, the lock l.jj . No. 7 ,, ., h A sCliniD, Dealers in Pry Ooods. MccrtUwockery.ic. No. 54 South Main S:r .-ft. __ C7Í1ÍaE_ KtttKAÏ, Roofer. Fire and til Sfatcr" Prooi, Pelt and Composition Gravel i on to order and warrauted. Besldenceon ft'non Street, Ann Arbor. ■ iTTÏi-ILIS CO. Brui.'?is!9 an! dealers II. Ko. a South Main =treet, ja Arbor. Wj_7jTcKSO:V. nentlst.snecessortoC. B. . Purtrr CWBce corner Mota nd Huw reet, m the store of R. W. Kllls (o , Ann Arbor, ncsthetics administercd If required. ,"ÍTT. BÍtEAKEV, M. PJïysldan and 11 . 8ur_eou. Olllci-, at rolden, cornet of Hu., ,nJ DivWon Streete. irst door cast of Presbylaroh . Anu Arbor, Mlch. E"jJOHSO?i, Dealer in HaW mS Cap, . ínr. Str.iwUood-.Qnnt1 Fnrnlshing Goods, tc )o ; Houtii M:iin -treot. Ann Arbor, ilch. 3frHËI'AN & WIIEDOJf. Life and . fire Aeents, and dta4erp.n Heal Estffir. ;,j: e u Iluron Street. r "riVIS '. KISDON, Dealer in Hardware. L sivcs. Hobm Parnk-blug Ooo-S TIn are,&c. ■. 51 Soufh Main utreet. .Tien t ABEL,, Dcsian Gro1) ctiics, _c dtciSo 26 t'outh Main .-trect. Ann I.HVSON SON, Orwcrs, Provlolon and ', r .,i - .ni Merchante, anrt dealers in Water I Piaster, and Planter Paris. No. 10 Kast (Inron stTeecii SOXBHEIM. Wholesale and RetallDealor 5, In ttaady Made Ctothtng, Cloths, Caxsimerps, lotliiüs.audOi'nt's Fiirnisiuugtíods. ïio . '■ StuUh taiu Streel. ___ iïnl. WAiX:it, Dealor in U.-n-dv MadeCloiht! ing (lothB. Cássimere. Vcstii;-.. Ila:. Cap, Iranks, Arpet Hags, Ac. '21 íouili Main street. riILlHOBE & nsKE, n,W.wrtlen andStaUl 11 rs Mdical Law and üollege " cit Io"ks, „nol rd Mircellaneous Booki. No. S North -Vlaln .ory Block, Ann Arbor. FIHIiBT _c LGWIS, Dealer In Boot, Sboed . c. No. ■ ïastUuronstreet, Am :r XTÜA H WTCII EK VE K, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! JlltewithE.W. Morgan, Eaet de íifCoertHonae J. SCï-A-EBEBLB, Teacher "f Muíic. G:"e6 in.ruclion on the 1AN0, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, ■ '] office, Nn. 57 South Míiin Btreet, CMoorc's r it :l' resldeace oí' tht1 pupil. PIANO TUNIWG, adca epccinlitv nnd BAtlsfactlon guarnnteed; 'EOCKEK Y. GLASSWARE & GBOCERIES, J. & Donnelly navalns.nrea!iiriistock"fCricker5.Olas8'are, IttidWarn, i'ntlery Grotene, Sec, &c.. all tobe '.inii'i-.nMy low pricee. No 12 Sast Uu ron Street, Ann Arbor. IHStf J. & l. DOWKBUtiT. [OHN G.GALL, DEA-EK IIT ■RESH AND SALT MEATS, I.ARI), SCAGE Ete., Ortcruanlicited and promptly fllled with thebest sta in the marki't. 81 Bt Washington Street. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 18. 128ftf rFT_jn,o!S!s, Mannfactnrer of HlBlAf.KS. BCCC1E8, I.1JI8ER U'IGOXS, sritnc WACOHS. COTTEUi si.i;h;iis. _. Dwirk warrantcd ofthc best nifitcrinr. Repnir(4onetroxaptly and reasonab'e. Allwork warttdtogive perfect aati-fitction. Gi S"Uth Main net. IMSy! R ÜSEY, _ Manatactnrcrof 'arriages, Buggies, Wagons, lïD SLKIOHSofevery slyle. made ofthe best ' ■'■il, 'ind warranled. HoïM ehoolng at:d Ke1 ne promptly 'nrt prifes resonable. reet, ne ir II. K Uepot, Ann Arbor,. Mich l:!J_yl [)R. O. A. LEITEIÍ CONTINÚES TO PUT ÜP AND FILL Physicians Prescrlptions, At ail liours, at No. 1 Greg"rv Block. C. A.LKITER CO. Ana Arbor, Pee. 22d 1871. 1S54 )Ca B. PORTEE, DEKTTIST. 'In theSAVINGS BARKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. U Operations on the Natural Teeth PKRFORMED WTH CARB. NSURPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIBNCE HTTIÜu ARÏÏSiL TBETB, TO OIVR KACH TXniVIDUAL; tirej ofthe proper $ixe} $hape, color , firmnens and na at expretsion. 1244 fUMBËRYARD. C. KRAPF, Ha, & iari;e an() lvcl] stn(,ko(1 Lnrai,cr Yanior ""n StrecJ, in the toni h part of the rity, anc '"pcontantly on bandan excellent varicty o) LüMBER, SHING1.ES, LATH&C 'willbesoidaslownacar be affordod UJthli Qualityandpricesnchthat 0 ONE NEED GO TO DETROIT. C.KBAPF. _nn Arbor. JnnharySO'th, IC71 ggu "ÏIIÏSICIAM1 PRESCRIPTIOSS" VCCURA'xELY ANP C AREFULL V PREPAPED ' _'_ BY W.KLLIF. 6 CO.,VIiUGGIS28. -_____-:-' HteOIffáJi CENTRAL HAILROAI). TIME TABLE. Paswngwrtiainsjiow lüatc tho several itations, tu GOINO WEST. __ TA-nous. j W B a o = S? S 8 % a Q Q O a _Pí_ A. M. A. M. P. M. T. M. f. M. Detroit, laare, 7 00 S 30 4 10 5 40 9 30 Ymífunti 2S 10 28 40 7 P5 10 40 SSSS; , = ü cTso !SS i W P, !. P. M. A. M. h-niuma, 2 10 2 55 12 25 - - :- - - - ' ' ooisa íax. _ ' n i íí , ! í fi__a_ cj. _S o p M. r. M. A. M. A. M. Chicago, leare, 5 15 Aa 6 r9 Kalamazoo, U l 11 M 2 0 A. M. MTnckon 1 55 4 35 3 00 4 IV Gras Lakc, '' " : Chclsea, A; ; ' f llmrfor 5 40 7 05 4 15 '■,;,,„, 2 22 (i 00 7 35 4 42 5 24 ySi'u." 2 Sí 8 20 8 00 5 05 5 40 amve, 3J5 _7 25 _ 9 25 6J6_ 6_W The Destcr Train runs to Jnckson Satarclay cvenini on "HvoningKxpv-s" ti mu, and back Mondny morning on its oVvi. The "Night ExpicnB " docs not pass rust Monda; morr.inp. Tho Atíantig anl Padflc Express run between Jackson and Niles on tlie Air Llne. Dated Not. 25th. 1871. ipoliT WAYNE, JACKáON AND Saginaw Railrcad. The most direct route to Tittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wnstungton, and all pomts oulli and souiluvcst. Trains run by Chicago Time. nun ooxno souTit. Mail. Erprtn. Angola Ace. i i-r 10 57 A. M. pLL? 7a.v.13 17p.m. Mp.. ltnnovcr; ' s5 !2 kt 5 ï Fort Waync, H 5 4o Indiani:i. 6 80 p. M. ■ CindnnaÜ,i 8 50 G 30 a. m. LouiBvilk', 11 0 nun ooino nouth. Angola Ace. Express. Mail. Au puin, i qWaKrtoO, l? L0 5 - "ïVoSlk.-WWrLakcRhore&HichiBnnSout.h"'!.', SLmi Lake Shore & Michigan South"'"ForVv'ïvne-With Pittsbmg, Fort JW & CbtawoT Toleáo,-W.bali ft Wrtdn,aiid I-t, Waync. Muncie&Cincinnati Kailroada. EEXgTj Supt. HoST. Kn-r.iE, Gen'l. Ticket Ag't. ANTAT10N BlTïïa S. ï. 1860 X, Tiiis wonderful vegetable restorative is the shecn-anclior oftbo feeble aod debilittïted. As a tonic and cordial for the aed and languid it las no eqnal among stomachics. s a ppmetíy for the nervoiis weakïess whicli women are eepeciallj nbjectod, it is snpereeding everj other Btimulant. In all climates, Topical, températe or frigid, it acts is a specific in every species of disorder vhicli undermiucs the bodily trength and breaks down the animal spirits. 1355-yl . Beantiful Woman! IIAGAN'S MAJVOI,1A BALM jrivc to thcComplexlon llic Frcshncss of Youtli Ha.iN's Magnolia Balm overcomes the flnshed ppenrancecaasedhy heat, fstigne and excitement. t makes tbe lotly of forcv appenrbnt twenty. nnd o natural nnd'pcrfect that no person can detect if ppücation. By its uso thc rouguest skin is mnde o rival the pure radlnnt texture of youthful boanly. t removes redness, blotcheR, and pimples. It conninfl nothing that will injure the skin in the least . MaRD"üaHnIm is used by all fashlunable ladlen in New Yorkv Lomion and Paris. It costs oniy 7S ents per Tiottle, and is sold by all Droggtfts and Pcrfiimcrs. 1355-cw y. BOOKS. j. r. webster & co. m:u hook store NEAE THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO VOUR INTEREST AJSB 't ALL. JjBOÖKsJ JTLOTJR. QBAHAS FLOL'R, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED OF ALL KINDS. All thc above artlclcs are warranted to have no superior in For sale at Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B. - Gristing done at ehort not!co. TACKSON WAGONS! A Car Load of JACKSON WAGONS jnit recelved at Rogers' Agricnltnral Warchonse. Thoso who wint lackoon Wagón, had bctter go for them now at the present LOW PRIOES! AR therc is poon tobortbont lht fiolUrfl nrtripd to tho iircsent prico on account of thc ulvtince in pricc of Wagon stocks. M. HOGERS. i.-,r,oi8


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Michigan Argus